
Artist Statement: 

For this project, we were assigned to create a piece inspired by an element. I chose to create a tree stump inspired by the element of earth. 

I wanted this piece to be functional in a way so I could actually use my piece for its initial intention, which was to show how life itself can regrow. To show this, I created a vase into a tree stump to represent how life can be taken away but be able to have flowers or a plant grow in it to show the regrowth. I wanted my stump to look realistic, so I used browns and greens to make my piece come together. If I were given the option to do this project again, I would have definitely added more elements to the piece, like more vines, moss, deeper bark cuts, etc. I really enjoyed this project and the lesson I was given initially. 

I thought this was a really cool challenge to use mostly all of the skills I have learned from ceramics 1 into this piece. I am so excited to add flowers into this mini vase.