Chloris barbata Sw.

Family: Poaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophytes > Angiosperms > Monocots > Commelinids > Poales > Poaceae> Chloridoideae > Cynodonteae > Eleusininae > Chloris > C. barbata

Common name [English]: Swollen windmill grass

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: മയിൽപുല്ല്, കുടപുല്ല്

Nativity: Tropical & Subtropical Old World

Habitat: Degraded forests, wastelands and riversides.

Description: Annuals. Culms tufted, erect, 10-50 cm high; nodes glabrous. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, rounded at base, acuminate, flat; sheaths to 8 cm long, keeled; ligules truncate, membranous. Spikes 4-14, digitate, purplish. Spikelets subsessile, 2-seriate, obovate, 2-3-flowered. Lower glume lanceolate, keeled. Upper glume lanceolate, hyaline, scabrid along the keel. Fertile lemmas obovate, awned,densely stiff-cliate on margins and on keel; awn 4-6 mm long, scabrid. Paleas oblong-elliptic, hyaline; callus rounded, ciliate. Sterile lemmas 1-2 on a stalk, obovate, truncate or emarginate, coriaceous, awned; awn 4-7 mm long. Stamens 3. Grains trigonous.

Flowering and Fruiting: March - December

uses: Folk medicine, Siddha and used as animal food.

Cultivation: Wild and common in waste lands.
