Covid Outbreaks at Central

Isabel Curtis and Lucia Moss

Navigating through COVID and the new variant, omicron, can be very difficult (especially with the ever-changing guidelines) so here’s a comprehensive guide with all the information you need to know in order to stay safe and aware.

Quarantine vs. Isolation: What’s the difference?

I don’t know about you, but I had no clue before doing this research what the difference was between isolation and quarantine and which one I had to do in a given situation. So here is a breakdown of each.

1. Quarantine

You are Quarantined when you might have been exposed to the virus.

This means you stay home for 5 days after you were last in contact with the infected person. You also watch for symptoms, and if possible, stay away from people you live with.

2. Isolation

You Isolate when you have been infected with the virus.

This includes monitoring your symptoms, staying in a separate room from other household members, wearing a mask when around other people if able, and absolutely not sharing personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils. You should also, if possible, use a separate bathroom, and avoid contact with other members of the household and pets.

Isolation Length

This one throws me off as much as isolating and quarantining.

Our current rules align with the CDC‘s regulations. According to the CDC, If you are isolating you need to “stay home for 5 days and isolate yourself from others in your home. Wear a well-fitted mask if you must be around others in your home”.

End isolation if you had symptoms or you didn’t have symptoms after 5 full days. This means for those that have symptoms if you are fever-free for 24 hours and your symptoms are improving.

If you have severe symptoms you should isolate yourself for at least 10 days as well as consult your doctor before ending isolation.

Wear a well-fitted mask for 10 full days any time you are around others inside your home or in public. Do not go to places where you are unable to wear a mask.

Avoid being around people who are at high risk.

Central’s New Safety Measures Concerning COVID

Along with the new metal detectors Central is cracking down on their safety measures of last semester.

An email Central sent on January 14th stated, “to ensure maximum access to instruction, families are asked to have regular discussions with students who are able to do so about the importance of always wearing their masks correctly”.

You will be sent home if you are not wearing a mask properly. This means the mask needs to be covering over the nose and stretching to just underneath your chin. If you get more than one violation of this you will be sent home for the day.

This new policy about wearing a mask correctly also affects your quarantine/isolation time.

The same email stated, “we revised protocols to reflect that quarantined and isolated students who are able to correctly and consistently mask at school may be eligible to return after five days instead of ten.

Students who are unable to mask consistently and correctly at school will not be permitted to return for 10 days”.

Not only do masks affect your quarantine time, but also your vaccination status.

The email sent out by Central stated, "We revised the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include required boosters. Quarantine will now be required for any booster-eligible individual 18 years and up who has not received a booster if they are exposed. There is no change for students 5-17. Staff and students ages 18 or older who are eligible for a booster should get boosted ASAP, since the only way for booster-eligible individuals to avoid quarantine if exposed is if they are boosted”.

Best Masks

Everyone wants to be protected right? Well here are some of the best masks for that.

Coming in at number 1 is the N95. Although be wary of buying as this is in such demand that there are definitely counterfeits out there.

Underneath is the KN95 and KF94. Which are good alternatives for N95. And more importantly easily found.

At third place is double masking. If you can’t find either of the above options or just don’t have the mula you could double mask. My suggestion is to put on a surgical mask then a cloth one.

And rounding out our list are singing masks. I know I know not everyone sings. However I’ve found singing masks to be the most comfortable for everyday use.

COVID Outbreaks In Our Community

Coming back to school after winter break students recognized the absence of many of their peers as well as their teachers.

So what is the actual number out with COVID related issues? According to Unit 4 website as of January 9th 2022, Champaign schools have 93/1796 staff out because of COVID cases and 7 more are quarantined.

For students this number clocks at 396/10275 and 357 students outside of that who are quarantined.

Central takes 6 of those staff cases and 75 of the student ones. That means Central takes 10% of the student cases and 6% of staff cases. But, keep in mind those cases take up only 7% of the student population and 6% of the staff in all of Unit 4.

So is Covid-19’s and it’s new variant omicron something we should start worrying about going online again for? For right now Unit 4s answer is no.

The influx of cases was expected as students have come back from winter break and their subsequent vacations. However if the COVID cases continue on an upward trend we can definitely expect to see more news on where our schooling will be headed.