Surrealism "Painting"

Artist Statement:

The story with this art piece was we were assigned to create an art piece that was bits and pieces put together to create a collage that told a story. Mine was supposed to represent broadway, and shows, and just overall how different it is.

This art piece relates to my life because I have always been in love with broadway and performing for people. I thought I would piece together some different shows that were all different from one another and also incorporate a piece to throw off the whole effect, so I added in the peach tree branch.

The process of this piece was to get an idea for what could be different in the form of a collage that forms a image. I chose to look through magazines, and just images. I pieced together a few different pieces but overall, I was happy with how my collage turned out. When it came time to copy the image and "paint" it, I tried to make it look more modern and make it look more like a silhouette.