Number 3


Artist Statement:

The story with this art piece was to create an inquiry question for a sustained investigation. My question was "How can I create portraits of important people in my life by using paper and different things that remind me of them?"

This art piece relates to my life because the person who is involved with this piece is one of my best friends Kevin Ng who has had a huge impact on my life since I met them. Every time he walks into a room he has this burst of energy and colors that radiate off of him. He is always singing which is why I put his portrait on a vinyl. His music is always on repeat. Kevin is the kind of person who will stick by your side no matter what. At the lowest points in our lives we've been there. I can't imagine my life without him and this piece just represents how beautiful his personality is to me.

The process of this piece was getting an idea for what materials I could use to connect to the piece itself. I decided to use paper and make it stick out with color. I cut out his portrait but I didn't take out the pieces I cut out to add a shadow of color for him. His favorite color is yellow. I then added sunflowers and a rainbow to show how much light beams off of him. The base was a vinyl which I wanted to represent the musical aspect of his personality.