
Jossy Joss

Artist Statement:

The story with this art piece was to create an inquiry question for a sustained investigation. My question was "How can I create portraits of important people in my life by using paper and different things that remind me of them?"

This art piece relates to my life because the person who is involved with this piece is one of my best friends Jocelyn Hoffman who has made a huge impact on my life. This past year we have gotten closer even though I met her my freshman year. I have never been able to have a friendship with someone where we can actually be able to have a conversation free of any judgment. We can talk to each other about anything at all and feel trusted and safe. It's been a hard year for everyone and it is always good to have another person by your side. This piece shows off how I see her. Her amazing kind colorful personality and how much our friendship has bloomed.

The process of this piece was getting an idea for what materials I could use to connect to the piece itself. I decided to use paper and cardboard as the base, then add the moss and flowers around it. I wanted the piece to be colorful because it's who Jocelyn is to me. I got some real moss and made it look like a garden wall with flowers growing out of it. Hidden behind all this color and happiness is an amazing girl.