Sesamum prostratum Retz.

Family : Pedaliaceae

Taxonomy: Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Lamiales > Pedaliaceae > Sesamum > S. prostratum

Common name [English]: Sesame

Vernacular name [Malayalam]:

Nativity: India to Assam, E. Sri Lanka

Habitat: Plains to low altitude, dry Localities, dry rocky ground, grassy slopes and waste places.

Description: Strong smelling, abundantly branched, prostrate herbs; stems and branches obtusely quadrangular in upper part, furrowed, villous-tomentose. Leaves small, broadly ovate to obovate, rarely shallowly 3-lobed, 6-17 mm long, 6-16 mm broad; base rounded, margin crenate-dentate, apex rounded, sparsely pubescent on upper surface, densely covered with villous hairs on veins below, numerous white mucilaginous hairs between veins below; petioles 1-2 mm long. Pedicels 1-2 mm long. Calyx lobes nearly free to base, lanceolate, c. 5 mm long, c. 1 mm broad. Corolla reddish to pinkish-violet without, similar with purple flecks and spots within, densely pubescent without, 20-30 mm long. Capsule ovate-oblong, 6-12 mm long, 4-9 mm broad, densely villous and with white mucilaginous hairs, apex rounded and truncated, beaked. Seeds c. 2 mm long, black, reticulate-pitted.

Flowering and Fruiting :July-November

Uses : Folk medicine

Cultivation: Cultivated
