Spermacoce articularis L.f.

Family: Rubiaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Gentianales > Rubiaceae > Spermacoce > S. articularis

Common name [English]: False button weed

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: തറുതാവൽ

Nativity: Tropics & Subtropics

Habitat: Grasslands and dry deciduous forests, also in the plains.

Description: Diffuse herbs; stem 4-angled, adpressed minutely hairy. Leaves 1-2.5 x 0.8 - 1.4 cm, elliptic or obovate, base attenuate, margin flat, rarely flexuous, apex obtuse, acute, apiculate, more or less scabrid on both sides; stipules with long subulate hispid bristles. Flowers in axillary, few-flowered sessile clusters. Calyx-tube obovoid; lobes 2, c. 1.5 mm long, with 2 intermediate teeth, hairy. Corolla pinkish-white, tube funnel-shaped, usually much longer than lobes, c. 2.5 mm long, with a ring of hairs inside. Stamens 4, exserted. Capsule 4-6 x 3-4 mm, globose, hispid, 2-valved, splitting septicidally into two mericarps then septum ditaches from the valves, releasing the seeds. Seeds 2-3 mm long, oblong, brown, reticulate.

Flowering and Fruiting : August-October

Uses : Used in traditional medicines

Cultivation : wild


