Final Reflection 

In ceramics this year, I have learned how to coil, carve, shape, and design my own pots, slabs, and many other objects. I have learned to be creative with my own ideas and shapes and utilize my time in class to create artwork that I could use in my everyday life. I really enjoyed class this year and my very favorite project of ceramics two was honestly the elements project. It was so fun to try something new and fun like that I just really enjoyed it. 

At the beginning of the year, I started out not really knowing anything about ceramics and how to properly make clay artwork. I definitely have struggled with structure and building but I have always had fun making the artwork. My artwork is very unique to me and my style, and I have learned to appreciate all of the time and effort it took me to make the pieces. One piece, in particular, was my teapot. I have had ups and downs with this project, but at the end of the day, it has taken me so long to put it together and to glaze and make it come to life. 

I want to finish this reflection with a thank you note to Mr. Andreson, for always being supportive and kind to me. I have always enjoyed our talks about theatre, art, the Clarion, and many random stories. I will always appreciate how you taught me to be less hard on myself about my artwork because I've learned that your biggest judge it yourself. Thank you for being an amazing teacher. - Katie Roy