Drama Club Food Drive
Lucia Moss
It’s that time of year when many people give back to their communities. As a way of participating in this tradition, Central High School’s Drama Club held a food drive this week for Central’s Food Kitchen. They collected food and toiletries during the mornings in Seely Hall for two weeks. Donations included things like toilet paper, hand soap, toothbrushes, tortillas, canned fruit, and pasta sauce. Photographed is Drama Club member Anthony Frasca, collecting donations.
This year was unlike pre-pandemic years, when members of the drama club would go door to door asking for donations. However, despite the change, Drama club Co-President Rachel Gillett said, “more people donated than we were expecting. We had our little basket for donations full most days!”
The drive was advertised through word of mouth and by flyers, made by drama club member Kate Roth, that were posted around the school.
Gillett stated, “I would just like to thank anyone who donated because the staff at Central were very grateful.” Central’s Drama club plans to continue their annual food drive next school year”.