Senior Spotlight: Rabbi Bassoubouh-Ba-Dimai Cephas

Victor Smith

If you’ve somehow been going to Central the past 4 years and have never heard of Rabbi Cephas, then you’ve probably never stepped foot inside the building. His thick Cameroonian accent, bubbly personality, and incredibly distinctive laugh makes him a character that one cannot simply disregard. When you’re talking with him, it's almost as if the energy within his persona starts radiating into yours, a drug fueling your spirit. This, coupled with his ambiguous and seemingly equivocal vibe makes the Rabbi experience even more thrilling. For example, when asked what three words describe himself best, Rabbi answered, “curious, sleepy, and energetic”. For those who know Rabbi, it is obvious that he loves to ask questions. But is it really possible to be both sleepy and energetic? Well it’s not that you either get to talk to the energetic Rabbi or the sleepy Rabbi, but the presence he has is almost like his energy and his sleepiness married and had a baby; a perfect blend of excitement and relaxation.

One thing that cannot be disregarded in the synopsis of Rabbi Cephas is the astonishing amount of people who all know him. Before school even starts, every other person who walks down the hallway has to stop and say hi, get a quick word in, or ask a question, which doesn’t exclude teachers. His cordial nature makes simple conversation seem like a bonding experience. Overall, his astonishing social presence is what really gives Rabbi motivation. He says that one of his proudest accomplishments throughout his high school career is being a part of Central’s Interact Club and soccer team and having the opportunity to work with so many people. When asked what his favorite memory from Central was, he said he didn’t have one, but that he “enjoyed meeting some of the great people in the school”. When asked how he would like to be remembered when leaving CCHS, he simply said, “by the people I might not see again”. It is without a doubt that Rabbi Cephas is a person who will not be forgotten in near time.