Peperomia pellucida

(L.) Kunth

Family: Piperaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Piperales > Piperaceae > Peperomia > P. pellucida

Common name [English]: Silver bush, Slate Pencil Plant, Shiny Bush

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: മഷിത്തണ്ട്, കണ്ണാടിപച്ച

Nativity: Tropical & Subtropical America, Tropical Africa, Madagascar.

Habitat: Open forests, around nurseries, greenhouses.

Description: Delicate, glabrous annual herbs; stems erect, 5-30 cm tall, pellucid, branched when well developed. Leaves alternate throughout, 1-3 cm long and wide, triangular ovate, cordate at base with a sinus 1-2 mm deep, obtuse or shortly acuminate at apex, pellucid, palmately 5-7 nerved from the base ; petiole 6-15 mm long, clasping decurrent along the stem. Spikes solitary, terminal but frequently leaf-opposed by overtopping, 2-5 cm long, slender, axis glabrous; peduncle 2-5 cm long, about as thick as spike axis; bracts 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter. Flowers scarcely immersed. Ovary with a fleshy, oblique, sub-apical stigma. Fruit: sessile, about 0.8 mm long, globose-ellipsoid, with an apical stigma, longitudinally striate-undulate, blackish brown at maturity.

Flowering and Fruiting : September-December

Uses : The plant is used as food, flavoring agent and as medicine. The plant is used as medicine for treating various ailments or disorders such as asthma, rheumatism, wound, fever, stomach problems, kidney infection, hemorrhoid pain, joint pain, hypertension, diarrhea, snake bite and measles.

Cultivation : Cultivated, Wild ,Ornamental
