Art History Inspired

Artist Statement :

For this project, we were assigned to make a piece inspired by a different one from art history.

I originally wanted this piece to have sgraffito in it like the original, but time slipped from me. The original piece was made in Africa, around 2300 BCE -1550 BCE. The process was very similar to the coil-making project, which really helped me in the making of this vase. I chose this object, because I wanted to try coiling again. I feel like it’s a good skill to have with ceramics, and I think it’s very fun. I also really liked the design. I felt like it was simple but very detailed. I also wanted it to look old and unique like the original, and have the glaze have more of an old rusty look.

If I were to start over from the beginning, I would definitely add more design elements to the work so it could be more intriguing to look at.