Licuala grandis

(T.Moore) H.Wendl.

Family: Arecaeae

Taxonomy: Plantae> Tracheophyta> Liliopsida> Arecales> Arecaceae> Licuala> L. grandis

Common name [English]: Ruffled Fan Palm

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: Santa Cruz Islands to Vanuatu

Habitat: Terrestrial (Primary Rainforest, Secondary Rainforest)

Description: It is a slow growing small palm It is an exotic-looking palm of interest to collectors and tropical plant enthusiast. Trunk: Single, brown to grey-colored, upright and slender that reach a mature height of only 2 or 3 meters, but usually less than 1,8 m tall and 10-12 cm in diameter, ridged with old leaf scars and traces of fibrous leaf sheaths. Crown: Spread about 2,5 m wide or less.

Flowering and fruiting: July-August

Uses: The large umbrella-size leaves of Licuala grandis are used for thatching. Disease & Pests: Generally, it's free of serious diseases and pests, protect against mealy bugs on matured fruits. Protect from frost.

Cultivation: Cultivated, Wild
