Hemidesmus indicus

(L.) R.Br.

Family: Apocynaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Gentianales > Apocynaceae > Hemidesmus > H. indicus

Common name [English]: Indian sarsaparilla

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: നറുനീണ്ടി

Nativity: South Asia

Habitat: Sighted growing solitary in tilled or burnt fields. Plains from the coast, in scrub jungles

Description : Slender twining undershrubs with woody rootstock; stem brownish. Leaves very variable, opposite or in whorls, often variegated, 3-7 x 0.7-3 cm, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate, base rounded, apex gradually acute-apiculate, thin coriaceous, glabrous on both sides; petiole to 4 mm long. Flowers few, subsessile, in short, axillary cymes. Calyx 1-2 mm long, lobes 5, ovate, ciliolate along the margins. Corolla yellow, c. 8 mm across, 3-4 mm long, rotate, lobes 5, fleshy, triangular. Corona of 5 scales. Stamens 5, anthers jointed at apex, appendaged. Carpels 2, apocarpous; ovules many; styles 2; stylar apex flat, 5-angled. Follicles c. 10 cm long, cylindric; white.

Flowering and Fruiting: August-December

Uses: The roots are harvested for trade and are used in Ayurvedic medicine and to flavour sherbet.

Cultivation: Wild


