Time Capsules

Artist Statement:

With this project we were tasked with three prompts; draw an object that you think represents your past, draw an object that you think symbolizes your future, and A super-zoomed in part of yourself.

The first drawing I did was of a carrot. Growing up, I always hated carrots. I had as some might say a traumatic experience with them. It represents my past because I still don't like them today and refuse to eat them cooked or raw. My second piece was of a pencil. I decided to show a pencil to represent my future because I want to be a teacher. If I want to be a teacher or go into the world of education, it all starts with a pencil in my hand creating new ideas and learning. Then lastly I drew a zoomed-in picture of my eye. I wanted to show a characteristic of myself that I am proud of. I have always loved my eyes and their color, and I wanted to show what I see when I look closely in my mirror.

Drawing these pieces took time, especially the carrot drawing. I wanted my work to give off a Tim Burton meets Where the Wild Things Are vibe with the drawings. I started off by drawing with graphite pencils then going over with a pen. I tried to keep them simple but with minor detail that could show shadows like the cross-hatching, I did on the carrot. For the eye, I zoomed in closely to my iris because it is hard to completely see how many colors are actually in them. I used multiple shades of green then went around in swirls with pen to create the more flow look you would usually see when looking into a mirror.