For Theo

For Theo.

Over the past few weeks our community has been dealing with the loss of a classmate, and friend at Freeport High School. Theo Ferrara. I never knew Theo, but I have gotten to know who he was. Theo was a kind, loving, extremely smart kid, who loved geography sports, and art. I have gotten to see the things that we had in common. I feel that art is a way for people to see an artist's personality, with their composition and creativity with their work. I believe that art is a way for people to come together, seeing artwork can express many emotions and feelings that some of us have a hard time trying to express. Theo's artwork, showed us how imaginative he was, and how his artwork was his own. When going through the memories and photos, I found this picture of Theo, and wanted to draw it. When seeing this picture I felt that I saw what everyone had told me about him, and from all of the stories that have been told.