Central Baseball

Ronald Baker

Central Boy’s Baseball is off to a really good start with a record of 8-2 so far this season. Their season started Monday February 28th and regionals will begin for them in late May. Athletes are allowed to play up to a total 35 games prior to postseason play.

Central Maroons Boy’s Baseball Team, with superfan David Ho

Coach Staab says one of his goals for this season “is to get better everyday” and hopes to make it further than previous years with the talent he has on the team. One of the seniors on the team, Carter Hall, follows up by saying that a goal for him is “for the team to make it to state”. He then went on saying, “we've had struggles hitting the ball consistently but we are starting to find a groove”. Coach Stabb briefly talks about some of the challenges he’s faced already, saying, “one challenge is our lack of depth”. He hopes for that to change during the current season.

The Central Maroons are up to a good start and can hopefully keep it up. Go Maroons!!!