Agave vivipara L.

Family: Agavaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Asparagaceae > Agave > A. vivipara

Common name [English]: Malayan Sword, Borneo Sword, China green

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: കൂറി

Nativity: Aruba, Netherlands, Antilles

Habitat: Garden plant.

Description: Agave vivipara are acaulescent rosette plants sometimes developing a short trunk; freely surculose. Leaves: narrowly linear to lanceolete, the apical spine, the upper surface flat, the marginal prickles black, up-curved, sinuous or recurved from a black deltoid base. Inflorescence up to 3 m tall or more, the scape-bracts spreading; flowers pale green, the tepals shading to light yellow toward the tips, the perianth approximately 2 cm long. Capsules: sub globose to broadly ovoid. Proliferous bulbils often produced on the inflorescence-branches after flowering.

Flowering and Fruiting: January - June

Uses: Juice of cooked leaves and stems and root infusion for both internal and external swelling, arthritis, dysentery

Cultivation: Wild
