Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume

Family: Araceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Alismatales > Araceae > Aglaonema > A. simplex

Common name [English]: Malayan Sword, China green

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: അഗ്ലോനിമ

Nativity: Yunnan, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia,

Habitat: Rainforest, monsoon forest.

Description: Plants perennial, erect. Stems dark green, cylindrical, 40–80cm tall, rooting at nodes; internodes 2–3cm, at distal part 5–10mm; cataphylls early caducous, broadly linear, 4–7cm, apex abruptly acute. Leaves usually 5 or 6, densely crowded at stem apex; petiole green, 6–15cm, proximally sheathing; leaf blade initially involute, afterward spreading, pale green abaxially, dark green adaxially, ovate-oblong, thinly leathery, base truncate-rounded, subcordate, or decurrent, apex caudate-acuminate or abruptly long acuminate; primary lateral veins 6–8 per side, ascending and arching. Peduncle green. Spathe initially involute-tubular, afterward opening by a slit, cymbiform, ovoid. Spadix slightly longer than or equaling spathe; female zone ca. 5mm; ovary globose; ovule basal; stigma sessile, circular; male zone 2–3 cm; stamens 4; anthers 2-celled. Berry and Seed oblong.

Flowering and Fruiting: April - June

Uses: Root decoction used to treat fever and edema. The plant has horticultural potential as an indoor ornamental plant

Cultivation: Cultivated
