The Sex Change


The story entitled “The Sex Change” is a comedy that starts off with Amanda Man who has had some recent mood swings. Most of her mood swings relate to the fact that she’s shameful of being a woman. And that stems from the fact that deep inside she feels like she’s a man. Nevertheless she always finds herself doing things that are more manly than womanly. They are a city couple who switches gender roles from woman to man, and man to woman. The wife decides to change her sex from a biological female to a biological male because she feels that her gender is culturally constructed to be male because she feels like one on the inside.

Eventually at the beginning of the story she says, “I want to have a sex change and become a man!”

Soon she tells her friends who think the idea is absurd even though they pretty much see her as a Tom Boy more or less. And they also wonder what she’ll do with her husband if she has a sex change and he finds out. Truly this comedy is one that’s a part of the theatre of the absurd. Nevertheless she has a plan which isn’t something he’d approve of considering it involves his gender as well.

So she devises a plan after obtaining some female estrogen hormones to go ahead with spiking his food and beverages with the female estrogen hormones while she continues taking the male hormones. Basically she wants him to become a female as she becomes a man. She feels this will prevent a divorce for that matter anyhow. In her mind, she’s the man, and he’s the woman.

Anyways as she tries to communicate and share with others of the same and opposite sex gaining friends, her husband Joe Man, who is nicked named “Yo” discovers that his appearance is changing and he has breasts that have enlarged and they are only getting bigger. Amanda very desperately wants to become a man, but she doesn’t want to lose her husband so she keeps spiking his food with the female hormone estrogen as she takes her male hormones no matter what complaints come out of his mouth and so forth. Also she doesn’t care if she notices changes within her gender role of sexuality either.

In time he comes to the sensation that something is wrong as he says to himself, “What has gotten in to me, I feel like my groins are going to fall off, and my rear feels wet!”

After a while, his wife begins to become more aggressive and mean as her biological sex changes affecting her gender role and everyday life. Next he goes to the doctor with his wife who is able to hide her sexual changes as the doctor checks him out saying, “You look like your turning in to the opposite sex. You look like you’re growing knockers! I think it’s time for your yearly physical!” Then the doctor turns to the nurse saying, "Check and make sure the pharmacist didn't mix his prescription up with Risperdal because it looks like he has Gynecomastia or something!"

Immediately he starts to exercise and do whatever is necessary to bring himself back to normal by losing the weight he has gained at the top of his chest to go back looking like he did months earlier. However he has no idea what’s wrong as he tries every exercise in the book trying to get rid of his bust.

While getting more fearful, he locks himself in the bathroom looking and inspecting himself with everything going numb. His friends tease him like he’s a hermaphrodite giving him a nick name as well, although he has been medically diagnosed. Soon when his penis feels like it’s going to fall off and his wife is growing a mustache, he starts to figure out what’s happening to his gender role in life.

Finally he finds the estrogen and forces her to take some and change back while he starts taking the male hormones trying to get back to his usual. He decides to stay a man while forcing her to stay a woman while he states, “It isn’t easy being a woman!”

In due time he changes back to a man and she turns back to being a woman and they both live happily ever after. Note that the following names in this comedy are fictitious and made up to protect the ashamed and shameful.


The beginning of the story starts off with Amanda out shopping with some friends at some different department stores within a mall setting. Most of the clothes she looks at are very Tom Boyish in nature. Her friends laugh at some of the things she tries on teasing her about dressing up looking like a Tom Boy while nonetheless acting like a Tom Boy.

Then one of her friends jokingly wonders if she ever thought about how she may actually be a woman on the inside, although she feels like a man on the inside. Of course, she laughs and chuckles it off despite the fact that she has given the idea plenty of thought regardless of what others say about her appearance as far as wearing clothes or acting in public is concerned.

Soon the idea of giving it even more thought comes as she decides to get the right hormones to do the trick. This is where he personality begins changing for the worse as she twirls down a road of no return and no recovery that basically says, “Till death do we part!”


The following story begins and starts off with Amanda Man and her friend Suzy Downs are shopping at a clothing store like a general merchandising store. Amanda Man is looking at the female clothes with less of a feeling of being in the right category. The right category of how she feels inside and it is driving her crazy.

All of the female clothing that she checks out is really getting to her and she is feeling a little different lately. Her friend Suzy Downs is noticing the change in attitude little by little, although she hasn’t said much about it as of yet. Meanwhile Amanda Man is looking at some rustled jeans feeling like they are meant for a cowboy. But then on the other hand they could be meant for a cowgirl in other words.

Amanda Man’s first line of dialogue as she folds the rustled pants back the way she found them all neat and folded like a general store employee did it recently saying, “These rustled pants are for cowboys and I’m not even really a cowgirl!”

Then she walks over a few feet and picks up a pair of wrangling pants quoting, “And these wrangling pants are for rodeo clowns and bull riders. I was going to buy Joe a pair, but I think I’ll buy them for myself!”

Immediately Suzy Downs is like freaking out as though she has gone over the rocker so to speak coming back with, “What are you even talking about; what do you mean?”

Quickly Amanda Man feels like breaking the news even though it has dawned on her recently blatting an eye, “These men’s pants make me feel like a Tom Boy!”

Right away, her friend Suzy Downs describes how she thought the pants were for her husband Joe saying, “I thought these pants were for Joe that you were looking at?”

After that Amanda Man can only think of how her husband Joe Man has been being a sissy saying, “No, if I was going to buy pants for him, they’d be some female pants because he has been acting like a sissy lately!”

Of course, Suzy Downs needs more information than that countering very quick like, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Now Amanda Man can only get to the real truth by telling her friend Suzy Downs, “That means that he has been acting like a woman through his gestures and I have been doing all of the chores around the house. It’s like I’m the pants around there, that’s what that means!”

Finally the scene changes back to Joe Man back at home while he is downstairs underneath a balcony that is behind him. Joe Man is watching television and has an AB Workout video on that Amanda Man had bought for herself. He is watching like the chick is so beautiful and his wife has been acting eccentric lately.

Meanwhile he is watching the video to do the AB Workout, although he had popped a boner on the hot chick who sort of looks like his wife. And this has caused him to blow off the AB Workout so that he can work out his penis size on her hot body that made him hard up. Boy does he like his wife’s AB Workout videos. In fact, he has wanted to build a collection like that for his own personal benefit and use with no doubts.

Now he is really getting in to this AB Workout chick as she says in the video, “Now say to you and your own mind, ‘I have a beautiful body!”

But then again, Joe Man is working out his penis which makes him say as he is getting hard on this video broad, “I have a beautiful penis!”

The video repeats, “I have a beautiful body!”

Joe Man repeats, “I have a beautiful penis!”

The video repeats once again, “I have a beautiful body!”

Then Joe man repeats another time, “I have a beautiful penis!”

Moments later, Joe’s sister Tammy Man who has been staying with them and was napping wakes up and walks over to the balcony. She looks down and sees him jerking off right in front of the television with only inches from the screen. She yawns before seeing him and as she yawns he looks back over his shoulder and freaks out that she caught him red handed or dick handed watching this video of his wife’s AB Workout video.

Straight forth Joe Man looks for an escape route that he can use which is the hallway towards the downstairs bedrooms as he turns and says really loud, “Oh, shit!”

And quick as a flash with his hand on his crotch, Joe Man turns and runs back under the balcony trying to keep his sister Tammy Man from seeing his you know what as she laughs and says, “Oh please, I have seen it a thousand times you idiot!”

And then, after all of this comedy at hand, his voice still carries on as she hears, “Oh shit, oh shit!”

Then his sister Tammy Man decides to say something to calm his nerves by yapping, “Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one who plays with themselves! You should see me play with myself.”

She walks away back to her bedroom as she says in a light tone of voice, “What an idiot!”

Hurriedly Tammy Man turns back knowing that she had forgotten what she had walked out to the balcony for saying, “Damn; I forgot what I even walked out there for with that peep show when I wanted something to eat!”

By this time, Joe Man has darted off to his and his office bedroom to change back in to something a little more comfortable. He is a little shaken up even though his sister Tammy Man has walked in on him taking shower and sitting on the toilet her and there. But nothing could prepare him for being caught with jerking off and being seen by his sister. Maybe when he was younger she might have seen him or his sponged sorts, but who’s counting days or numbers, right?

Now the scene changes back to Amanda Man and her friend Suzy Downs. They are shopping at a clothing store or a general merchandising store. Currently she is looking at some more male clothes as well as some female clothes as she makes a final decision about her so called partial “Tom Boy” life.

And out of the middle of nowhere, Amanda Man says to her friend Suzy Downs in a serious tone of voice, “Instead of being a “Tom Boy,” I think I am going to have a sex change!”

Her friend Suzy Downs almost loses her marbles if you want to call it that, although you could say that she is so shocked by this outburst and total statement. In fact this is something that surprises her but only shocks her very deeply as she tries to think of what to say. But these words had a piercing power to them as she tries to catch her breath from these this surprising statement that she had heard.

Momentarily as she reacts to this statement after a catch of her breath, “Suzy Downs calls out really quickly, “What?”

And soon a pause passes by from her friend who is being confused, Amanda Man blurts out, “I’m going to have a sex change!”

After hearing that line of speech, Suzy Downs’s questions, “What did you just say?”

Amanda Man then restates her line by telling her friend Suzy Downs, “I said that I am going to have a sex change!”

Right after that Suzy Downs asks, “And what about your husband Joe?”

She thinks for a moment or so before Amanda Man explains, “Well, dah, dah, dah; he is going to have a sex change too!”

Suzy Downs questions the line of dialogue asking, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

Thereafter Amanda Man describes her intentions by telling her friend Suzy Downs once again, “Well that means that he is going to have a sex change and become a woman!’

At this time, Suzy Downs is really confused as she wonders what is going on with this marriage as she asks another question, “Joe your husband told you that he wanted to have a sex change and become a woman?”

Amanda man gets serious by explaining more details saying, “Dah, dah, dah, no, I’m saying that he is going to have a sex change and become a female!”

By this time on the clock at hand, Suzy Downs is really interested in what the hell she is up to by interrogating, “Well, how the hell are you going to give him a sex change if he doesn’t know about it? Are you going to knock him over the back of the head and drag him to the sex changing clinic?”

At this time people are really starting to look at Amanda Man and Suzy Downs as they continue to look at clothes. Amanda Man has no idea what she is even shopping for anymore. In fact, she has totally lost it and is totally off of her rocker so to speak. And her friend Suzy Downs feels like she is having a nightmare with her best friend saying that she wants a sex change and that she is going to force her husband to have a sex change with no regrets whatsoever.

And after a few more thoughts rumble through Amanda man’s mind and thoughts, she states, “Dah, dah, dah; I am going to spike the refrigerator with female hormones!”

Suzy Downs asks, “And what kind of hormones would you use?”

Amanda Man answers that question with, “Female estrogen!”

Suzy Down queries really fast, “And where are you going to get female estrogen hormones!”

Amanda Man says very fast like, “From you and me!”

Customers at this clothing or general merchandising store are giving them both strange looks like they are some weirdos or actresses practicing some stupid movie because what they are saying is so uncanny. But they both carry on with looking at clothes as Amanda Man is wondering what she should buy with her new frame of mind.

Suzy Downs says back, “You mean to tell me that you expect to excrete female estrogen hormones from you and me and how are we going to do that!”

Amanda Man says,” I have a nurse that I have talked to and she will help show me how to secrete my own female estrogen hormones so that I can spike his shit in the refrigerator!”

In conclusion to their conversation, Suzy Downs wonders if it is going to hurt him, meaning this sex change, as she asks, “Isn’t it going to hurt him?”

Conclusively Amanda Man decides to make her own sex change seem as painful by indicating, “It is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt him; and that’s for sure!”

At this time, Suzy Downs is beginning to think that Amanda Man is not only totally crazy but she is going out of her own mind. In fact, she is about equivalent to Suzy Downs’s perception of a looney bin by this time. However, she isn’t about to say anything more because she really doesn’t know what to say to her friend Amanda Man at this point in time.

So far they continue to browse as Amanda Man and her friend Suzy Downs look at clothes thinking of what to get Joe Man. And that is what to get him as far as women’s clothes are concerned as well. And that means as well as men’s clothing which she wants to discontinue buying for him at this interval in this stage.

Now Joe Man is thinking what to do as he sees some notes of his wife’s that are from a nurse. At first has no idea what to think of it at this point. But his mind is drawing conclusions such as though she may be pregnant. But then again, she hasn’t been putting out lately and now he is really wondering, He is wondering if he is the father or what the hell the deal with this situation is with Amanda Man’s pregnancy.

Seconds later, the phone rings and it is his friend Toby Downs who is calling to see what is going on for the day as he does every day pretty much. He hears the phone and quickly finishes changes his wet clothes from his Ab Workout that was a jerk off session. Of course, he is getting angry at his wife and her never putting out any poontang

Nevertheless he speedily answers the phone with his greeting even though he sees the caller I.D. on the phone screen, “Hello!”

His friend Toby Downs answers readily saying, “What’s up; what are you doing today while the wives are out shopping?”

Right away, he talks to his friend Toby Downs like he’s his other self-mentioning things that a normal minded fellow wouldn’t really say saying, “Nothing much; just got caught playing with myself by my sister Tammy!”

Fast like, Toby Downs looks at his other friend Mike and start to twirl his fingers around his left temple like he’s telling him a strange story, although Joe Man can’t see what he is doing nonetheless. But his friend is looking back wondering what in the hell he is talking about as he watches his reaction from the conversation.

Following the last comment, Toby Downs says something to calm his nerves jargoning back to Joe Man, “What are sisters for anyways? At least it was only your sister and not your wife Amanda who caught you scratching your stick. What she hasn’t been horny lately?”

Then Joe Man can only think about Amanda’s Man his wife’s notes from a nurse that has some basic information saying, “No, not really! Plus on top of that, I found a sticky note on one of her filing cabinets that has a nurse’s name on it!”

Right away, Toby Downs makes a comment saying back to Joe Man, “Well, maybe she is pregnant!”

Immediately Joe Man can only agree somewhat saying, “That’s what I was thinking but she hasn’t said anything yet!”

Next Toby Downs thinks that maybe she’s going to surprise him with her pregnancy countering, “Maybe, she is going to surprise you with this pregnancy and maybe she doesn’t want you to be upset!”

Now Joe Man agrees sort of, although he has some doubts answering back, “Yes, maybe, but I’m wondering if it is mine. She and your wife Suzy Downs are always going out shopping and goofing around. Has Suzy mentioned anything to you about Amanda being pregnant or are they both out messing around and cheating on us?”

Right then, Toby Downs can only think of how he is getting plenty of poontang and he doesn’t really know what to say saying, “No, neither of them have said anything and my sex life is great. My wife Suzy gives it to me every night when we are in bed!”

Finally Joe Man can only figure how his wife Amanda Man isn’t giving him any on a regular basis even while in bed and that’s why he is jerking his thing while he canters, “Well, not my Amanda; she has been very inattentive lately with her sexual fantasies!”

And then and there, Joe Man decides that he ought to mention some psychological help by insinuating, “Sounds like you may both need a sex therapist!”

By this time, Joe Man is losing it totally and doesn’t have any brains right now with all of this on his mind rebutting, “You need to have sex when they’re pissed!”

Toby Downs repeats, “No, I said sounds like you need a sex therapist, like counselor. Like Dr. Sex or Dr. Hump Me Silly!”

Soon Joe Man decides to stay home alone so that he can have a talk with his wife Amanda Man saying, “I think I’m going to stay home and wait to have a talk with her after they get back and your wife returns home with you! At first, I’ll just feel her out with words before using any meat hooks to feel her out with, maybe”

And after that, Toby Downs decides to get off of the phone with his friend saying, “Well, let me know what happens and if you think she’s pregnant or cheating. But you should look around her room for a rubber dildo because my wife tried that shit with me once until I found it and hid it. But she kept finding it until I threw it in the trash. Then some homeless lady found it and was out there looking at it from our trash can and I said put that back and she ran off with that fricking thing.”

Right away, Joe Man says, “That sounds like a good idea; I’ll start looking right away!”

Toby Downs carries on before Joe Man hangs up, “The first place I would look is under the mattress where I found Suzie’s dill rod!”

Hurriedly Joe Man hangs up on him while saying, “I’m going right now!”

Quickly Joe Man makes his way to the master bedroom where their Queen Size bed is that he and his wife sleep at. On the way to the bedroom he notices his sister Tammy Man returns to the balcony with some food from the kitchen. Tammy Man glances and gives a laughing like smirk to his earlier scene below the balcony.

But Joe Man ignores her embarrassing gesture of a face as he continues to the task at hand. And once in the master bedroom, Joe Man decides to look around first for any possible place that Amanda Man could hide a dildo from him, although he sort of doubts that when he really thinks otherwise.

He sees some areas of interest such as under her side of the bed of course like in-between the mattresses and the box spring. And then he plans to check her dresser drawers such as her underwear and her shorts drawers along with other drawers with her socks and other items. Yet first he dashes to her side of the bed to check in-between the mattresses.

Straight from the bat, he places his hand in-between the mattress and lifts up for a fast glance. Of course, when he looks he does see a skin colored dildo that he never knew about. At this time, Joe Man is so angry that he figured that he would find something. But that is all that is there underneath her side of the mattress. Surely when they have sex it is in the middle of the bed so he thinks that’s why he had never noticed.

Unfortunately he can only think of comparing his wife Amanda Man’s dildo to his own penis size. And when he does simply compare her dildo size to his own penis size, he gets a little upset, yet he has been doing the AB penis workout if that’s what you want to call it. Another fact is that whether you call it that or not, he sure seems to want to call it that.

However things seem to be much bigger for him since he has been working out his private parts, although he was caught by his sister Tammy Man and that changed his outlook on things. But anyhow, all he can do is put the dildo away or steal it from her and for now he is performing an investigation of why she has a nurse.

So this causes him to want to go easy on the situation for now and him fields like looking and browsing around for more signs of the situation at hand. Still he has no idea what he is really looking for other things that point to a pregnancy and he is unsure of what he is really looking for. But then again, Joe Man does have some ideas, although they maybe be mistaken and confused as he thinks or what to search for around the master bedroom.

And the only thing that he can think of otherwise is other items such as kinky underwear that he hasn’t seen along with whips and chains. Also that seems pretty absurd at this time to be looking for something when he really doesn’t have any idea of what he is looking for. However otherwise he is doing pretty well so far without having any idea of what he is even doing at this point in time.

Furthermore Joe Man decides to have a look around her underwear drawers a bit, but he is thinking what to even look for. So far, he is unsure what he will find, but nevertheless he decides to look around through them all anyhow. The first drawer is her underwear and socks drawer which doesn’t have anything, although, he does find some brand new packs of condoms which he never is asked to use one.

He looks at the condoms which are a few without the box or packaging with the name called “Sexual Change” as the label name. Of course, he counts them and tries to determine how old and how long they have been there. And one way is that Joe Man feels the inside to see how much lubrication is still in there or has it dried up.

So far, all of the “Sexual Change” condoms have a lubricated feeling to where he is unsure of how long they have been there and now he is sort of ticked off. Nevertheless he rubs his fingers over them all trying to get a feel of who she has been using on because there was only once or twice many years ago that she was afraid to get pregnant. But lately she was acting like it was alright to get knocked up for that matter.

Anyhow Joe Man decides to look through some more of her drawers where she keeps her shorts and her sweats. And her shorts and sweats are clothes that she wears when she is out jogging, exercising, or just simply playing around anywhere in the house. But then, as he looks and moves some of her stacks of shorts, he sees something. And the stack of her shorts are so neatly folded that he is surprised to notice something else.

By this time, Joe Man is having a hay day with finding all kinds of brownie points against his wife for certain reasons. But he can’t ignore the little manly face that poked out of him which was nearly a sexual innuendo in a sense. He notices the guys face and pulls out a manly dirty magazine that is all naked guys and Joe man is about to have a mere cow.

Besides that doesn’t mean that he is going to give birth to a cow because he is pregnant, although he might well be pregnant with a cow because he is so pissed right now. But oh well, he thinks as he decides to go through the bottom drawers of her dresser which he hasn’t even gotten to as of this time yet.

And when he does make his way to the very last bottom drawer of his wife’s dresser, he notices something slide a bit underneath some folded t-shirts that she has there. They are neatly tucked in and stacked up on one another which caused him to be very curious as to what the hell could be there.

Quickly he looks and notices something silver in color and rounded in shape. Right away, he thinks to his self as he wonders what it could possibly be and then something comes to mind. Of course, what comes to mind is that he has discovered a pair of his wife’s handcuffs. So hurriedly he moves the t-shirts and inspects his findings.

Immediately he sees a pair of her handcuffs and knows and realizes that he is right and what in the hell is going on with this scene. Once he sees the pair of handcuffs as plain as day, Joe Man is paranoid like he has never been in to the S&M stuff no matter what the cost. Now he is wondering what kind of woman he is dealing with, but then again he is hoping that there is a logical explanation to this uncovering.

But at this moment, his wife Amanda Man and her friend Suzy Downs are returning as he hears the car pull up. Hurriedly he puts the handcuffs back the best that he can without leaving any evidence of his tampering around in her drawers. And he has to hurry as he not only hears them both pull up in the driveway, but he also hears the garage door open as they park outside and walk in from the outside driveway.

And before they enter through the entrance in to the kitchen area, Joe Man has left the master bedroom. Straight away he is waiting for them as though he was about to look for something to eat in the refrigerator as they walk inside. At first, Joe Man opens the refrigerator looking for something to drink as he is ready to greet both his wife and her friend.

Reluctantly her friend Suzy Downs knows what Amanda Man has planned for her husband and she kind of gets a funny look on her face as he drinks. Of course, he gulps his drink straight from the pitcher which makes the both of them squirmy. And they are so squirmy that they feel like they have to hurry up and get on with their plan as soon as possible.

Joe Man takes a gulp of his energy drink which is called “Muscle Man” and Suzy Downs looks at him funny as he says, “What’s up babe; how the shopping was going?

Then Amanda Man says back to her husband as he burps a little and drinks again, “It was alright and just browsed and I mean bought a few things!”

Next Joe Man decides to see what she all bought asking, “Did you buy me anything?”

Right away, Amanda Man days back to her husband, “Yes, I bought you some braw I mean some boxer shorts!”

Joe Man is obviously getting off on that energy drink as he responds with, “You bought me some braw shorts, some boxer drawer shirts!”

Amanda Man repeats what she had previously said, “Some boxer shorts!”

Then Suzy Downs pulls out the pair while Amanda Man holds them before setting them on the kitchen island which is a center piece to the kitchen countertops while saying, “See?”

Right then, Joe Man notices that there are some women on the boxer shorts and it says something funny as he says while taking the boxers from Suzy Downs talking, “Why are there women on the boxers; Aunts in your pants. You mean instead of a pair of boxers with ants biting your rear you buy me a pair of boxers with someone else’s Aunts biting my rear!”

Amanda Man says back to her husband laughing, “They are funny!”

Then Joe Man finishes his energy drink really fast while saying, “Where did you go shopping: at an adult lingerie store!”

Suzy Downs becomes the one to answer that question by telling Joe Man, “We went to the clothing store “Changing Clothes” where we can change our clothes without being peeped on by lezzies!”

Joe Man asks another question, “There are peeping lezzies near the changing booths?”

Amanda Man says, “Yes, and we were thinking of dressing up like men to fool them!”

Joe Man chuckles a bit with a confused laugh asking back, “And what’s that mean?”

Suzy Downs decides to act like it was a joke saying, “It’s a joke; nobody pays any attention to us when we are browsing through clothing whether new or used, or even abused!”

Then Joe Man says, “What are you talking about now; gag them clothes? I know it sounds like you both were at a lingerie clothing store like Adult Girls Strip!”