Cyanotis axillaris

(L.) D.Don ex Sweet

Family: Commelinaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Commelinales > Commelinaceae > Cyanotis > C. axillaris

Common name [English]: Creeping Cradle Plant

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: നീർപ്പുല്ല്

Nativity: India, N. Australia

Habitat: Degraded deciduous forests and moist places

Description: Fleshy decumbent, glabrous herbs, rooting at lower nodes, often purple-suffused. Leaves 3-7 x 0.5-0.8 cm, linear, apex acute or acuminate; sheath to 7 mm long, mouth ciliate. Inflorescence in axillary cymose clusters, enclosed within the leaf sheath; bracteoles 1-2 mm long, linear. Flowers 6-7 mm across. Calyx connate, tube 2-4 mm long, pilose; lobes lanceolate. Corolla blue; tube to 3 mm, lobes to 4 mm, ovate. Stamens 6; filaments pink with purple pilose hairs. Ovary c. 1.5 mm, woolly, 3-celled; ovules 2 per cell on axile placentae; style c.1.5 mm long, pilose; stigma 3-fid. Capsule 5-6 mm long, oblong, apex beaked; seeds 6, c. 2 mm, oblong, pitted.

Flowering and Fruiting: August-December

Uses: Medicinal

Cultivation: wild
