Catcher of Love Subpage 7


Then after a few days sleep, the ten remaining conquistador crowns are barely waking up almost as though they were in a dream of some kind. The days have gone by fast and they have been nearly hibernating as though they were up straight for weeks. And whatever wind they had caught to give them the extra needed energy and adrenaline to make the distance has let go and has finally worn out.

Conquistador Padre is the first to start waking as he hears the snores and heavy sleeping breaths of his comrades around him. For now they are all crouched in the same room down below the upper deck of the ship vessel. Many of them are still fast asleep considering that they hadn’t really slept too much along the days of blood and glory which came from the many fellow tribes of Indians.

But then Conquistador Padre feels that he should wake some of the others in order for them to eat something. So far, the Shipmate Eduardo and the Shipmate Captain had tried to wake them a many times with no avail with their endeavors. But now they should be feeling the hunger pains since they ate whatever they could before retiring many days ago when their voyage from the New World to the Old World had begun beforehand.

When Conquistador Padre awakens and looks around, he notices that there are some grains of wheat which have been harvested in to bread lying nearby, although it looks like the men have been making a mess while trying to make dough perhaps. But some of their food had been going bad since the voyage and usual they have supply ships coming by with new supplies.

However lately things have been scarce as far as anymore supplies coming in from Portugal or Spain and that’s why their food supplies are getting very low. But nevertheless they will hopefully have enough to make the many week voyages that it takes to return home from the New World to the Old World.

Regardless of how bad everything appears around him, Conquistador Padre decides to take a few pieces of bread to eat. And as he was hoping there would be a little more to go with it instead of having plain bread alone, a few more of the conquistador men awaken. Immediately they are hungry too even as much as Conquistador Padre who can barely swallow without reaching for his canteen with barely any water left to drink.

The first to respond while waking up is Conquistador Felipe who can’t wait for something to put in his stomach as he does his usual muttering, “Is that all there is to eat around here is just some stale bread?”

Moments later, after trying to swallow what’s in his mouth, “Conquistador Padre answers back with, “That’s all there was when I woke up!”

And after trying to eat some pieces of the bread as well, Conquistador Felipe comes back saying, “There has to be something else to eat besides this bread.”

Thereafter Conquistador Padre is wondering how long they had slept adding in a figure of time, “I’m not sure; we must have slept a few days straight through without waking up.”

Just then Conquistador Felipe thinks about trying and waking the others by contemplating, “Maybe we should wake the others.”

And in repose to waking any of the other conquistador crowns up, Conquistador Padre furthers the conversation by replying, “No, let them sleep it off a while.”

After another minute or so when Conquistador Felipe and Conquistador Padre have eaten as much bread as they can handle without much water other than what’s left in their canteen, Conquistador Felipe thinks about falling back to sleep again without going to the upper deck by saying, “Maybe, we should just eat something and go back to sleep for another day and night!”

Lastly Conquistador Padre decides that that is a great idea considering that they don’t want to wake anyone while contending, “That sounds like a great idea sleeping for another day and night now that we don’t have that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman on our trail any longer.”

For another lasting word in the conversation, Conquistador Felipe can only yawn from being so tires still while talking, “Yes, we can wait for the others to wake up.”

During the meantime, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is still back at the shores where her camping place is at trying to bring the right state of mind in. She must make some difficult choices other than what anyone else is doing as a part of the ceremony to the “Circle of Life.” She must find a way to travel spiritually and physically within the river of souls in order to find the Bridge of Light to form a rainbow to the other side.

And regardless of what anyone else is doing she has to concentrate while trying to have a mental picture of where they are. One of her tricks is the Out of Body Experience which is one was to see things another way. This is one of her shamanistic abilities to see the world from the bird’s eye up above. She can look down and visual about where they are out at sea even though she has never been there before.

However she tried that earlier last night when she was asleep for a little while until she felt she had to para plane back to her body. Sometimes she can stay out longer than other times despite the fact that the body and spirit are connected. This is also a technique that many shamanistic people use to help map out the landscapes so they can find sacred paradigms and mountains. Now she is using another technique to help fine tune any problems she feels she is having with her psychic ability.

After some time goes on by, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman decides to go through some of the burlap sacks that she had removed from their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse. Much of the gold was recovered using a form of magic along with help from the testimony of Jesus Christ which has given some special powers. However she only took what she could while considering that they didn’t have much in the first place since their mule train was recovered by the Southwest Tonto Hohokam.

Furthermore she soon separates her belongings from the belongings of the conquistadors which are mostly ore with gold sprawled through every piece. But then she had never retrieved any of the conquistadors burlap sacks because she could only snatch and sneak out whatever gold she could while trying to perform other tasks. Many of the other tasks were things such as riding and eavesdropping on them during her ritual of chasing them out.

For now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman can only hide the gold until she returns from her visit from the New World to the Old World by using the “Circle of Life” and the Bridge of Light to form a rainbow to make her way to the other side as well as her way back. And sometimes traveling to a place that is far away is easier than the time when it comes to return back home from that place especially when it is overseas.

Finally back on the ship vessel heading back to Portugal and Spain, the Shipmate Captain and Shipmate Eduardo are talking a lot. They have been talking about how the ten remaining conquistador crowns have been sleeping so much since their unexpected return back at the port. So far they have left them alone in the lower deck while only bringing some food to leave out for them when they awaken from their tiresome sleep.

To start the conversation, Shipmate Eduardo is talking to the Shipmate Captain as he can only think of how the conquistador men have overslept saying, “Them conquistadors overslept a little too much for the past several days.”

The Shipmate Captain can only ponder how they will be waking up fairly soon because nobody can sleep more than three days saying, “They’ll wake up before three days and nights passes us on by.”

Right then, Shipmate Eduardo can only think of how he talks like an astronomer by saying, “You speak as though you are guided by the stars.”

And only to bring even more wisdom into their sayings of divine knowledge, the Shipmate Captain responds with a whimsical line telling, “I am guided by the winds and the waves as well as the stars and the skies!”

Just then, one of the Shipmate Lookouts from the Fighting Top of the Foremast, which is the sail towards the front of the ship, yelling out, “And don’t forget the clouds.”

In the intervening moment of time, the Shipmate Captain comes back answering with, Yes, and of course, the clouds!”

Meanwhile down at the lower deck, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has woken up from a good two day and two nights sleep, although the first day was later in the early evening so it doesn’t count too much. Nevertheless when he does wake, he is a little dizzy and his head is still spinning from all of the lack of sleep coming from the “Witch Catcher” and her surprise encounters just about every morning.

Once Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wakes up focusing his eyes while the others are all still asleep, he reaches for a piece of bread or two that is lying nearby. It seems that there is enough bread luckily considering that their grains of wheat were kept from spoiling. Nonetheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to eat before wondering if he should make his way up to the upper deck to talk to the Shipmate Captain and the other shipmates.

Some time passes as he finishes up what he can of such a plain meal that Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Felipe wake up again. It seems that they have slept as much as they possibly can without sleeping half a week nonetheless. There are also a few other conquistador men moving around getting as comfortable as they can in order to sleep longer.

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Felipe while chatting a line of how the food is saying, “This is all they could leave out for us is bread and hardly any water in a large canteen?”

While yawning and trying to wake up once again even though falling back asleep has made him more tired, Conquistador Felipe comes back informing him, “Yes, that’s all they have left out for us all.”

And after hearing that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that they both must have woken up before and ate already asking, “So you both were awake before and had something to eat?”

Soon Conquistador Padre decides to tell the truth that they both had awakened earlier by saying, “Yes, we both woke up and had a few slices of bread and fell back asleep.”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that it’s okay by expounding, “That’s okay; we didn’t seem to have as much gold left between all of us as I had thought once we gathered all of the gold ore together. And also that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had stripped away all of the burlap sacks from our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse and some of them burlap sacks were filled with golden ore as well.”

While thinking about how the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had followed them all of the way up until they had all reached the Midwestern Coast, Conquistador Felipe says, “That “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had followed us all of the way to the coast before letting our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse go on his own.”

Then and there Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks over towards where they placed all of the burlap sacks of golden ore that they had left once they had arrived at the port with their ships saying, “Yes, and she probably wouldn’t have made it all of the way if it wasn’t for our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse!”

“How could you be so sure that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman couldn’t have kept up without our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse?”

Conquistador Padre exclaims after hearing his negative attitude towards a “Witch Catcher” shaman woman who had kept up with all of them the entire way.

“I’m not sure; but that was a long distance trip to go on foot without a horse at all.”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says realizing in his thoughts that he isn’t sure despite the fact that it would be hard if not nearly impossible for someone other than a Roman Marathon or Roman Message delivery runner to make the journey.

And with a whip of his smart attitude, Conquistador Felipe can only think about the past of how the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had kept up with them all with no problems at all quibbling, “She could do it. She had kept up with us all through thick and thorn up until she had our Conquistador Prophet Ramon killed by some hateful bird and taken his white horse.”

Meanwhile as a few of the other conquistador men slowly wake up, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns to take a glance at their Conquistador Prophet Raman’s white horse noticing the hand prints on the sides while saying, “And that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had hand printed his blood all over his white horse!”

Right away, Conquistador Miguel awakens while butting in to the conversation all of a sudden as he mumbles, “Maybe, someone ought to wipe hour Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s blood off of his white horse.”

Just then Conquistador Riguel wakes up as well deciding that they should leave his blood alone because it’s all that’s left of him rambling, “Why would you want to wipe his blood slate clean when that’s all we have to remember him by, huh?”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants to use a rag to clean their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse off with so they have something of his as he says, “Here we’ll use this clean rag that I have in my satchel bags which we can save and have as a relic or on an altar of some kind for him.”

“Sounds like a great plan making an altar from a dead rag!”

Conquistador Roberto says while still feeling the effects of coming down from the Mescalero Indian shaman woman’s mescaline tea perhaps.

“Hey, that’s all they have left of our Conquistador Prophet Ramon!”

This is what Conquistador Sanchez blurts out really quick trying to stick up for their Conquistador Prophet Ramon nonetheless.

“Well, if that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman would have left his satchel bags at least we would have something else to remember him by.”

That’s what Conquistador Arturo bleaks out trying to cushion everyone from getting in to some type of argument about it all.

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes the rag and tries wiping the blood of their Conquistador Prophet Ramon so that they can have their token of his remembering them since he has perished. Yet the blood has dried and he then decides to wet the rag from some water that has found its way into the lower decks after spilling on deck. Once wet he continues on with the task until the horse is somewhat clean and the rag has been tainted enough.

For a brief moment he has to stop and feel pity for what he is doing, although there is nothing that he can possibly do to change that fact nevertheless. Soon he stops realizing that the horse needs a good bath and that he should put the special rag away someplace safe to keep. And as he turns away he notices that every one of the conquistador men is awake now and watching him as though it were a ritual.

It is only a matter of another couple of glances from his men before Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes a comment saying, “Really, I think this is a good enough token for our Conquistador Prophet Ramon and his remembrance!”

Next as a joke to his nice round of a short speech, Conquistador Arturo thinks about how their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse is so dirty that he says, “I think our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse is dirty and could use a cleaning.”

Just then Conquistador Padre really only thinks of his horse and everyone else’s horse too as he comes back swaggering, “I think all our horses could use a bath as well as ourselves.”

Finally Conquistador Miguel decides to offer his good assistance instead of someone having to be picked by telling them all, “Alright; Riguel and I will do the pleasure this time around but the next time there is a chore to do someone else will have to do them all.”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe decides to agree so that his horse will be washed down by coming forth responding, “That sounds like a good deal!”

Henceforth Conquistador Rafael can only agree on his behalf while wanting the same thing for his horse gibbering, “I’ll go for that!”

Then and there Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Rafael saying, “Let’s head up out on to the upper deck!”

Afterwards Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Rafael respond by saying at the same time, “Alright!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns to head up on to the upper decks where the shipmates are working and doing their tasks at hand. When he turns he doesn’t seem to care how many of his men follow him out onto the upper deck, although it appears that only Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Rafael are following from behind.

Now they are in deeper waters and the rocking of the boat is making it hard for them all to get adjusted to the sea sickness that is settling in slowly. And regardless of the fact that they had all slept so long from being overly tired they all were abruptly awaken by the large swaying waves that are battling the sides of the hull of the ship.

Yet then further away back west on the shoreline the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is still preparing her body for the journey that she will have to make in the near future. She has found the river of souls and now she is more connected to the other parts of the indigenous ceremonies. However she will have to do as much mediation along with other techniques to find the right elements to accompany her voyage.

Luckily she has had some Mescalero Indians bring her some food and water occasionally. That’s because even though she is near the shoreline there is nothing other than salty ocean water to drink. Then on the other hand she has been trying to fast a meal once a day trying to cleanse her body of any impurities which she might have from the journey.

But she also has been wondering if she should try fasting for an entire day considering that she doesn’t have much to eat anyhow. Only what she has been brought by many of the friendly Indian communities who tend to stay away from the conquistador ships nears the shoreline. And it’s hard to say how long she will be waiting until she can actually perform the ceremonial ritual of reaching the other side of the world more or less.

For the time being back at the other end of the “Old Spanish Trail” the Southwest Tonto Hohokam are still trying to stay in the prayer mode in order to help with the spiritual matters. So far they are blinded from the distance that separates them all through time and space, although they all still have their extra sensory perception through para traveling with their spirits. However this technique seems to work to a point despite the idea of seeing through a nearly blind eye nonetheless.

And now Sunny Horizons and Ravianna are preparing for their celebrating addition to the ceremonial ritual they are planning as Sunny Horizons says, “Now it seems that the vessels of the conquistadors are far away and have fled far off from our shores.”

Next Ravianna can only think of how even the many islands that they use to dock and port along the way are gone away as she answers Sunny Horizon by sailing by a few words, “And even all of the islands have fled away from the conquistador so they can’t port and dock for any severs conditions; meaning they can only sail the entire way home.”

Finally Sunny Horizons can only think of one of the last and final ceremonies belonging to the testimony of Jesus Christ as she comments, “The sooner they reach the eastern shores the sooner we can all perform our ceremonial ritual before the conquistador crowns make or break landfall back home in Portugal and Spain.”

So far, both Sunny Horizons and Ravianna continue on making a gift for the important part of their return ceremony which they have only recently perfected perhaps. In the meantime, they can only remain in the spirit of the heavens in order to see the light of the Jesus Way Ceremony. However at this time the both of them can only concentrate on a “Witch Catcher” Way Ceremony to bring their role model home from her endeavors.

Of course, that won’t happen until after the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman and the “Bridge of Light” ceremony of forming a rainbow to make her way to the other side within the Circle of Life. And there will be a good amount of time between both the ceremonies considering she has more sights to see before returning back home to the New World from the Old World. Of course, those sights or places of interest are the Jerusalem Temple and also the “Tree of Life.”

That is where the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman will leave the other part of her precious stones in order to fulfill the testimony of Jesus Christ. This is one which has been a long many month journey of not only preparing the rituals through a needed time sequence after Jesus Christ had been crucified on the cross.

Then there are some other locations in which the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman would like to visit and see, although she will have fulfilled much of her voyage by that time. And one of those sights to see happens to be the God of the Lamb which is something she feels would be very significant to add to her travels.

Presently as we fade back to the ship vessels that are making their way back to Portugal and Spain, Tesoro De Castallanza, Conquistador Padre, and Conquistador Rafael are all on the upper deck looking out into the waves. It has been a while since any of them have had a view like this which was when they first had sailed the seas making their way from the Old World to the New World.

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to the Shipmate Captain as he says to him, “You haven’t had a beautiful sight of the ocean in a long time.”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back relating, “No, and I never thought I would see the ocean again for another many years or so.”

Standing nearby is Shipmate Eduardo who has been accompanying them as much as possible to make them feel more at home as he rebuffs, “Don’t let it get you down; everybody fights for their independence one day or another. It was going to happen sooner or later or one day or some other day.”

Next Conquistador Padre can only think of talking about how they are glad they are far from that “Witch Catcher” as he says, “I’m just glad we are finally far away from the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman.”

Soon after hearing those words, Conquistador Rafael looks and turns back towards the west for a glance before saying, “I hope we don’t ever run in to her again for any reason or other.”

Next the Shipmate Navigator butts in to the conversation saying, “According to the stars you’ll never see her again!”

Then there is a pause for another moment until more thoughts come to mind as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza flips the conversation around again squawking, “And for some reason I feel she’s not through with us yet even though we are sailing home far from her shores!”

Finally the Shipmate Captain figures that once they get to Madrid, Spain there will be no way that she will be following behind them by communicating, “Once your caravan makes Madrid, Spain there will be no way she can be following anywhere close by.”

Lastly Conquistador Padre can still feel her vibes as though they were close by as he makes a remark, “Well, she sure has a strong intuitive grip on us from afar for that matter.”

Furthermore with feelings of her still in the air, Conquistador Rafael comes forth conveying, “It’s a feeling like she is trying to get out here somehow or something like that maybe.”

Once those words are said, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels he’s right considering that he is getting the same vibes while rattling, “She’ll get out here in her thoughts; but I don’t think she’ll be able to build a ship in time to sail after us all!”

And then only to butt in to change the conversation back to something else other than their misfortune, the Shipmate Captain fights back slamming, “Now isn’t that a glory that you’re all worried about some “Witchy Woman” who has no wings or feathers to fly out at us!”

Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman can hear their thoughts even though they are so far away as she mocks them all, “Now they are feeling my presence like I am already there on the other side.”

Of course, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has been practicing some of her very positive affirmations which are for the soul purpose of making her words charged with energy. The more of these affirmations she uses and the more she uses them, the more the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman feels more positive about her trip to the other side.

She can also feel the power of her inner self come more together as she positively charges the air around her with affirmations. She can even feel the power of the “Bridge of Light” more and more along with the “Circle of Life” with the forming of a rainbow to the other side. And this doesn’t only come from her indigenous ceremonial purpose, but it comes from the ceremony of the Rainbow Girls and their presence being felt from afar.

Meanwhile the conquistadors are trying to forget about all that has happened as a few more weeks pass on by. So far, they have been trying to ration whatever food sources and fresh water that they have and luckily only some of their storage had ever gone bad. They have been sort of lucky to have been able to sustain themselves for this amount of time nonetheless.

Soon the conquistador and their vessels reach near the shores of Portugal where they will dock and make their way with a caravan to Madrid, Spain. The first one to arise to a new day is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who is eager to make land as soon as possibly nevertheless. Besides the skies are bright and the clouds are large and puffy making quite a sight to see as they arrive further towards the coast.

Then a new day arises as the angels of heaven come forth again to the praises of the skies as the angel says out loud, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea (Rev 21:1).”

Next as the skies continue on with their cumulus cloud coverings as some of the entities of heaven show forth, Mary Magdalene appears before the skies of heaven. She has something to show which in her understanding is part of the testimony of Jesus Christ. And momentarily Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza catches a short glimpse of an image looking down upon him, although the image is sort of oblique and hard to see clearly.

Soon the angel of heaven comes forth to sing another praise before the courts of heaven as the angel says, “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Rev 21:2).”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is standing out on the upper deck alone as he can feel some forces of heaven working in and around him. Still nonetheless he is unable to see but only feel these forces manifest in and through many things. But he sees some type of images trying to show forth miraculously through the cumulus cloud coverings above.

Meanwhile the angel of heaven comes along with another verse from the spirit of heaven rejoicing and saying, “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God (Rev 21:3).”

And even though Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can’t see much of anything, he gets a sense of how things will be more subtle from now on. It almost like the dark cloud had been lifted from off of their shoulders and replaced with a heavenly white cloud making the skies much brighter.

Then as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza fears no more pain and suffering for him and his people, the angel of heaven speaks with another line of scripture telling, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away (Rev 21:4).”

Now he who sits on the throne of heaven is now riding a white horse with the words “Faithful” on the side. As he rides forth above the cumulus cloud coverings, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza catches a slight glimpse of something moving by really fast in the skies, although it appears to him to look more like an orbiting ball of white light whipping by perhaps.

Furthermore the angel of heaven show the powers of heaven using more divine knowledge singing, “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful (Rev 21:5).”

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza remains alone as he witnesses many of these small events that are barely visible in fact. But he still has a sense of something going on which is beyond his own comprehensions and imaginations. Of course, now he feels that there’s even more of a chance that he may run in to the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman again sometime in the near future.

Next the one who sits upon the throne has some words for the angel of heaven to translate as he rejoices, “And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely (Rev 21:6).”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can feel the powers of heaven working in and around him and as well through him. It’s almost like he has a feeling of needing to return with the bounties of the New World which are less than he had bargained for over the last several months are maybe even years.

After having this heavy sensation hanging over the air everywhere, the angel of heaven shows the mercy of the skies by declaring, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will become his God, and he shall be my son (Rev 21:7).”

Another fact is that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can also feel that the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is near, although he can only see the coast with a few individuals walking around as the ship vessel approaches closer. The port is coming in to view and all he can think of is how the lowest life forms of the planet are taking their placer in the world in which he lives in.

In addition to this, the angel of heaven is still nearby with the next line of prose praising from the firmament above saying, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the true second death (Rev 21: 8).”

Soon more of the conquistador men start to wake up slowly, although none of them have made their way onto the upper deck as of yet. For now, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza stands out overlooking the scene as more images tend to come in to his mind. Many of them are about the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman and whether or not he will ever come across her presence again in the future.

Quickly the angel of heaven comes around for another addition to the verses of heaven stating, “And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife (Rev 21:9).”

And now the city of Jerusalem is seen coming down from heaven from God as it makes one of the seven mountains which were mentioned earlier in the Book of Revelations in Revelations 17:9. But then again, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza gazes on a heavy mist that seems to be coming from the inland as they enter the harbor.

Soon the angel of heaven shows his wings for another display of heaven’s glory by declaring, “And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God (Rev 21:10).”

A few moments pass and Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues standing while looking out towards landfall there is a mist with some gaps in-between. And after looking about the gaps of fog he thinks he sees something staring back at him from afar off. Quickly he turns and see the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman standing there gleaming back, although it was only a mirage or spiritual encounter as the “Bridge of Light” ceremony to bring the “Circle of Life” alive by forming a rainbow to the other side.

Thereafter the angel of heaven shews forth his wings and glory while reading off the next line humming, “Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal (Rev 21: 11).”

It seems that the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman and the Rainbow Girls have perfected the ceremony, although she has only shown herself for a brief moment. It’s like she’s there and then on the other hand she’s not there. However the “Witch Catcher” has some control over her thoughts when it comes time to manifest her body onto the other side of the world. Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns back for another glance and the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is gone for now.

And now the angel of heaven has more details from the scripture declaring from the skies heaven above, “And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel (Rev 21: 12).”

Now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made her way to the Jerusalem Temple where Jesus Christ has spent most of his life. And there she has discovered the high wall which has the names written there belonging to the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Of course, she is making her rounds as fast as she possibly can, although she has much spirited help on her side.

Next the angel of heaven moves along describing more facts about the book of heaven saying, “On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates (Rev 21: 13).”

And finally the “Witch Catcher” has found her way to the foundations of the wall where there are more names written thereof. The first names that the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman finds are the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Meanwhile the other conquistador men have joined Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza out on the upper deck where he had witnessed some astonishing sights.

Moreover the angel of heaven spreads his wings with another tone of voice displaying, “And the wall of the city had four foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Rev 21: 14).”

And now Jesus Christ appears before the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman and the high wall with a golden reed as though he were to measure another city as with the Gentiles. So far, her appearance and manifestations over a long distance are coming forth as the “Bridge of Light” ceremony continues on.

Therefore the angel of heaven comes once again narrating the unfolding scenes of a heavenly honor while chanting, “And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof (Rev 21: 15).”

Finally the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is shown the dimensions of the Jerusalem Temple where Jesus Christ had devoted much of his life in worship. However there is ten years of his life which was unrecorded, although the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman will be shown what has been recorded. And there is more to this land mark that she can possibly imagine along with many high walls of worship where many other worshippers gather.

Meanwhile from the skies above, the angel of heaven has another verse to read out loud singing, “And the city lieth foursquare, and its length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height are equal (Rev 21: 16).”

Quickly Jesus Christ continues measuring the wall while the angel of heaven continues on praising, “And he measured the wall thereof, and a hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is of the angel (Rev 21: 17).”

Now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman continues approaching the Jerusalem Temple. She does this while holding onto her breastplate of minerals that are woven in to a necklace that she can wear around her neck always. At this time, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has been met up with the other conquistador men, although they don’t seem to believe him when he says he thought he had seen the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman once again.

Soon the angel of heaven shows more merciful scripture to read out loud through his praise by chanting, “And the building of the wall of it was jasper and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass (Rev 21: 17).”

Here and now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman holds onto her necklace while Jesus Christ shows forth the foundations of the wall which reflect her precious stones. It’s almost like a dream come true when everything the she had chosen for her rite of passage has been laid forth right before her very eyes.

Presently the angel of heaven brings about some more righteous glory with some words phrasing, “And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass (Rev 21: 18).

Next the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman starts to take notice of her many other precious stones besides the jasper stone. She also takes plight with her gold nuggets that she had placed in her gris-gris bag for good luck along the way. Nevertheless this was after the idea of her leaving most of the confiscated gold back at home right where she left it so that she may return it back to the Indian tribes.

Henceforth the angel of the heavenly skies delivers another annotation of their words which flows by vibrating, “And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper: the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, and emerald; (Rev 21:19).”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman listens to the prayers and singing of heaven while touring the foundations of the wall. So far there is more than she could have ever imagined from all of the times she had thought about these travels. But then again the touring of the Old World is nowhere near being complete as of yet.

In addition to the previous discussion about the foundations of heaven, the angel of heaven shells out another line saying, “The fifth, sardonyx; the six, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eight, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, and amethyst (Rev 21:20).”

With a lasting mannerism, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman realizes just how miraculous the foundations are as she takes out one of her shiny pearls that she has saved for the special occasion. Of course, she is one step ahead of the game considering that she isn’t stepping over the starting line because she had prepared for this magnificent splendor.

Momentarily the angel of heaven has more honors to bring about as the angel mouth his wings while scripting, “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pearl gold, as it were transparent glass (21: 21).”

And now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has been shown the foundations of the temple of heaven which is the Jerusalem Temple where Jesus Christ had devoted much of his worship. Now she realizes that there is much more to the realities of heaven along with all that it has woven in its celestial realm.

Next the angel of heaven comes down for another moment of prayer while singing, “And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it (Rev 21: 22).”

At this time, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has caught onto the idea of heaven and how Jesus Christ and the Lord God Almighty are not only part of the temple of heaven, but they are the temple of heaven themselves. Nonetheless there are more areas to discover with her traveling from the New World to the Old World which are far away from each other for that matter of truth.

Thereafter the angel of heaven has more expressions of heaven to record and bring to the planet earth as he says, “And the city has no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof (Rev 21: 23).”

Here comes the moment when the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman understands and comprehends more about heaven than she had once before. Now all the facts and truths of its divine purpose are coming together tightly. She also sees how the temple of heaven needs no light because of the divine light being created in and through the heavenly skies above.

Then and there the angel of heaven comes down from above to give some more details describing, “And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it (Rev 21: 24).”

At this time the ten remaining conquistador crowns have reached a point where they feel the glory of returning home with a few of their lives. But on the flip side the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is still in their minds even though they find it hard to fathom how she could be in the Old World for that matter. Nonetheless the conquistador vessel continues to the docks where they can continue on with the rest of their journey.

Soon the angel of heaven shows forth the mercy of the highest plane while chanting out loud from the skies above, “And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for shall be no night there (Rev 21:25).”

The “Witch Catcher” shaman woman can see the eternal light of heaven which brings about the end of darkness and any lack thereof. Now she can understand how the light of heaven is eternal and that there is no end of it as the temple of heaven remains standing open for ever more. Now the conquistador crowns have even more honour and glory into their endeavors than previously.

Right away, the angel of heaven comes forth with a verse that is for all the nations of the world when he voices, “And they shall bring the glory ad honour of the nations into it (Rev 21: 26).”

At this moment, the conquistador ship reaches the docks where they all start to tie up and anchor their ship tightly. Soon the conquistador men all start to unpack and unload their possessions as well as their merchandise which is very light within their usual scales of earnings. The shipmates all began to come down from the Shipmate Lookouts from the Fighting Top and the Foremast once it is time to bring all of the riches into the heart of Portugal and Spain.

Lastly the angel of heaven comes once again for another connotation from the heavenly lights above as he shrills out loudly, “And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life (Rev 21: 27).”

After breaking and making landfall, the ten remaining conquistador crowns are happy to have returned home. So far it has been a long journey through thicket and thin and now they are glad that it’s almost over with. Nonetheless they still have a long distance of travel still ahead of themselves before they make their way to Madrid, Spain where they will have to bring their treasures before the King of Spain.


Finally after rounding up their horses onto the ground of Portugal, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes a comment about their returning to the Old World saying, “Well, we made it home to the Old World!”

Immediately Conquistador Padre takes a look around to the many landscapes he had missed for many years as he answers back with, “Yes, we have finally made our way back home to the Old World boss man!”

Right away, their Shipmate Eduardo wonders if there is anything else they will need before they head off while bringing the last of their supplies while asking, “Is there anything else that you need before you all head off to Madrid, Spain?”

After thinking about it for a moment or so, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back replying, “No, I think we’ll be alright with what we have within our caravan.”

Meanwhile all of the conquistador men are gathered around their caravan of mules that they have built from what they had left over. They started thinking about this once they had returned back to the ships and then back to the Old World.

Just then, as they are all about to depart from the port where they had docked, their Shipmate Eduardo can only think about wishing them a good farewell before leaving as he says, “Well, you won’t have to worry about those Indians anymore so take care of yourselves.”

After that the Shipmate Captain who is still aboard the ship looking out, gives a saluted goodbye with his right hand as though they had some sort of hand signaling of their own perhaps. Nonetheless the conquistador all make their own personal waving salute of their own back as they all prepare their departure to Madrid, Spain.

Slowly they start to leave while moving the caravan of mules little by little to get them all going at first as Conquistador Padre asks, “So what did you say? You thought you seen that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman?”

Right then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks around a bit before turning to him while answering back, “Yes, I swore I seen that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman through the mist of fog that was there when we were approaching the port.”

After hearing that once again which was mentioned earlier but left out, Conquistador Felipe makes a comment saying, “There’s no way you could have seen the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman when she was last seen on the shores of the New World.”

Next Conquistador Rafael has an intuition how it may have been someone else that he had seen saying, “Maybe, you had seen someone else who was standing there on the shore and just thought it was her.”

And once they start to leave the port reaching another addition to the “Old Spanish Trail” in the Old World, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza replies back saying, “Maybe; but I’m pretty sure it was her that I had seen standing there on the shoreline.”

Meanwhile Conquistador Arturo can only think of how she is a “Witch Catcher” shaman woman and that she can manifest her aura in other places while saying, “Maybe, you had seen the aura of the “Witch Catcher” which was a result of her witchcraft.”

Just then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back retorting to them all considering he can’t think of any other reasons, “That sounds like a possibility but I’m sure I had seen that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman staring back at me through the thick fog.”

At this time, back at the far end of the “Old Spanish Trail” where the white cross marks the rock face, the Morning Sun is talking to a few of the little Indian children such as Lightning Sky, Spirited Sky, and Lonely Songbird about what’s going on at this time. So far, she has her own divination technique which is of course with lots of prayers and meditations.

And after reviewing her own prayers and meditations, the Morning Sun looks to the children of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam before saying, “The conquistadors have made their way back to the Old World.”

With some inspiring thought at hand, Lightning Sky wonders if they will ever return asking the Morning Sun, “Do you think that the conquistadors will ever return to our homeland?”

The Morning Sun can only hope that the conquistadors never do return to their homeland, although she realizes that someday they will as she answers back, “Hopefully they won’t ever return, but I think one day that they will return to this land for their treasures and riches to take back to the Old World.”

Meanwhile Spirited Sky can only ponder over what the “Witch Catcher” is doing in the meantime while asking the Morning Sun, “Where is the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman at now that she has harnessed the “Bridge of Light” to form a rainbow to the other side?”

The Morning Sun has some places come to her inner eye as she pictures some sight such as the foundations of the Jerusalem Temple and the Throne of God and of the Lamb as she says, “She is making her way through the foundations of the temple that Jesus Christ had worshipped for many years!”

And while wondering when the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman will return once again to the end of the “Old Spanish Trail” where a white cross marks it, LonelySongbird asks, “And when will the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman return?”

Quickly the Morning Sun comes back with a scientific explanation sort of as she says to the Indian children, “Well, really she hasn’t really left our continent in a sense, although she could be two places at once!’

Lastly Spirited Sky can only think that it will be a while before her return and that she hadn’t spent much time there beforehand while chatting, “I’m sure it will be a while before she returns if she ever does come back here before going home.”

And finally the Morning Sun comes forth saying to the Indian children as she thinks about some of her Rain People friends that are waiting for her while adding, “Well, she has Anasazi Wind Dancer and the Bow of Man to return back here to before they all make their way to the Rainy Lands.”

At this time, the ten remaining conquistador crowns are making their way along the “Old Spanish Trail” which is part of the Old World with many more trips throughout back and forth. And now they are on their way to the city of Madrid, Spain where they will have to bring their treasures before the King of the country.

After some time has passed many of the conquistadors have been reminiscing the thought of the “Witch Catcher” having been seen here as Conquistador Carlos comes out asking, “If the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is here then what would be her reasons to come all of the way to the Old World when she had pushed us out already?”

It seems that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has been tossing that question around in his head as he tries to think of a motive for her being here as he answers back, “That’s a question I’ve been trying to figure out and answers for some strange reason or other.”

Of course, Conquistador Padre can only think of how some of the gold had been missing and that treasures are her main focus as he says, “Maybe, she wants to rid us of all of the gold so that we have no gold to take back to the King of Spain?”

Just then Conquistador Roberto figures that the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman must be on the Old World version of the “Old Spanish Trail” somewhere as he says, “Then that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman must be on this trail somewhere watching our every move still.”

At that moment, every one of the ten remaining conquistador crowns turns their heads to look around the area of the trailhead a bit. It’s almost as though just talking about her makes them feel as though her fingernails are right there on their shoulders ready to scratch and scratch hard. Hard enough to leave some marks as though there was poltergeist attack nonetheless.

Now they make their way through Portugal and towards Spain by way of a trip that seems long, although they have had less problems than before with making their way to the port. However they are still many weeks away from their destination which is Madrid, Spain where the King is waiting for a delivery of the treasures from the New World.

Conversely the testimony of Jesus Christ is still carrying on as Jesus Christ starts to measure the court of Madrid, Spain as the court magistrate’s personnel leave the court building. They leave the building where the King’s Throne is located, although the Queen is not present at this time. Yet the King of Spain remains on his throne alone as the court magistrate’s personnel exit completely leaving the King all by his lonesome self.

For the time being the King of Spain remains waiting for some word from the Land Grant and Charter that had been sent from the Old World to the New World. But then again word travels slow in these times considering there is no modern day communication so most of the time there is a waiting period for a response.

Of course, the world of the heavenly skies has another plan which is only an integral part of the plan belonging to the “Witch Catcher” who has been patiently waiting. She has been patiently waiting for the next sight to see because she isn’t the only one after all of the treasures of the New World. Momentarily the heavenly skies moves in closer only to abide what little time is left within the Jesus Way Ceremony.

At this time the King of Spain is still waiting patiently enjoying the solitude as a bright white light comes from behind. The light is seen by the King of Spain, although he doesn’t have much time to react as the light end up directly in front of him. And when it does there’s only a quick flash of the Savior before the King takes his last breath.

And off goes the King of Spain’s head as it rolls of his shoulders and down the throne where the King had sitteth. But now there is a new song before the throne of God and his altar of angels as Jesus Christ descends to take the King of Spain’s place before the court of magistrates and judges before the ten remaining conquistador crowns arrive with their gifts of treasures.

Moreover the King of Spain knew nothing of their return which was a complete and utter secret. And that’s because the conquistador men had been thrown out from the New World and forced back unto the Old World. However Jesus Christ and his testimony are aware of the conquistadors and their return which will be an uttering that will surprise too many people.

Of course, Jesus Christ can use his wonders to rid the King of Spain’s body from being noticed by anyone when the time comes to hand. And then he will take the place of the King of Madrid, Spain as the beheaded king who will lead the ten remaining conquistador crowns on their final journeys.

Nevertheless for now the ten remaining conquistador crowns still have some more distance to cover before making their way to the city of Madrid, Spain, which will be a number of weeks, although they have lost their sense of time which is speeding things up a bit. So maybe they will get there sooner than they had first expected considering there are less troubles at this time.

However the “Witch Catcher” has more places to see before the testimony of Jesus Christ is fulfilled and she has only finished with the foundations of the wall. She has finished with the foundations of the wall belonging to the Jerusalem Temple where Jesus Christ had spent most of his worship. But then again she has to move along now within her celestial spirit and body to the other places she must see to fulfill her long journey.

Meanwhile the ten conquistador crowns are making their way closer and closer to Spain from Portugal, although it has been a wearisome trip as Conquistador Padre comes out saying, “Well, we have had no sign of that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman so I guess maybe it was someone else you had seen perhaps?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza replies with his thought set on having seen her answering back, “It was her; I’m sure of it.”

After hearing that Conquistador Felipe asks a candid question relenting, “So you still think that she may show up somewhere up ahead maybe?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only imagine how much he feels her presence even though she isn’t around as he bellows, “I’m almost positive that this isn’t over with because I just felt some presence come over Madrid, Spain and I’m unsure of what that is right now. But something isn’t right.”

Thereafter Conquistador Rafael wonders if the King of Madrid, Spain realizes that they are returning early as he remarks, “Maybe, the King knows that we are returning early and you’re catching a feeling from it.”

Just then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures there’s no way the King of Spain could know anything yet saying, “There’s no way the King could know we are coming because we never sent a messenger and no messenger could have beat us out on a trip like that anyhow.”

After hearing that long scenario about how they never had sent a messenger, Conquistador Sanchez says, “You have made a really good point to think about.”

Right away, Conquistador Carlos can only fathom the fact of only sending caravans along with or as the message while chatting, “Well, we have always sent our caravans along with our message of how things are progressing, huh?”

Besides the points they are trying to make, Conquistador Arturo can only rely on the truth of their arrival being a surprise as he contends, “Yes, and the King will be surprised with our early return to the Old World.”

Next the only part that makes a paranoid mark is on Conquistador Roberto who can’t wait to say quickly, “The King of Spain will be more surprised with the small amounts of gold ore we have brought back with us all.”

And the realization of telling the King of Madrid, Spain about the “Witch Catcher” starts to take a toll on their pride and egotism as Conquistador Miguel deliberates, “Well, we could tell the King about the “Witch Catcher” and how the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People had pushed us out.”

Finally Conquistador Riguel is curious if the King will believe their story or if he will think it’s all a lie as he says, “Do you think the King of Spain will believe our story about what happened with the “Witch Catcher”

As an answer to whether the King of Spain will believe them or think they are lying, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is almost certain the King of Spain will believe him as he continues on with, “What choice will he have when we tell him how most of the men didn’t make it and there are less of us.”

Now Conquistador Padre can only ascertain some other ideas correlating to the others, “Well, the King will realize that he should send more men the next time he signs a Charter and Land Grant to any specific territory in the New World.”

Then without any further hesitation on the part of the conversation, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only be certain that it will be a long time before there are any other Charters or Land Grants signed by saying, “I’m sure it will be a long time before any other Charters or Land Grants will be signed claiming any territories within the New World.”

Thereafter Conquistador Rafael wonders why they don’t have a pit stop or resting spot along the way such as the islands such as which will one day by Cuba as he announces, “Maybe, if we could find a place to build a port on one of the surrounding islands further out from the bay we there could be a chance for another expedition someday.”

Straight away Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only agree how that sounds like a brilliant idea as he implores, “That sounds like a brilliant idea, although that’s another expedition in itself. I mean how do we know if there are any other inhabitants on those larger islands and if there are how do we know if they are friendlier than the Indians of the New World?”

Meanwhile Conquistador Felipe has to agree a little bit on both sides as he comes back trying to put things in to perspective as he gibbers, “Well, one day some Spanish expedition will have to visit there and find out and what could be worse than those Indians of the New World anyhow?”

In conclusion to their conversation about another expedition, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has some thoughts of his own to express assuming, “Maybe one day we can try another expedition in a future life and we’ll build a port there so that are fleet of ships can dock there for resupplying.”

And to make a mockery of what he has heard, Conquistador Roberto comes up with an idea saying, “Hopefully we can build a supply warehouse too so that we can store our supplies a short distance away where the Indians can’t get do anything.”

Soon Conquistador Felipe makes a remark in regards to that notion of wanting not only another expedition but more when he says, “We could build some little Spanish cottages also.”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about what he has just said by correcting Conquistador Felipe by responding, “You mean we could start off building a colony and colonize before the next colonization is made.”

At this time, the “Witch Catcher” has taken a breather from her travels considering that she has to nourish her body and rest her body just as well. But there still is time for prayer and more ceremonial habits to keep her within the right state of mind regardless of what obstacles she has to overcome. And many of the places she is visiting are places that won’t be written about, although they will be known to her and only to her nonetheless.

However it will be a many number of days if not a few weeks before the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way to Madrid, Spain to see the King of Spain. Yet they have no idea what they are in store for considering that they will encounter Jesus Christ, who will be playing the beheaded King of Spain, sitting on the throne. And that’s why the “Witch Catcher” is trying extremely hard to find her way over there to witness what is yet to come in a near future time.

Throughout the last little while, the Southwest Tonto Hohokam has been surprised at some of the actions that have taken place far away. The beheading of the King of Spain will mark the end of trying to capture back all of the treasures of the New World, although they will be sent somewhere else. And that is because Jesus Christ has taken the place of the King of Spain in order to fulfill his testimony.

Soon Little Swan and River Badger are sitting along with the other arrastra workers and a few other Indians while talking about what they are reading from afar as Little Swan says, “Jesus Christ has beheaded the King of Spain and he’s the King now!”

Immediately River Badger has something to say about that as the ten remaining conquistador crowns continue on their travels as he says, “The conquistador crowns will have to present their lavish treasures of our world to the King Jesus Christ.”

Just then, Arrastra Boy wonders if the remaining conquistador crowns will ever notice that it is Jesus Christ instead of the beheaded King of Spain as he says, “I wonder if the remaining conquistador crowns will notice that their King was beheaded and Jesus Christ is sitting there in the throne of their country?”

Next Brown Badger can only think of how if they don’t notice then the gold treasures will be buried somewhere else saying, “If the remaining conquistador crowns don’t notice that their King of Spain was beheaded then the treasure of our world will be hidden somewhere else once they deliver them,”

And now Little Swan has something to say in regards to the truth of the Jesus Christ and his seeing the flocks of his children as she says, “The treasures will be hidden with the God of the Lamb which will still belong to the flocks of his children!”

Nearby there are some other Indians along with the Conquering Chief who turns over to say to them all in regards to his spiritual prayers he has been praising, “The treasures of our lands will always be a part of heaven and the stars.”

Soon after hearing those words the Leopard Clan man sponsor says making his wishes for bettering the Indian tribes of the southwest by saying, “It would be nice if the heaven and stars could bring those wishes back home her to our lands.”

And lastly the Conquering Chief also wishes the same to some extent considering that the treasures of their land belong to them while citing, “And maybe we will see those treasures once again in the future.”

Once all is said and done, another word and expression comes from Little Swan who has another point to make as she relates, “And then again maybe we won’t see our treasures again except for what we have gained back already.”

Now Indian Squaw can only think of how much treasure they have retained as she deliberates on further, “We have retained most of the gold from our site except for a many mule trains of long ago, although we have kept many more mule trains from being taken overseas.”

And in conclusion to what the conversation has become over the last while, Navajo Indian Girl has only the dreams of having more jewelry for the Indian tribes of the southwest by declaring, “We should be thankful that there will be more treasures for the entire tribes of the southwest plains.”

And in conclusion to what has all been said, White Snowflake Hohokam Indian has only the images of different pottery within her thoughts as she says, “No treasure is complete without lots of snowflake pottery to go along with it.”

By now, the “Witch Catcher” has rejuvenated her body through some nourishment, although she still uses prayer and meditation a lot too. Now she has made her way to the Spanish Courts where Jesus Christ has taken the place of the beheaded King of Spain. So far, nobody has noticed as many court members have gone before the King with requests which he has all granted accordingly.

When a few more weeks pass, the ten remaining conquistador crowns finally make their way towards Madrid, Spain where the King of Spain and his throne awaits. As they approach the outside of the Spanish Courts, the conquistador men can feel the pressure of having only so many treasures as gifts to offer. So far most of it is just raw precious metals along with some goods which aren’t worth very much.

Most of what they had has been wasted along the way little by little along their way to the port of where the ships were ported. But then on the other hand they had never prepared for what had happened and that’s why they are so shorthanded. Nevertheless as they approach the outer gates with many guards lined up waiting, they all keep a straight face with their pride from being too ground down on.

The first one to speak is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as he commands the others by giving some explicit instructions ordering, “First, let’s make our way in to the court yard with the caravan so that we can park them all right there next to the Spanish Courtyard.”

Right away, Conquistador Padre is concerned about their offerings of treasure while asking, “And what about our offerings of our caravan’s treasure that we have brought so far with us overseas?”

Afterwards Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think about them all present the finest of their treasures to the King of Spain personally as he responds back countering, “We will all offer the finest of our treasure to the King of Spain personally with our samples made into burlap sacks. And the rest of the caravan we will let the court magistrate take the right course of action with them all.”

Right at that time, the ten remaining conquistador crowns ride up along the side of the caravan of mules almost like they were some cowboys’ out bronco busting some wild horses or something like that. Straight away, they all begin to come off from their horses while taking the burlap bags of treasure that they each have as an offer.

Immediately thereafter, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns the other way to head up along the walk way towards the Spanish Courts. One by one the ten remaining conquistador crowns follow one another as they make their way inside to where the King of Spain and his throne awaits. However none of the conquistador men realize what inside awaits them and neither do any of the Spanish Guards standing nearby on guard.

So far, they expect to see the King of Spain, although there King was beheaded and Jesus Christ has taken the throne in his place. However even then they won’t be able to tell the difference as the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way inside noticing nothing as of yet. Moreover at this time, they enter the King’s Lair where Jesus Christ awaits with his appearance as though he was the King of Spain.

And when Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes his first glance at the King of Spain through the corner of his eyes, he can tell no difference from when he had first left after the Land Grant and Charter was signed. And still the other conquistador men refrain from looking other than with just a glimpse from the corner of their eyes perhaps. And this is only to keep their respect so that they can bow and look up to the King like men as his servants should do always when under his command.

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is the first to approach the King’s throne, although he stays about ten feet away. And when he approaches the other conquistador men follow behind within an order that is just like had been written and read out loud from the heavens. Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza approaches the King’s throne another couple of feet closer so that he stands out from the other conquistador men as he kneels as though he were praying to God nonetheless.

And when he kneels before the King of Spain and his throne, he has a token of their returns from the New World in a burlap satchel from the caravan of mules as he says, “And here are the offerings to you from the New World which had beseeched and betrayed us forcing our return. Here’s a sample of the golden ore from the New World.”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza pulls out one fine gold nugget that has some ore strung in and through it like the many others he has loaded on the caravan of mules. The King of Spain has many treasures and even though Jesus Christ is in the throne, he doesn’t budge an eye at it. One of the Spanish court magistrates approaches him to take the gift of golden ore to the King to take a closer look at it.

The King of Spain receives the burlap bag sample of the gold on the caravan of mules while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza stays bowing his head. He does this as though he was worshipping the heavens, although he has a feeling that everything depends on the first words of the King.

After the King inspects the golden ore within the burlap bag sample of gold, He looks to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza before saying, “I accept your offer of gold and all of the gold that comes along with it.”

All of the conquistador men get a happier felling that overwhelms them all as the King of Spain says in continuation, “And what else does the New World has as an offering to the Old World?”

Next Conquistador Padre holds up a burlap bag with some precious jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, and red emerald stones as an offering to the Old World. Quickly one of the Spanish court magistrates approaches Conquistador Padre taking the burlap bag from him in order to give it to the King of Spain. And it seems the truth about the King of Spain being beheaded is still unknown to everybody of the Spanish Court.

Then Conquistador Felipe hands his burlap bag containing some precious stones such as a sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, and beryl to the next court magistrate that approaches them all. Next Conquistador Rafael hands his burlap bag of precious stones containing topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth, and amethyst. The first initial Spanish court magistrate returns for the following offering from Conquistador Rafael to take back to the King of Spain.

And when all of the burlap bags are collected with many precious stones, Conquistador Miguel brings forth his burlap bag with some silver and other gemstones such as ruby red garnets that are also valuable. One of the Spanish court magistrates takes Conquistador Miguel’s offering just the same which is to be shown to the King of Spain.

Next Conquistador Riguel shows forth some burlap satchels which are a little bigger containing some spices and incents that has been collected in vice versa. Of course, there are some pottery specimens which will be brought over later, although they have brought a few to show and display nonetheless.

Now it seems that every one of the ten remaining conquistador crowns ends up bowing their heads with respect. And they all tend to do this as though they were waiting for an approval on the other riches of the New World. But then again the King is still looking them over realizing that the specimens are sort of rough, although he is accepting their offering from the New World.

The reactions on his face are almost identical to the emotions that the beheaded King would have on his face if he were still alive. And despite that fact, the King is spending a little time looking the specimens over like he was playing the game, although he does have a sort of trick up his sleeve.

Patiently the ten remaining conquistador crowns continue on with their waiting for the King to say something, even though he hasn’t said a word for a little while yet. Meanwhile the ten remaining conquistador crowns start to become a little nervous as though something was going wrong with their offering when all of a sudden there is nothing but silence in the air within the room of the Spanish Court Magistrate Building.

Then all of a sudden the King of Spain speaks with a bold answer saying loudly, “I accept your offerings from the New World to the Old World, but I have a request relinquishing the Land Grant and Charter of old.”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes out with a little short question of his own by asking, “And what request is that my King?”

And for a moment the King of Spain, who is being portrayed by Jesus Christ, brings forth his dialect by saying, “My request is that the treasures of the New World be brought to the Throne of God and of the Lamb where it will be protected for many years to come in the future.”

Last but not least Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wonders where the Throne of God and of the Lamb is located by coming forth questioning, “And where is the Throne of God and of the Lamb located?”

Quickly the King of Spain decides to give only some brief details about where the God of the Lamb is located by answering him, “The Throne of God and of the Lamb is located in Egypt which is across the Mediterranean Sea.”

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels like making a comment about the distance of where the King of Spain wants the treasures of the New World to be taken to by asking, “That’s another far distance of sailing overseas!”

Following that remark the King of Spain decides to change the subject in order to move along with his testimony by saying, “Yes, it is a far distance to go to take the treasures of the New World to one of the spiritual wonders of the world.”

Consequently Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is even more curious as to how to get there by querying, “And how will we find our way there?”

Finally the King of Spain is ready to give orders to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza by communicating, “In my hand is a scroll with the directions to the Throne of God and of the Lamb and how to get there.”

Right then, the King of Spain lifts up a scroll from his lap which has the details of how to get to the Throne of God and of the Lamb as he says, “Then you will return here at once.”

Immediately one of the Spanish Court Magistrates approaches the King taking the scroll and then turns to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza in order to bring him the scroll. Once Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza receives the scroll, he bows his head with his orders being understood.

Then momentarily, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza begins to rise and stand up on his feet. But when he does he stands up very slowly as though he were still respecting the King. Yet he is unsure of what actions to take considering he has orders to go on to another drop off point with the treasures of the New World.

Nevertheless the King of Spain remains sitting where he is with a very serious look on his face, although he doesn’t seem to ask any questions about the Land Grant or Charter. And either or the King of Spain never asks any questions about what had happened with them returning so soon. Or for that matter he never asked about anything and Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza never said or mentioned anything about the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman.


Quickly the ten remaining conquistador crowns begin leave the Spanish Court Magistrate Building and head off to their next line of duty. As they leave they all bow to the King respectively while waiting for a hand sign allowing them to leave the King’s quarters before returning back to their caravan of mules.

But when they make their way outside, Conquistador Padre begins to wonder if there was something wrong with the King of Spain. It was almost like he wasn’t his usual self and even Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and a few other conquistador men are catching on to this difference with his attitude.

With this indifference in mind, Conquistador Padre has something to say regarding the King of Spain and how he was different while saying, “So what did you think of the King of Spain this time around since we haven’t been back here in a long while?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza returns back with some enlightenment of his own by proclaiming, “He sure was acting sort of strange in some ways. I don’t know why he would send us to the God of the Lamb in Egypt in order to take the treasures of the New World elsewhere.”

After listening to the both of them talk, Conquistador Felipe saw the King of Spain as a sort of imposter somehow mentioning, “The King seemed like another person altogether like he wasn’t his usual self.”

By this time, Conquistador Carlos wonders if that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has put the voodoo hoodoo hex on the King of Spain elucidating, “Perhaps that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has put a voodoo hoodoo spell on our King of Spain.”

Right then and there, Conquistador Roberto has some other choices on his agenda when he slumbers, “Maybe, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman had appeared along the shoreline and her influence is everywhere.”

Next Conquistador Sanchez feels that maybe she has manifested somehow onto the Old World plain or continent by saying, “Maybe that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has manifested her body and soul onto our Old World continent somehow.”

Afterwards Conquistador Arturo kind thinks that the King of Spain seemed like an impostor perhaps by indicating, “To me the King of Spain seemed to be someone else in disguise perhaps.”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza begins to agree with them all, although he wonders who the impostor could be while speaking, “Maybe you’re right; but then who the impostor King of Spain sitting on the throne?”

Meanwhile the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way back to the port and the shipping docks where they can board their caravan of mules once again. So far, they are very confused about the reasoning behind there next mission which involves bringing the treasures to the God of the Lamb in Egypt.

For now Conquistador Padre can see a difference in his appearance as he comes back with a notion elucidating, “Well, whomever it is playing the King of Spain, he’s done a darn good job wouldn’t you all say?”

Lastly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wonders why anyone would want to replace the King of Spain anyhow questioning, “Why would anyone want to replace the King of Spain anyhow for that matter?”

A brief moment elapses while every one of the ten remaining conquistador crowns thinks about a reason that the King of Spain would be either replaced or maybe even slain perchance. But they can’t seem to think of any reason considering that they have no idea of the testimony of Jesus Christ, although they had some hints of its existence. However the only thing they can blame everything on is the chance that the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman is behind manifested there by someway and she is behind it all.

And after some more time passes on by during their travels, Conquistador Felipe can only think of blaming everything on that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman regardless as he adds, “Well, all we have is that “Witch Catcher” shaman woman to blame everything on, huh?”

In conclusion to what everyone of the conquistador men are saying, Conquistador Rafael is very unnerved from this ordeal as he comments to them all, “Let’s just make this voyage across the Mediterranean Sea to the God of the Lamb in Egypt and drop this treasure off just as the King of Spain requests and lets not ask any questions.”

Then with a last bit of relieving their inquiries of the situation, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes a rebuff of a comment saying, “Sounds like a plan for now!”

Now the angels of heaven have come and gathered together for last part of the testimony of Jesus Christ. Also the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made her way to other parts of the globe. So far, she has tried to witness the beheading of the King of Spain with widened eyes and she has watched the conquistador be sent to the God of the Lamb to drop off the treasures in Egypt.

But now the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made her way towards the “Tree of Life” so that she can do some more of her heavenly handy work that has become so enlightening. Then at the same time the angels of heaven have gathered for the last verse of the story within the Book of Revelations.

The angel of heaven shews forth the visions of this world as he comes forth singing from the skies above, “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev 22:1).”

Soon the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made her way to the “Tree of Life” which bares many manners of fruit. Of course, this will come from her planting of the precious stones that she has brought by wearing as her Priest like breastplate. And the precious stones she is wearing are the ones she will leave at the “Tree of Life” to blossom for the many years to come.

Now the angel of heaven comes around another time for a verse of scripture singing out, “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healings of the nations (Rev 22:2).”

Presently the “Witch Catcher” has earned her way to the “Tree of Life” where she does plant her blossoms which will forever be a part of the ceremony. Momentarily the “Witch Catcher” is the only one at the “Tree of Life” which will give her precious stones a chance to grow throughout the leaves which come from it. And hopefully they will feed the nations of their tribal lands for evermore.

However the presence of God and Jesus Christ can be felt along with the angel of heaven who returns for another line saying, “And there shall be no more curse: but the Throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him (Rev 22:3).”

Nevertheless the ten remaining conquistador crowns are still making their way towards the land where the God of the Lamb resides in Egypt, although the testimony carries on and on propelling the story through time. And now the ten remaining conquistador crowns can think back to the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and how they had names written on their foreheads. These images come back to them as a memory as the angels of heaven gather for more scripture.

And then the angel of heaven arrives with more news of the story saying, “And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads (Rev 22:4).”

By now, many more weeks have passed as this chapter of the story carries over a little more time than expected. The ten remaining conquistador crowns have made their way across the Mediterranean Sea, although they still have some distance to travel yet. Of course, there are more spectacles to see and one of them is beginning to show its way coming down from heaven as a temple of God.

However they can only see a slight mirage like image of it from the sunlight and the formations of how the rays shine forth. Of course, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has planted the amethyst stone as one of her precious stones. This stone also has been charged in the sun giving it the power of light over darkness forever more.

Next the angel of heaven waves his wings from heaven once again as another part of the story is about to be told as the angel says, “And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever (Rev 22:5).”

Finally Jesus Christ has taken his place back on his white horse as the angel of heaven pauses for a few moments which could be a matter of days or weeks in some way perhaps. This is his chance to express the character of how his words are said and delivered from heaven. Most of his knowledge will come from the scripture.

At this time the angel of heaven shows up again to partake of the ceremony with another quote of scripture saying, “And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done (Rev 22:6).”

There is no hesitation on the part of Jesus Christ when he brings about his glory quickly. And now there are some truths to this story which will be revealed in certain ways. It’s almost as though he is at more places than one at a time, although everything is chronological spaced out over a time showing significance.

Right at this moment, Jesus Christ decides to speak out his own tongue giving some of his own preaching by declaring from the heavens, “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book (Rev 22:7).”

And now the image of heaven continues on with the Indian story, although according to the writings within the Book of Revelations, John the Divine is sitting there in heaven within a future time on the Island of Patmos saying, “And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things (Rev 22:8).”

Finally the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way to the port of Egypt, although they still have some unloading to do and many more miles to travel. So far, their Shipmate Eduardo can’t believe that the King of Spain would send them with the treasures of the New World to a different place somewhere else.

Moreover they were sent to a place that they have never been sent to before, although they have a map of directions to lead them there. Other than that they don’t want any help from any others such as using any guides for that matter. One reason is that they have a caravan of mules which is loaded down with a multitude of treasures which are still plentiful despite all of their loses when they were pushed out from the end of the “Old Spanish Trail.”

And after the caravan of mules along with the ten remaining conquistador crowns driving them along, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only wonder about a drawing on the map that the King of Spain had given to him. Quickly he pulls the map out for another look while riding along to their destination even though he recognizes most of the places, sites, and sights along the way.

Meanwhile as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is riding along while glancing the map over, Conquistador Padre asks a question about it, “Did you ever figure out what the animal in the drawing of the map happens to be the King of Spain gave to you?”

Immediately while glancing at it along the bumpy trail, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks over to him along with a few of the others signifying, “No, but it looks more like a kind of cat rather than a lamb.”

While listening in on the conversation, Conquistador Roberto wonders if this treasure stop is for real by asking, “Is this treasure stop for real because that treasure map has some issues?”

There’s no doubt that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has nothing else to go by as he looks to them all saying, “Well, this will have to do because it’s all we have to use right now.”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has found her way closer towards the God of the Lamb and she has changed her attire for the occasion. However she as well as the ten remaining conquistador crowns still has some distance to travel until they reach their destination, although they are getting closer and closer to their drop off point.

Yet she has some spiritual guides to help her find her way, though they are only celestial spirits of heaven who are a part of the testimony of Jesus Christ. Furthermore she has some plans to cut off their drop off which will be seen far off in the distance. In the intervening time the ten remaining conquistador crowns notice something merging their way which starts to confuse the living daylights out of them all.

The first to notice is Conquistador Arturo who just happens to be looking towards the west as many figures covered in dark hijab like gowns or clothes with their faces covered while some are wearing some Egyptian style gowns approaching from the near distance with their faces covered as well. When he first glances over he notices how they are carrying some type of pots on their head even from a near distance.

Hurriedly after noticing, Conquistador Arturo looks to some of the other before calling out, “Look over that way; it appears that we may have company.”

Immediately the remaining conquistador crowns all turn their heads realizing that there is a group of people marching their way, although it doesn’t seem as though they are heading directly towards them all. For some reason it seems that they are about to cut ahead in front of them while heading in the same direction.

Just then when it looks like they are only trying to show their appearance, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to the group of women to say, “It just some Mesopotamian women and some Egyptian women making one of their water runs is all.”

Right then, Conquistador Padre has to ask without waiting any longer, “Are you sure some of those women are Mesopotamian?”

But then again after pausing for a brief moment, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “It’s hard to tell who they are or where they are from with their faces covered like that.”

Straight away after having some negative vibrations from what’s happening, Conquistador Roberto makes a comment, “Whoever they are they are giving me a bad vibe like this is some sort of set up or something!”

Thereafter Conquistador Carlos is curious as to where they are going as he asks, “I wonder where they are going?”

And as an answer to Conquistador Carlos and his inquiries, Conquistador Rafael comments, “Wherever they are going it’s heading in our direction.”

In the meantime the group of Egyptian and Mesopotamian women continues to cut far in front of them from a trail coming from their water source. Or then maybe the vessels that they are carrying are empty for that matter and they are preparing their way for something else. Despite other cultures this was a time of Mesopotamia and Sumerian influence which has brought a many cultures together.

Within a few more seconds the group of Egyptian and Mesopotamian women seems to pass them all up without looking back or even giving a first or second glimpse of them. They continue on as though they had many errands to run and they weren’t stopping for anything other than what they had intended to do as their task.

But then only to change the subject in order to brush the group of Egyptian and Mesopotamian women off, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with his own view of things sympathizing, “Wherever they are going it’s hopefully far from where we are headed.”

It isn’t long before the group of Egyptian and Mesopotamian women starts to get further and further away while making a paced run to their destination. And then after another minute or so passes on by, the group of Egyptian and Mesopotamian women become like little black specs like small ants in the distance.

Yet there are some mountainous images off in the remote distance, although they can’t quite make them out yet. However they have all heard of the Egyptian Pyramids that have been taken for their treasures within a blackish market. But they have only heard rumors of such things and that’s one reason they all had decided to visit the New World to become explorers.

And when they continue on towards their destination, they can see more and more of the images coming from these mountainous temples far off in the distance. Some of the Egyptian Temples are further away than others, although they are starting to get the picture. Now they are wondering why they should bring their treasures here when so many of them are being robbed of their glory and fortune.

The first to mention this is Conquistador Padre who is curious if they are making the right choice regardless of the King of Spain and his orders saying, “Are we making the right decision coming to the ravaged Egyptian Temples?”

And with a quick cry against what they are doing during the present time, Conquistador Miguel delivers his opinion saying, “I think it’s a far cry from what we really wanted. How long do you think our treasures will last around here?”

After hearing that question, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only give the honest truth within his grasp answering back, “I doubt our treasure will last very long around here especially once we return back to Spain.”

Next Conquistador Riguel is wondering what they should do now that they are so far within the journey that the King of Spain has sent them on as he jousts, “So what are we going to do, we can’t just leave our treasure in some tomb of some temple chamber of the Throne of God and of the Lamb?”

But then while they all continue getting closer and closer to the temple, Conquistador Felipe decides that they should turn back perhaps while introducing, “Maybe, we should all turn back and keep the treasure for ourselves perhaps.”

Within the interim time, the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made her way closer to the Throne of God and of the Lamb where she will finish the journey once and for all. Nonetheless maybe the journey is only beginning to some extent which is unknown. This may mean that the future wasn’t written at this time and there are some unknown possibilities to unfold and questions to answer.

When the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman makes her way within the proximity of the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, she stops and looks marveling. At first, she can only wonder about how much labor and hard work had gone in to this temple and how much the volume of its contents are within its walls and slopes.

Finally the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman begins her descent towards the top of the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, although she has to start her climb from the bottom which she has never done before. It seems that she hasn’t thought up everything and she is sort of winging it in sense which is her nature to overcome anyways.

At this time the Southwest Tonto are ready to celebrate as the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has made it to her destination. It has been a long journey and there have been much turmoil during the journey but now everything has nearly come to end of the story. However there is still the treasure which they would like returned somehow which is still very much a mystery in some sense.

The first to speak representing the Southwest Tonto Hohokam is the Leopard Man Sponsor who says as he opens his eyes that were shut, “Well, that’s the end of “Old Spanish Trails” and now they have nowhere to turn back to right now!”

Next the Conquering Chief comes back with something to say rallying, “Their trials haven’t ended yet!”

Following War Hawk decides to talk about how it’s far from over while averring, “It’s not over with until our treasures are returned.”

In conclusion to what the others have said, Little Dream Catcher has a point to make announcing lightly, “It’s not over until the testimony of Jesus Christ is complete and then our treasures may be returned.”

Lastly Dream Catcher has her own view which comes from common sense saying, “Our treasures will be returned to heaven where they belong.”

Moreover Father Catcher adds some ending words to close out their ceremony saying, “Now sounds like a good time for a prayer!”

Now back with the ten remaining conquistador crowns that are making their way further in to Egypt, they are closer towards the Throne of God and of the Lamb as it begins to appear in the nearby distance. For now, they only can gaze every moment or so while looking around at other sceneries around the valley of Egyptian temples. However the “Witch Catcher” is still making her descent to the top of the Throne of God and of the Lamb as the ten remaining conquistador crowns continue their way closer and closer.

Soon Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes a look at his map while gazing off towards the God of the Lamb Temple saying, “That must be it; the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb!”

After hearing that, Conquistador Padre notices some Egyptian mason workers finishing up some touches around the front of the Throne of God and of the Lamb and there are some others at some nearby sites working that are only for the underground tombs a good distance away. Then he looks once again and sees someone standing on the top of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

The “Witch Catcher” shaman woman has now made her way to the top of the Throne of God and of the Lamb and is standing within an Egyptian pose that she has saved for the moment. The ten remaining conquistador crowns approach as they notice the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman from the far distance. Momentarily they all stop and stare in awe wondering what to do now that they are back in her clutches and the treasures of the New World are in jeopardy as she intimidates them with her presence.

The first to start to slow down is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who sees her posing towards the heavens with her hands being brought up towards the sky. The next conquistador to slow down is Conquistador Padre who nearly bumps his horse in to the horse of Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza. And as he does he quickly notices the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb with not only some masonry workers on the field but some familiar image standing in a pose on top of the temple.

Momentarily the other conquistadors crowns start to slow down as well as they look to the top of the temple of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Conquistador Roberto notices along with some of his comrades who have a hard time fathoming how she cut them off ahead. Nevertheless they all slow down and gaze at the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman as she remains their on top of the temple of the Throne of God and of The Lamb standing as still as the wind.

The first to speak is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as he marvels her presence saying like he was out of breath, “Well, she out did us all!”

Next Conquistador Roberto seems speechless even though he has the energy to muster a few words shrieking, “And that she has out done us all!”

Finally as the ten remaining conquistador crowns continue sitting there on their horses, Conquistador Carlos comes out with some wisdom saying, “What do we do now that she has out smarted us all?”

To end all conversations within the story, Conquistador Felipe says, “The question is; who was the King of Spain impostor?”

Immediately the ten remaining conquistador crowns continue glaring at the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman standing there at the top of the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb. As they stare their way at her, they all can only wonder who the King of Spain was and why would he have sent them to some place to hide the treasures of the New World when he knew the “Witch Catcher” shaman woman would be present.

Meanwhile as they maintain their stance on their horses while holding back their caravan of mules, a streak of bright light coming from heaven while shining forth upon the temple of the Throne of God and of the Lamb descends its way from above. It is slightly noticed as it becomes brighter and brighter the more they look towards her glory as though their question of whom the unknown was had been answered in some celestial wisdom.