Cordyline fruticosa

(L.) A.Chev.

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Asparagaceae > Cordyline > C. fruticosa

Common name [English]: Ti Plant

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: കോടാലി, പൊൻവെട്ടി, കൊട്ടിലി, വെട്ടി

Nativity: New Zealand, Eastern Australia, south eastern Asia

Habitat: Among hedge plants and along road plants.

Description: Herbs; stems simple with tall woody stem, or sometimes branched, ringed with leaf scars, Leaves simple, alternate, spiral. Petiole cananiculate adaxially, lamina ovate or ovate-lanceolate, dilated at base, aristate at apex, entire, coriaceous, smooth, flexible, distinctly costate, veins frequently unequal strongly oblique. Inflorescence paniculate, up to 30 cm or more long. Flowers sessile, lilac-white, perianth segments 6, united at the base; stamens 6, sub-exserted; anthers, 0.3 cm long; ovary 3-celled with many ovules in each loculus, style exserted. Fruit reddish. Seeded several.

Flowering and Fruiting: November - March

Uses: Used as an ornamental plant

Cultivation: Cultivated
