Selaginella tenera

(Hook. & Grev.) Spring

Family: Selaginellaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Lycopodiopsida > Selaginellales > Selaginellaceae > Selaginella > S. tenera

Common name [English]: Running Mountain Grass

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: India

Habitat: In grasslands and earth cuttings in moist deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen forests.

Description: Terrestrial herbs with pinkish or reddish, erect stem, 15-20 cm long, rooting at the base only. Leaves heteromorphic throughout, distant towards base; median leaves 2 x 0.8 mm, ovate, acuminate, ciliolate; lateral leaves 3.1 x 2 mm, ovate, obtuse; axillary leaves 3 x 2 mm, broadly ovate, obtuse. Strobili 5-8 mm long, 2-sided, sporophylls dimorphic; smaller sporophylls 1.5 x 0.5 mm, ovate, acuminate, ciliolate; larger sporophylls 2 x 0.6 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acute, keeled. Microspores 32 x 30 mm, bright red, granulose. Macrospores 625-750 x 500-750 µm, light red.

Flowering and Fruiting :

Uses: dried plants used for diuretic and hallucination

