Hatch of the Crabs Subpage 2


Suddenly Hatch takes off and leaves the group of Irish ducks who have given him some insight which he still isn’t letting soak in like his soaking in the Liffey River. So far, he has feels he has no choice but to end his wasting time in order to get on with his searching for Snatch. But as he leaves the Irish ducks are still quite confused as to his ignoring their advice. But then again, Hatch is only a crab with a small brain which is much smaller than even a small bird’s brain such as a duck nonetheless.

As Hatch leaves so quickly, the Irish ducks become curious as to his endeavors of finding his blue crab mate Snatch as one of the female Irish ducks says, “He’s going about it the wrong way.”

Another female Irish duck adds her feelings as to the situation saying, “He’s going to get himself in hot water if he doesn’t turn back soon!”

Lastly the male Irish duck has something to say as Hatch drifts further away onto dry land as he states, “He’ll be cooked in hot water and eaten!”

Soon Hatch has made his way closer to the restaurant establishment called “The Irish Crab” which seems to have a lot more people than the previous restaurant establishment Hatch had visited. Another thing that Hatch notices is that there is a lot more action happening at this place than any of the other places.

Finally Hatch finds a place where he can sneak his way in where there is a patio that is open to the outside. There are also some open entry ways from the inside to the outside which seems to be his best chance of getting inside. However as he approaches he notices many people sitting and eating while conversing with one another which seems to be a pastime for everyone that he sees and observes on his excursion of finding Snatch.

There is also a patio wall which is sort of blocking his view from seeing anyone from the chest down. He can only see the upper body of the customers of the restaurant as they all sit and eat on the outside patios. There are also many people looking out of the windows of the restaurant establishment that seems to be another aspect that he had noticed.

For now Hatch has found a nook and cranny to stop and hide in until he can think of the appropriate time to sneak his way in closer for a look. Yet this restaurant establishment is sort of busier than the other places he has been and it is making him a little more paranoid than usual. Also some of the advice of the Irish ducks seems to be settling in a little bit, although he is very unsure of where to search for Snatch even out in the ocean such as the Irish Sea nonetheless.

But then on the other hand Hatch feels that he should follow is instincts and give his heart’s desire what it needs. And that is to search for Snatch some more regardless of what the risks are to him and no matter what the cost. But he feels time is running out on his chances of finding her even though on one side of his mind she may be still alive. He feels that she is still alive thinking that he is virtually the one who is missing or dead which means that things are flipped the other way around.

Then while lurking around the outside of the restaurant establishment, Hatch notices a ledge in which he thinks he can climb up making his way out onto the inside of the outside porch. And he feels that he can do this without anyone seeing him pass over the top of their heads so to speak. That’s because he doesn’t want to get caught and cooked like the advice he has been given from other creatures and animals.

However it looks like it will be a little tricky to climb up and over everyone, but Hatch feels anxious to get the show on the road and he figures what the hell anyhow. Then all of a sudden Hatch sees some people exit the restaurant establishment which happens to hold him back a little bit more than he expected. But nevertheless Hatch feels that he ought to take his time and have his patience when it comes to keeping his freedom.

Slowly the people leave as usual even though they soon start walking the other way down along towards the center of the street which leads in between the bank of the Liffey River and some businesses which are stretched along the way. Once the people leave the scene, Hatch goes back to his original plan and decides to climb up the slump like block and onto the upper ledge so that he can inside easily while being undetected.

It doesn’t take long before Hatch finds his way climbing up onto the slump block towards the upper ledge so that he can catch a bird eye’s view in on everything around the place. And while on the way climbing up he notices many nick knacks relating to the aspects of the sea such as a fisherman’s outfit along with some hooks, nets, and even some fishing poles hung to the walls as decorations.

There are even some creatures relating to the sea which he notices as he makes his way up to the upper ledge that seem to stick out to him quite a bit. Of course, he stops for a brief moment from being startled from a face of a fish that pops out to his eyes, although he realizes after a few moments that it must be dead. However he had never ever seen anything like this except in a few villager huts that he and Snatch had walked through many months back while on an island they were visiting.

Finally Hatch makes his way out onto the ledge which connects to the inside of the restaurant establishment and tapers around the entire main room of the place. There are some other ledges on other walls which match the one he is on, although there are many other walls which are separated from one another.

As Hatch makes his way towards the inside of the restaurant establishment, he is spoked by a sword fish which is mounted on the wall with some gold plaque inscribed underneath it. But that is how he realizes that the sword fish is dead, even though he doesn’t understand what taxidermy happens to be. Yet he wouldn’t really want it happening to him for that matter of fact so he’d better be extremely careful around this Irish fish restaurant if he doesn’t want to be a wall mount of some kind.

Nevertheless Hatch continues to make his way along the overhanging ledge so that he can catch a bird’s eye view of everything without being seen. He continues on without being heard as the voices of the customers as well as their clanging tables seem to carry the noise over very well. It’s almost like they are in a different world so to speak and he isn’t even really there amongst them all.

But then as he turns around one of the corners which had entered in to a small nook of the restaurant establishment. Inside there were a few tables of customers inside who were all preoccupied with eating their dinner. However around the next bend Hatch sees something even more appalling than the swordfish on the wall mount.

He sees a large red crab on a wall mount with a net of starfish and fossilized sea urchins strung to it hanging down from the ceiling and tapering around to different places of the place. Also he sees some other creatures such as a puffer fish and a small octopus that look unreal to him to a point.

There is also a small shark on another wall along with some pictures of other sea faring creatures that Hatch recognizes even from a distance. Nonetheless hatch continues on towards the rear of the restaurant establishment while watching his every step. He trails and sneaks his way past the large red crab and star fishes on the net while keeping his eye on the restaurant countertop.

There are many workers staggering around trying to fulfill everyone’s orders as even more orders start to come in and more tickets are placed on the cook’s menu plate. So far, it seems like one of the busiest places that Hatch has visited as of yet and he hopes that he doesn’t have to visit too many others nevertheless.

However there aren’t too many places to hide out along the ledge at the top of the slump block that the restaurant establishment is made up of anyhow. Moreover Hatch makes his way towards the last display along the ledge of slump block which happens to be a sandbox with some buildings in place. It appears that the small sandbox is fastened to a slab that is bolted to the wall and laid up on top of the ledge extending out about a foot or so.

Slowly Hatch makes his way there while looking down at all of the people making sure that none of them happen to see or notice him up there by chance. The further he heads in to the restaurant establishment the more paranoid he becomes wondering if the trip will become another mishap of an adventure even though it isn’t much of an adventure at all.

Finally Hatch makes his way to the little sandbox which is filled with sand made buildings which are pretty small with very small openings in to each and every one. For now, Hatch has decided just to crawl in to the sand box and watch the back of the restaurant looking for any clues he may be able to find.

For now all he can do is glance around looking at everyone while making sure that no one happens to gleam up at him while he’s sitting there. But then on the other hand he feels as though everyone is too in to their conversations nonetheless. It seems that everybody has a past time of talking while eating out as Hatch listens in on the many different conversations which are all muddled together.

Somehow it all seems like a bunch of gibberish as too many conversations continue on flowing around within the room. And on top of it there are more and more orders being yelled out here and there as Hatch listens in on them as well. There are some plates that some waitresses have brought out that are sort of appealing to hatch, although he can’t make some of the dinner specials out if that’s what they are for the moment.

It appears that Hatch is looking for some signs of any crab coming out from the kitchen considering that everyone has nearly finished their plates up except for a few people. However some people are having shrimp and lobster rather than crab anyhow since they seem to serve everything no matter what. Yet there is one plate that Hatch has his eye on as it comes from the back of the kitchen and then to the counter where a waitress picks it up along with the ticket.

It appears that someone had ordered a crab that looks a little rare on the being cooked side and there is more to this crab meal than any of the other meal tickets out there. This particular plate has some amenities that Hatch finds specialized about the order. So Hatch has his eye on this particular plate watching its every move and course of action.

Soon the waitress makes her way over to a table with the plate of food which was one that some customers are using to pull food away from and onto their other empty plates. There are a few people within this group of people as the large plate or platter arrives while Hatch has his affixed eyes following along which was placed just under his crabby nose on the ledge of slump block.

Moments later, the waitress asks the people at the table if they would like anything else as she holds her pad of tickets which are individually numbered for each and every order to be distinguishable from one another. Hatch watches her every move along with a few other waitress in certain sections to figure out their habitually forms of working. It appears that these waitresses are getting a few orders here and there as another waitress helps seat some new customers to an empty table. This is done while a bus boy is clearing off another table as some customers are leaving while another table was vacated minutes prior as Hatch was still positioning his spot on the ledge.

The waitress asks the customers if there is anything else they would like before she heads off to the next table of customers who appear to need some amenities added to their conveniences. Regardless Hatch can’t take his eyes too far away from the platter of food which is directly underneath him up there.

Anyhow as Hatch looks around he notices a little girl looking up at him and some of the other nick knacks on the walls and ledge, although it seems that she thinks Hatch is a fake crab like all of the other fake decorative items that are scattered about the restaurant establishment. The little girl is sitting with her parents and some other siblings who could be her other sister and brother perhaps.

It seems like a family outing for them all as the little girl glances and stares every once and a while taking a bite of food from her plate. Luckily she hasn’t said anything to any other members of her family about Hatch being up there gleaming around about “The Irish Crab” restaurant establishment.

Still Hatch is able to look around and observe everything, although the plate of food with some female hormones pouring a scent from them is beginning to drive Hatch a little on the crazy side. However the scent doesn’t smell like Snatch nonetheless. And that is bringing a sigh of relief to his broken little heart of his even though he feels like maybe it is time to blow this joint just like all of the rest of them.

But still Hatch can’t help from lean over a bit trying to see what has happened to that poor little plate of seafood which was a platter plate shared for an entire table of five. And Hatch was up there leaning over the ledge of slump block when the little girl first noticed him and he has been trying to play dead like ever since.

Little by little Hatch has been slipping his bity tiny claws from their grip as he hangs desperately from the slump block trying not to slip away. And just below is the platter of crab meat with a crab head still in tack just like the customers had preordered for their own personal delightful delicacy to fulfill their appetite.

And it is a sight to see for Hatch while he is going through his own dilemmas in life with finding or better yet, looking for Snatch. However that doesn’t help his current situation which is nearly hanging from the ledge of a sand box leaning over some slab of slump block on a ledge. Nevertheless Hatch can only think of not letting go while trying to wait for this little girl to stop glancing at Hatch every so often.

But then again hatch is having a hard time holding still while try to push his body back up towards the sand box at the same time with the little girl’s eyes still on him. More and more holding his weight up is becoming harder and harder as he starts to think of returning back to the Liffey River once again.

For now those are the only thoughts on his little bony crab like mind of his as he starts to slip away a little more with some hesitation on pulling back. Finally with a quick glance towards the platter of crab just below, the crab held is turned up towards Hatch as he notices a female crab face which gives him a little startle to the heart. Luckily it isn’t Snatch, but nonetheless Hatch gets a sore sight to the eyes to remember which the memory will last a life time.

Soon Hatch sees that the little girl is watching and staring at him while he starts to slip his little claw like crab legs away from the plastic frame that encases the sand box up on the slump block ledge. And then Hatch lets forth with another slight slip which results with another quickened slip that moves him a few inches forward.

Finally Hatch releases his grip and falls from the sand box on the ledge of slump block and straight down onto the platter of seafood. Luckily he falls feet first with some help of his experience he had received from when he was trying to escape the sardine ship which had built his limberness for that matter. As soon as he falls Hatch is ready to take off in whatever direction he can to escape the clutches of any restaurant customers trying to eat him up.

As Hatch falls the little girl’s eyes follow as the restaurant customers all start to freak out about what has just happened. Quickly Hatch glances around as he finds the quickest way to get off from the table as fast as he possibly can muster up without wasting too much time. Immediately one of the ladies who was trying to get something from the plate had dropped her plate as well as her large fork which had fallen on the side in between the platter and a saucer of butter which was for some bread rolls that are on another plate.

And while Hatch scatters his way from the table ever so quickly, one of the ladies of the group says out loud, “Look! That crab just came back to life and ran off the table!”

And as fast as a bat out of hell Hatch runs between all of the restaurant tables as some of the customers stand up wondering what is happening at the restaurant dinner table. A few of them nearly fall down while trying to scatter away from the immediate threat, if any, of course. Nevertheless Hatch makes his way between some of the other restaurant tables and chairs while other restaurant customers are scattering about their chairs.

Furthermore Hatch makes his way out towards the way he had come back in. However this time he must make a choice at climbing his way out as fast as he possibly can without any one catching him without warning. Once he reaches the open wall of slump block towards the outside hatch climbs as quickly as he can while many people are still confused as to the fiasco that is still in progress.

Even the waitresses have lost control as some of them are pushed over with their server trays full of food which has gone flying all over the place. Many of the families have lost their grip as a nearby table loses control over their evening out for something to eat for dinner. It seems that many of them are confused as to what is going on as Hatch makes his way far from the scene as fast as he possibly could muster before anyone had caught him for the worst.

Even the bartender who is many yards away in the other direction has some bar drinkers spilling their drinks all over the bar counter as well as one another. But none of them had a chance at catching Hatch who has fled the scene so swiftly and is now confronting Irish people passing by walking along the outside street of the restaurant establishment.

There aren’t as many people as before walking down the street, although Hatch was still in high gear while making his way back to the bank of the Liffey River. Of course, even e few people look out over the little slump block wall as Hatch scurries off and away from the scene. Also there a few people who come outside the front entrance wondering what has just happened so quickly for those who barely noticed.

And once Hatch has made his way back to the water’s edge, he realizes that the Irish ducks are nearby but they aren’t really paying any attention to what he is doing anyhow. So he has decided to change his tactic a little bit somehow as he stares off at them all swimming around together. However changing his tactic is sort of difficult because he really didn’t have a plan in the first place.

But now he is sort of sick and tired of looking for Snatch in all the wrong places and feels that he’d better come up with something before too much more time goes on by him. Yet he has been thinking about what the Irish ducks who were saying to him, although if they are right then it won’t hurt to look anyways just in case their advice is wrong. And then when he gives up he can head back to the Irish Sea to find Snatch some other way considering that she is still alive and alright.

However he remembers seeing some other kind of establishment that had people coming out with some packages which he thinks are of fish perhaps. But he isn’t completely so sure, although he would have to backtrack a little ways back the other way he just came from. But then again he feels that it is alright to stop and visit some other type of establishment that is selling seafood which is raw.

And the food can be taken home and then cooked at the appropriate time that the individual wants it to be cooked. Also this was something that he had overlooked thinking out of desperation and trying to hurry off to just any place he had seen from first hand. Yet regardless at least he had tried to do something but he really is running around like a chicken with his head cut off even though he is only a red crab.

But for now Hatch has decided to soak up and make his way back to this place he had seen that he never thought even once on and give it a whirl. Of course, meaning that he feels that he has nothing to lose but some more time which he is running out of with finding Snatch. Nevertheless Hatch has decided to try this place and then he will see what else looks interesting enough to search through before he has to return back to sea.

Nonetheless Hatch turns his way around and decides to head back the other way until he finds the place that he had thought wasn’t such a good place to visit. That’s because there were all kinds of people around coming in and out of the “Fish Meat Store” that Hatch didn’t have the gull or the guts to stop there anyhow. But then again, the place looked like a bad choice, although now he has changed his mind.

This time though he has decided as well to try and waste less time than he has before by beating around the bush with other sea faring friends that he has met along the way. Yet some of them aren’t so honest while some of the other sea faring friends are very honest in retrospect. But now he has to be and act a little more serious than he has previously so that he can reunite his life with his crab mate for ever more.

For now, Hatch just travels back and forth along the bank of the Liffey River trying to keep his body saturated enough with the water which is half fresh and salty therefore. He figures that he can do this until he reaches the destination, although this will be his only sidetracking that he will allow for that matter. Soon he sees the Irish ducks swimming around as they remain aloof and independent about their own business as Hatch carries on with his endeavors.

Then one of the female Irish ducks makes a comment from a faraway distance while saying to the others, “Look; there’s that crab again who is looking for his crab mate!”

Next the other female Irish duck looks over to Hatch as he makes his way along the river bank while dipping in every once and a while to wetting up while saying, “Oh, he is just running in circles trying to find out what happened to her or whomever she is that he is looking for.”

Following that reply of a comment, one of the male Irish ducks comes forth quickly saying as Hatch reaches within a short distance of his destination answering back, “Oh, he’ll be alright once he realizes that it is no use finding her after this long of a time.”

Soon another male Irish duck has something of his own thoughts to express as he comes about chatting, “Maybe, we should wish him luck in our hearts and leave him alone so that we don’t waste his time which is short and precious.”

And as they pass by Hatch another time before leaving for somewhere else which is only a short swim away, one of the female ducks has some words to express as she says, “He will be alright once he realizes and comprehends the fact that the sardine ship must have ditched her out and he heads back out to sea.”

And then one of the elder Irish ducks who never really says too much makes a remark about Hatch as he tells, “He is just a young red crab who is really naïve and still has a lot to learn about life, but he does have some determination!”

Lastly one of the female Irish ducks has a few words to disclose as he says in Hatch and his side of the favor, “Surely he will survive this situation which this too will soon pass!”

Now Hatch has made his way to the establishment which happens to be a meat and fish shop where any person can have fresh meat cut or prepared no matter what kind of meat they choose. This place seems to have much to choose from, but the only meat Hatch cares about, of course, is crab meat. However he doesn’t want anything prepared or cut to take home because all he really wants is to regain his place with his blue crab mate Snatch.

For a moment, Hatch can only stare and watch as a few customers leave with something in their hand. He notices that some of the packages are white wrapping paper which is used for packaging meat on a carry out basis. He also notices that there are some glass display windows inside as the door is opened and closed that time.

Furthermore as Hatch watches the last customers leave for the evening, he notices that there is a closed sign turned around by some man’s hand which had reached through the blinds of the main entrance. And then a few moments later the outside lights are dimmed down and then turned off. But he does catch the name of the place which was the “Irish Neighborhood Meat Market.”

For any matter now, Hatch seems as though he has had a black cloud looming over him as he looks towards the meat and fish market noticing that it has closed for the rest of the evening. But then again that isn’t going to stop Hatch from sneaking around to see if he can peak through some windows somehow or maybe even find another way to sneak in somewhere.

However for now Hatch has decided to wait it out for a while until things calm down and whoever owns the establishment leaves for the entire evening. Yet there could be some other employees that may have to leave, but regardless Hatch feels that he should abide a little more time so that he can see what he can find out before moving on to the next part of his plan.

And as he sits along the bank of the Liffey River, Hatch watches and waits for something to happen so that he can get a chance to inspect this place which is now more interesting to him than before considering there are obstacles to overcome. It takes a few minutes or so as Hatch keeps dipping in the water while waiting it out.

But then after a few more minutes pass on by him, Hatch takes another glance after hearing some noises and sees a few people leave together after locking it up to the inside. For the entire time Hatch watches as they all leave walking down the street towards where ever it is that they live perhaps. He waits and watches for a few moments as they all drift off further and further leaving only the footsteps of other onlookers passing by.

A sense of quietness rings his red crab ears as he can only hear the sounds of the nearby ducks still splashing in the water along with some people talking slightly as they pass on by. So far, Hatch has abided some time waiting for a chance to move on in closer to have a look inside if at all possible. But his hopes and aspirations are down as he glances from a distance noticing that the food establishment appears to be locked up really good with the main windows covered with window blinds. However he is hoping there will be some other way to sneak in or at least a little spot where he can look inside with no problems.

Consequently Hatch feels the urge to wait a little longer until he gets the nerve to dart his way across the street which separates the river bank from the side of the building of the food service establishment. A few more people walk on by as Hatch continues watching and hoping that nobody will see him when he crosses the street. It seems that everything has been going wrong with his trips to and within all of these different places that he has brought his search to.

Finally Hatch decides to soak for another moment before taking off which he does fairly quickly over a few seconds or more. Then immediately without any further hesitation of waiting any longer, Hatch decides it’s time to dart off towards the place. He hears some scattered voices that are far away and as well the street isn’t lit up too bright from some of the places closing nearby.

Quickly Hatch makes his way across the street and luckily it’s late enough that he doesn’t have to dodge any people walking on by. But then on the other hand most of the people are used to seeing crabs around every once in a while, although most of them are around further on down the Liffey River towards the Irish Sea.

As he makes his way closer and closer towards the food service establishment, Hatch looks and glances around for some places where he can catch a glimpse of what there is inside the place. So far, he sees a gap beneath the blinds of the front doorway which are there to block the view of the glass which is there to allow some sunlight to enter the area.

Soon he makes his way there at the front glass door which has no light except for some little bit of light coming from the security lights that they leave on at night. There are also some security alarms hooked up to the security system which are used for a wrongful entering or maybe even when the electricity goes out from some emergency storm or accident causing a power loss.

Once Hatch has reached the front glass door, he realizes that he has trouble looking inside the place. And it’s not because there isn’t enough of a gap to see between the blinds and the door frame, but he is a little short on the one hand. Nevertheless he finds the strength to climb his way up a little ways in order to take a peek inside before making any more decisions on the matter at this time.

But then after taking a first glance inside the place which has a meat counter with wrap around glass as an ordinary display for the customers to see. There are a few shelves inside on an upper level which Hatch can see some cow and pig meat such as meat loaf, hamburger meat, and also some large cuts of ham. Then there is another display case which has some fish meat on the upper shelf in which Hatch can see with no problem whatsoever.

Next Hatch glances around some more noticing some scales on top of the display case which acts as the countertop to the employees who happen to work behind the counter. There are some other items which are butcher knives on other utensils which are used for their preparations of the meat. Also there some wrapping papers and aluminum foil cartons laying out which Hatch recognizes from other places and even when on the many islands with visitors.

Finally he looks a little further in to the establishment and sees something that catches his eye which he hasn’t yet seen before. Right away, Hatch notices an aquarium with live lobsters inside with their pincher claws all rubber banded together. At first, Hatch nearly has a moment from this sight to see, although then he realizes that it’s only lobsters in the aquarium. However he does notices another aquarium inside which is a little further away which he can’t make out what’s inside.

Now Hatch is more curious as to ever with this other aquarium on the far side of the meat and fish store which is closed and ready for his presence. But then on the other hand, Hatch has to look for another way inside the meat and fish store considering that the front main door is closed and locked. However he will have to look around the building for another way in because there are some slump blocks in which he can climb up onto a higher level of the building.

Nevertheless the front main door is pretty tightly sealed shut and there is no way that he can make his way inside there. Nevertheless Hatch feels that there is probably another way inside considering that he has a tendency to be able to sneak his way inside of places. Yet he hasn’t done this in quite a while even though most of the time his sneaking in and out of places and things happens within the ocean surroundings.

Quickly Hatch makes his way away from the front main door and then he slowly crawls his way towards the other side of the meat and fish store. It takes him a little while considering that Hatch doesn’t want to be seen by anyone and especially doesn’t want to find his behind stuck inside anyhow. And he feels especially like keeping a safe entrance for that matter and he even has heard from some other red crabs about how humans have some security measures as well also.

But he doesn’t really care too much because he doesn’t feel that he is as large as a human being anyhow. So he carries on with his making the next corner in order to find somewhere to enter the establishment. Then as he makes his way around the next corner, he sees some garbage cans behind a chain link fence which has some small openings that are large enough for him to slip through very easily.

Up above he sees a window that is slightly open and accessible for him to climb up to, although while peeking around he notices a little like doggy door opening in one of the rear doors to the establishment. However he doesn’t know what it is, although it hasn’t been used for a while and it’s only there still for some relatives and their guard dogs that they used to use.

Nevertheless when Hatch checks the doggy door, it happens to be shut somehow like they had it blocked off somehow. Soon now Hatch decides with his first choice although it’s a bit riskier than he first had thought. Nonetheless Hatch decides to climb the wall where there is a pipe that leads up towards the window which is slightly open. It takes a little effort, although after a good climb like all of the others he reaches the window with ease.

It’s a good thing that the doggy door was sealed shut because he isn’t big enough to encounter a dog anyhow. Nevertheless Hatch makes his way onto the window ledge and then sees a shelf inside where he is able to make his way onto with some difficulty, but not so bad perhaps. Momentarily Hatch is inside the meat and fish store and ends up finding and climbing his way down from the shelf and onto the stone tiled floor.

Quickly Hatch makes his way from a side room which is in the back of the store and back on to the main in room sales area. Straight away he notices the display cases and then he turns to look for the aquarium that he had seen at the opposite side. Now he is fairly close as he turns and sees the aquarium there with something moving all around in there. In fact, there are many things moving around together as he glances forth at the aquarium.

Immediately Hatch walks over that way to see what is inside and the closer he gets the more he notices some things moving around inside of there. Of course, the place is sort of dimmed lighted and it is hard for him to see around the place anyhow. However he is used to seeing in the dark such as when he is in the ocean around many of the coral reefs which are further down in depths.

Other than that he can see fairly well, although the lighting isn’t something that he is accustomed to for any matter. Nonetheless Hatch reaches nearby the aquarium, although he is sort of down below underneath it so to speak. So when he looks upwards for the first time, he is unable to see too much. However he is able to make out some crab pinchers leaning up against the glass of the aquarium nevertheless.

Of course, he is too close to see anything unless he can prop his way up to a higher level to where he can catch a glimpse of what is inside there. But there are some spots where he can grip the frame of the aquarium which is set on an aquarium stand a little ways from the display cases of different poultry and fish meats.

Straight away Hatch decides to take a chance and climb up higher so that he can get a better view of the inside of the salt water aquarium that is a few feet off the floor and on an aquarium stand. Right away, he takes his first couple of steps towards the top of the aquarium stand as moments later he finds his eyes able to see more than before.

There are a many crabs climbing around which are for people who like to boil their own crabs and lobsters alive, of course. Many people like to have the fish meat as fresh as they can when it comes to having seafood. Moreover Hatch continues on looking through the slew of red crabs that are climbing and crawling over one another there in the salt water aquarium.

Many of them see Hatch as he looks through them all as they wonder how he is on the outside and they are on the inside of the salt water aquarium. In fact, some of them all start to go a little more berserk and crazy while crawling over one another in a little bit of a frenzy. But it’s pretty hard for him to tell if his blue crab mate Snatch is in there for that matter, especially with them all moping and blundering around.

He also really feels like he needs to make his way around to the other side of the salt water aquarium in order to get the full spectrum like view of all of the red crabs who are inside there. Nonetheless Hatch does see a few female red crabs directing their faces at him, although he realizes they aren’t what he had come for on the one hand.

Soon Hatch thinks that one of the faces looks familiar from somewhere as the female crab darts in between some other red crabs within the salt water aquarium. Hatch looks to see the red crab has vanished to but there are too many other red crabs around to make sure. Nevertheless Hatch walks around the salt water aquarium just a little bit to see if there are any more faces that seem to look familiar to him.

It appears that there are no red crabs that look familiar to him on a personal level even though they are red crabs by blood. Nevertheless Hatch continues on looking in and around within there trying to detect what he had come for, but there has been no luck so far with finding his blue crab mate Snatch.

And as he makes his way to the back end of the salt water aquarium, many other salt water fish such as seafood begin to stand out to him, although most of what he sees is already dead and ready for the next following day. Another point is that most of the sea food is covered up for the most part except a few display within a clear display case which happens to be close by.

There are some other displays left visible, but most of them are refrigerated making the place very cold, though Hatch is quite used to the cold temperatures. And that holds true to the fact that he has a home deep within the Irish Sea where there are many cold currents along with warm currents as well. Many of times the cold current drifts bring a chill that even he has trouble bearing at times.


Then suddenly a voice comes forth to Hatch which is one that sounds familiar from long before he had even known or met Snatch. One that has brought a quick flash back to when he was younger or nonetheless, first hatched and young playing around as a red crab. So far, the voice has brought his attention beyond what he had first expected to find as he glances around for where the voice has originated from.

It takes a few moments, but then Hatch affixes his eyes on a red crab that mouths his red crab mouth once again calling out, “Hatch!”

Straight forth Hatch looks at a red crab that reminds him of one of his red crab friends that he had spent a little time with when they were alone on an island at bay. Of course, there were other red crab friends of his who were around the islands along with him at the same time he had met Snatch, although he can’t probably remember all of them straight off of the bat.

Finally Hatch is able to make eye contact with the Red Crab Friend and starts to remember him from a long time before, although it has been a while as he tries to recall the moments very quickly. Momentarily the Red Crab Friend makes his way through all the crowded corners of the salt water aquarium and over to where Hatch is waiting.

When Hatch sees him for the first time up close even though there is a distance between them through this glass obstruction, Hatch realizes that it’s a friend from one of the islands. Yet Hatch didn’t really talk to too many other red crabs that much, although they were hard to avoid being of that species anyhow.

First off, Hatch can only be polite about his greeting despite the circumstances as he says, “Hello, looks like you’re in a bind?”

Immediately the Red Crab Friend of Hatch whom he remembers vaguely, although he newer had hung out with him too much, says, “Hatch! You have to get me out of here!”

Right from the get go, Hatch is unsure of how to get him out of there let alone Snatch if it was her in his shoes. But then again Snatch is probably out there somewhere in the same predicament like the situation right in front of him. However he can only look around thinking of some way to help free him from there nonetheless.

Now Hatch is still thinking of how to get him out of there as he comments to his Red Crab Friend, “Hold on! I’m looking for a way to get you out of there!”

And straight away, there are some more voices coming forth from red crabs that Hatch doesn’t know whatsoever as one says, “Hatch! You have to get me out of here too!”

Thereafter there are some more red crab voices coming about yelling and crying, “Hatch! Let me out of here too.”

Then another red crab voice cries, “Me too!”

Next another red crab voice yells, “Me too!”

And another red crab screams out loudly, “Me too!”

And then another red crab bellows a voice, “Me too!”

Finally another female red crab voice comes forth, “Me too Hatch!”

Now Hatch the red crab is pretty overwhelmed with the salt water aquarium and all of the red crabs that happen to want out of there. And so far he hasn’t found Snatch yet either. However this is his chance to prove the worthiness of his cause so that he will be able to repeat this chance. However it seems pretty hard to free them all, although he is pretty swift and has been through a lot and has come a long way so far.

Nevertheless Hatch waits for them all to calm down with their SOS for help as they all desperately scratch and claw at the glass towards him. Some of them even seem to crawl over one another trying to show their scared faces to Hatch as he waits there unsure of what to do. He has been thinking and wondering what to do but only a few ideas have come forth so far.

Soon Hatch makes a comment to the red crabs in the salt water aquarium as he says, “Hold on and I’ll think of something.”

Quickly Hatch wonders what to do as the only thing that he can think of is to climb up on top of the salt water aquarium to see if he can free the lid somehow. He even notices that the red crabs can reach the top of the salt water aquarium if the lid was uplifted somehow. Right then, Hatch decides to make his way to the top of the salt water aquarium to try and see what he can possibly do for now.

For now all Hatch can think of doing is opening the lid of the salt water aquarium so that all of the red crabs can find their own way out. But that’s about all that he feels that he can do at this moment. And when he looks to see how to open the lid to the salt water aquarium, he notices that the lid is being held down by a small rock that is only about Hatch’s size anyhow.

Immediately he sizes the rock up wondering if he will be able to push the rock off of the salt water aquarium lid, although he tends to hesitate for a moment wondering which way he should push it. Then quickly Hatch decides to give it a try as he pushes the rock over with no problems whatsoever. However, the rock does fall over the side of the salt water aquarium and then on to the floor of the meat and seafood establishment.

Once the passes past the glass of the salt water aquarium and then onto the hard surfaced floor, all of the red crabs start to cheer and laugh as they all prepare for the opening at the top of the glass avarium. Next Hatch tries to open the lid of the salt water aquarium and tends to have some trouble even though he is off to the side lifting up on it. But then, the lid of the salt water aquarium lifts up as the face of a large red crab pushes his way through and climbs out.

Finally all of the red crabs start to find their way out as they all crawl all over one another making their way to the top of the glass structure. Hatch’s Red Crab Friend is one of the first to leave the salt water aquarium. And then, one by one, red crab by red crab they all pass Hatch up in different directions as they all begin to make their descent down from the salt water aquarium. Hatch even nearly has to get out of the way as many of the red crabs practically crawl directly over and on top of him.

Many of them twirl around at the top next to the lid while wondering which way to go when there is only one way to go and that’s downward. And the next direction is back the way that Hatch the red crab had come inside in the first place. Finally most of the red crabs have found their way down the stand of the salt water aquarium, although there is still one slowly spinning around procrastinating his turn off of there.

And after the last red crab has continued down from the salt water aquarium, Hatch hears a little squeal from behind as one smaller red crab from the bunch is barely making his way out. Right then and there, Hatch turns to give the younger red crab a little hand from his tiring try at getting free. However all he has to do to help the poor little red crab is put his crab pinchers down in there a little so that he can get some leverage to pull his way out from there.

Quickly the little red crab pulls his way up over Hatch and onto the lid of the salt water aquarium before wondering where to go from there. Then he sees where the rest of the red crabs have gone and follows suit. Soon Hatch turns around and makes his way down from the salt water aquarium and on down the stand like the others.

At first the red crabs are all wondering which way to go to leave the meat and fish food establishment as fast as they possibly can before anybody returns by chance. Immediately Hatch makes his way down from there and starts to lead them all. Immediately Hatch makes his way down from there and starts to lead the back the way that he had come in there in the first place. For now all of the red crabs seem confused and delirious as Hatch tries to scramble his way back towards the back end of the establishment from where he had entered.

All of the red crabs follow hoping to free themselves as fast as they can muster before too much time goes on by. Many of the other sea creatures such as the lobsters which are in another aquarium watch with no avail. However it seems that one of the red crabs tends to stop before looking back and feeling shameful for them all.

Straight away the Red Crab Friend halts and says out loud, “What about the red lobsters, we can’t leave them all?”

And before Hatch makes his way back up the shelf and towards the window at the back of the establishment, another red crab says, “Yes, we can’t leave them all!”

Hurriedly like, two other red crab friends make their way towards the lobster’s salt water aquarium where they follow the same procedure the same as Hatch’s method. It doesn’t take too long before they find themselves making their way up the stand of the lobster’s salt water aquarium. All of the rest of the red crabs leave except a few who are curious as to help out at whatever it is that they possibly can before they have to return home.

Soon Hatch and the red crabs all leave while a few of the other try to save the red lobsters with some results. Luckily their salt water aquarium was held down the same as the red crabs who were saved for a righteous purpose. Many of the red lobsters have some trouble crawling their way out of there, although they all have the same scattering technique of crawling over top of one another to build an escape ramp nonetheless.

Momentarily all of the red lobsters are on their way being free, although they don’t have as easy of a time crawling around such as the red crabs do when they walk about. Nevertheless Hatch stays back and watches as others take on the saving of others like he had done earlier. Moments later, all of the red lobsters are freed and Hatch decides that his time is up and that he must return back in the water before long.

However he does wait until a few red lobsters happen to find their way up the shelves and towards the window where Hatch had entered to get inside the place. But they are a little slower than the red crabs when it comes to climbing their way out. In fact, it sort of is hard for Hatch to watch as he waits patiently until there is a pause in the trail of red lobsters so that he can take his turn.

Thus far, he procrastinates and always waits for his chance at climbing out of there, although he seems to have a good reason considering that it was a delay that he wasn’t expecting inside there. But then again he feels that there will be even more interruptions somewhere down the road. Finally Hatch takes his turn at leaving the meat and fish establishment permanently before any more time elapses by him.

As he leaves many of the red crabs are gathered around outside trying to make their way down from the window and down the slump block wall next to the trash can of the place. Most of them are waiting for the rest of the red crabs to make their way to freedom from their scary encounter with near death and dying. There are also many red lobsters that are waiting around for their friends and family members as well before heading back out towards the Liffey River and then back out to sea.

Next one of the saved red crabs decides to thank Hatch for his bravery like he was out to save them for some reason saying, “Hatch. Thanks for your bravery with saving us. We never thought we’d ever get out of there alive.”

Finally Hatch decides to say a few words in regards to his endeavors while trying to make his way back to the water’s edge as he says, “Don’t worry about it! It was no problem!”

Thereafter another red crab approaches who thinks Hatch is very heroic admitting, “You took a big risk trying to save us all nearly risking your own life.”

Lastly Hatch makes a remark about his tasks that he had mixed up as he discloses, “It was nothing; I am searching for my blue crab mate Snatch who was trapped on a sardine ship!”

After hearing that story, a red lobster butts in to the conversation thinking how Hatch has had it rough by saying, “How did that happen?”

Right then, Hatch comes up with some more of the story to tell by explaining to them all, “Well, we were at the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in a fisherman’s net, I guess.”

That seems to be a rough story to the red lobster, although they have had it as rough as hatch too as the red lobster says, “That’s too bad; but I doubt they would keep her on board a sardine ship anyhow! I know because I was thrown off from one once………..?

Meanwhile another red lobster cuts in to the scheme of the conversation that is brewing between them all as he says, “Don’t listen to him; he always shares the same experiences as others trying to be now it all!”

Soon Hatch feels that he should shut off the conversation as quick as he can in order to get going by proclaiming, “Well, I’d better get going back to the water’s edge, in fact we’d all better get back to the water’s edge.”

Quickly Hatch tries to turn and leave as some of the red crabs and red lobsters follow him back to the water’s edge. And many of the red crabs and red lobsters are still lagging around trying to make sure that they have saved everybody for that matter of fact. However more and more they all begin to want to make their way to freedom and end up leaving the place.

As Hatch leaves the scene, the Red Crab Friend says his goodbyes to Hatch by saying out loud, “Bye Hatch! See you around.”

Soon Snatch is still making her way along with Freckles and Gums, the two nurse sharks that told Snatch that they would get her there as quick as they possibly could in a hurry. However things have been taking a little longer than expected because they miscalculated just how long it would take them anyhow. Of course, that’s because they had to persuade Snatch so that they could help her for that matter.

Otherwise she probably would have taken it on her own to make the journey all alone nevertheless. But luckily they have persuaded her to allow their help so that she would be able to make the trip sooner. By now, Freckles and Gums have slowed down a bit, although that’s because they have hit some currents which are pushing them within another direction.

Now Snatch is wondering what the hold-up is and why it is taking so long to get to the ports of Dublin while saying, “You told me that we would be there before you know it and so far we have been traveling all day and all night!”

And while still making some progress against the ocean currents, Gums decides to speak candidly about the voyage telling, “Well, it’s a lot further then you would think! Those fishing boats go much faster than we can go over long distances. But we are over half way there by now!”

At this time, Snatch becomes a little irritated after hearing some procrastinating words as she replies, “Any longer and I’m going to fall asleep from worrying too much!”

That makes the two nurse sharks feel a little tired as well from the long distance that they have swam in order to make the destination, as Gums says, “Well, don’t worry; Hatch probably hasn’t gone too far if he made his way to freedom! But don’t talk about falling asleep because you’ll make us both tired. And especially don’t yawn because yawning is contagious.”

And as they all continue on with their progress, Snatch comes back in agreement with a phrase, “Okay then, I won’t fall asleep and I won’t yawn but this trip is taking half my crab life. But by the time we get there we’ll be old and gray!

Of course, with a little whimsical humor, the nurse shark Gums makes a funny comment retorting, “We’re nurse sharks; we’re already gray.”

And only to make a comeback, the blue crab Snatch answers back with, “And then in that case, I’ll become a gray crab and be like a shark parasite swimming and tagging along.”

Last of all, the nurse shark Gums returns with a line saying, “That’s okay if other sharks and fish think that you are one of our parasites swimming with us.”

Then swiftly, another candid remark follows from the mouth of Snatch the red crab while conjuring, “Yeah, a gray parasite with pinchers and claws.”

And with a last bit of humor, the nurse shark named Gums blabs out quickly, “It’s hard enough to shake off a parasite, especially with pinchers and claws.”

Next Snatch comes back with a bit sarcasm saying to them both in a sarcastic way perhaps, “You both wouldn’t try to shake me off after going on this far, now would you all?”

Finally Freckles says something after being quiet for so long of a time blatting, “No, we wouldn’t shake off from us Snatch. We are here to help you find Hatch no matter how long it takes, okay.”

And by now, Snatch feels a little better knowing that she has some real friends that she can count on and joke around a bit with as well as she counter back saying, “Okay, that’s nice to know that I have some friends whom I can trust during this catastrophe!”

There’s no doubt that Snatch the red female crab has some friends, when in fact she has many as Freckles comes forth adding, “You will always have us as friends Snatch when in fact, you have lots of friends.”

Then Gums has some more to say about winning and influencing friends by deliberating about the entire aspect, “We will probably win and influence even more friends through this terrible time.”

And now as the scene turns back to Hatch the red crab who is wondering what to do for his next adventurous encounter with the real world of man versus society. However in this case it happens to be about a red crab named hatch who versus society. A society that is relatively unknown to him in many ways, although he is aware of many aspects of humans and their evolved societies as well.

Finally Hatch has the worthiness of saving others and now all of the red crabs and red lobsters that he had saved have made their way back to the water’s edge and they are heading back to their natural habitats of the sea life and ocean floor. Of course, many of the red crabs and red lobsters have a Cretaceous means of living which has been with them since near the time of the dinosaurs 275-300 million years ago.

Moreover the flipside of that era had all started during the Devonian which was the “Age of Fish” which brought sea life about for the first time. Yet most of the sea creatures have an instinct that has been formed over the past 400-450 million years and Hatch is starting to feel that reality. However now he must abide his instinct of survival as he turns his attention back to his search for his blue crab mate Snatch.

As one of the last red crabs and a few of the slower red lobsters begin to drift in to the Liffey River, one of them says out loud, “Good luck Hatch with finding Snatch!”

Meanwhile Hatch turns back and looks for a little while before heading back along the side of the river’s embankment. Furthermore he doesn’t say much but listen as they all make their way to freedom for the first time in many days if not weeks. And Hatch doesn’t expect to see them again unless he is hopefully reunited with Snatch before he returns back this way. However he has no idea where to go or what to do at this point in time.

So far, Hatch has run out of ideas considering that most of them never mounted too much of anything as far as finding Snatch, although he did end up saving some red crabs and red lobsters of whom some were familiar to him from somewhere. Yet he barely remembered them until a few moments went by and some memories kicked in from the past.

Soon he comes upon the late night hours which eventually turn to the late morning hours before running in to some seagulls who are sitting along the embankment. Hatch approaches slowly wondering if he should stop and talk with them a bit in order to get some advice from them all. But he is a little hesitant and on the negative side considering that most of the advice that he has received was only a little useful here and there.

Furthermore on the other hand, Hatch hears the seagulls talking about him just before one of them decides to call him over saying, “Hey, are you Hatch!”

Right away, Hatch looks and slows down while looking there way before answering back with, “Yes, I am Hatch.”

Then as Hatch has a conversation with them all, one of the seagulls makes a remark with the connotation, “We heard that you are looking for your blue crab mate Snatch?”

Next Hatch wonders where they had heard that from by asking them all, “And where did you hear that at?”

Shortly afterwards one of the seagulls answers his question by saying, “We heard that from one of our red crab friends that you had saved as he passed us by saying that he never thought he would have seen us again if it wasn’t for you.”

Then another seagull makes a comment about Hatch and who he had all saved by adding, “In fact there were a few red crab friends and red lobster friends of theirs whom you had saved.”

Now Hatch feels sort of good inside even though he hasn’t found Snatch as of yet, as he retorts with, “Is that so?”

Finally one of the seagulls gives Hatch what it is worth to him by saying, “Yes, it is so because you are a hero around here?”

Of course, that statement has made Hatch feel sort of worthy of his endeavors and that at least he has accomplished something so far as he responds with a line, “A hero; oh, it was nothing!”

Now Hatch continues passing them up while talking as they all look thinking of his bravery and heroism that comes along with it, although Hatch doesn’t seem to think anything of it too much. And for that reason Hatch must continue on with his objective of finding Snatch. At this time he feels like he is running out of time even though he has had advice which points otherwise.

But the night is almost over with and the morning hours are near as Hatch walks away from the flock of seagulls while thinking about his next move. And it seems to him that trying his luck around at different establishments isn’t working out so well. Nevertheless the advice that he has received is starting to sink in, although he would have to give up the search for Snatch and return back to the sea.

But then again there are still a good number of hours before the morning comes and Hatch feels that he should continue on until the sun rises. There are some more establishments coming back the other way along the water’s edge. Yet Hatch is pretty sure that he ought to try something else in order to try at his luck another way.

One of his ideas was to try and get some advice from a human being, but that sort of seems a little bit risky to him at this point. However there are some people here and there walking about during the late night hours but only a few here and there. Of course, Hatch would have to find someone who is more vulnerable such as sitting down and alone perhaps.

Otherwise they wouldn’t even notice him as they tend to walk by him along the pathway and there’s even a chance that they might try and hurt him by chance. But then again most people are pretty used to seeing red crabs walking around like it is a normal part of everyday life. And it is very rare that anyone would hurt them when strolling along the beach and Hatch is accustomed to seeing some humans around.

But for now he has decided to return to the Liffey River for a while only to soak up a bit one more time before roaming the dark alleys and streets before the morning hours fall in. Once Hatch the red crab makes his way back within the water way in order to give his body the nutrients it needs, the flock of seagulls fly in a little closer. However Hatch decides to go underneath the water so that he can give a fresh start to his cause which indeed is a most necessary one.

Then once hatch the red crab has made his way underneath the water, a sea crane lands nearby who had overheard the seagulls as the sea crane says, “Did I hear you all say that that red crab Hatch had saved all of them red crabs and red lobsters?”

One of the seagulls comes back with an answer fairly quickly saying, “Yes, that was Hatch the red crab hero of the day!”

Then right away, the sea crane who has an especially long neck sticks his head underneath the water to where Hatch the red crab is resting and says, “You’re my hero for saving all of the red crabs and red lobsters who are our sea faring friends!”

Straight forth Hatch the red crab shoots out his thanks by answering back diligently to the sea crane who was mumbling with air bubbles coming out from his mouth, “Oh, it was nothing!”

Right away, the sea crane decides to perk hatch and his egotism up a bit by positively affirming, “It was nothing; you have risked your life for the saving of others and that is something.”

Then without any further hesitation even with the weird sounds within the water’s grasp, Hatch says, “It does feel good to have done something so positive for others.”

Then the sea crane takes his head back out of the water while Hatch follows his actions and comes out of the water saying, “But I have another task that I have to do and I’m unsure of how to go about it right now.”

Next the sea crane is curious as to what Hatch is talking about while he asks, “And what task is that?”

Now Hatch decides to go on about his story one more time by telling, “I have to find my blue crab mate Snatch who was caught in a sardine fish net and lost on a sardine boat!”

Of course, the sea crane sort of has the same idea that everyone else has about his story and its outcome as he says, “Did she get tossed from the sardine ship being a red crab and all?”

Presently Hatch can only go on further about certain aspects of his story describing, “I’m not sure; because we were both caught by the sardine fish net and I escaped but lost contact with her.”

Finally the sea crane decides to refrain from giving too much advice from his divine knowledge considering that it isn’t too much anyhow by saying, “I don’t know what to say then except that I would think that she would have been thrown out unless they were fishing for red crab and maybe she was tossed back out to sea, perhaps!”

Moments later, Hatch feels that he has heard this advice before by declaring, “That’s what everyone says is that they would have tossed my blue crab mate Snatch out from the sardine boat because they aren’t out fishing for red crabs anyways!”

Next the sea crane decides to go with the other extreme considering that his blue crab mate Snatch might have been trapped on the sardine boat by saying, “But then if she wasn’t tossed from the sardine boat then she is either deceased or out there somewhere on the open sea food market.”

Thereafter Hatch the red crab asks the sea crane for some advice even though he seems all over the place with his information by asking, “And that’s why I’m unsure of what to do about searching for Snatch.”

Finally the sea crane feels that it is time to tell Hatch the red crab that he must go with his true feelings when it comes to searching for her by correlating, “Well, you will have to go with your true feelings about searching for her and that’s all you can do about it.”

And lastly Hatch figures that he must carry on his journey of searching for his blue crab mate Snatch by correlating, “And that’s why I have been continuing on my search until I feel it is time to give up and return back to the sea and look for her there.”

Then and there with a desire to allow Hatch the red crab his freedom and opportunity to carry on with his immediate goals of bringing his life back together, the sea crane says, “Well, good luck Hatch with finding your blue crab mate Snatch.”

And without any further hesitations whatsoever, Hatch leaves while saying to the sea crane as he starts to walk away a bit, “And thanks for all the advice and accomplishments.”

Soon Hatch makes his way a few yards away and then turns to carry on with his own business of finding his blue crab mate Snatch. It doesn’t take long and Hatch has his eye on his next area to visit which happens to be some time walking through the city streets without being seen. So far, Hatch has done a good job of keeping his crab self from being seen, although he failed a few times here and there which was mainly at the restaurant where he had a mishap.

It was when he had visited “The Irish Crab” restaurant that he had a mishap when he had fallen onto a platter plate of seafood. Now Hatch wants to take it easy and search around looking for other places before wasting too much time on one. There is still much time left until the morning hours arise, though he will have to hurry and try to keep from wasting too much time on anything in particular.

But then once he gets a many yards away from the sea crane that starts to walk the opposite way along the river bank, the sea crane makes a remark, “He had better find his blue crab mate Snatch if he wants any!”

Then right away, the sea crane decides to leave and fly away to somewhere else, although he does take a last glimpse of Hatch leaving as he drifts in to the darkness. At this moment, Hatch has decided to roam the streets trying to come up with some ideas of where to look. It appears that he has no clue of what to do other than listening to all the advice that he has received from many different sea creatures.

At first, Hatch is a little hesitant on going back near where human life is there versing society, though he has no choice at this point. His mind is completely a blank and he realizes that is he heads back to the Irish Sea presently, he risks a chance of finding Snatch if she is missing and out there somewhere in the city. In other words, Hatch feels sort of like she may be trapped with no one to help or save her within this massive misfortunate time.

In due time, Hatch finds his way back across the pathway that separates the Liffey River from most of the establishments in town. There are barely any people walking around at this hour late at night or in other words very early in the morning. However the sun is still a good many hours before sunrise and Hatch feels his time left is slipping away. He knows that if he doesn’t find her fast then he will only have the advice of friends to fall back on suiting his need for enclosure.

Soon Hatch finds some darkness within one side of the pathway which separates the river bank from the many establishments. And as he continues on walking about thinking of his next move, Hatch sees some alleyway which is darker where he figures that nobody will see him walking about. He also is trying to keep from giving up so easily realizing that if Snatch is alright and back out at sea that he will be able to reunite with her anytime later within the future.

But if she isn’t alright and back out at sea, then he ought to do what he feels he should do so that he definitely does something about it. He feels that this is his last and only chance to do something and he’s feeling pressured while running out of options. Yet he has thought of trying to talk to somebody on the human level which is a bit risky, although he finds how he has been avoiding people by staying within the dark alleyways now within the backstreets.

And all of sudden he appears to be moping about, when all of a sudden he sees a bum walking about within the alleyways of the backroads who seems to be carrying something within a paper bag. Of course, Hatch has seems this before somewhere, although he can’t remember exactly where he had seen it nevertheless. But maybe it was when he had seen humans on some of the many islands he and Snatch had spent much of their time at playing around with one another.

For the time being, Hatch decides to watch the individual to see what he does while he’s drinking and moping about the backstreets. Of course, the bum is walking a little faster than Hatch, but only when he stumbles. For the most part, Hatch is able to catch up to him with his staggering ways about the alleyways.

But then Hatch is wondering if this is a waste of time, although he did have the idea of talking to a human being to get some advice. And this is one human being that has a crippling psychological trait as well as an eternal one. Also Hatch feels that this would be the right person to try and get advice from so that he has a chance to get some honest truth.

Quickly the bum ends up slowing down and stopping at an area that has a trash can along with some wooden crates making a little fort where he has been living at for the time being. And there isn’t anyone else around as Hatch notices even from a distance that the bum is strictly alone and with nobody else. But then again Hatch wonders how he will make his way closer to get the bum’s attention so that he can start up a little chat with him.

So then Hatch decides to walk by where there is some light coming from a trash can fire that the bum had left unattended while he was gone. Hatch can also hear him scuffle some old newspapers and trash in to the trash can to feed his little trash can fire that he has made for his little place. And moments later, the bum sees Hatch pass on by and ends up making some remark which sounds like mumbling to Hatch as he slows down.

Just then, Hatch stops and decides to make his way closer to the bum’s hideout as the bum sits down next to his rekindled fire. As Hatch moves in close, the bum takes a swig of his liquor for a few sips and then he tends to rub his eyes like he doesn’t know what he’s looking at. Immediately the bum is confused that a red crab would even be this far in from shore and not to forget the fact that the shoreline is great distance away.

Right away, the bum looks at Hatch the red crab and says to him. You are sure a peculiar little fellow. What brings you this far inland?”

And it seems that Hatch has never communicated with another human being before, and let alone ever been asked a question from a human before as he answers back, “I’m looking for my blue crab mate Snatch. We were caught in a sardine net and I managed to get away but she wasn’t so lucky.”

Straight forth the old man drunken bum can’t believe his eyes or let alone his own ears as he answers back to Hatch, “Well, you’re looking in the wrong place for your blue crab mate Snatch, I mean this is an alleyway not a “Fish Stick restaurant or Trouser Joe’s Crab Shack!”

After hearing that, Hatch comprehends the fact that he has finally found a human being that he can communicate with as he shrills out, “I’ve already been to a few places like that and I have had no luck with finding her and I don’t know where to turn next.”

Then the old man drunken bum begins to wonder how Hatch had escaped the sardine boat by asking him, “So how did you escape from the sardine boat anyhow?”

Succeeding without any further hesitations whatsoever, Hatch begins to tell the story a bit by answering back episodically, “Well, when Hatch and I were caught in the sardine net, I tried to hold on the best I could as Snatch kept convincing me too. So I held on as long as I could until the sardine net made its way over the side of the sardine fishing boat, although I had no choice to let go and found myself scrambling over a deck full of half dead sardines until I managed to escape overboard. There was no way I could save Snatch with many of the fisherman on the deck so I hoped that she would be thrown overboard and I could reunite with her later. But that wasn’t the case. Once I managed to escape, I saw the sardine boat continue off in the distance.”

And after another sip of his liquor, the old man drunken bum says to Hatch, sounds like quite a story and quite the experience for you, huh.”

Afterwards Hatch can only think about how he is right about how that was one heck of a story by saying, “Yes, it was quite the experience and it was one heck of a story also.”

Now for some advice to give to Hatch, the bum can only tell his true feelings saying, “Well, honestly I don’t know what to say other than that they would probably throw your blue crab mate Snatch overboard if they were out fishing for sardines I would think.”

After hearing that once again, Hatch can only think about how every one of the sea creatures and even some of the sea land animals had given him the same advice as he answers back, “That’s what everyone I asked for advice had told me the same thing. That they would have thrown Snatch out if they were out fishing for sardines.”

Next the old man drunken bum can only think about how the sardine nets are very fine nets which are very tightly woven for such a small salt water fish while adding, “And those sardine nets are very finely woven to where it would be hard for your blue crab mate Snatch to escape until they emptied the contents of the net onto the deck. And when they sifted through them all they would have probably laughed and cast her back overboard perhaps.”

Finally Hatch can only wonder how can he be sure by saying, “And how could I be sure that would be the case?”

Resulting from the old man drunken bum and his thoughts, “Well, you can’t be too sure, although it is the most likely explanation considering that you don’t have much to go on other than the fact that you escaped and you are unsure of what to think as to the fate of your blue crab mate Snatch.”

And lastly Hatch can only talk about what he had planned to do from the beginning despite all of the advice and talk gibbering, “Well, I was thinking I should continue searching for Snatch for a while longer until it is of no use and then I would return to sea and look for her there too, I guess.”

Meanwhile the old man drunken bum starts to take another sip of his liquor bottle while nearly coughing to death, although he only continues to clear his throat as though he had some drinking problems. There is even a slight pause for a moment while the old man drunken bum decides to take another sip as though he was an alcoholic of some sort. So far, Hatch thinks that he has a crutch and that his advice is supported by the advice of those that he had talked to once before.

Afterwards the old man drunken bum figures that he ought to say something while he blabs out quickly, “Well, I suppose that sounds like some sort of plan which you could continue on doing until you get some results of her missing for too long.”

Now Hatch has some time to let pass by as he thinks and ponders his thoughts over while the old man drunken bum takes another sip of his liquor along with some more coughs here and there. Also Hatch notices that the old man drunken bum is started to sway back and forth like he was about to pass out perhaps.

But nonetheless the old man drunken bum continues on looking at him like Hatch would be a good meal to put and dip in to some dipping sauce if he had some way to cook him, although he really doesn’t have too much. Just a hiding spot as his hideaway and some trash can that he makes his fires with along with some cardboard boxes that he keeps his pitiful belongings in. There are also a few milk crates and a shopping cart that the old man drunken bum has some of his other possessions inside along with some trash bags full of recyclables such as aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles.

Moments later, after there is a silence, the old man drunken bum ends up swaying a little too much and winds up falling over on his side. Now the old man drunken bum has falling asleep or passing out nonetheless, although Hatch figures that he is dead perhaps. And that’s because Hatch doesn’t really understand what it is like to be drunk, though he is able to see some kind of weakness at hand.

For a little while Hatch continues staring at the old man drunken bum even though he is hardly breathing at all. It’s almost like the old man drunken bum is completely wasted to smithereens. In fact, the old man drunken bum is even still holding on to his liquor bottle like it was a teddy bear or something for that matter.

Then right away, Hatch tries to get some kind of reaction by yelping a question out loud, “Are you okay?”

Subsequently a few more seconds go on by as Hatch realizes that he is getting no such reaction from the old man drunken bum regardless of talking to him. Now Hatch wonders if he should try something else or just move on as he moves in closer with his pinchers in order to pinch his feet. But still there is no such reaction from the old man drunken bum as he tries another time, and another time before he thinks of leaving the scene.


Immediately Hatch has made his decision to leave the scene in order to carry on with his plan with finding his blue crab mate Snatch. As he leaves the scene, Hatch takes a look back before he turns past all of the garbage and other debris that surround the area. To Hatch, it was a sight to see as he encountered the old man drunken bum for the first time.

But he did finally get the chance to talk to a human being for the first time as well, although he had only received the same advice that every one of the see animals had given him previously. Now Hatch has to come up with another plan since his other plans haven’t been working so well. However he still hasn’t given up hope as he thinks up some direction to go as he heads on down the back alley ways as fast as possible.

For a while Hatch walks his way down along the back alleyways wondering where to go thinking about all of the advice that had been given to him. To him all of the advice sounds the same and he was wondering if he should just give up and head back to sea. In fact, the morning is starting to crop up as the skies see a little blue coming with a faint orange behind them.

Conversely he still has a little time before the sun starts to make its way for another morning, but only an hour or so before a new day arises. So for now Hatch feels like walking the back alleyways until the morning arises and he can’t think of anything more to do about finding Snatch. But then again, he doesn’t really want to give up yet or at least until the sun is shining and there is nowhere for him to hide anyhow.

Soon Hatch makes his way to the end of the alleyway where the old man drunken bum has his hideaway and sees a few women walking on by. They are walking along very slowly talking about personal subjects that relate to women and their gender, of course. Meanwhile Hatch tries to listen in to these women while staying within the dark shadows that are still there from the previous night.

As they all pass on by, Hatch sees someone who happens to be a Psychic Woman sitting on a little brick wall that is next to the alleyway which exits to one of the backstreets. For a moment, Hatch stops and stares wondering if he should try and get some advice from a woman rather than from a man such as the old man drunken bum who had repeated everybody else instructions.

But then on the other hand, he sort feels that maybe a Psychic Woman’s advice would probably most likely be about the same advice that he has been getting from the men. Then there are as well the land and sea animals and creatures with which he has also been getting advice from. However he has to think up some kind of approach such as with the old man drunken bum whom he spoke with earlier.

Finally Hatch approaches the Psychic Woman sitting on a small wall slowly just the same as he had once before. But this time there is no alleyway, but only a backstreet where the Psychic Woman is sitting at. When Hatch approaches this time, he makes sure that he is a little closer than before considering that his charm had worked its wonder. And now he feels that his luck would be better to try on a Psychic Woman just the same no matter what the consequence.

Soon Hatch makes his way closer to where the Psychic Woman is sitting as the noise from his crab like feet are very quiet and barely heard. Nevertheless the Psychic Woman does think that she sees something, but at first she tends to think that it is probably a rat of some kind. Yet she doesn’t squeamish even a bit nonetheless as it is Hatch making his way passed her.

Then and there the Psychic Woman notices that it isn’t a rat but perhaps a crab that is walking by as she chooses to say something such a remark or comment rattling out while being unsure, “Oh my God; it’s a rat?”

Then Hatch figures that he will have to give up his identity by elusively declaring to the Psychic Woman, “I’m not a rat; I’m a red crab.”

Immediately without waiting any longer to make a reply to the light voice that came from below bellowing, “A red crab?”

And quickly Hatch the red crab makes another remark answering the woman back saying, “Yes, I am just a red crab.”

Next the Psychic Woman wonders what the red crab is doing out this far from shore asking, “And what are you doing out this far from shore?”

Firstly Hatch decides to explain why he is out and about as he shrills out to the Psychic Woman, “I’m out looking for my blue crab mate Snatch who was lost in a sardine net that we were caught in. I managed to escape the dead toll of sardines on the ship while Snatch was trapped in the nets still and everyone says that they would have thrown her out being a sardine boat and all.”

Secondly the Psychic Woman has made the decision to make a positive comment on her part by summing up, “Sounds like you need some good luck on your side.”

Thirdly Hatch can only think of how he really needs some advice along with some good luck also as he answers the Psychic Woman, “What I really need is some advice that is honest, I guess?”

Next the Psychic Woman can only think of how what he needs the most is some advice from a psychic woman like her by declaring, “What you really need is some advice from a psychic lady such as me.”

Of course, Hatch has no idea what a psychic lady is, although he does have an idea of what divine knowledge is on the other hand as he retorts, “What is a psychic lady?”

And with only a little waiting to answer back, the Psychic Woman can only give her idea of what a Psychic Woman is by saying, “A psychic woman is someone who picks up interpretations from certain things and can help with giving some intuitive knowledge.”

Now Hatch finally feels that he has someone who he can confide in with, although she really hasn’t said anything as of yet while Hatch asks, “Intuitive knowledge?”

Then the Psychic Woman kind of repeats the same advice of the others such as Hatch had heard once before as she says, “However the others are probably right; that the sardine boat would have cast her aside if they were out for sardines, perhaps. But then on the other hand, there are always mysterious outcomes to certain circumstances.”

By now, Hatch realizes that the only advice he is going to get is the same from everyone no matter who he seems to talk to as he says, “That’s the same advice that everyone else has given to me from before.”

And then of course, the Psychic Woman wonders about the advice that everyone else has given him by saying, “Well, it’s only common sense and it’s a sense of hope also.”

Following the conversation, Hatch can only think and mumble words while not knowing what to say by commenting, “I guess no one is able to say much of anything else other than the same thing over and over again.”

Afterwards the Psychic Woman has no idea what to say in order to make Hatch feel any better by murmuring, “Well, I really don’t know what to say about it then. I mean I have never experienced anything such as losing someone like that before. So all I can do is tell you what I think even if it is the same advice that everyone else has given to you.”

At this time, Hatch is becoming a little depressed wondering what to do after hearing advice from both a man and woman by slanging, “Don’t worry; it’s alright. I’m kind of used to it by now.”

Right away, the Psychic Woman wonders if Hatch is talking like he feels he is getting the run around with everyone by saying, “Do you mean that you’re used to it because you are getting the run around?”

And after hearing that question, Hatch can only reply with some answer of some kind saying, “No nothing like that; I actually have done some heroic things also along the way.”

Furthermore with some curiosity towards what Hatch the red crab is talking about, the Psychic Woman asks him, “What kind of heroic things did you do while you were out searching for your blue crab mate Snatch.”

A few moments elapse while Hatch thinks up his heroic story with saving the red crabs from the salt water aquarium earlier stating, “Well, I did save some red crabs and some red lobsters from some salt water aquariums earlier. A few of them remembered me and my name from somewhere and they were all calling for me as I saved them all. Then as I was showing them the way from out of the “Fish Meat Store,” a few of the red crabs wanted to save the red lobsters that were in another salt water aquarium nearby.”

Of course, the Psychic Woman is becoming intrigued by listening to a red crab and his story as she pictures the lobsters trying to climb out while asking, “So how did the red lobsters find their way climbing out of the “Fish Meat Store?”

Without much of a breath, Hatch makes it sound easier than said by answering back to the Psychic Woman, “The red lobsters were a little slower but they were desperate enough to get out of the “Fish Meat Store,” although they had the red crabs help out a lot.”

After hearing Hatch and his short story of his doing something that feels was heroic, the Psychic Woman says, “That sounds like quite a heroic story you have to tell for years to come, huh.”

By now, Hatch feels kind of confident about his story by saying, “Yes, it was something heroic that I am very proud of I suppose.”

At this time, the Psychic Woman still wants to try and persuade Hatch to her ways of winning him over by adding, “It’s good that you feel that way.”

Next Hatch can only agree with her while trying to win her friendship over to have someone to confide in as he comes back relenting, “Thanks for saying that because the last person I talked to who was the old man drunken bum had only talked for so long and then passed out, I guess.”

Soon the Psychic Woman starts to find it funny talking to a red crab who has a conscious of some kind regardless of what she had previously thought as she answers back, “Well, don’t worry; I won’t pass out.”

Afterwards Hatch realizes that she isn’t an alcoholic with a crutch like all of the others he has seen such as the old man drunken bum by mentioning, “Well, you’re not drinking those funny drinks either that make everyone giddy, I guess.”

The Psychic Woman starts to chuckle thinking about how Hatch understands the concept of alcohol a bit by remarking, “You mean those alcoholic drinks that get people drunk. Yes, I had a few drinks tonight, but only a few I think. Nowadays everyone tends to drink a little, but some people seem to overdo it at times.”

Finally Hatch wonders why everyone drinks alcohol as he asks the Psychic Woman, “So why does everyone drink alcohol then?”

The Psychic Woman can only think of why she drinks which is to have a good time and to feel different about life along with relaxing as she says, “Everyone seems to drink because they want to have a good time and relax the best that they can and feel good at certain times.”

Soon Hatch begins to feel that the old drunken bum and his drinking were something unexpected as he comes back saying, “It sounds like a lot of fun if you don’t pass out and fall flat on your face, huh?”

After hearing that comment come from a red crab who has never had a beer let alone even a shot from a shot glass, the Psychic Woman rephrases her last comment with, “Well, sometimes people drink a little too much and end up falling over and can’t seem to get back up in their seat or they may even get too sick and end up in an ambulance with their stomach being pumped out if they get alcohol poisoning or something like that, I suppose.”

Meanwhile there are a few of the red crabs and red lobsters in which Hatch had saved from the “Fish Meat Store” who are nearby watching and following Hatch in order to return the favor. It’s almost like they are in debt to Hatch for some reason within their instinctive behavioral patterns of an animal or creature. However they are wondering what he is doing talking to a female after the mishap with the old drunken bum who Hatch had met with earlier.

In the interim, the Red Crab Friend who has decided that Hatch may need some help to some extent says, “Now Hatch is talking to some woman after talking with that old drunken bum who had passed out!”

One of the red lobsters makes a comment that is a little on the funny side saying, “Maybe, he thinks that she is going to pass out and he can crab out on her!”

The Red Crab Friend can only think of how they don’t really have any time for jokes as he delights in going in to detail, “We don’t have any time for any of your wise cracks!”

Then the red lobster can only think about how he is trying to pass the time on by explaining to him, “I’m just trying to pass the time a little better.”

Then the red lobsters all become antsy and nervous as Hatch continues talking to the Psychic Woman even though they can’t quite hear what is being said, although there are a few words that they can hear occasionally. But nothing seems to make any sense and neither did it with the old man drunken bum who had only given Hatch the same advice as the next one. However they all have decided to only watch and wait for Hatch to get in to trouble in order to return the favor like it was some sort of return gift or something.

And when the scene turns back to Hatch talking to the Psychic Woman, the psychic woman says, “Well, I think I see my friend coming up the street. So what are you going to do once I leave with my friend?”

Right away, Hatch the red crab is unsure of what to do as he answers back, I will probably continue my search for Snatch.”

Soon the Psychic Woman’s friend approaches as she is talking to a red crab as she arrives saying, “Hi, who are you talking to?”

Straight with the Psychic Woman answers her Psychic Friend saying, “Oh, I was just talking to this red crab here that had lost his blue crab mate and was looking for some advice on the topic, I guess.”

Of course, the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend looks down at Hatch the red crab while nearly flipping out as she says, “Wow, I didn’t think red crabs could talk at all!”

Then the Psychic Woman turns back from Hatch the red crab and then back to her Psychic Friend while adding, “Yes, this red crab can talk, I swear on it!”

After that the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend looks down at Hatch the red crab while she jousts, “You’re pulling my ear!”

Then right away, Hatch the red crab says out loud trying to debunk the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend, “Yes, I can talk she’s not pulling your ear but I could pinch your ears.”

The Psychic Friend jilts out a few words really quick like saying, “He’s a horny little fellow, huh!”

Moments later, the Psychic Woman confronts her Psychic Friend once again by rallying, “See I told you so. This red crab can talk can’t you hear him.”

A few seconds scroll on by before the Psychic Friend decides to come back saying, “Huh, a red crab that can talk sexy and hear you at the same time. He’d be a hit on social media and Our Tube!”

Next the Psychic Woman can only agree with her Psychic Friend of how Hatch would be a hit on the social media websites by declaring, “Yes, he would be a hit on the social media websites, huh.”

Finally the Psychic Friend says only to get some ideas for Hatch in her social media website by saying, “Yes, he’d be a hit in my webpage!”

After becoming curious about what they are talking about, Hatch asks what social media is by asking, “What’s social media?”

The Psychic Friend says very fast like trying to get friendly with him a little, “Just somewhere where you socialize over the internet with people who have home computers. Like a telephone that you talk on.”

Meanwhile as Hatch pictures people talking on their cellular devices like he has seen in the past, the Psychic Woman quirks about taking Hatch along with them both, “Maybe, we should take Hatch home with us and give him a psychic reading.”

The Psychic Friend answers her back really fast replying, “Yes, that sounds like a good idea perhaps.”

Right away, the Psychic Woman decides to ask Hatch if he would like to go with them by asking, “Would you like to come with us Hatch and have a psychic reading?”

It takes a few moments before Hatch answers back saying, “Yes, but only for a little while, I suppose!”

Next the Psychic Friend asks the Psychic Woman, “And how are we going to bring this Hatch the red crab with us?”

A time elapses until the Psychic Woman comes up with an idea carrying on, “I have an idea; we’ll just carry him.”

Quickly Hatch jumps in to the conversation in order to change things up by telling them both, “No, I think I can walk and keep up with you both.”

Just then and there, the Psychic Friend quilts out some words saying, “See he can walk along with us, I suppose.”

Now the Psychic Woman and the Psychic Friend decide to leave at that time as the Psychic Woman says, “Well, let’s go and we’ll walk at a slower pace.”

Then both the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend begin to leave while looking down at Hatch commanding, “Well, come on little Hatch crab!”

Hurriedly like Hatch springs forth in to action as he starts walking along the side of them both as they leave the scene with him. Once he begins to follow them, the Red Crab Friend and the red lobsters notice as well as listening in on some of their conversations. Straightaway they all begin to follow from a distance as well in order to save Hatch from any trouble perhaps.

But they have all been out of the sea and ocean water for a while now like Hatch, although they are pretty used to it from all of their troubles. So far, they have many troublesome nights and can only think of how Hatch had saved them all from many more troubles in the future which was one on a plate with some side dishes. However they will do whatever they can to see it that Hatch males the right choices once they get him out of the presence of human beings.

Meanwhile though, as they make their way following Hatch, they see a run off of ocean water that had splashed inland, although it’s mixed with fresh water as well. For now they have made the choice of getting whatever fresh start with a balance of renewing themselves the best they can at the time being. And then on the other hand Hatch has managed to splash his body with whatever little puddles of water he sees along the way.

At first it seems that the Psychic Woman and her psychic friend are talking and chatting lightly to each other as Hatch falls behind trying to bring back his nature and instinct. But then again, Hatch can also really feel the presence of others, although he isn’t able to put his claws in on it as of yet.

Soon the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend begin to get closer and closer to their homes, as the Psychic Woman says to Hatch, “Well, we’re almost at my place!”

Presently the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend reach the Psychic Woman’s Place which is sort of connected to many other buildings. It’s like a strip of apartments or condos stretched out with another row straight across from them. Hatch notices the tight resemblance to the many establishments along the river bank which stretched for miles. Nevertheless he follows as they both approach the front door which has a little porch light on to keep strangers away, although it’s not like they have any strangers besides Hatch nonetheless.

And when the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend reach the front door, the Psychic Woman says to Hatch as he creeps up slowly lagging behind, “So this is my place, what do you think of it Hatch?”

Then right away, the Psychic Friend comes out with her own question asking, “Do you like her place Hatch?”

Next the Psychic Woman asks another question relating to her place asking, “Do you have a place of your own Hatch?”

For the time being Hatch remains sort of speechless and has no idea what to say other than, “Yes, it looks nice!”

Then as the Psychic Woman pulls out her set of miscellaneous keys and begins to open the front door lock to her place, Hatch looks around looking at all of the other porch lights to the neighbors places. Most of them are connected kind of like a strip of condos as Hatch looks around once again.

Then once the Psychic Woman opens the front door to her place, she looks down to Hatch and says, “I do have many neighbors living nearby right next door on both sides, but they are fairly quiet because many of them are older and retired people.”

Right then and there, the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend head inside the front door in to the living room of her place. Slowly Hatch follows as the group of red crabs and red lobsters finally catch a glimpse from the near distance. So far, they have no idea what’s going on other than that Hatch has gone over the edge with taking things too out of place.

Immediately the Red Crab Friend looks to the other red crabs and red lobsters asking out loud in general, “What the heck is Hatch doing going inside that woman’s place?”

One of the red lobsters makes a comment relenting as Hatch makes his was inside and then the front door closes slowly behind him, “I don’t know; but what is going on it doesn’t seem right.”

Meanwhile the Red Crab Friend wonders if there is any where they can peek in saying, “That looks like a hard place to peek in to. I wonder if we can have a look around and see what we can find as far as finding some windows in that place.”

As the red crabs and the red lobsters start to inspect the Psychic Woman’s place all of the way around from front to back, one of the red crabs says, “We’ll have to walk a long way around to get to the backside.”

Quickly then, one of the red lobsters says as he sees a puddle of water nearby that looks big enough for all of them, “Let’s soak up a while in that puddle of salt and fresh water and think about it for a moment.”

Hurriedly a few of the red crabs and red lobsters scurry their way over to the puddle of salt and fresh water so that they will be able to work even more efficient with their helping Hatch. So far, it seems useless, although they really have no idea what’s going on. But they know one thing and that’s that humans like to cook and eat red crabs and that this might be one of the Psychic Woman’s many tricks, even though they don’t know she’s a psychic.

Nevertheless once Hatch has made his way in to the inside of the Psychic Woman’s place which is very extravagant in style, Hatch finds an interest in her salt water aquarium that she has. Luckily she doesn’t have anything aggressive in Hatch the red crab’s manner. However she just has some salt water clown fish and some angel fish which happen to stare back at him when he glances at the salt water aquarium.

After a few moments of unloading their coats and baggage such as their purses, the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend notices Hatch checking out the salt water aquarium. At first, she just nods her head to the Psychic Woman as they both glance back at each other wondering what to say, if anything.

A few moments pass and it seems that Hatch is in awe for some reason of looking as the Psychic Friend asks, “So what do you think of that salt water aquarium?”

Right away, Hatch looks back at them while getting a little closer to it while answering back quickly, “I think it’s better than the ones at the “Fish Food Markets” where they keep all of the red crabs and red lobsters at before they sell them off and cook them up.”

The Psychic Woman comes back with a kind of notion asking, “Sounds like you are well aware of Humans and Society?”

With a sort of pause, Hatch can only return his reply shooting forth, “I guess I know about humans a little.”

Meanwhile the Psychic Friend wonders if Hatch wants to take a dive in the salt water aquarium asking, “Would you like to take a swim in her salt water aquarium?”

And without any further hesitations whatsoever, Hatch looks at the salt water aquarium and then back at them both before countering, “No, I’d like to but I think I have had enough with aquariums for a day.”

The Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend start to laugh a little as the Psychic Woman says, “Well, you need to get some salt water back on your body, you can’t stay out of the water forever.”

In due time, her Psychic Friend looks back to the salt water aquarium and then Hatch before saying, “It would only be for a little while.”

Of course, Hatch the red crab is nervous about that considering that he is in unfamiliar territory as he jousts lightly, “No, I’m okay for now.”

And then quickly the Psychic Woman can only think of something else in order to help Hatch for the time being as she says, “Well, at least let me get a bowl of warm water with some sea salt I have that you can sit in for a few minutes or so.”

Now Hatch feels that he’d better take some kind of offer and then he needs to be on his way back with finding his blue crab mate Snatch as he gibbers, “Maybe for a few minutes while you do my psychic reading, but then I must be on my way.”

Quickly the Psychic Woman agrees by getting up and heading to the kitchen and fetching a large bowl that she has in her hutches which she can use as she says out loud, “Give me a few seconds and I’ll prepare one.”

Next the Psychic Woman takes the bowl from her hutch to her sink which has a water filtration system of course, and then she fills. Once it is filled the Psychic Woman grabs a container with some sea salt that she has had saved for some time that she had bought from an Irish General Grocery Store.

And most definitely she knows exactly how much to put in so that the water is close to sea water as far as salt content is concerned. Soon she has prepared the bowl of salt water and she slowly leaves the kitchen. As she leaves the kitchen she takes the bowl of sea water towards the dining room table next to the bar counter dividing the kitchen and dining room altogether.

Meanwhile Hatch sits there staring at the salt water aquarium until he hears the bowl of salt water being set next to him as the Psychic Woman’s voice says, “Here you go Hatch!”

At that time, the red crabs and red lobsters have found a spot where they can peek inside without being seen. In fact, one of them even found a front patio door that is slightly open with only a closed screen door. However for now they are only getting desperate and anxious as Hatch climbs in to the Psychic Woman’s bowl of salt water.

In desperation one of the red lobsters calls out lightly trying not to be heard, “Hey, look over here! There’s a screen door that we can cut our way through!”

Quickly a few of the red crabs and red lobsters scurry over towards the screen door while the Red Crab Friend asks in general, “What is he doing?”

One of the red lobsters says in response to that question, “She’s going to try and cook him up for dinner!”

Then one of the younger red crabs begins to yelp out loud slightly without wanting to be heard by the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend, “Not if we can help it!”

Right then and there on the spot the red crab and red lobsters start to cut a hole in to the sliding screen door little by little with their claws. It goes slow at first but then again they start to make progress which leads in to a dark bedroom with only a little light coming in through the open gap of the bedroom door. However they need to make a hole in the sliding screen door big enough for not only the red crabs to enter but big enough for the red lobsters as well.

But many of the red crabs and red lobsters are too anxious as the Red Crab Friend says quickly to the others, “Wait because they are talking about something!”

A few of them all glance through the gap in the window that they had found noticing that the Psychic Woman has some tarot cards with images and pictures on them. Many of the tarot card images are cards having sea creatures as the token of their affection as they give many a futuristic glance at all aspects of life.

Nevertheless one of the red lobsters thinks that they are recipes like the ones at the “Fish Meat Store” where they were being held in a salt water aquarium on display by saying drastically, “It’s a recipe she’s holding.”

Of course, the Red Crab Friend notices that the card that the Psychic Woman is holding doesn’t seem to have any pictures or an illustration of a plate of food by saying, “That card she’s holding doesn’t look like it has any food on it that you can eat. They’re pictures of something else perhaps.”

Either way the red crabs and the red lobsters start to becomes anxious as to what to do about saving Hatch as well as watching his back. So far, watching Hatch’s back has been a lot harder than they had expected with all of his running around amuck trying to find Snatch. Nonetheless the red crabs and red lobsters are scrambling to think of something in order to get Hatch out of this ordeal that he is in right now.

In the meantime the Psychic Woman continues on giving Hatch his tarot card reading which she is using as her divination and purpose for the consultation. And it seems that Hatch has no idea what she’s really talking about as far as her flashing cards out in front of him while saying that his wealth and health card are alright. But she hasn’t said anything about his love life yet which is mostly what he wants advice on at this time.

Also the Psychic Woman’s Friend has moved towards the kitchen as though she were about to try something. It seems that she has one thing on her mind that maybe the Psychic Woman doesn’t tend to have on hers for some reason. But regardless the red crabs and the red lobsters are becoming more eager at trying to break this up, although they are only small sea animals that are merely helpless.

At one point in the conversation, the Red Crab Friend can hear exactly what the Psychic Woman is saying to Hatch in which he hears, “Well, your life card is very strong indeed. In fact, it’s so strong that it’s no wonder you have made it this far despite all of the trouble.”

Many of the cards are laid out next to the bowl of warm water on the dining room table as the Psychic Woman points to them one by one as she begins to move her finger towards his love card. He notices that she is taking her time and it is making him very nervous and impatient as he can only think of getting out of there right now.

He can also hear some noises and sounds in the background and he’s not sure what the sounds are, although he does recognize some slight voices he can hear. But that’s because his sense of hearing is on a different wavelength than the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend. The voices he hears are so slight that he almost thinks that they are a figment of his imagination, but then again there are some other noises that he hears which are making him keep his mouth quiet.

Some of the noises are slight sound coming from the red crab and lobsters walking and crawling all over the side of the place. They have been so eager to help and save Hatch that they have been scrambling around quite a bit. And it’s hard to believe that neither the Psychic Woman nor her Psychic Friend have heard any noises coming from them. However Hatch is unsure of his surroundings to a point as the Psychic Woman continues on with the psychic reading.

Soon the Psychic Woman comes forth ready to talk about another card which happens to be his future card that goes beyond any other cards in her deck. This card can be a card for the afterlife or even perhaps reincarnation. The Psychic Woman looks and points to the future card while the Psychic Friend ends up in the kitchen preparing some things. So far, Hatch is trying to pay attention to more than one action that happens to be taking place.

He can see what the Psychic Friend is doing, although she decides to distract Hatch by adding to the psychic reading, “And this is your future card which can go beyond this world with this life. This is the card that holds your future and your chance at living again whether it is in the afterlife in heaven or in a reincarnated form perhaps!”

Meanwhile the red crabs and the red lobsters are wondering what the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend are up to as Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says, “They are up to something. I hear dishes being moved around in the kitchen!’

The one of the red lobsters calls out really quickly while getting ready to march on in through the sliding screen door by saying, “Let’s move in and save Hatch!”

But then one of the other red crab buddies who is blessed and happy at the fact that Hatch had saved them all says, “Let’s sneak in and take our positions!”

Quickly all of the red crabs and the red lobsters sneak in through the sliding screen door. They sneak in through the sliding screen door that they had cut a hole through in order to allow themselves inside to save Hatch. Once inside they realize that there is a door that is slightly open allowing some light from the main living area to come inside. Of course, they are inside the Psychic Woman’s bedroom and they don’t have too much time to snoop around and scope things out for long.

However they will need to have an escape plan which involves a few of the red crabs and red lobsters to stay behind. Moreover they will need to have an escape plan which involves a few of the red crabs and red lobsters to stay behind as a guard. They will also really need a guard at the Psychic Woman’s bedroom door as well so that they can get out without any problems.

That’s because they aren’t sure of what to do as of yet because everything is happening so fast moment by moment as the Red Crab Friend says, “Let’s block this door with these shoes so that nobody can close the door just in case something happens. That way we will have a way out with Hatch hopefully!”

And while the red crabs and red lobsters begin to prepare their way before entering the main living area, one of the red crabs says lightly, “I have something that will put them down on their rear that I have been saving for a special occasion!”

Right away, the Red Crab Friend asks curiously like, “And what is that that you have brought along with you?”

Moments later, the red crab pulls out a clam shell that has something hidden inside as he shows it saying, “This is the venom from one of the most poisonous jelly fish out there; what I call it is “sleeping jelly.” So what do you think of that!”

Of course, the Red Crab Friend looks at his clam shell that he has opened up while saying as the red crab closes it, “That’s a good one! Let’s hit them both and drop them fast before they even knew what hit them.”

Meanwhile all of the red crabs and red lobsters are listening in as they all scramble to their places in order to pull off this feat as one red lobster asks, “And who’s going to get Hatch down from the table?”

Quickly Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says, “None of us will; when we drop these weirdo females, Hatch can easily escape with no problems and we’ll all leave and head back to the riverbank.”

Nevertheless just when they are almost ready to get in to action, one of the spotters notices the Psychic Woman changing her tune with Hatch, as he turns to say, “She’s about to cook Hatch alive; we have to hurry!”

In the interim the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend has prepared a pot of water on the stove top which she is beginning to simmer up slowly, although there is no steam coming out yet. But a couple of grill bursting sounds have come from the stove top regardless of how careful the Psychic Friend tries to be with her preparations. But then on the other hand, now Hatch is becoming increasingly doubtful that he is going to make it out of there now. Especially with the Psychic Friend staring at him off and on like he was some full course meal.


Then suddenly the Psychic Woman can hear the pot of water burst its first hot air bubble which causes her to look back at her Psychic Friend for a moment or so. Then another hot air bubble forms and makes a bubbling sound as the griller on the stove top cracks against the bottom of the cooking pot. Then eagerly the Psychic Woman turns her eyes back to Hatch the red crab wondering what to say next.

It takes a few seconds before she starts flipping around within her deck of tarot cards that the Psychic Woman hears the water begin to get hotter and hotter. During this time the red crabs and the red lobsters are all preparing for the worst, of course. Many of them are ready to raid their way through the bedroom door and in to the kitchen through the dining room area.

Quickly Hatch’s Red Crab Friend has something to say which will get everyone’s motivation in gear as he says, “They’re about to cook Hatch; we have to move in now!”

Hurriedly the red crabs and the red lobsters move in to action, although they have a good distance to go even though they can barely see them through an angle down the small hallway. Soon the water of the cooking pot begins to get hot enough for Hatch to be put in as the Psychic Woman looks once again to her Psychic Friend getting ready.

Then immediately the Psychic Woman takes the bowl of warm water with Hatch inside lifting it off of the dining room table and heads towards the kitchen which is just on the other side of the bar counter saying, “Now Hatch, these tarot cards are of no use to you and you will have to settle with our preparations for you.”

Quickly the Psychic Woman takes the bowl over towards the kitchen stove where her Psychic Friend is waiting while standing and looking over everything there. Nevertheless hatch begins to get nervous as her Psychic Friend steps out of the way as she approaches closer and closer. However the red crabs and red lobsters are right on her tail as they reach within yards of trying to stop her. In fact, one red crab has even climbed her way onto the cupboards while getting ready to make a move in to the situation.

Next the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend is even in awe as she thinks about her meal as the Psychic Woman says to Hatch, “It’s of no use helping you with advice on finding your blue crab mate Snatch!”

Then as the Psychic Woman begins to place the bowl of water closer and closer towards the stove top where the cooking pot is at on the grill, she feels a hard pinch on her ankle that hurts like something she hasn’t felt since she was younger playing on a beach many years ago. However she doesn’t look down right away because there is too much steam coming from the cooking pot of which is on the grill on the stove top.

Furthermore when she starts to look down she feels another pinch on her other ankle and then her Psychic Friend feels the same which makes them both scream while starting to shake their feet off. The Psychic Woman drops the bowl of water carrying Hatch which falls onto the counter next to the stove top as he scurries off very quickly.

Then suddenly at that moment, one of the red crabs jumps on to the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend’s head while pinching at her face and ears. The Psychic Friend scampers around while trying to put her hands on her head. She tries to brush the red crab off, although it’s no use with the red crabs claws embedded in her scalp.

The Psychic Friend continues trying to get the red crab off of her while the Psychic Woman finally falls to the floor from the red lobsters and his sleeping jelly that he had poisoned her with. Meanwhile the Psychic Friend tries to get the red crab off of her until she finds many more crabs pinching and clambering her feet all to shreds. It isn’t too much longer before the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend finds her own fate at the hands of the “sleeping jelly” that he had been saving for a very special occasion.

At first, the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend doesn’t seem to be affected by the forcible pinch that leads to her poisoning, although after a few more moments carry on by and then she is subdued by its clutches. She puts up a fight by holding onto the many appliances within the kitchen. Many of them are such as the oven and dishwasher door, although after a few more clamps of the red crab and red lobster claws and she lets go finally.

And her fall is pretty hard as she hits her head on the countertop which bounces back the other way flopping her down on her side. In fact, it was so hard that even the red crab that had jumped onto her head had been thrown back on the floor. It was a hard throw that many of the red crabs and red lobsters are nearly crushed as they jump out of the way trying to avoid the Psychic Friend’s hard fall.

Finally both the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend have found their own fate at the hands of the red crabs and the red lobsters that have helped save Hatch to return the favor. At t first, the red crabs and red lobsters scurry around making sure that both the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend are both out like a light.

But then on the other hand, they hope to God that they are both just dead which is a plain and simple statement for them all to conjure up with such a rash settlement. Nonetheless as they all try to continue on with the same procedure of pinching and clawing them both in order to check if they are dead or alive.

It seems to the Red Crab Friend that they were getting a better response when they were attacking them both than them being dead now as the Red Crab Friend says, “Let’s check and see if they’re dead!”

One of the red lobsters makes his way over towards the Psychic Woman who is lying there motionless and breathless as he pinches her with his claws a few times to check if she makes a motion perhaps. Also a few red crabs check to see if the Psychic Woman’s Psychic Friend is alive or not by doing the same. One of the red crabs gives her a few pinches on the hip as well as her hand to see if there is any response.

So far, there doesn’t seem to be any response as they all continue on for a moment or so before deciding to give up as Hatch’s Red Crab Friend does the same while saying, “It appears that they are both dead and that we took care of them.”

Immediately all of the red crabs and the red lobsters are very happy that they had killed the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend who were very deceitful in their eyes. And they were also able to return the favor of being saved by Hatch who had been desperate at finding his blue crab mate Snatch who had been lost at sea.

Nonetheless Hatch is a little shaken up still from nearly being tossed in to a boiling pot of water and simmered alive until cooked dead. In the meantime, Hatch has only been watching and waiting as he has tried to escape the situation with a little confusion with these certain circumstances.

For now he can only sit there quietly waiting for a response from the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend unless they are surely dead as everyone says, “They’re dead and Hatch is alive!”

Then with a turn away from the dead corpses of the unlucky and unfortunate psychic women, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says to Hatch out loud in general, “Thank God Hatch, you’re alright!”

Next right away, some of the other red crabs kind of blurt out loud to Hatch, “We were worried about you Hatch.”

Then another female red crab comes forth explaining, “Boy Hatch, that was a close call. You were that close to being a red crab meal for them two psychic women.”

And after hearing that talk from the red crabs all gathering around Hatch, one of the red lobsters dives in to the conversation saying, “Wow Hatch, we all thought that you were gone and that we would never get a chance to repay you for what you had done to save us all.”

Finally Hatch is able to get some words in even though he is still in shock from what had happened as he says back to them all, “Well, thanks very much you all because I never thought I would see another day of trying to find Snatch.”

Now suddenly, most of the red crabs and the red lobsters have decided that it is time to leave this place and head back to sea as Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says, “Well, I think it is about time that we leave here and head back out to sea.”

Once Hatch has come back to his senses, he wonders if they should leave the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend like that when they leave as he says, “Are you sure we should leave them both lying there like that?”

After hearing and realizing that Hatch still has somewhat of a caring attitude, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says, “What can we do with them; they’re too heavy for us to move? Besides they were going to eat you and we followed you and saved you.”

Next one of the red lobster friends comes out with some words, “It’s only fair after all we’ve been through to help save you and your cause of finding your blue crab mate Snatch.”

Next one of the red crab friends brings up some aspects, “Don’t worry about it; it’s better that we leave them there because otherwise they will be reported missing and not to leave out the fact that they have forensics.”

Soon Hatch decides that he should ask the red crab friend, “How do you know that my friend?”

Right away one of the red lobsters who also watched some television that was on the wall of the “Fish Meat Store” where they were kept in the aquarium until sold as he says, “We watched a lot of CSI shows on their television.”

But then again, after hearing that remark about watching lots of CSI shows on television, Hatch thinks a little more while shooting out with, “Then this will become a crime scene and they will know that the suspects are a group of vigilante crabs at large.”

Next one of the red lobsters favors Hatch and his words by imploring, “There you go Hatch; now you’re thinking like a real survivor!”

By now, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend decides that they should probably leave the scene and not stay too long by contending, “Maybe, it would be better if we don’t stick around here any longer.”

Right away, the group of red crabs and red lobsters decide to go out the way they came which was through the Psychic Woman’s sliding glass door in her bedroom. Of course, there were some look out red lobsters and red crabs that are glad to leave before anything were to happen such as any neighbors, friends, or even any relatives coming around.

But of course, the red crabs and the red lobsters didn’t seem to make very much noise with their plan considering that they had caught the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend of guard more or less. Also they seemed to be extremely aloof and independent when it came to being involved with one another almost like they only had each other as friends. However they appeared to be best of friends.

However regardless of all of those aspects, the last red crab to turn around and leave is Hatch who gives one last look at the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend thinking of how they were very deceitful and exceptionally untrustworthy. There are also some other thoughts that rummage through his little skeletal of a brain before he turns around and leaves the scene. And some of those thoughts are that he had taken a risk at trying and wanting to give a chance at trusting humans.

And when he thinks back to the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend, he realizes that they were less trustworthy than the old man drunken bum that he had stopped and talked to along his travels. However the old man drunken bum had passed out on him while they were talking to one another from drinking too much liquor excessively.

Moreover though at least the old man drunken bum didn’t seem to want to harm Hatch in any way, but then again he didn’t have the luxuries that the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend had as far as possessions anyhow. Yet still Hatch makes his way outside from the Psychic Woman’s bedroom just the same while following the others out.

Once they all safely make their way out from the Psychic Woman’s abode and home that now seems eerie almost like a haunted house in a sense, although without all of the cobwebs and women on broomsticks flying around. And still on the other hand Hatch and his red crab and red lobster friends don’t understand too much about that or do they perhaps know more than they tend to think.

Nevertheless the feel a feeling of awe as they leave and head back to the river’s edge where they all can head back home out to sea. And none of them will ever know what will happen to the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend. And that’s considering that they have left them both lying there alone and nobody was around such as witnesses. So who knows when their bodies will be discovered if for a while at least, or perhaps in the back of the red crab’s and red lobster’s mind, “if ever.”

But then again they all agree that one day the fate of the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend will be discovered somehow. Also Hatch wonders about the fate of the old man drunken bum, who seemed a little nicer than the Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend, although all they wanted was a free meal and Hatch was their prime opportunity.

Then while walking back in a large group back to the Liffey River, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend asks him, “So what were you thinking of talking to those women when you are a crab and you had just saved us from the “Fish Meat Store?”

Of course, Hatch pauses for a moment while contemplating his reasons over before he comes back saying, “I just wanted to find out the best places to find my blue crab mate Snatch is all?”

Then one of the eldest red lobsters butts in to the conversation explaining, “You took a big chance at risking your life with talking to those strange women.”

Next Hatch Red Crab Friend can only think about how they had followed Hatch the entire time saying, “And you even stopped off to talk to some strange old drunken bum too, huh?”

Then one of the younger red crabs comes up with something to say relenting, “We just wanted to help you Hatch and thought that you might need our help if you were to run in to any trouble.”

And while returning back to the river’s edge while talking about things, Hatch decides to say to them all, “I never thought that people would be so mean and deceiving.”

Right then, another red crab comes out with some words telling, “We saw the whole scene unfold Hatch; she was like a psycho scene from one of those horror movies that used to come on late night when the “Fish Meat Store” left the television on overnight!”

After getting on to the topic of shows, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend decides to mention, “The best shows are the detective shows such as that show “Detective Vlarney who happens to be a real crime solver.”

Thereafter one of the red lobsters can only think about how watching television is boring as he says, “You can’t even hear what they’re saying while being surrounded by squeaking red lobsters around everywhere.”

Next Hatch’s Red Crab Friend can only think about the show in his little crab like mind while saying, “Maybe I can’t hear what they are saying perfectly, but I can hear them a little. And not to mention that I can read lips nonetheless and watch scenes which need no expressions anyhow!”

Finally the red lobster wonders how he can watch those stupide shows anyways as he asks, “How can you watch those stupid shows anyhow when we should have been trying to find a way out of those salt water aquariums?”

And for an explanation on why he would even waste his time watching those pitiful like television shows, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend decides to come up with some answer simplifying, “Well, I was watching his show trying to find a way out of there by looking for clues of how those victims escape and how he catches most criminals.”

In supposition of what Hatch’s Red Crab Friend has said, one of the red lobsters comes out blatting, “The shows with the most clues were the fisherman shows I think, perhaps.”

Then once all is said and done, one of the red lobsters can only think of how thankful they all are for being saved as he says, “Well, regardless of what shows we have all watched, if it weren’t for Hatch our friend, or savior of the day, we wouldn’t be here right now!”

And after hearing all of the blundering talk, one of the red crabs’ shells forth with an explanation, “We would be on someone’s dinner plate in some stranger’s house and on some stranger’s dinner plate.”

Finally one of the red lobsters that are lagging in the background falling behind squeals, “And if it weren’t for us Hatch would be on that strange woman and her friend’s dinner plate, I suppose huh?”

But suddenly Hatch’s Red Crab Friend changes his tune by adding, “And if we don’t return back to sea soon, we’re all going to be sitting ducks out in the daylight in the suburban city of human trash.”

Lastly Hatch comes to his senses by saying, “Well, its early morning sunrise now and we don’t have much further to go now before we can return to our exciting little lives of being an everyday crab!”

Next one of the red lobsters wisps out to everyone, “And let’s just head back to sea and not try to do anything foolish like make any rash pit stops because we don’t want any trouble holding us all up.”

Then one of the red crabs decides to say something along the lines of that saying, “And how about let’s also not allow Hatch to make any more sudden stops to look for his blue crab mate Snatch who is probably back at sea meaning that she had been thrown back from that sardine boat nonetheless?”

And after hearing those harsh extremities of some words which must have some punch behind them, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend adds something within the words of wisdom saying, “I’m sure we have all learned a lesson from this, huh?”

Right away, one of the red lobsters answers back with his rationalizations saying to the others with some sort of emotion, “Yes, if I ever lose someone close I’ll know what to do and where to look I suppose and hope that she isn’t a Pisces as far as an astrological sign is concerned!”

Quickly Hatch’s Red Crab Friend responds to the tone of speech telling, “Now don’t get all astronomical on us!”

Moments later, Hatch changes the subject by keeping it the same saying, “So how do I find out what astrological sign I am?”

Of course, nonetheless with a slight pause before saying anything at all, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says as they reach the side road next to the river’s edge, “Well you have to look to the stars which relate to the time that you were born. Everybody has a birthdate that is in relation to the stars above.”

And with a little confusion, Hatch the red crab can only think of finding out more about it as he asks him, “So what’s that supposed to mean?”

Finally one of the other red crabs cuts his way in to the conversation by saying, “That means that there are twelve months out of the year and each month basically has an astrological sign associated with it for divine purposes.”

And as Hatch and his savoir group of friends makes their way across the street towards the crossroads, Hatch asks a simple question, “So how do I find out when I was born so that I will know what astrological sign I am, huh?”

Quickly as they reach the river’s edge of the Liffey River, one of the red lobsters tells Hatch, “It will be hard if you weren’t aware of the time and date which is very crucial with finding your astrological sign out.”

And after that Hatch’s Red Crab Friend decides to add some knowledge to the conversation which might help with finding his blue crab mate Snatch while saying, “But it would be helpful if you knew when you were born as well as knowing when your blue crab mate named Snatch was born so that you could use the stars to guide you along the way.”

Next Hatch can only ponder his thoughts over wondering what great advice that is, although he would have some trouble figuring out all of the answers. And as well, on the other side of the moon, since we’re talking about astrology more or less, Hatch is running out of time with his hopes and aspirations of finding his blue crab mate named Snatch.

But now, Hatch has something to say responding to his Red Crab Friend’s advice as he says, “Well, thanks for the advice with all of the astrology which might help with using the stars to guide the way, although I’m no astronomer just a red crab.”

Finally as they all start to enter back in to the water to go below the water’s surface, one of the other red crabs says to Hatch regarding that speech, “And astronomers are just merely people who have achieved great things such as the world of science more or less. They are nothing more than someone who figures things out to better civilization.”

Now all of the red crabs and red lobsters are slowly making their way back in to the water as Hatch says, “Well, thanks for all of the advice, although it’s a little late now, I guess!”

And after saying those words, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend says his goodbyes to Hatch the red crab saying, “Well, I guess this is goodbye Hatch. I must be one my way to find my family just as well as you and all of the other red crabs and red lobsters that you have saved. You know they have or had families just the same as you and hopefully their loved ones will be there when they return. We spent a lot of time on the red crab boat along with a lot of time inside that salt water aquarium thinking about our families and friends and if they have had the same fate somewhere else. And I’m am so grateful to be saved and also have the chance to save someone in return, but it’s time for us all to return back to sea Hatch and back to our lives before we were caught, I suppose.”

Now Hatch is ready to return back to sea and continue on with his search for Snatch his blue crab mate and his natural habitat as he says his goodbyes, “Well, nice to see you again and thanks for all of the positive graces to part our ways!”

Finally Hatch’s Red Crab Friend has to go as he says his final goodbye relenting to Hatch the red crab, “Well see you some time in the future Hatch!”

At that time, Hatch’s Red Crab Friend leaves by entering in to the water of the Liffey River of Dublin, Ireland as he begins to head his way back towards the Irish Sea.

Now Hatch is once again ready to make his own plunge back in to his return to the Irish Sea which will result in his search for his blue crab mate Snatch. Of course, he will take on the same direction as the others while heading downstream, but it seems that the congregating is over with as far as intermingling with the others. Many of them are now in a hurry to find their friends and loved ones who they had lost for a time being.

Hatch also has a lot of thinking to do while he heads along his journey, although just after he enters underneath the water’s surface, one of the Irish Ducks dips his head below saying, “So, I hear you had quite the encounter with the real world of woman versus society?”

Quickly Hatch stops and thinks for a moment or so before saying what he has to say telling, “Yes, I had an encounter with some psychic woman and her friend that tried to cook me and make a meal out of me for themselves.”

Next the female Irish Duck dips her head below the surface of the water while saying, “I suppose you have learned a lesson from all of this, huh?”

And while Hatch thinks of what to say, he comes up with some words describing his lesson he has learned from his repercussions, “Yes, I have learned that you can’t always trust everyone, but you can trust some of you friends, perhaps.”

Then the male Irish Duck breaks for air and then continues on with his savory little speeches contending on with, “You’re lucky those friends you saved were there to save you just the same. Isn’t it very sympathetic to see yourself being saved by those you have once saved from hard times?”

Then Hatch the red crab can only go further by responding, “Yes, I was quite shocked to see them all come to my rescue just as they were to see me come to their rescue, huh.”

Finally the female Irish Duck after taking a quick breath from above wonders what Hatch is going to do with his time now asking, “So what are you going to do now that your lessons have been learned?”

After hearing that question, Hatch the red crab answers back with his previously planned actions saying, “I am going to continue on with my search for my blue crab mate Snatch you has been lost at sea for some time now!”

Next the male Irish Duck decides to let Hatch be on his way without holding him up too much from his goals and achievements of finding his blue crab mate Snatch as he says, “Well, good luck at finding her and hope things turn out alright for you in the future!”

By now, Hatch the red crab feels that he must be on his way as he continues on trudging through the Liffey River on his way towards the Irish Sea as he says, “Yes, I must be on my way now.”

Next the male Irish Duck who has been talking with Hatch for some time now decide to say his goodbyes by saying, “Well, good luck to you and best of wishes!”

Next the female Irish Duck decides to say her goodbyes as well by saying, “Well, try not to get yourself in any more trouble and good luck to you Hatch!”

After that Hatch the red crab says his final goodbyes as he leaves saying, “Goodbye to you all and see you around some time.”

Conclusively Hatch leaves the scene and heads along his way as the male Irish Duck starts to swim away with his female Irish Duck while saying, “That red crab Hatch has got to learn about survival of the fittest along with the birds and the bees concept of life.”

And at about this time, Hatch’s blue crab Snatch has arrived at the Port of Dublin along with Gums and Freckles who are her friend nurse sharks. Once they arrive Snatch is more or less exhausted from the journey, although they have done the trip as fast as possible. Then on the other hand near the area is the Divine Shelled Tortoise who is an Evil Shamballa like figure who has more advice for Hatch perhaps. Of course, he also may want to try to be a distraction for Hatch so that he misses his chance to reunite with Snatch.

As Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch arrives with the two nurse sharks Gums and Freckles, they slow down and stop to mark the furthest point that they can swim as Gums says, “Well, this is the furthest that we can go without having any problems.”

Right away, Snatch looks around noticing all of the dock supports coming down from above the surface as she realizes, “So this is the Port of Dublin where all of the fishing boats dock their sardine and crabs boats?”

And after a slight pause while catching her breath, Freckles says back in response, “Yes, this is the place and hopefully you can find Hatch somewhere nearby looking for you just the same, I suppose.”

Then Gums decides that they will wait for a while to give her a chance to have a look around saying, “We’ll wait here for a while until you have a chance to have a look around for your red crab mate Hatch, okay?”

Of course, Snatch is unsure of how much time she will spend looking for Hatch, although she has some kind of response jabbering, “Well, I will only be four or five hours at the most looking around for my red crab mate Hatch.”

Next Freckles decides to accept the amount of time that she needs to look and search for Hatch by saying, “That’s okay; take your time.”

Immediately Snatch leaves and heads inland towards the docks which are filled with shipyards of ships and cargo containers as well. As she approaches she makes her way to the pier which is her best chance of saving time in order to get inland much quicker so she can make a quick return. However the nurse sharks will wait in the exact same spot until her return so she won’t have to be worried too much either

Yet she has her doubts of finding Hatch her red crab mate who she has lost contact with for some time now. But then again she has no idea that the Divine Shelled Tortoise who is an Evil Shamballa is lurking nearby, although Hatch will probably run in to him first. And as Hatch the red crab makes his way further away from the Liffey River, the Divine Shelled Tortoise finally gets his chance.

At first, the Divine Shelled Tortoise tries to get Hatch’s attention by calling him out, “Hey Hatch; come here!”

At first hatch looks around a bit wondering what’s up and who is calling him as he asks out loud, “Yes, did someone call me?”

The Divine Shelled Tortoise tries to get Hatch’s attention once again by saying, “I’m right over here Hatch!”

Lastly Hatch the red crab just happens to look in the direction that the voice sounded like it came from and notices the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa like being staring Hatch down. It is almost like the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa looks like he has been following Hatch perhaps, but Hatch is unsure of what to say at first. It takes a moment or so before Hatch can think of what to ask anyhow.

And when Hatch the red crab is sure of what to say to the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa as he says, “I thought that I heard your voice from nearby or perhaps afar. At first, I thought that I was hearing things.”

Then the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa continues staring Hatch the red crab down as he says, “It is I Hatch; I have returned to turn things around for you. It appears that you were unsuccessful with finding your blue crab mate Snatch and have given up!”

Right away, Hatch the red crab approaches closer to the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa who has seemed to change his appearance slightly as Hatch replies, “Now I still haven’t found my blue crab mate Snatch within the city, although I am returning to the ocean to search for her there until I can’t search no more.”

Soon after thinking about things for a little while, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa says to Hatch the red crab, I told you that I would give you the right advice to find your blue crab mate Snatch and that advice had failed, and why was that you think?”

For a moment or so, Hatch can only think of some aspects by telling the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa, Well, I tried to find my blue crab mate Snatch wherever I thought was necessary, but things went haywire somehow. I almost ended up as platter of seafood but ended up escaping and then I ended up saving some red crab and red lobster friends that I found in some salt water aquariums, and I also was almost nearly cooked by a Psychic Woman and her Psychic Friend. But luckily I was saved by my red crab and red lobster friends!”

Then the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa responds to Hatch the red crab saying, “Sounds like you have had quite the experience searching for your blue crab mate Snatch, huh? I bet you’re tired and exhausted from all of the strange encounters and circumstances.”

Next Hatch the red crab decides to say to the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa, “Yes, I have had quite the experience searching for my blue crab mate Snatch and I am ready to continue the search for her wherever I can possibly go without ever giving up!”

Soon Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch makes her way closer to where Hatch is, although she misses him completely. However she does hear some voices which are very faint while she drifts her way closer and closer from under the surface of the water. Yet she only looks and glances a bit considering that she has a crab like body with a skeleton that can’t just turn around as though she had a head on her shoulders.

But then on the other hand, Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch is doing pretty good considering that she had traveled so far of a distance in such a short time. And she is a little bit on the delirious side even though Hatch the red crab is a bit on the delirious and emotional side as well. Nonetheless Hatch still has a little sense left as he continues talking with the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa.

Meanwhile Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch feels that Hatch her red crab mate is near, although she doesn’t see him nearby. But her sense of him is getting stronger as the voices that she hears become a little louder at times and then faint at other times. And that’s because she is walking along some coral reefs along with some ocean sand dunes that are wavy and hilly within her location.

However something catches her eye while she makes her way across the sand dune which happens to be a floating sea urchin that seems to be dancing. Snatch watches for a moment as she hears some voices again coming from nearby, although the voice of the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa doesn’t sound too familiar to her for that matter.

Presently the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa looks to Hatch the red crab as Snatch drifts closer and closer to them at an angle which has a ray that shoots just passed them both off in the distance as he says, “Don’t look for Snatch anymore off in the distance, you must see things and grasp the reality as though she was right here where you are now!”

Now Hatch the red crab is confused as to the wisdom of the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa and wonders what he means by saying that as he asks him, “And what do you possibly mean by that gesture?”

Next the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa comes out with some words expressing to Hatch the red crab while chatting, “What I mean is that I feel that your blue crab mate Snatch is not only still alive, but she is closer to you than you might think Hatch.”

Thereafter Hatch the red crab is even more confused as he asks the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa to enlighten things a little bit, “And what makes you say that Divine Shelled Tortoise?”

Of course, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa can only think of telling what his true feelings are of the situation by declaring, “What I mean to say is that your blue crab mate Snatch is out there looking for you too. And that means that she is still alive.”

Right away, Hatch the red crab can only question his psychic ability especially after the past occurrence with the Psychic women while answering back, “And how can you be so sure of that when I haven’t been too fond of anyone’s psychic abilities anymore.”

But consequently the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has to convince him of his powers of having a psychic ability by saying, “Let’s just say that this time I have an inner instinct telling me that your blue crab Snatch is closer than you possibly think.”

Then meanwhile a distance away, Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch is hearing the conversation which has become a little louder even within the muffled ocean water. And once she hears some more of the voices, Snatch decides to investigate which takes her in to a turn in the other direction. However she doesn’t seem to have to go to out of her way luckily or she might miss the chance at reuniting with him perhaps.

Soon Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch finds herself walking up the last sand dune she will ever have to walk up with her journey of finding Hatch the red crab. But then again it is a pretty steep sand dune of a hill as she climbs listening in on some far away faint conversation. Meanwhile the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa picks up the vibe that it is time to leave while making known his departure by proclaiming, “Well, it’s time that I go and that you continue on your search for your blue crab mate Snatch!”

Quickly the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa looks in the direction that Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch is making her way up the ocean sand dune. Right then Hatch notices and looks in that direction wondering what the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is looking at and then turns to see momentarily. Then Hatch continues looking in that direction for a second or so while not noticing anything and then he turns back.

When Hatch the red crab turns back, he notices and realizes that the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa isn’t there anymore. Of course, Hatch looks and glances around a bit with the realization that the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is nowhere to be seen and it’s almost as though he has vanished from there.

Below is a link to "Hatch of the Crabs" subpage 3