Pinch Pots

Artist Statement:

For this project, we were assigned to make a pinch pot, with a lid.

For this piece, I ended up not having an idea for it. I decided to just start making whatever my mind came up with as I went, and I am really happy with how it turned out composition-wise. This piece was sort of inspired to become a bowl for sugar because I feel that the bowl that I have at my house does not have as much character, as this pot does. I am disappointed however with the glazing portion of my piece. I feel that I rushed through designing the squiggles on the piece and didn't end up finishing it with a strong coat.

For the glaze, I used royal blue and bright orange. I wanted my piece to pop and be bright and colorful for people to see from a distance. Making it more of a conversation piece, and having it be useful for my family to use.