Memecylon randerianum S.M.Almeida & M.R.Almeida

Family: Melastomataceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Myrtales > Melastomataceae > Memecylon > M. randerium

Common name [English]: Blue mist plant

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: കാശാവ്

Nativity: India

Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, and also in sacred groves.

Description: Bushy shrubs. Leaves 5-12 x 1.5-4 cm, ovate, apex gradually acute, cordate at base, sessile; nerves obscure. Flowers fascicled in very dense many-flowered cymes; peduncles 1-2 mm long; pedicels short, 1-2 mm long. Calyx tube 1-2 mm long, campanulate, truncate at apex. Petals 1-2 mm long, obovate, blue. Style subulate, c. 3 mm long. Berry 4-5 mm across, globose.

Flowering and fruiting: February-May

Uses: Medicinal

Cultivation: Cultivated, Wild
