Senior Spotlight: Jocelyn Patterson

Lucia Moss

Once again, we recognize our extraordinary seniors. This article features senior Jocelyn Patteson, who you may know as one of her plethora of nicknames: Jojo, JP, Lord Farquaad, or Jesus.

Patterson’s biggest achievement is raising more than $10,000 for FBLA throughout her 4 years with the club. Patterson is also committed to the Central Maroons Marching Band, which she's played in the pit for 4 years, as well as being a section leader for 3. Patterson’s involvement has shaped her 4 years at Central. She says, “my favorites are FBLA and marching band because they’ve both taught me so much about not only leadership and music, but also about friendship, and myself too…My Marching Band and FBLA families…have become such a huge part of my life that I almost can’t comprehend what life will be like without seeing them all the time.”

Her favorite memory of Central, not surprisingly, connects to Marching Band. Patterson reflects on the Marching Band Illini competition, and expresses “I was surrounded by my best friends and I was able to share a lot of really special moments with them.”

Looking past her high school education, Patterson has big dreams for the future. “I’d like to go to college (maybe UIUC) for biomedical engineering because I’d like to work or do research on xenotransplantation because it seems fascinating to me”, states Patterson. Her future studies align with her extracurricular interests, as she’s been in the medical careers club for 3 years. Not only that but, her favorite class at Central was anatomy, “because there are so many cool dissections and I love learning about how the human body works” says Patterson.

Further out, past her higher education aspirations, Patterson states, “I’d probably say I’d like to have a well paying job doing what I love with flexible hours so I would have time to skate and play games with family and friends. By then I would also like to be in a steady relationship getting ready to start a family, possibly through adoption.”

Her bucket list reflects her adventurousness, as she wants to travel to every Disney theme park to “experience different cultures,” says Patterson. Her other dreams take her south, as she “loves learning about the cultures and histories of Latinx countries.”

Patterson’s words on her legacy at Central are humble. She says, “I don’t need to be remembered but I just hope that I helped someone out there and that they’ll pay it forward and help the next person who needs it. If someone were to remember me, I’d like to be remembered as someone who inspired others to be kind, strong, and to be their best self.” Her kindness doesn’t stop at Central. Patterson states, “I want to help as many people as I can, have a family of my own, and teach others to love themselves as much as I love them.”

No matter where Patterson goes in the world, a Disney park, South America, or in a lab, she will be sure to take her love and kindness with her.