Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.

Family: Oxalidaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Hypoxidaceae > Curculigo > C. orchioides

Common name [English]: Golden eye-grass

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: നിലപ്പന

Nativity: Tropical & Subtropical Asia to W. Pacific.

Habitat: Moist deciduous forests and grasslands, also in the plains.

Description: Small herbs, rhizome to 15 cm long, oblong, perennial. Leaves lanceolate, plicate, base sheathing, pilose, subsessile. Perianth yellow, 1.5 cm across; tube 3 cm long, narrow, sparsely pilose; stamens 6, filaments erect; ovary 3-celled, ovules many, villous. Fruit baccate; seeds subglobose.

Flowering and Fruiting: June - December

Uses: The root tuber is used in the Siddha system of medicine for the treatment of pain, diabetes, and leucoderma, and as an aphrodisiac; in Ayurveda it is used for treatment of diseases such as piles, disorders of blood, and also as an aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. Further, they are also used for skin trouble, as a demulcent, diuretic, tonic, in diarrhea, piles, jaundice and asthma in combination with aromatics and bitters

Cultivation: Wild
