Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr.

Family: Fabaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Equisetopsida > Fabales > Fabaceae > Samanea > S. saman

Common Name [English]: Monkey Pod, Rain Tree

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ഉറക്കംതൂങ്ങമരം

Nativity: C. America to Venezuela and Ecuador Habitat: Deciduous Tree

Description: Tree to 20 m tall with a broad crown; bark rough, grey, Pinnae 2–6 pairs; leaflets 6–16 pairs, rhombic-elliptic, asymmetric, increasing in size towards top of pinna, 20–48 x 9–30 mm, obtuse and mucronulate at apex, ± densely pubescent beneath. Flower-heads on 5–10 cm long peduncles. Calyx 6.5–7.5 mm long. Corolla c. 13 mm long, pink with green lobes. Fruits 10–20 x 1.6–2 cm and 6–7 mm thick, brown or blackish, somewhat fleshy with a raised border.

Flowering and Fruiting :

Uses : It is often used as a street tree in tropical countries with a higher rainfall. It also has a valuable wood Pods with a sweet edible pulp. It is used to treat digestive system disorders and unspecified medicinal disorders, to provide shade shelter and as animal food and an ornamental plant.

Cultivation :
