Vallaris solanaceae

(Roth) Kuntze

Family: Apocynaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Gentianales > Apocynaceae > Vallaris > V. solanacea

Common name [English]: Bread Flower

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ആട്ടുകൊട്ടപാല

Nativity: India and Burma

Habitat: Tropical evergreen forest

Description: It is a trailing or climbing shrub where branches have lenticels. Leaves are elliptic (2 – 15 cm long and 0.8 – 6 cm wide), oppositely arranged with long slender glands in the axils of leaves. Petiole is 0.3 - 2 cm long, apex is acuminate or apiculate and base is cuneate. Inflorescence (2.5 – 10.2 cm long) occurs at the axillary. Flowers are cream or pale green colored, tubular (0.6 – 1 cm long and 0.2 – 0.4 cm wide) and sweet smelling. Stamens are inserted at the center of the flower and filament is 0.12 – 0.26 mm long. Ovary is hairy and about 0.08 – 0.1 cm long. Fruit is a follicle (8 - 14 cm long and 1.5 - 3.5 cm wide) which sometimes only formed from one carpel. Seed is elliptical (0.10 cm long and 0.35 - 0.5 cm wide) with a tuft of hairs at one end (3 - 4 cm long) for wind dispersal.

Flowering and Fruiting: December- April

Uses: Medicine in ayurveda

Cultivation: Wild
