Cyperus brevifolius

(Rottb.) Hassk.

Family: Cyperaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Poales > Cyperaceae > Cyperus > C. brevifolius

Common name [English]: Shortleaf Spikesedge, Green Kyllinga

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: Tropics & Subtropics.

Habitat: Marshy areas, waste lands and roadsides

Description: This is a slender perennial (living greater than 1 season) sedge. Usually around 15cm high however in moist places can grow to 30+ cm high. This plant has very long slender creeping pink/brown rhizomes (underground stems) with roots below every stem. Leaves are shiny green, 1-2mm wide and channeled. Stems, which normally bear only a single inflorescence (flower head), are triangular in cross-section and smooth. Rarely, one stem will bear 1 or 2 subsidiary flower heads as well. Inflorescence or spikelet (flower head) is a green and egg-shaped, with around 100 tiny flowers per head. The flower heads protrude above the plant. The leaves are considerably shorter than the stems. The name brevifolius means short-leaved. Fruit is a tiny nut with both surfaces being convex. Each nut is pear-shaped to elliptic and yellow-brown in color.

Flowering and Fruiting: June - February

Uses: Medicinal, It is used to treat unspecified medicinal disorders.

Cultivation: Wild
