Clay Form

Chubby Turtle

The story with this art piece was to create a sculpture of an animal and think of a design for different features for it. I decided to create a turtle because turtles are very important to me.

This art piece relates to my life because growing up, the animal my mom always loved to draw and talk about was turtles. We have artwork all around our house that's pictures of them and drawings my mom made. On my mom's side table, she had this turtle sculpture that my cousin Kara had made her. I accidentally knocked it over and it broke. I felt awful about it and I wanted to create her a piece by me. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity because she loves scraffito work on sculptures as well.

The process of this piece was getting an idea for what we wanted to do, which was not very difficult for me. We started to create the shape of the animal we wanted to make by creating two pinch pots and pushing them together to then start molding into a body shape. Once we got our body shape it was time to add more features like a head or legs. Then after that we let it dry out for a few days and added some glaze. After we let the glaze dry it was time to start scratching the piece by making some designs. I wanted to go for a simple look but still look like a turtle with it's features.