Cycas circinalis L.

Family: Cycadaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Cycadopsida > Cycadales > Cycadaceae > Cycas > C. circinalis

Common name [English]: Sago-palm, Fern Palm

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: ഈന്ത്

Nativity: India

Habitat: Terrestrial

Description: Trees with terminal crown of large pinnately compound leaves, dioecious. Microsporophylls densely aggregated to form large terminal cones. Megasporophylls loosely arranged, crowded round the apex of stem; ovules 1-5 on either side of sporophyll. Seeds globose.

Flowering and Fruiting: December to February

Uses: Used In Ayurveda, Folk medicine, Siddha. The leaves are used for plaiting into mats. Pith is used for medicinal preparations. The mature male cones are used as insect repellents in the paddy fields. Folklore-Leaves harvested for decoration. Tender leaves are edible. Seeds are cooked and eaten after leaching.

Cultivation: Cultivated, Ornamental, Wild.
