Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Fashion

Alex Curry

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone! As we are welcoming the everchanging embrace of fall, we should also take the time and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This month, we recognize the influence Hispanic countries have had on history and culture. More specifically, the fashion and styles that have been birthed from these cultures. I’ll be exploring a couple of essential clothing pieces from Hispanic fashion.

Chicano Movement

Maddie Bigler & Sophia Bengtson

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we thought it’d be helpful to touch on an important topic in Hispanic and Latino culture in America: The Chicano Movement. The start of this movement coincides with the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and 70s, which was spurred on by the Vietnam War. The political climate of the time allowed for all of these fights- together and separate from each other- to work towards their own aspects of rights.