Hultholia mimosoides

(Lam.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis

Family: Fabaceae


Common name [English]: Mimosa Thorn

Vernacular name [Malayalam]: കൽത്തൊട്ടാവാടി, കൂറുമുള്ള്‌,

Nativity: Assam to China (Yunnan) and Indo-China.

Habitat: Pantropical distribution, dry and semi-arid forest

Description: Straggling shrubs with tuberous root stock, prickly all over; twigs glandular hairy. Leaves to 40 cm long; pinnae 12-18 pairs; leaflets 10-15 pairs, c. 6 x 3 mm, oblong or elliptic, base unequal, apex obtuse; rachis prickly and glandular hairy. Flowers upto 2.5 cm across, bright yellow, in terminal and leaf-opposed racemes up to 40 cm long. Calyx-tube c. 2 mm long; lobes 5, 0.9-1.2 cm long, oblong or obovate, glandular. Petals 5, yellow, c. 1.2 x 1 cm , orbicular; upper petal c. 1.2 x 0.5 cm , obovate, spathulate, clawed. Stamnes 10; filaments subequal, hairy at base. Ovary stipitate, oblong, 2-4-ovuled; stigma entire. Pods c. 4.5 x 2.5 cm, oblong-obvoid, turgid. Seeds 2.

Flowering and Fruiting:

Uses: Food and Drink, Medicine

