Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze

Family: Lamiaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae> Tracheophyta> Magnoliopsida> Lamiales> Lamiaceae> Mesosphaerum> M. suaveolens

Common name [English]:

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ഗംഗാതുളസി, നാറ്റപ്പൂച്ചെടി

Nativity: Mexico to Tropical America

Habitat: Rocky areas, forested areas, open forest patches.

Description: Shrubs, to 1.5 m high; stem obtusely 4-angular, thinly hairy. Leaves ovate, acute, hispid below, glabrate above; petiole to 5 cm long. Flowers in clusters of 1-12; calyx tube 8 mm long, tubular, 10-ribbed, glandular hairy, teeth spinulose, 4 mm long; corolla 5 mm long, lobes short, glabrous inside, blue. Nutlets compressed, with a ridge on dorsal surface, pubescent, deep brown, mucilaginous when wet.

Flowering and Fruiting : August- February

Uses: Leaves are used as vegetable. It has got medicinal value also specially. It considered for liver & skin diseases.

Cultivation: Cultivated, Wild
