Barleria grandiflora Dalz.

Family: Acanthaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Lamiales > Acanthaceae > Barleria > B.grandiflora

Common name [English]: Grand Barleria

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: India

Habitat: Dry deciduous Forests.

Description: Grand Barleria is a stout perennial herb, growing up to 1-2 m tall. Several branches arise from the base which are swollen and hairy at the nodes. Oppositely arranged elliptic lancelike leaves are 10-20 cm long, long-pointed, with a narrowed base, and 8-10 pairs of nerves. Leaf-stalk is 1 cm long. Solitary white flowers occur in the leaf axils. Flower tube is 8-12 cm long, and funnel shaped. Upper lip is 4-lobed. Sepals are 4, in opposite pairs. Outer sepals are herbacious, 4-7 cm long, nearly equal, inner ones 2 cm long, linear, pointed. Capsules are 3-4 cm long.

Flowering and Fruiting: October-February

Uses: The juice of leaves of Barleria grandiflora has been used by folk across central region

of India for the treatment of oral ulcers

Cultivation: Wild/cultivated
