Final Reflection

Final Reflection :

In ceramics this year, we learned skills that we could use to create different clay forms. My favorite piece that I created this year was our final project piece. We were tasked to research an artist who we found interesting, and create a piece inspired by the artist. I was inspired by the artist Jeff Nebeker, because of his work surrounding pastries. I felt like his work was so realistic and detailed, so I wanted to take to the challenge.

At the beginning of the year, I was really excited for the experience and satisfying class I would have working with clay. I have now realized that making a piece can take a long time, especially if you have a specific vision. I found it challenging to not critique myself with every detail of my work, and realized that I can take my time with the work. Even though we have multiple projects throughout the year, I am able to take my time on my work.

Honestly, I don't have any suggestions to make the class better, other than I wish the class was longer. I wish we could have more work time to be able to feel good about the time that I have during the class period.