Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.

Family: Malvaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Equisetopsida > Malvales > Malvaceae > Hibiscus > H. rosa-sinensis

Common name [English]: Shoe Flower, China Rose

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ചെമ്പരത്തി

Nativity: Vanuatu

Habitat: Sub-tropic and tropic regions of the world

Description: Shrubs, about 2-4 m tall. Stems woody, glabrous, branchlets, sparsely pubescent with simple and stellate hairs. Leaves simple, alternate or rarely lobed, broadly ovate to lanceolate, about 5-13 x 3-9 cm across, base cuneate to rounded, 3-5 veined, midrib usually with obscure nectarines, margins crenate-serrate to dentate throughout, apex acute to acuminate, membranous, glabrous above and with sparse stellate hairs beneath, petiole with sparse stellate hairs, about 1.5-4 cm long, stipules lanceolate, subulate, glabrous, about 3-11 mm long. Inflorescence usually axillary, solitary, by the reduction of the upper leaves. Flowers bisexual, about 6-12 cm across, pedicel slender, jointed towards the apex, pubescent with hairs beneath, about 1-1.5 cm long, epicalyx 5-8, base connate, apex forked with one leaf lobe, about 0.5-1 cm long, calyx 5 lobed, distinctly nerved, campanulate, lobes broadly lanceolate, base connate, apex acute to acuminate, valvate, sometimes with nectarines, persistent, with stellate and glandular hairs outside, about 1-2 cm long, corolla showy and large, yellow, white, orange, and purple at the base, campanulate. Staminal column about 4-9 cm long, filaments about 3-9 mm long, anthers basifixed, throughout. Ovary superior, 5 locular, axile placentation, style about 5-5 mm long, stigma discoid, capitates, reddish or orange. Fruit capsule, globose, are formed rarely, about 2.5-3 cm across, apex beaked or rounded, seeds reniform, about 5 mm across, dark brown to black.

Flowering and Fruiting: Throughout the year

Uses: Ayurveda, Folk medicine, Unani, Siddha, Traditional Chinese medicine.

Cultivation: Cultivated


