Number 2


Artist Statement:

The story with this art piece was to create an inquiry question for a sustained investigation. My question was "How can I create portraits of important people in my life by using paper and different things that remind me of them?"

This art piece relates to my life because the person who is involved with this piece is my mom. My mom inspires me. She is such an amazing woman who has the biggest heart. She loves to help people and she loves enjoying little things in life. One of my mom's favorite places is the beach, but specifically Totman Cove. It's this beach in Phippsburg Maine where we collect sea glass and shells. Whenever she gets the chance she tries to go to the beach as much as possible no matter the season. It's her happy place.

The process of this piece was getting an idea for what materials I could use to connect to the piece itself. I decided to use sea glass and shells from Totman Cove because it is my mom's favorite place to be. It shows how much she has collected over the years, and how every shell or piece of sea glass is a memory that we have from her happy place.