Olea dioica Roxb.

Family: Oleaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Lamiales > Oleaceae > Olea > O. dioica

Common name [English]: Rose Sandalwood, Indian Olive Tree

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ഇടല, കരിവെട്ടി, വയല

Nativity: Indian subcontinent

Habitat: Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains

Description: Trees, to 15 m high, bark grey or brown, rough, shallowly vertically grooved; blaze yellowish-brown. Leaves simple, opposite, estipulate; petiole 7-10 mm, slender, glabrous, grooved above; lamina 6-14.5 x 3-6 cm, elliptic, elliptic-oblong or elliptic lanceolate, base acute, apex acute to acuminate, margin serrate or entire, glabrous, punctate, pink when young, coriaceous; lateral nerves 8-12 pairs, pinnate, slender, glabrous; intercostae obscure. Flowers in polygamo-dioecious, creamy-white, small, in panicles axillary or from leafless nodes, pedicellate, 4 mm long, male panicles larger and denser than hermaphrodite; calyx 1 mm, 4 teethed, campanulate, obtuse, ciliate; corolla 2.5 mm long, lobes 4, shorter than the tube, triangular, obtuse, hairy within; stamens 2, included, anthers sessile, 1 mm; ovary 1.2 mm, 2-celled, superior, 4 ovuled; style 0.7 mm, short; stigma capitate. Fruit a drupe, 8 x 6 mm, ellipsoid, blue; seeds 6 x 4 mm, minutely muriculate.

Flowering and fruiting: November-April

Uses: Folk medicine, Siddha

Cultivation: Wild , Cultivated


