Blepharis maderaspatensis

(L.) Heyne ex Roth

Family: Acanthaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Lamiales > Acanthaceae > Blepharis > B. maderaspatensis

Common name [English]: Creeping Blepharis

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: മുറിക്കൂട്ടിപച്ച, ഹേമകാന്തി

Nativity: Africa, Arabian Peninsula to Indo-China, Hainan

Habitat: Dry deciduous forests, also in the plains.

Description: Suberect, procumbent or scrambling perennial (rarely annual) herb (rarely a suberect or trailing subshrub); stems up to 2 m long, sometimes rooting at nodes, pubescent to pilose or sparsely so or sericeous, sometimes only in a single band (rarely subglabrous). Leaves ternate, unequal, obovate, apex apiculate, puberulus, margins distantly serrate; petiole to 3 cm. Flowers axillary; bracts 4 pairs, obovate, margins dentate with stiff elongated hairs, bracteoles 1.5 cm, spathulate; outer calyx lobes 1.3 cm and 1.8 cm, oblong, 2 and 3 veined, inner 8 mm; corolla tube urceolate, 5 mm, lower lip reduced, upper lip 3 lobed, 18 x 12 mm, white with pink nerves; filaments 4 and 5 mm, sparsely glandular (rarely hairy) appendage 0.5–1 mm long, broadly rounded; anthers 1-celled, apiculate, bearded; ovary 2.5 mm, oblong, style 1 cm, with a basal ring. Capsule 5–7 mm long. Seed ± 4.5 × 3 mm.

Flowering and Fruiting: November-February

Uses: Tubers are edible. During the harvest of pulses, a bunch of leaves along with leaves of Leucas indica and salt is placed in the field in a belief that the yield will increase.

Cultivation: Wild.
