Student Business: Olivia's Flair Salon

Lizzie Johnson

Students at Central High school have a lot going on! On top of schoolwork, sports, clubs, jobs, and other extracurricular activities, some students run their own businesses. Sophomore Olivia Yu runs Olivia’s Flair Salon: Fairy Floss Service where she puts shiny, brightly colored fairy floss in people's hair!

Olivia says the way it works is that “you tie hair tinsel into the roots of someone’s hair, and within a few days it will adjust to their hair type.” If their hair is wavy or curly it will usually adjust to match their curl pattern. You can wash your hair with it in, as well as blow-dry, straighten or curl it, she says. It usually stays in for around two weeks, but the amount of time it stays in varies depending on hair type, activities, and wash frequency.

Olivia says she got it done to her hair for the first time last summer with her cousin, then learned to do it herself after looking it up online. As of right now, she runs her business by herself but she is looking to branch out soon. “I want to start doing it for bigger groups or events like sports teams or for dances.”

She says she really enjoys talking to the people who she does it on because it is so interesting what people talk about. She likes hearing random things that come up because it is different every time. She enjoys getting to meet and talk with new people.

To support her business, you can contact her to get your hair done at or call (872)870-3151. Below are some examples of hair Olivia has done!