Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn.

Family: Commelinaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Commelinales > Commelinaceae > Murdannia > M. pauciflora

Common name [English]: Few Flowered Dewflower

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: South India

Habitat: Grasslands and moist localities.

Description: Decumbent, spreading herbs; rooting at lower nodes. Leaves 2-3 x 1-1.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, base rounded or cordate, apex acute; sheath c. 5 mm long, hairy. Flowers 1-4 in axillary and terminal cymes, 4-5 mm across; pedicels to 1 cm long, usually deflexed in fruits. Sepals 3, c. 3 mm long, oblong, acute. Petals brownish-yellow, oblong, acute. Fertile stamens 3, filaments glabrous; staminodes 3. Capsule 4-5 mm long, oblong-fusiform, subtrigonous, acute. Seeds 4-6 in each cell, 1-seriate, black, sparsely pitted.

Flowering and Fruiting : September-November

Uses :

Cultivation: Wild , Cultivated
