Catcher of Love Subpage 5


Patiently Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues watching and waiting for any signs of anyone whether it be a shadow or something standing up near the first camp fire up there, although he is still keeping his eyes and ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary nearby. So far he hasn’t heard much of anything close by except for the other conquistador men rustling around trying to catch some shut eye.

Now the “Witch Catcher” holds the voodoo doll closer to the camp fire which is her her momentum and token of her affections trying to sweat the conquistador men out a bit. Whether it is working or not doesn’t matter considering that they are too tired to pay attention to anything once they have fallen asleep. Yet she continues to abide her time trying to tear and break them down little by little from the insides and out.

But none of the conquistador men seem to notice anything except for Conquistador Padre who has been sweating a bit too much suddenly. It’s almost as though he had been dressed too heavily, although he isn’t wearing more than the usual. Nevertheless Conquistador Padre notices that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is really acting as though something has caught his attention.

Then after rolling over a bit on his folded blanket, Conquistador Padre asks softly, “See anything up there?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns back slightly talking about what he had seen describing, “Yes, just some shadows bouncing on the top of the trees is all!”

In the meantime the “Witch Catcher” starts to put the voodoo doll closer to the flames for a brief moment while speaking, “Looks like the flames have gotten his attention!”

Then she decides to turn the voodoo doll around to the other side which sort of looks like another one of the conquistador men when pulling the voodoo doll’s hair back. Of course, she doesn’t mention any names while getting a mental picture in mind, although she does have a specific conquistador individual as she pictures someone.

However as Conquistador Padre starts to fall back asleep, Conquistador Felipe starts to roll around wondering what they are both talking about. Now he seems to be feeling something come over him like it was a hot sweat. Yet he decides to change the subject by turning over to investigate the scene especially now that his eyes are accustomed to the darkness outside.

Without any further hesitation, Conquistador Felipe asks about what they both were talking about, “What was that you both were talking about?”

Right off of the bat, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tells him what he had seen saying, “Oh we were just talking and I told him that I had seen a shadow flickering on the tree tops is all!”

And yet Conquistador Padre is smart enough and wise enough to realize that the shadow must belong to the “Witch Catcher” relenting, “It’s probably that “Witch Catcher” woman up there all alone!”

So far Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only agree considering that he hasn’t seen any more shadows other than the one remarking, “It seems that way because I can’t find anyone else up there!”

Finally Conquistador Padre is wondering if Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants to turn in for the night asking, “Are you ready to turn in for the night?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back feeling that he hasn’t really been on guard all that long suggesting, “No, I’ll continue on guard a little while longer. You just try and catch some shut eye!”

Lastly the “Witch Catcher” can feel and hear their thoughts as she says out loud to herself, “And all they can think about is sleeping while sweating wondering where I’m at?”

Now the “Witch Catcher” continues on trying to sweat them out for a little while before deciding to catch some sleep in order to rest up for another day of witch catching. However she does try to keep a clear mind along with them all within her thoughts as she lies down for a little while. Meanwhile the flames die down as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues on watching and waiting for some sign of her appearance.

Soon Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to turn in for the night so that he too can get some rest from the already tiresome journey. Of course Conquistador Padre has fallen asleep for almost a few hours before being woken up for the second night watch with their temporary camping site.

After Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wakes Conquistador Padre up, the first thing on Conquistador Padre’s mind is whether or not she showed any signs asking, “Any luck with figuring out who’s up there?”

So far Tesoro De Castallanza has had no luck with catching even the slightest glimpse or glance at anyone or anything up there relenting, “No luck yet; so far it seems to have been very quiet up there!”

Right away Conquistador Padre is eager to give things a whirl on his own saying, “Okay, I’ll take it from here!”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza hands Conquistador Padre his telescope saying, “Here’s my telescope to use in navigating that “Witch Catcher” woman!”

And as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns around to head to his sleeping spot which is fairly close to his horse, he says to Conquistador Padre, “Just keep your eyes on that first camp fire up there! The other camp fires have burned out!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes his way to his blankets where he can lie down for a few hours. He slowly prepares his bed as Conquistador Padre takes a sitting spot in order to maintain his affixed eyes on the first camp fire. At first Conquistador Padre uses his naked eyes trying to try and focus as he takes a first glimpse through Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza’s telescope.

Then before Tesoro De Castallanza lies down for the short time that he has he says softly like to Conquistador Padre, “Let’s try and be out of here before sunrise!”

After hearing those words Conquistador Padre can only agree with him that they ought to take an early leave in order to beat any surprises that may come ahead. However as he looks in to and through the telescope he can only make some more confusion out of what’s she’s up to and whether or not she really is alone. So far he can see some flickers of firelight on the tree tops, although he can’t see any shadows of any kind like Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza had described.

Nevertheless Conquistador Padre continues on watching as the “Witch Catcher” has also abiding some time for some sleep which she does nestled closely by the camp fire. Of course, she has found a good blind spot that she can use to keep from being seen and not to leave out the fact that she is lying down. However the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse is nearby in a hidden area as well.

Furthermore she has a timely sequence of waking up before the sunrise which is one of her hereditary traditions. But still she tries to keep a good ear out within the surroundings around her just in case something was to happen. And one of the things she thinks could happen is such as one of the six remaining conquistador crowns coming up there to investigate what’s going on. Moreover she has a doubt that anyone of them would risk losing their place along the “Old Spanish Trail” in order to investigate her whereabouts.

Meanwhile Conquistador Padre is still watching the first camp fire site as he starts to dose off a little bit. Every once in a couple of minutes time he will perk up and take another peak about the first camp fire which is starting to dim out a little. And then he will still take a peek over towards the second and third camp fire site that had been going some time ago, although there are less signs each time he tends to take an overview of the scene.

So far Conquistador Padre feels that the “Witch Catcher” woman is alone without anyone else around meaning no unfriendly Indians. Or at least that’s what he’s thinking which means that they will have fewer worries. But then on the other hand the “Witch Catcher” has been on their rear even when they think they have lost her.

Nonetheless Conquistador Padre is still dozing off just thinking about all kinds of things which are rummaging around in his head. And this time he comes to a few times here and there, although it seems that he is too tired from the wearisome escapade. Then many moments later Conquistador Padre falls asleep dozing off for a good chunk of time as the other five remaining conquistador crowns abide their time resting.

Eventually another hour or so goes by and Conquistador Felipe wakes up wondering if it’s about time for him to take the third night watch for the evening. Of course, when he does wake up everyone else is asleep and he is the only one awake. And that’s considering that Conquistador Padre has fallen asleep by chance and it don’t seem like he’s going to respond to awaking as he approaches.

Quickly Conquistador Felipe makes his way towards Conquistador Padre while reaching his left hand to shaken and wake him up saying, “Hey, wake up!

Immediately Conquistador Padre tends to wake up almost he wasn’t sure what to expect as though someone were about to grab ahold of him saying, “Wow, I fell asleep!”

Just then Conquistador Felipe is sure that he doesn’t want to wake anyone up in order to keep things hush like replying, “Be quiet; we don’t want to wake up Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza or anyone else!”

After seeing the telescope lying on his lap, Conquistador Felipe takes it from him while asking, “What did you see up there?”

For a brief moment or so Conquistador Padre has to think about it before relishing, “Nothing much! Just some flickers from the embers of the camp fire going out!”

Next after a fast glance up towards where the camp fire was at, Conquistador Felipe says, “Yes, it looks like the camp fire must have gone out!”

Moments later, Conquistador Padre decides to explain how he thinks that she must be alone explicating, “Then maybe that “Witch Catcher” fell asleep and she’s all alone?”

Now it seems that the only thing before taking over the third night watch is Conquistador Felipe scolding Conquistador Padre about falling asleep trilling, “Well, we’ll never know now that you fell asleep on the job.”

Of course, Conquistador Padre tries to protect his ego a little bit saying, “I haven’t had very much sleep in three days.”

And with only thoughts of catching that “Witch Catcher” woman in the act of maybe doing something in the early morning light, Conquistador Felipe bottles, “How about you go and get some rest and I’ll take over the night watch from here?”

Moments later while nearly yawning already from being very tired from the midnight siesta, Conquistador Padre turns and starts to head back to his two blankets where he was abiding his time resting. It’s hard to say what time of night it is, although it is past midnight a few hours and they only have a few hours more before sunrise.

And it has only been a few days since the death of Jesus Christ which marks the celebration day of Easter and his resurrection. Nevertheless Conquistador Felipe starts off with making a few glances around the camp fire sites that they had seen many hours earlier. And when he does take a look through the telescope, he doesn’t see very much of anything except a fainted red glare that is barely even noticeable.

Yet the red glare is coming from the first camp fire where the “Witch Catcher” is currently transcending her time with a lite sleep and she is still aware enough to feel the nearby surroundings. But still Conquistador Felipe is unsure of what she is really doing and if she is the only person up there within those camp fires. And for some reason he can only become angry as he as well starts to doze off just like Conquistador Padre who he had awaken earlier.

After many hours pass by during the nighttime, Conquistador Rafael wakes up with some worries about his and the conquistador teams safety. Accordingly Conquistador Rafael decides that maybe he should take a crack at being the next night watch after relieving Conquistador Felipe. So after deciding to try the night watch, Conquistador Rafael approaches Conquistador Felipe who is asleep in a completely dozed off state.

Once he makes his way to where they all have been sitting during the night watches, Conquistador Rafael realizes that Conquistador Felipe is unapprehensive as he approaches asking, “How was it last night?”

Moreover Conquistador Felipe makes no response as Conquistador Rafael starts to wake him up by shaking him talking softly, “Hey wake up! Hey wake up!”

Straightaway Conquistador Felipe wakes up wondering what’s going on like he was in another bloody like conquistador and Indian war and was injured responding, “Oh, what’s going on! I must have fallen asleep!”

Next Conquistador Rafael decides to welcome Conquistador Felipe back to catching some rest saying, “Let me take over while you catch some more rest!”

Right from the get go Conquistador Felipe starts to get up and head back to his resting place while handing Conquistador Rafael the telescope baulking, “Well, here’s the telescope, although I couldn’t see or hear much last night!”

Then Conquistador Rafael wonders if there was any sign of the “Witch Catcher” asking Conquistador Felipe before he heads off, “Was there any sign of that “Witch Catcher” woman?”

For a second or so Conquistador Felipe has to think passed his tired and wearisome eyes before replying, “No, no sign of the woman at all!”

Now Conquistador Felipe heads off back to his blankets where he can sleep off another few hours. And Conquistador Rafael takes his luck at the night watch checking out the first camp fire with Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza’s telescope. So far there hasn’t been much to see with trying to find out what’s going on up there other than they can only make their own hypothesis about what’s going on.

At first, Conquistador Rafael notices some smoke still pouring out from where the first camp fire was located, although the smoke in the air is becoming more and fainter every minute. A time or two here and there he will hear some noises coming from nearby but he just kind of brushes it off as though they were some sort of animals scurrying on by.

Many minutes later he too starts to doze off from becoming too bored with the results of nothing to see except for some slight smoke plumes fading away above a dim reddened glow. Soon many more minutes turn to hours which approach closer and closer to the morning sunrise as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza awakens with enough rest to push forward for another day with an early start.

Quickly he heads over to Conquistador Rafael who is fast asleep just like the other two watchmen before him saying softly, “Hey wake up!”

Immediately he starts to shake Conquistador Rafael to awaken him from a sleep and after have been shaken a time or two, Conquistador Rafael says back to him, “Oh what happened?”

Right then Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to keep him from being too excited blatting out, “Nothing has happened!”

Now Conquistador Rafael hands the telescope back to Conquistador Castallanza while talking about his night watch briefly talking, “I couldn’t see anything out of the telescope!”

Hurriedly like, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes the telescope of his away from Conquistador Rafael as he answers back saying, “I know; and that’s why we need to leave here early before the morning sunrise comes!”

Next Conquistador Rafael starts to get up realizing that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is right and that they ought to leave their temporary camping site getting to the point, “What about the others?”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants to make a smooth break from their camp before the “Witch Catcher” notices summarizing, “Let’s not make too much noise waking them all up!”

Once on his feet Conquistador Rafael starts to wake the others up by walking up to them all and nudging them with his hand shaking and waking them up. At first, he wakes up Conquistador Miguel and Riguel who are sleeping many yards away from one another. When he does he shakes them quietly trying not to make any noises so that they can make a smooth retreat.

Straight away he wakes up Conquistador Miguel saying, “Wake up! Wake up!”

Then he quickly heads off a few yards away to Conquistador Riguel back and forth a bit saying, “Wake up! Wake up, we got to go!”

At the same time Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to wake up Conquistador Padre saying, “Come on, and wake up! Let’s go!”

Next he wakes up Conquistador Felipe who has just fallen asleep before Conquistador Padre saying, “Wake up! Wake up, and let’s get out of here!”

Quietly the six remaining conquistador crowns all start to pack away their belongings such as their blankets considering that they left their horses loaded just in case something were to happen during the middle of the night. Of course, their horses seem to make a few noises here and there such as sighs from being woken up so abruptly in the brisk darkness.

After they the six remaining conquistador crowns repack all of their belongings back onto their horses, they all start to decide how they all should leave the scene as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza unties his horse’s bridle saying to the others, “Let’s just walk our horses quietly for a few hundred feet before riding off slowly.”

Momentarily Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to walk his horse out from camp as Conquistador Padre says very lightly, “What if she hears us leaving?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza while continuing on ahead turns his head back briskly replying, “So what if she does hear us leaving the camp?”

And once nearly tripping over some roots of a tree while walking through some patches of thicket in order to get back onto the “Old Spanish Trail” that’s many yards away still, Conquistador Felipe retorts, “Well what good is that going to do us when we can barely see where we are going right now?”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think of how he wants to get back through the Mogollon Rim and in to what is now the state of New Mexico gawking , “I wanted to leave early so that we can get back to the next mining camp as soon as possible before any more trouble comes our way.”

After wondering how much further they should all walk their horses, Conquistador Rafael asks Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza, “How much further are we going to walk our horses?”

Moments later, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back telling his conquistador friend, “Until we make our way down along the “Old Spanish Trail” a little ways more!”

At about this time the “Witch Catcher” is finishing her morning tea that she had brewed with some leaves by heating the water in a metal cup that she had made in the camp fire. Of course, it’s a gift that some of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam had received in exchange for goods such as gold and other precious North American riches.

And after taking her last sip she realizes that they have left even though their exit has been a very quiet one as she deliberates, “So they left already!”

Quickly she empties the last few drops out of her metal cup as she starts to cover the camp fire with some dirt in order to put it out completely. Of course, she has thought about the other two camp fires, although she didn’t use as much wood as the first camp fire. Nevertheless she makes her way back to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse in order to prepare to leave.

At first she packs up the few belongings she had unpacked such as a blanket and a burlap satchel bag of tools and instruments such as herbal remedies and witchcraft supplies. Then she waits a few moments while listening to see if she can receive some impressions as to how far they have gone. Either way she has a more profound layout of the land and the mountain ranges and basins than they do at this particular time.

Soon the six remaining conquistador crowns make their way to the “Old Spanish Trail” where they all decide whether or not it’s time to hop on their horses and gallop away. Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is the first to say something along those lines relishing, “Well, I think we’re back on the “Old Spanish Trail” now!”

Furthermore the second conquistador to respond with a line to motivate their way out of there faster is Conquistador Padre who quotes, “So maybe now we can ride our rears the heck out of here?”

Next Conquistador Felipe can only agree to that as they all start to hop onto their horses after pulling their bridles a little ways out from the brush where they was camping commenting, “I can only say A-men to that!”

Afterwards Conquistador Miguel decides that that idea is the best one yet as he comes back jolting, “Then let’s gets the heck out of here alright?”

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants to make a quiet exit so that they can try and get a head start on the “Witch Catcher” woman saying, “Yes, let’s all ride out of here very quietly so that we don’t stir anyone up!”

And as they start to ride off very slowly, Conquistador Rafael has something to say about the last comment of Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza commentating, “The only one to stir up is that “Witch Catcher” woman up there hiding out somewhere!”

Accordingly, they all start to ride off very slowly in order to try and catch a head start from the “Witch Catcher” who has been hot on their trail since they have ever made the “Old Spanish Trail” with their escape. But then again, even though they haven’t put the bridle to the back end of the horse to whip up some speed like a bolt of lightning leaving a thundercloud, the “Witch Catcher” can still hear them as they exit the scene despite her extrasensory perception.

And as she has finished her preparations with leaving her own scene, the “Witch Catcher” makes a remark about the six remaining conquistador crowns and their leaving so bright and early contending, “Sounds like they are trying to out run us!”

Immediately the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse makes a sight about her comment even though he has a psychic connection as well with the other horse, although it’s only on an intuitive animal instinct level. Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” has some other errands to do such as make sure that her camp fires are out, before picking the pace back with keeping up with them all.

In addition to that she feels that the Mogollon Rim will slow them down as well once they reach further in to what now eastern Arizona is heading in to New Mexico. However there she will find it much easier to track them and play her game once she meets the deserts of the red sands anyhow.

Soon she decides to make her way over to the other nearby hills to make sure that everything is out before moving on. Luckily she is very knowledgeable of the mountain and paradigms that surround the “Old Spanish Trail” along the stretch from the mining camp in to what is now known as the Galveston Bay in Texas. However these monuments are only sacred to her as she knows that they will help her in abiding her time.

Henceforth the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on riding very slow until one of them decides that they should ride much faster as Conquistador padre asks, “Do you think she noticed our exit?”

Subsequently Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that if she did she noticed fairly late saying, “What if she did and she’s scrambling to get back with the game?”

With a bit of confusion Conquistador Felipe argues the fact of how it’s a game questioning, “A game; I think she’s playing more than a game with us after our Conquistador Prophet Ramon was killed!”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think about picking up the momentum while the sunrise is coming on commanding, “Let’s just make our way to the rim of mountains as quick as we can so that we can separate us from that “Witch Catcher” woman!”

As a result of what has all happened over the last several days or so, Conquistador Miguel comes back with something to say regarding the situation saying, “I’m sure she realizes that we have left by now!”

Furthermore Conquistador Riguel can only agree with his conquistador friend as he comes back getting to the point, “So what if she does know we have left already?”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has only one thing on his mind and that’s to get to the next site that is on the way just passed the Mogollon Rim and as well the trails leading to the deserts of Chaco, New Mexico which come from Sur de America. Of course, he also has a desire to quickly make their way to where El Paso and Juarez are located today on the borders of New Mexico and Texas.

As they all start to pick up speed little by little, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza only mentions getting to the next site yelping, “Let’s just worry about getting through the rim of mountains and to the next mining site!”

Now the “Witch Catcher” has finished up with her chores of making sure that the fires of her iniquities are long gone as she turns back to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse. At this time she can only intend on catching up to the six remaining conquistador crowns that have long fled the scene to avoid her contemplations she has made upon them all.

And once she is ready to turn the other way to catch back up to them even though she now realizes they are very far ahead, the “Witch Catcher” says to her lonesome self, “Looks like we’ll see them on the other side of the rim of mountains!”

Many hours go on by as the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on riding as hard as they can until the start to reach some more steepened passes that only start to slow them all down. Along the way they start to see some straggling Indians who are from some unknown origin watching their every move here and there.

Still they try not to pay much attention considering that they are far away enough that they are only there for a second or so as they ride on by. However soon after many more hours pass on by they all start to enter the outer skirts of the Mogollon Rim where there are many mountains and hills that the “Old Spanish Trail” has forged its way through over time.

Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” has given up trying to wear her and the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse out considering that they all had left in a quick flash. But then again, she has another passage and trailhead that she had learned to use which will keep her far away enough from the six remaining conquistador crowns until she makes the red sands of New Mexico.

In addition to trying to push the six remaining conquistador crowns out without fail or any withdrawal, the “Witch Catcher” feels that this will invoke a feeling of how they had tricked and deceived her. However once she makes her way over towards the canyons of Chaco, New Mexico, the “Witch Catcher” will use more of a tactic that should suppress feelings of fondness as to her identity.

As the six remaining conquistador crowns make their way out from the Mogollon Rim a few days later, they have had no sign of the “Witch Catcher” anywhere. And this fact is considering that she had taken an alternative route through the canyon of mountains stretching their way from the north to the south.

So far they have had no sign of her except for some straggler Indians here and there as Conquistador Padre glances about as they enter into the outskirts of what is New Mexico today while looking around at the scenery.


Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only relate with a sigh of relief as he looks around at the canyons of what will once be the lands of the New Mexico Territory saying, “Well, we made it through the rim of mountains!”

With another peek around the area as well, Conquistador Padre comes forth with a sigh of relief that feels like they had lifted a great weight off of their shoulder saying, “I think that maybe we have lost that “Witch Catcher” woman somewhere over the last several days or so?”

And now that they are tired and wearisome from some of the hardest trails they have encountered, Conquistador Felipe can only be glad that they may have lost that “Witch Catcher” woman somewhere before the rim of mountains imploring, “I hope she’s back there in them canyons wondering where we all are at?”

Meanwhile Conquistador Miguel feels differently about that truth considering that he has a feeling it’s not over with by responding, “I’m sure as long as we stay on the “Old Spanish Trail” she will always have a chance to catch back up with us all!”

Yet Conquistador Riguel thinks that there are less places for her to hide about in the red sands of the New Mexico desert saying, “Maybe so; but it doesn’t look like she’ll have many places to hide out here!”

And as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks around at the red sands on all of the surrounding mountains here and there, he says, “You may be right; but all I care about is making it to the coast where the ships are docked!”

Meanwhile many miles further north where the six remaining conquistador crowns are located at as the move further towards the coast, the “Witch Catcher” has just now reentered the scene. There are many nearby Indians watching as many of them display their war paints to commemorate her and her sacred rite of chasing out the conquistador.

But there is one particular war paint that she like the best considering that her make up is sort of thrashed from all of the sweat and all of the hard work that she has done over the last few days. So then, she decides to dress up with a specific war paint that stands out to her the most to her within the crowd. Of course, they are more lavish than the colors she had used to represent her colors which were to resemble the Phoenix or Dragon that had wroth with her.

However earlier she had washed whatever makeup she had left on her face leaving her face exposed for some time while she was a good distance away. And now she starts to take out her bright yellowish makeup which represents the sun for one half of her face which is an addition to her own version of an Indigenous Indian Tribe in the area of New Mexico within the future.

Then she starts to apply the second half of her face which is the left side. There she adds some gold paint to finish up her own version of the Tewa Indian Tribe which is Indigenous to visiting the Mesoamerican Cultures of Chaco as well. Once finished she puts everything away while preparing to meet back up with the six remaining conquistador crowns once again.

Soon another moment passes and the crowd of nearby Indigenous Indian Tribes who had gathered only to get the chance to see the “Witch Catcher” in person all start to yell and scream as though they were rooting her on a second chance. But then again their yells are fairly loud just like before when she had left the mining camp of the Agua Fria River when she first chased the seven conquistador crowns away.

The screams and yells continue as the six remaining conquistador crowns hear a very faint scream which sounds like a ballpark many miles away. At first it sounds like a bunch of coyotes or wolves going after a smaller kind of prey, although there are some intervals that catch their attention.

Though on the other hand, Conquistador Padre is the first to faintly hear something, yet Conquistador Felipe becomes frantic like it’s a mob of animals or Indians coming their way shrieking as they both slow down, “Did you hear that?”

Right away, Conquistador Padre comes back after hearing some more slight screeches coming from the northwest corner of their peripheral vision when turning to the side while looking out jabbering, “Yes, I heard something coming from that way towards the north!”

Moments later, Conquistador Rafael thinks that maybe they better speed up just in case there are more Indians coming their way saying, “Maybe we ought to move on just in case we have more Indians coming after us?”

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks the screaming sounds were coming from far away, although they should still try and move along as fast as they can mustering, “They sounded like they were far away, but then again maybe we ought to keep moving on for a few more hours!”

There’s no doubt that Conquistador Padre doesn’t want any more confrontations now that they have made their way through the rim of mountains saying, “I don’t want to have any more trouble with those Indians now, huh?”

Then on the other hand Conquistador Felipe thinks that they sounded like they were angry coming back with, “Those yells sounded like they were angry or ticked off!”

Next Conquistador Rafael realizes that they sounded like they meant business replying, “They must mean business!”

Moments later, they hear some more screams as Conquistador Miguel comments, “See there they are again!”

Now Conquistador Riguel thinks that the voices are becoming more and more faint saying, “They sound like they are getting faint.”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides that they must move on commanding, “Come on; let’s just get the heck out of here!”

Minutes later, the “Witch Catcher” catches up from a distance while stopping to assess the situation. She had prepared to be separated from the six remaining conquistador crowns for some time while traveling through the rim of mountains, although she joined back a little sooner than expected. So far she can see they are disturbed from the yells and cheers of her new friendly patronages that are probably running this way a distance behind just to show their support.

So far the six remaining conquistador crowns have only glanced around a few times that she has seen since she first laid eyes on them after her return. And so far they don’t see her considering that there are many little valleys that have sporadic amounts of vegetation’s such as trees her and there. Yet they continue on even faster as they decide to leave the area just in case more Indians are to return with a vengeance for them all.

Now she has made up her mind to take an alternate route which is parallel to their own “Old Spanish Trail” which has been laid and forged in, although she can make up the difference on her own as usual. Soon she sees a way of travel which will keep her out of sight until she makes the valleys of the red sands where there are sporadic mountains to play some of her games with.

Finally she sees that the six remaining conquistador crowns are a little shaken up which means that they will probably stop and rest within a few miles distance tops. And that also means that she still ought to hurry if she wants to catch up. Another fact is also with her new makeup design that she has found a little more refreshing since her primary design had worn out.

And don’t forget the fact that the “Witch Catcher” realizes that maybe they won’t recognize her when the time comes even though she will remain at a great distance from them all. But then on the other hand she has possession of their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse which is a for sure giveaway as to her identity.

Many more miles pass as the six remaining conquistador crowns continue forging and pushing their way down along the “Old Spanish Trail” while missing a view of her and her new identity completely. However now they have come a little ways in to what will one day be the Territory of New Mexico which will be split into two states Arizona and New Mexico.

Soon they come upon a group of Chaco Indians along with some Hispanics walking from the south towards the north along a trail heading their way to Chaco Canyon. Of course, with them are a many individuals carrying bags of goods that will make their way from the cultures of Mexico and Central America.

Immediately the six remaining conquistador crowns stop as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza notices them first as they all stop and stare back at them all. Luckily none of the Chaco Indian and Hispanic group is putting them in harm’s way considering that they are only merely making their journey or pilgrimage to the cultural center of the northern continent.

Straight forth Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza stops holding the other conquistador crowns back as he looks to make sure that they don’t turn back at them in an unfriendly manner saying, “Let’s just stop here and wait for them all to pass!”

Next Conquistador Padre wonders who they all are heading while asking, “So what do we have here?”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe has to make a comment because of all of the bad things that have happened to him correlating, “They don’t look unfriendly or friendly, huh!”

Then on the other hand Conquistador Miguel wonders who they all are even considering that they are crossing over the “Old Spanish Trail” along their own private trail asking, “Who are they, are they with her?”

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that these groups of Chaco Indians aren’t with the “Witch Catcher” Indian woman saying, “No, I don’t think that they are with the “Witch Catcher” woman, although I think they are heading to Chaco Canyon to meet up with the Rain People Indian Tribe!”

Of course, Conquistador Rafael looks around the other way not only besides the “Old Spanish Trail” to the north and south, but as well directly behind them all as he asks, “What if she’s watching us?”

Next Conquistador Riguel figures that she isn’t around saying, “We lost that “Witch Catcher” woman a long time ago in the rim of mountains!”

Accordingly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think of showing some respect as the group of Chaco Indians mixed with many Hispanic people pass by for only a glimpse of them all while chatting, “Just let them pass just in case she is around somewhere watching us only to show some respect!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Riguel comes back with a more profound line which is more aggressive contending, “Show some respect; I say we just charge them all and ride off!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has made her way to some higher ground to where she can see what’s going on, although there are some trees blocking some of her views. But she has caught an essence of the six remaining conquistador crowns either being nice or maybe they are just merely being careful.

Either way she can see the band of Chaco Indians and Hispanics are passing by the “Old Spanish Trail” while looking directly at the six remaining conquistador crowns. So far it appears that they are more afraid than the conquistador men considering that they are unprepared for any confrontations along the way to their cultural heritage of Chaco.

The “Witch Catcher” continues on watching while the band of Indians and Hispanics pass by, although the last one to pass is a little Chaco Indian girl. As she walks on by she turns and looks to the six remaining conquistador men with her attention paid to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as he looks back with a saddened look in his eyes.

Once the little Chaco Indian girl passes by completely, Conquistador Felipe has something to say with her grievous admiration for them saying, “Hey, look that little Indian girl had a liking to us all!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to ride off again while pulling onto his horse’s bridle chatting out loud, “Yes, right!”

Thereafter Conquistador Padre wonders why he would give such a negative attitude when this group of Chaco Indians and Hispanics didn’t seem to even try and do anything responding back, “Why are you so negative when they just walked by without trying anything?”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think of how he’s trying to just brush off the group of Chaco Indians and Hispanic commenting, “I’m only trying to push them out of my mind for now until we make the east coast!”

Finally the group of Chaco Indians and Hispanics pass through the “Old Spanish Trail” and down along their own trail as the six remaining conquistador crowns begin to move along once again. They all follow as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza pulls on his horse’s bridle to take off again while they all kind of wonder why they even had stopped in the first place.

The first one to even question their actions is Conquistador Miguel who thinks it was unnecessary recapping, “Why did we even stop in the first place?”

Next Conquistador Felipe comes up with a sort of whimsical line exasperating, “So we could all get an arrow in the back!”

And then Conquistador Padre has more or less his pains taking measure still from the other day saying, “No, it was so we could pay our respect!”

At this time the “Witch Catcher” has made her way to higher ground to where she can see more of what’s going on down below. Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” has previously chosen many of these routes as she had trained previously for this journey. And still they are only partially familiar to her considering that she has only traveled this route only once.

However it will take some time before the six remaining conquistador crowns notice her half way up the side of the mountain that’s just north of them all. Yet she will have to descend her way back down because it’s only a small mountain range that flows back in to the basin below, although there are many more mountain ranges that stretch their way through the territory.

At first, she can only watch and wait as she lags her pace a little faster than theirs even though she is still directly behind them all a ways. Thus far she intends on catching up before she makes the end of this particular mountain range which she would like to use as a paradigm to mark her first return with following them all.

Quickly she picks up the pace and within a minute or so she is riding right next to them parallel to on the “Old Spanish Trail” straight below. Still there are some curves to her path which is a trail that she had made up only once and has to improve along the way. And there are also some bends here and there within the “Old Spanish Trail as well lying below.

Moments later there is an area where they are both turned towards one another as the “Witch Catcher” comes there way on a stretch that is curved inward after another bend. In view of that point of how both groups are thrown towards one another, Conquistador Padre just happens to look up the side of the mountain directly north of them while catching something in his eye up there.

Subsequently Conquistador Padre had only glanced for a second before turning back and then hurriedly he glares back again saying out loud, “Hey, look up there!”

Quickly the six remaining conquistador crowns all slow down a little bit while glancing off towards the north end far beyond the “Old Spanish Trail” they are riding. At first, they don’t notice right away, although it’s pretty hard not to see her with her face all shining in the sun with her new makeup design that she incorporated in to her act.

Moments later, the “Witch Catcher” realizes that they see her even though she decides to pretend as though she’s only carrying on about her business at hand. However the six remaining conquistador crowns see her vividly enough with their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse that she had taken from him.

The first to make a comment as to catching an eye with the “Witch Catcher” is conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza while jabbering, “So it looks like she caught back up with us all!”

And then with taking flight of her new facial appearance, Conquistador Felipe wonders where she had been all of this time asking, “Where’d she come from?”

Of course, after contemplating how she had ridden up there so fast, “Conquistador Padre queries very loud as they all slow down even more, “How’d did she get up there so fast?”

Luckily Conquistador Rafael figures that she had been hiding out for all of this time jousting, “I don’t know; but she must have been hiding out somewhere during the pass through the rim of mountains!”

Now the question is whether or not she realizes that they have seen her return to following them as Conquistador Miguel asks, “Do you think she knows we see her?”

Furthermore Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is the one, who has decided to answer that question, as he responds, “Of course, she knows that we see her because we all were looking up that way and she knows we are probably talking about her!”

After hearing that bunch obvious nonsense coming from their mouths, “Conquistador Riguel makes a comment relating to ignoring the “Witch Catcher” saying to the others, “Then don’t stare at her so much, let’s just try and ignore her!”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe becomes agitated about how it’s pretty hard to ignore someone who’s following you bickering, “Well, it’s hard to try and ignore someone when they have been following from behind for many days!”

Next Conquistador Padre thinks back to the other day when they were tearing it up as they had entered in to the rim of mountains saying, “This “Witch Catcher” crazy Indian woman is pretty hard to shake. We have ridden as fast as we possibly could a many times throughout the last several days and so far she just keeps coming back around!”

By now, the “Witch Catcher” realizes that they see her and her presence and not to leave out how they are talking about her grading, “Looks like they see us and that they are talking about us while wondering how to ditch me somehow!”

Seconds later, the “Witch Catcher” comes up with another verse to give to accompanying their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse mocking, “And I’m sure they wonder where I was when they were traveling through the rim of mountains. Of course, I had to take another course to avoid getting to close for now!”

Lastly the “Witch Catcher” has another token of her affections for the six remaining conquistador crowns as they continue riding along at a slower pace while commenting, “I’ll just let the crafts of heaven take their toll on them while helping me with the removal of the conquistador crowns!”

And now the six remaining conquistador crowns are sure she’s keeping her distance for some reason as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “She’s sure keeping her distance from us like she’s trying to avoid us for some reason!”

Next Conquistador Miguel seems to feel like their Conquistador leader is getting a little mushy like he’s missing her contending, “Don’t say that you’re getting a little mushy on the sad side now?”

Finally Conquistador Padre notices something peculiar about her face and how it looks different even though they are at a great distance remarking, “For some reason I’ve noticed that her face looks different for some reason!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to take out his telescope in order to inspect the situation a little more thoroughly. And that’s because it seems he had made a speculation as to her appearance too, although he hadn’t had the chance to comment or make a statement on the fact. However now every one of the six remaining conquistador crowns starts to look wondering if they can notice a change from such a far distance, especially while they are moving along at a pace.

Meanwhile Tesoro De Castallanza is taking advantage of his telescope so that he can see what the difference is that they are seeing in her. So far her face looks much different almost as though she is a different person, although she still has their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse that she has since he was shot with an arrow by the hateful bird.

Yet when he looks at her he realizes that she isn’t even paying attention to them all because her attention is directly in front of her way of travel. And then on the other hand Tesoro De Castallanza sees that she has changed some of her clothes, but then not many. Also he can still tell that she has the same aura about her that he has felt ever since they have been being followed by the “Witch Catcher” woman.

Then after realizing there are some changes to her appearance, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes out with a description of her new facial attire jumping, “Yes, it looks like she has added some new war paint to her face or something. But it’s hard to tell because she hasn’t turned over our way too much.”

Anyhow it seems that Conquistador Felipe thinks that her face seems sort of bright for some reason because it’s been shining in the sun as he comments, “Her face seems much brighter than before reflecting the sunlight.”

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues on trying to control his horse’s bridle in order to steer while using his telescope replying, “Yes, she must have some bright yellowish or goldish colors painted on her face for some unknown reason. Maybe it’s some sort of salute to some neighboring Chaco Canyon Indian Tribe somewhere nearby!”

Moreover Conquistador Padre takes this as a threat of how they may be in more hostile territories saying, “Then maybe we are in hostile territory and we should try riding out of here a little faster!”

And after thinking things over a little more, Conquistador Miguel feels that something would have happened by now schilling, “If we were in hostile territory something would have happened by now instead of those Chaco Indians just walking on by us all!”

Then all of a sudden the “Witch Catcher” starts to reach the end of the mountain range as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza notices remarking to the other conquistador crowns, “Well, it appears that her mountain is running out towards the end!”

Just then the conquistador crowns all turn to take a look as the “Witch Catcher” starts to ride towards the end of the ledge of the mountainside that she has been traveling on. A few moments later as the six remaining conquistador crowns all watch wondering what she’ll do, the “Witch Catcher” turns north as she slowly disappears from their point of view. Finally they all realize that she has a new game on her mind that is completely confusing them and making them curious as to her next move.

And after she has maneuvered from their line of sight, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes his telescope away while saying to the others, “Well, she vanished out of sight!”

Of course, Conquistador Padre was watching as she turned away even though she only made a few turns their way. Turns that she made while riding her horse at certain angles probably dodging rocks and boulders above which they all couldn’t see. Nonetheless Conquistador Padre knows that she will never leave them out of her sight no matter what the cost in order to drive them all out from the Southwest Deserts.

Once he has the “Witch Catcher” and her return again, Conquistador Padre turns to the other conquistador men elaborating, “She’ll be back eventually!”

Now that they have no idea where she’s at during the present time, Conquistador Padre turns to glance at Conquistador Felipe as he comments to the others, “Maybe she’s trying to come down here to mess with us all.”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to make a comment blatting out, “You may be right; so let’s try and ride out of here for a while longer!”

Quickly the six remaining conquistador crowns all start to pull their horse’s bridles back a little taking a last peak before kicking the side of their horses in order to head off. Right away, they all really begin to pick up speed while thinking that the “Witch Catcher” is hot on their trail following them in the pursuit still.

And at the current time, the “Witch Catcher” has made her descent down the side of the moment along a trail that she had found long ago. She can also hear the six remaining conquistador crowns start to ride off very fast making the sounds of a horse carriage running by in the distance.

Hurriedly the “Witch Catcher” decides to take a short cut that she knows from the last time she had gone this way making her own trail which is parallel to the “Old Spanish Trail.” However she will have to hurry in order to catch up considering that they are on flatter ground and will be able to ride much faster.

Once she has decided which way to go while thinking it over in her mind, the “Witch Catcher” says out loud, “I’ll have to hurry if I want to catch up to them all!”

Nevertheless before taking off in a hurry in order to catch up, the “Witch Catcher” says before she heads off, “Luckily I know a short cut!”

Firstly she decides to head off straight towards a mountain that she knows far off in the distance rather than only having her mind on what’s nearby. This way she can gain more ground and pass them up about the time they wear down from the sporadic action of leaving in a hurry. Yet they have gained some ground quickly before she could even make her descent down the side of the mountain at the eastern end.


A few miles go by before the six remaining conquistador crowns eventually wear down as well as their horses that begin to gasp for air from the stretch. Soon they all start to slow down one by one realizing that they have all gone a great distance in such a short time. Of course, this was because most of the “Old Spanish Trail” here is more level making it much easier to pick up some speed.

The first to break in to the conversation is Conquistador Padre who looks back with an array of new mountains by their side jabbering, “It looks like we rode a great distance so fast!”

It seems that Conquistador Felipe is also concerned with trying to lose the presence of the “Witch Catcher” as he looks back at the mountains asking, “I wonder if we lost her this time because we rode so far?”

And after taking another glance around noticing that they have passed a many mountain ranges which are far behind them all, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza answers back saying, “I hope so because we have passed a many mountain ranges while she was still coming down from the mountainside!”

Then on the other hand the “Witch Catcher” has nearly caught up as she catches them all back in her sight as she catches eye with another mountain range that she remembers along her travels. So straight forth, she sees a way to take the climb as she turns in order to make the ride as fast as she possibly can before any more changes occur.

Moments later, the six remaining conquistador crowns have a slowdown considering that a few of their horses are sighing and breathing really heavy from exhaustion. And even some of their horse shoes that they have fabricated and made within their own ironsmith are failing here and there too.

Quickly Conquistador Rafael realizing that he’d better change one of his horse’s shoes by saying, “I think I’d better take a break so that I can tack a horse shoe back on!”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that they have been sort of lucky about throwing any horse shoes saying, “Well, so far we have been lucky about throwing any horse shoes and we’ve been checking them occasionally!”

Once they all have completely stopped for some routine maintenance on their horses, Conquistador Padre carries on about the trip, “I think I’ve thrown a horse shoe or two so I’d better check!”

Quickly Conquistador Padre gets off of his horse while Conquistador Felipe gets off of his horse doing the same commenting, “I think we’d all better check our horses before that “Witch Catcher” woman catches up to us!”

Now Conquistador Miguel explains why he always rides more carefully than the others recoiling, “That’s why I always ride more slowly than the rest of you most of the time and I also check my horse’s shoes too!”

Finally the “Witch Catcher” has noticed that they are stopped while checking on their horses, although they haven’t caught eye of her as of yet. But slowly she is descending her way up another mountain in order to keep higher on the plains of the battlefield. Occasionally she glances back and forth while she climbs up some trails that have many drops and cliffs here and there that are too close to ignore.

Meanwhile while Conquistador Rafael is fixing one of his horse’s shoes, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza happens to gleam over to the mountains just north of them all noticing the “Witch Catcher” woman riding along the top of a rock face of some red sanded mountains stretching their way north.

At first, he can only stare at the “Witch Catcher” at a distance while he checks his own horse’s shoes trying to pay attention to two things at the same time. However Conquistador Riguel seems to notice and then turns looking to where Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is looking at trying to focus enough with the sun glaring down.

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza sees that Conquistador Riguel has noticed her as he says, “I thought we lost her?”

Right away, as the other Conquistador Men turn to look at where the “Witch Catcher” is riding at, Conquistador Miguel butts in saying, “I guess she’s hard to lose!”

And for some reason Conquistador Padre finds it hard to believe that she would be riding so high up like she’s trying to avoid them all saying, “How did she get up there so fast when we thought we had ditched her again?”

Finally Conquistador Felipe figures that she’s pretty slick when it comes to surprising them admitting, “I guess she’s very unpredictable, huh?”

Moments later, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza puts his mind to finishing up their business with their horse’s shoes so that they can get a move on once again. Soon all of them start to try and hurry up making sure that their horses can go the distance another few days or so. Lastly Conquistador Rafael finishes up as he starts to get back on his horse while trying to catch a view of the “Witch Catcher” in the process.

Next Conquistador Rafael wonders what she’s doing up there anyhow considering it’s almost like she is trying to avoid them all saying, “I wonder what she’s doing way up there anyhow because it looks like she’s trying to avoid us for some reason.”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is on his horse ready to pull his horse’s bridle the other way in an eastern direction just as he bellows out, “Well, let’s not wait around and find out why she’s avoiding us!”

And in a hurriedly fashion the six remaining conquistador crowns all turn to leave the scene in order to try and out run the “Witch Catcher” lady once again. Now it seems almost an impossible task because every time they think that they have lost her she shows back up, although lately it has been at a distance.

Once they all have turned around to leave while speeding their horses out of there with whips and kicks to the side with their bridles, the “Witch Catcher” decides to move and turn her head in their direction for the first time in a while. At first, she had noticed them all talking and looking after she had reappeared to their view, though they have torn their way out of there pretty quickly.

Meanwhile as the “Witch Catcher” continues riding along a path that is coming towards the end once again, she watches the six remaining conquistador crowns as they ride further off in to the distance. And still she has to watch where she is going so that she doesn’t miss her trail that she has only ridden a time or so before.

However as she comes to the area where she can start to head down from the ridge of the mountain, the “Witch Catcher” says out loud, “Let them go until they stop off to camp before sunset.”

And before she starts to descend down the side of the mountain, the “Witch Catcher” looks wondering which route would be the best to take considering that they have gained much ground. Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” keeps watching so that she doesn’t lose eye contact with them all. But she has now picked the pace up a little bit so that she can catch up before they get too far out of sight.

In the meantime back at the mining camp at the Agua Fria River, the Southwest Tonto Hohokam is sitting around talking about their new relations with the Rain People. The conversation is about how they are now flourishing since the conquistador has been removed from their lands, although the process hasn’t ended.

And as they all are sitting around conversation about the last few days, Father Hawk thinks about how long it’s been since the conquistadors have been around, “Well, it’s been a few days since the conquistadors have been removed from our tribal lands!”

At about that time, Anasazi Wind Dancer butts in almost like she has a psychic connection to her “Witch Catcher” deity and friend saying, “They have been removed all of the way yet!”

Then on the other hand War Hawk can see images of them only being about half way to the coast remarking, “They must be about half way by now at least before they make their ships and leave our continent!”

Immediately Little Dream Catcher realizes that the conquistadors will return one day in many hundreds of years if not only a few years replying, “They will return one day in thousands of years or hundreds of years if not a few years!”

After hearing more conversation about the conquistadors, Chief Tomahawk can only agree with Little Dream Catcher replying, “Yes, I have to agree that they will return!”

Meanwhile Father Dream Catcher makes a comment now that he is done with his prayers of Jesus Christ for now until he fills the invocation of his spirit saying, “And when they return there will be Indians waiting for them!”

Of course, all of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People are more concerned about removing the gold from there so before their return as Mother Dream Catcher says, “Then we should continue mining the gold until there is no more!”

And now Sister Dream Catcher is curious about what they will do with the gold once they mine it all asking, “And where will we take the gold?”

Right away, Brother Dream Catcher decides that they should mention one of the secret caves saying, “The gold will be taken to a secret cave where it always will be guarded by Indian spirits!”

And lastly War Hawk comes forth talking about long term plans commenting, “And that’s where the gold will stay for thousands of years!”

Next the ultimate last words come from Little Dream Catcher as she says, “Until the conquistadors return once again.”

In the interim, the six remaining conquistador crowns have found themselves a place to camp that is fairly close to a stream which took a while to find. Nonetheless they all had to stop to camp for another night before the sun set again. So far, they are unsure of what to expect from the “Witch Catcher” which means they will be leaving their horses saddled up.

As Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to unpack a few things at the same time as the others, he looks around while talking, “Perhaps we lost her this time!”

Hurriedly Conquistador Padre takes a look around the valley just passed some saguaro trees where they are camped out jabbing, “Hopefully after riding that far so fast!”

Just then Conquistador Felipe is sure that they didn’t out flank the “Witch Catcher” shrieking, “We’ve been riding as fast as we can for days and still she comes catching up to us!”

There’s no doubt that Conquistador Rafael feels that they should keep up the same routine signifying, “Let’s just keep doing the same routine with someone keeping night watch at all times!”

By now the “Witch Catcher” has caught up to the six remaining conquistador crowns, although she has still decided to keep her distance. She also has picked a good spot to camp neither for another night which isn’t too close nor too far away from where the six remaining conquistador crowns are camping.

Yet she will have to climb a ways yet as she tries to make her way about midway up the crest so that she can set up camp. However it will take a while considering that it is getting fairly dark out even though she has an easy time seeing in the dark. But first she must find a place that isn’t too out in the open just like the camp site she had a few nights before.

So far she has been lucky at keeping out of sight while camping as she picks a place that isn’t too secluded, but she can see what’s going on down below once her eyes adjust a bit. And it would be great if she could build a camp fire that’s on a ledge like the one she has found looking out on the valley below.

Immediately she ties the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse to a nearby Sycamore tree before unpacking some of her belongings. Of course, she has a tendency to unpack the horse most of the way so that he can get a rest taking a load off for a while. Nonetheless she begins to pick a place to make a camp fire so that she can see what’s going on as well as keep from being seen from behind the firelight.

Meanwhile the six remaining conquistador crowns have finished their unpacking which is precisely only a few items such as a few blankets which they will need to sleep as usual. Nevertheless they are all pretty tired from all of the running away along with the stress that has built up to a certain level. Now a few of them feel over exhausted and they are even more wearisome than before.

But now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is ready to take on another night’s first watch just in case the “Witch Catcher” lady is lingering around still as he lunges out, “Let me take the first night’s watch while you all get some shut eye!”

Right away, Conquistador Padre wonders why Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is so eager to take the first night watch asking, “Why do you think that “Witch Catcher” woman is still out there?”

A moment later after thinking for a brief second, Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with an answer suggesting, “Yes, and it makes me feel safer to start the night off with myself watching out!”

Now the six remaining conquistador crowns begin to all lie down in their designated spots while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to find a good place to sit and take the watch for another night. And when he does he starts to notice something peculiar about a certain spot as a flame begins to show forth from a nearby peak of some ledge or something.

Yet he isn’t the only one to notice as Conquistador Felipe who just happened to have his eyes open while looking in that direction says out loud, “Speak of the devil!”

Suddenly a few of the conquistador men arise followed by another who decides to get back on their feet to take a look anyhow. For a few moments or so, they all can only look to try and see if they can make out anything as far as any face or image of any one person is concerned. Then all of a sudden it appears that all of the conquistador men have gathered wondering what to expect from the strange camp fires following them at night.

The first one to respond to the strange appearance after Conquistador Felipe and his last comment is Conquistador Miguel who jousts, “She sure likes to camp high up and far away from us all!”

Straight away Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that the “Witch Catcher” woman is only merely messing around with them all while even trying to avoid them all saying, “She’s just messing with us is all!”

In the meantime Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes his telescope to try and take a look even though there is a good distance between them and her while saying, “That might be too far away for my telescope.”

But for some reason Conquistador Padre thinks that he should try anyhow suggesting, “Maybe you ought to give it a try anyhow?”

As Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza lifts up his telescope from his bag that he carries with him while he is attending his night watch, he shoots out a blurb saying, “I hadn’t even had the chance to find a place to sit down before the camp fire lit up!”

But then while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to take a look from his telescope, he takes a glance while Conquistador Felipe asks, “Do you see anything?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza answers back to him replying, “No, all I see are just some flames peaking above some ledge is all.”

Nevertheless every one of the conquistador men continue watching wondering what to expect next, although they kind expect nothing as Conquistador Padre says, “I’m tired; wake me up if you see anything!”

At that time, Conquistador Padre turns to take a place back where his sleeping apparatus is located as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza catches his first glimpse saying, “Wait, I think I see something!”

Quickly Conquistador Padre starts to turn around with some enthusiasm, though it’s not as intense as before, when Conquistador Rafael asks out loud, “What do you see?”

And there’s a pause for a split second or so until Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back explaining, “I can see a face on the far side of the camp fire!”

At that moment, the “Witch Catcher” can feel that they caught a glimpse of her as she moves away from that position to another while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza loses sight of her aura.

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to focus his telescope, although he realizes that whomever it was moved away as he says, “Whoever it was moved over to where I can’t see them anymore!”

Soon after Conquistador Felipe turns to go to bed just like Conquistador Padre was once before saying, “It’s just that “Witch Catcher” woman messing around up there!”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza puts down his telescope before wandering if one of them should go up there and investigate enthralling the others, “Maybe one of us ought to sneak up there and get a peek at what’s going on?”

However after thinking about it for a split second or so, Conquistador Padre comes back even though he wanted to go back to sleep again saying, “Now who would want to do that?”

Nevertheless Conquistador Riguel is sort of sick of the cat and mouse game that’s going on and figures he should give a shot at it suggesting, “Well, someone has to do it otherwise we will continue to be sitting ducks!”

And it seems that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is curious if he feels up to sneaking up there to see who is there communicating, “And you feel like taking a shot at it?”

Then on the other hand Conquistador Riguel wonders if he should walk or ride asking, “That’s quite a distance; do you think I ought to walk or ride up over there?”

Now Conquistador Rafael thinks that he should stay back at their camp instead of going off on a wild tangent butting in with, “I don’t think you should go at all!”

Moments later, Conquistador Felipe figures that there could be Indians nearby watching them as they speak slanging, “He’s right; there could be some Indians nearby casing us out!”

But still Conquistador Miguel has a positive intuition that it’s only the “Witch Catcher” up there messing around with their minds considering that she’s all alone remarking, “It’s only that “Witch Catcher” woman up there following us, otherwise we’d have Indians chasing us everywhere!”

Lastly Conquistador Padre has an idea of how they are lucky for some reason before he calls it a night asserting, “We are lucky that we are only being pushed out rather than hunted down like some wild game!”

In conclusion to their confusions, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with some words explaining, “We are being hunted one by one and we still have a long ways to go before we make the coast!”

By now, Conquistador Rafael is getting rather tired and thinks that they all should catch some rest saying, “Why don’t we just catch some rest and worry about that “Witch Catcher” woman in the morning!”

Right away, Conquistador Riguel changes his mind and decides not to go commenting, “Maybe you’re right, we all should get some rest and we’ll worry about that “Witch Catcher” lady tomorrow!”

Immediately the six remaining conquistador crowns turn back to go to their resting spot except for one which is the first night watch Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza. In the meantime Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza places his eyes back on the camp fire belonging to the “Witch Catcher” woman trying to focus with his naked eyes. Then momentarily he turns to his telescope once again in order to get a better glimpse of it all.

And far away, the “Witch Catcher” woman is getting some rest of her own catching some shut eye, although she has plans of getting up before the sunrise as always which is one of her customs. However the camp fire continues to burn on but the flames are dwindling down a bit considering that she hasn’t been feeding the fire anymore.

For a while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues watching and waiting for some kind of sign of what the “Witch Catcher” is doing, although there is no sign of her any more than before. Still he keeps on watching and staring through his telescope and even his naked eyes trying to catch a glimpse of something.

Then on the one hand, he realizes that he knows it’s the “Witch Catcher” up there considering that she had been tracking them fairly close the last several many miles. Nonetheless Conquistador Tesoro de Castallanza starts to even dose off a little bit every now and then trying to catch some cat size naps here and there.

And after about an hour Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza stops dozing off here and there every so often and actually falls asleep. Moreover neither Conquistador Felipe nor any of the other conquistador men have woken up in order to relieve Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza of his night watch.

Another factor is that he had slept soundly for a few hours and now it’s nearly time for the sunrise to start coming up as a light blue color begins to illuminate the eastern skies. The camp fire has gone down to only burning red hot embers as the “Witch Catcher” has woken up for an early start.

It doesn’t take long before she uses some of her rations of what she had left in order to feed herself and their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse. Of course, she does this just before packing up and heading off with the plans of her new day within the testimony of Jesus Christ. However before she does she makes sure that her camp fire is out considering many of her games have been spent over the last few days of the journey.

Nevertheless she takes a look around the camp a bit before she turns to leave even though she had checked it over once or twice anyhow. Then she leaves to head off before the six remaining conquistador crowns happen to wake up for another day of riding along the “Old Spanish Trail” trying to make their way to the middle coastal shores.

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has been making up for the lack of sleep that has accumulated within the last several days or so escaping the “Witch Catcher” continuously. However he isn’t lying down considering that he is sitting up and almost nearly leaning back on some tree stump that has a falling tree next to it.

Soon the “Witch Catcher” eases her way towards camp while riding in very slowly so that she isn’t heard by any of them. And when she does they are all still sound sleeping snoozing making some sounds that mean they are in a deep sleep state. Furthermore she sees Conquistador Tesoro De perched up leaning on the stump of a fallen tree that has made a good place to sit where there’s a view of the whole camp.

For a moment there the “Witch Catcher” remains still and quiet while watching as they all seem motionless yet noisy and disturbing. Finally she takes out a rock that she has been saving for the occasion just like the many other times when she had been close enough to take a shot at them all.

But at first she takes a good look around while trying to sneak in a few more yards while riding the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse slowly. And when she does get close enough she takes quick with her aim while giving one hard throw at Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza.

Quickly the “Witch Catcher” turns the horse’s bridle the other way trying to ride off in a hurry as the rock hits the helmet of Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza. And when it does it makes a loud crack knocking it from his head which stirs up everyone including their horses that were enjoying some solitude also.

Luckily Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wasn’t hit too hard, although he had slipped from his seated position that he found momentarily. However the other five remaining conquistador crowns wake up with a loud bash which stands them all on their feet rather fast like. Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza gets back up watching the “Witch Catcher” ride off in the early morning light.

Straight off the mark, Conquistador Padre runs over to where Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as the others ends up following yelling out, “What the hell was that?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes his way back towards the others answering back with, “It was that “Witch Catcher” woman riding in to camp!”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe asks wondering what that loud banging sound was that had woken him up, “What was that loud banging sound then?”

“It was from a rock that she had thrown at me!” He says this while showing the rock considering it landed right near him when he had fallen down.

“We’re you asleep when she rode in and threw it?” Conquistador Rafael asks wondering as the sounds of her riding off in to the distance are heard.

For a moment they all look while turning back to camp and their horses in order to hurry off as Conquistador Miguel says, “Which way did she go?”

For a moment, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about it before saying, “I think she headed back that way towards the north.”

Quickly they all gather their belongings as fast as they can so that they can pack up their already saddled horses to leave the camp. Of course, Conquistador Riguel thinks they should ride off in the other direction down along the “Old Spanish Trail” stating, “Let’s just get out of here and make our way down along the “Old Spanish Trail!”

And while they all finish packing in a flash trying to untie their horses to flee the scene, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with a remark divulging, “Sounds like a good plan for right now!”

Next Conquistador Padre kicks his horse in to high speed trying to set a pace for everyone yelling out, “Vamonos!”

Still the “Witch Catcher” has stopped a distance a ways away in order to take a quick glance at their response to her hitting their conquistador leader. And when she realizes that they are preparing to leave in a hurry, the “Witch Catcher” turns away in order to cut them off somewhere ahead. And in a hurried leap with the wish of not getting too far behind, the “Witch Catcher” starts riding off as fast as she can while keeping a good close eye on their directory.

During the meanwhile, the Conquering Chief is standing down by the petroglyphs down below by the Agua Fria River looking at the pictograph of the dog with three heads. At first, he drags his finger over the first crossed out head and then he briefly stops. Then he looks around at some of the other pictographs and petroglyphs making a connection with the story on the rock face.

After thinking a second or so he looks to Lightning Strike while saying, “First the conquistador lost his head of being a conquistador!”

Secondly the Conquering Chief looks at the pictograph while dragging his finger over the second crossed out head adding, “Secondly, he lost the head of the Prophet!”

Lastly the Conquering Chief looks to Ravianna, who isn’t too far away wondering if there are some other images he was to draw on the rock face, as he turns back to say, “And now he only has the head of becoming fond of the “Witch Catcher!”

Many miles later, the six remaining conquistador crowns slow down just before reaching their next stop which is where Juarez, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas are located today. Of course, it’s only in a close vicinity to the current cities as they start slowing down along the “Old Spanish Trail” trying to rest up after a long dash from camp.

So far the “Witch Catcher” has caught them off guard many times and it is starting to make the six remaining conquistador crowns even more fond of her as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “Let’s slow down a bit and make sure we lost the “Witch Catcher” because we are almost near the next mining camp!”


Finally the “Witch Catcher” has caught up to them now that the six remaining conquistador crowns have slowed down to rest their horses before riding their way in to the mining camp of Juarez, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas. At first, they ride in slowly with the urgency to be careful just in case there are many Indians taking over that mining camp as well.

Momentarily the “Witch Catcher” slows down while realizing that they are getting closer while commenting, “Their getting closer to their last mining camp and they are lucky they were only scared off!”

Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” tries to keep a good distance from the six remaining conquistador crowns as well as the mining camp along the future border line. The closer they arrive riding in the more the “Witch Catcher” slows down to keep out of sight. She also realizes that they probably won’t be there too long spending too much time there before moving on to their journey towards the Midwestern Coast.

As the six remaining conquistador crowns make their way riding in to the next mining camp along the future border line of Juarez, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, they start to notice that the mining camp is sort of desolate. It also seems that there’s nothing much happening and that there’s nothing going on. And as they all ride in the place appears to be like a sort of ghost town or a haunted mining camp.

The first one to stop is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza when he heads to the mule stall which similar to the one back at the Agua Fria River. The other five remaining conquistador crowns all stop directly behind him simultaneously looking around realizing that the place looks deserted or something.

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes a comment about how deserted the mining camp appears commenting, “The mining camp looks deserted or something!”

After that Conquistador Padre notices that there is nobody around the mining camp as he glances around a bit shrugging, “That’s strange I don’t see anyone around!”

Moments later, Conquistador Felipe notices Conquistador Arturo peeking out from behind some trees like he was hiding from someone or something as he says, “Hey, there’s Conquistador Arturo hiding out behind those trees!”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns the other way noticing Conquistador Arturo watching precariously from behind some nearby trees saying, “Come on out; it’s only Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and the crew!”

Slowly once again Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza peeks out from behind the tree where he and a few others have been hiding out trying to lay low. Then the six remaining conquistador crowns can see that Conquistador Arturo isn’t alone. However another head is made clear to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as Conquistador Arturo comes out realizing that everything is alright.

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza waits for him to catch eye contact with the others of his crew before asking out loud, “Where is everybody?”

For a moment or so Conquistador Arturo hesitates before saying anything only to make sure that they haven’t been followed or anything before they arrived. However they have been hiding around the behind the trees which are just behind an arrastra they had been working before there were any incidents which had come their way.

Finally Conquistador Arturo decides to answer Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza’s question by explaining what’s been going on in his words by deliberating, “Many of them have left and returned to the coast!”

Moments later, Conquistador Padre becomes more curious as to why any of the conquistador men would do that asking out loud, “Now why would any of the conquistador men wind up leaving the mining camp and heading back to the coast?”

And still Conquistador Arturo ends up hesitating again as he comes back explaining to them all, “We’ve had lots of Indians running around trying to push us around and scare us off!”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza knows that they had a few Indians helping them out, although there weren’t as many as back on his site as he asks, “And what happened to all of the Indians working on the arrastras?”

Then all of a sudden Conquistador Carlos comes from behind Conquistador Arturo saying to them all, “They all started acting up before some more Indians came and then they all left in a hurry.”

Finally after thinking about things for a minute while looking around noticing how the area is thrashed, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza asks them a question asking, “So why didn’t you leave?”

After pondering the past over for another second, Conquistador Carlos comes forth explaining to them all, “We were pretty scared to leave by ourselves!”

Moments later, Conquistador Felipe asks about the others saying, “When did the other conquistador men leave the mining camp?”

Right away, Conquistador Arturo comes back with a time of when the last ones left saying, “Conquistador Sanchez and a few others only left a few hours ago!”

And then Conquistador Rafael wonders if any Indians had followed them or did they notice anything odd or unusual querying, “Did any Indians follow them after they had left or anything strange or perhaps unusual!”

It seems strange to them that there are so many questions once they arrived, though Conquistador Carlos answers the question anyhow saying, “No, not that I could tell but those Chaco Indians were all over the place.”

Lastly Conquistador Arturo wonders why they all had left the mining camp to come this way after Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban had only passed through many days earlier as Conquistador Carlos asks, “Why are you coming back this way anyhow?”

Immediately Conquistador Miguel comes out with some words saying, “We had a many tribes of Indians chase us out!”

The two conquistador men start to look around wondering where the others are and why there are only six men as Conquistador Arturo asks, “Where are the other conquistador men?”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that it’s his obligation to tell them about what had happened as he replies, “They all didn’t make it!”

There’s a definite reaction from both of their faces but then again on the other side of the matter they have been having many problems already as Conquistador Carlos says, “They didn’t make it, what happened?”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides that they don’t have any more time to explain shrugging, “We don’t have any time to explain now. Just gather your belongings and let’s head for the coast and we’ll talk along the way.”

At that time, both Conquistador Arturo and Conquistador Carlos head towards their horses which have been packed and ready for a quick ride out of the mining camp. They have been on guard for quite some times now which have been a few days since things have become more hectic causing many of the conquistador men to leave.

Meanwhile the six remaining conquistador crowns are taking a look around as they all begin to head towards the other end of the mining camp. The mining camp looks sort of trampled upon and even all the arrastras poles are broken out signifying that something had happened here. Nevertheless the e six remaining conquistador crowns only glance while waiting for the others to join in with the herd of horses making their way towards the Midwestern coast.

Now they are all ready to head off and leave the mining camp when all of a sudden Conquistador Sanchez and Conquistador Roberto comes riding back in a hurry. At first it is a surprise to them all as they all approach seeing all of them including Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza.

Everybody stops when they both comes riding in really fast like a bolt of lightning coming from a raincloud. Of course, they are both exhausted panting and breathing heavy when they all comes riding back in to the mining camp. Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has no idea what’s going on so far as Conquistador Arturo asks them both, “Que Paso?”

Without any hesitations, Conquistador Sanchez tries to catch his breath while coming forth saying, “We turned around after we saw a group of Chaco Indians blocking the “Old Spanish Trail” while the others kept on going past them all!”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza ponders the mental images in his mind, although some of them are distorted, although he comes back asking, “Did they make it passed them all?”

Right away, while riding along with a slower pace as they all decide what to do in a precautious manner, Conquistador Roberto looks back at the conquistador leader while rejoining, “Yes, they made it passed, though we turned around as more Chaco Indians crowded the “Old Spanish Trail” before we both passed by.”

And with a curiosity that is becoming overwhelmingly with knowing how far away the trouble is up ahead, Conquistador Padre asks Conquistador Roberto and Conquistador Sanchez, “How far ahead were you?”

Just then Conquistador Roberto points to a few mountains towards the southeast in a sort of diagonal direction from where they are riding while saying, “We were just south of those mountains over that way!”

After hearing their story so far, Conquistador Rafael looks realizing that they had ridden a good distance and returned commenting, “That’s a long ways away!”

Next Conquistador Felipe wonders why they had returned to the mining camp after riding a great distance asking, “So why did you all come back anyhow?”

Now Conquistador Sanchez decides to admit that they were scared and confused saying, “We were pretty scared of trying to get passed those Indians once the others raced passed them a ways ahead of us both!”

After thinking things over for a moment or so, Conquistador Miguel wonders if that’s all asking, “So you turned around and risked coming back to the mining camp?”

But for some reason there are other circumstances bringing them both back as Conquistador Roberto says, “We also didn’t want to leave Conquistador Arturo and Conquistador Carlos left behind!”

Right away, Conquistador Sanchez comes back with his feelings of the entire scenario as he comes back adding, “We thought about leaving them behind the whole way while the others just wanted to make the coast.”

The “Witch Catcher” is now watching as she has found a place where she can ride without being seen by any of them. So far she has noticed that a few conquistador men have returned for some unknown reason which she doesn’t know the answer, although from her observations they returned in a hurry.

Nevertheless she realizes that their actions indicate that maybe they had left and returned momentarily after some time. This is because she is considering the fact that when the six remaining conquistador crowns arrived at the mining camp there were only two conquistador men awaiting and abiding their time.

After watching and playing the guessing game, the “Witch Catcher” has an inkling that there was some trouble up ahead along the “Old Spanish Trail” which means that maybe the Chaco Indians had ambushed them somewhere up ahead. Now she has to try and make her way to higher ground so that she can see what’s going on ahead.

So far the “Witch Catcher” sees a nearby mountain where she can get up high enough to scope out what’s going on up ahead, although she will have to ride a distance in order to get there. And she’d better hurry if she wants to be ahead of them and catch a glimpse of what lies on down the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Of course the “Witch Catcher” is hoping to catch sight of the band of Chaco Indians who are blocking the way through their blockade along the “Old Spanish Trail.” She is hoping to catch their attention so that she can inform them to let the ten conquistador crowns pass on by all of them without any harm.

Furthermore while getting back to the ten conquistador crowns who are getting closer and closer towards the blockade which is only a few miles ahead, the ten conquistador crowns are talking about what had happened the last few days leading up to the Indian uprising. So far, the six remaining conquistador crowns are informing the new recruits to the group what had happened days earlier.

During the current moment, Conquistador Carlos has a question that relates to how things were at the Teguayo mining camp asking, “So how was the mining at the cultural mining center Teguayo?”

With a pause in his answer, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes forth storytelling, “Things at the mining camp were good considering that there were lots of gold ore and many Indians to work the arrastras.”

Then right away, Conquistador Rafael butts in with his story of the Indian rebellion saying, “Yes, everything was good until the Indians wanted their harvesting celebration for having better crops during the summer months!”

Next Conquistador Felipe thinks back to seeing the sage smoke that they addressed to the skies retorting, “At first, we thought it was only some grand finale to some summer harvesting ceremony!”

Now Conquistador Padre butts in afterwards contorting, “Then we realized that they were planning to kick us out once it was too late!”

Once all is said, Conquistador Roberto thinks back to many of their Indians leaving sporadically and returning every now and then saying, “I remember that many of the Indians kept on leaving only to return days later followed by others leaving!”

And Conquistador Sanchez figures that they were all visiting the Chaco Cultural Center for some reason saying, “I think they were all traveling to the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center for some kind of Indian Nations meeting where they turned them all against us!”

With a moment of silence, Conquistador Miguel Wonders why they would go so far and return anyhow asking, “Why would they all travel walking so far to make their way to the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center in order to make plans against us all?”

Just then the “Witch Catcher” has made her way to higher ground, although she isn’t as high up as before considering that there are too many cliffs on the red sanded mountain tops that are nearby. And with the turn of an eye looking in that direction, Conquistador Riguel notices the “Witch Catcher” riding along the top of a rock face which has some deep cliff like drops just below her while riding along.

Right away, without any further hesitations, Conquistador Riguel has an answer to that question relenting, “There’s your answer, to hook up with that “Witch Catcher” woman and her vendetta!”

Therefore the other conquistador crowns turn to look over towards the north as Conquistador Riguel to the “Witch Catcher” woman following them once again above a rock ledge. Of course, the new members of the group are a little confused about what’s going on considering they haven’t heard the entire story as of yet.

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns his head her way only to say out loud, “Speak of the devil!”

After hearing those words and looking off to where the other conquistador men are gazing, Conquistador Arturo sees the “Witch Catcher” woman just barely off in the distance while asking, “Who is that?”

With regards to Conquistador Arturo and his question, Conquistador Padre continues turning her way every once in a while as he contends, “That’s a “Witch Catcher” woman following us!”

By now, the new recruits to the conquistador group are sort of confused about who this strange woman is off in the distance following them all as Conquistador Carlos asks, “So why is she following us and where did she come from?”

Surely Conquistador Felipe butts in to the conversation with his own explanation for the other men who have laid eyes on her for the first time as he says, “That “Witch Catcher” is following us to make sure we head back to our ships and leave and she comes from the Rainy Lands of the Rain People!”

At about that time, the “Witch Catcher” woman notices them all looking while telling the other conquistador men of her identity or something. It’s pretty obvious that the other conquistador men are becoming curious about her considering how many times they all turn to glance at her. Nonetheless she decides to concentrate on moving ahead now in order to free the “Old Spanish Trail” up for their passing through the barricade of the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Quickly she starts to ride a little faster in order to reach the downward descent of the mountains edge up ahead a ways. The ten conquistador crowns all seem to notice that she is riding ahead fairly faster than they are all anyhow. Yet they have no idea what she’s up to regardless of what she does riding along as she passes them all up quicker and quicker.

So far they all begin to see how she is riding faster like she’s up to something or other. Nevertheless the end of the rock face comes fairly fast as she turns north towards her downward descent as the ten conquistador crowns watch her vanish again. And when she does she only glances at her destination which is further on down the “Old Spanish Trail” a few good miles or so perhaps.

Momentarily the new conquistador men who have joined the group have been watching as the “Witch Catcher” turns and disappears from their view as Conquistador Carlos asks, “So what’s up with that “Witch Catcher” now that she turned around the end of the mountain?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza gives a usual answers that he wouldn’t be expecting saying, “She’ll be back before too long!”

And still the four new conquistadors are becoming even more agitated as they realize and think about the obvious questions as Conquistador Arturo interrogates, “So what’s the closest she has come while riding along!”

Right then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza points to his conquistador helmet with a gash in it from when he had fallen asleep during the night watch while noting, “This close!”

Directly then and there everybody looks considering that he had never mentioned it and neither did anyone else as Conquistador Sanchez questions him, “When did that happen?”

Yet one of the other conquistador men butts in as Conquistador Felipe quotes out loud, “This morning!”

Every one of the new members of the band turns to look at the gash in his conquistador helmet while the others look at them to see their reaction. That’s when the four newest members start to look around all paranoid towards the mountains directly north of them all. Now the “Witch Catcher” isn’t visible which starts to give them all the creeps.

Once the fear has crept in to their consciousness, the angel of heaven comes forth with another verse saying, “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand (Rev 20:1).”

So far the conquistador men are all concerned about where the “Witch Catcher” is at and when she will make her presence known to them all. Lately she has been eluding them while creating some sort of strategy on her part by confusing them of her whereabouts. Nonetheless the world of heaven moves on as the angels of heaven gather once again.

And again the angel of heaven comes forth with more prose against the conquistador men stating, “And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years (Rev 20:2).”

Now the ten conquistador crowns feel bound to her whims as many of their fears come together as the newest members tend to glare around the most. It seems they are a little confused about what to expect as the day moves in to the afternoon time where they feel they still have some time to gain ground.

Soon the angel of heaven brings its honor and glory of heaven with another line of scripture by declaring, “And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he shall deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season (Rev 20:3).”

Now the “Witch Catcher” has made her way to lower ground where she will ride ahead in order to inform the Chaco Indian band to stop their blockade along the “Old Spanish Trail.” Meanwhile the ten conquistador crowns all feel like they have only the hopes and aspirations of returning to Portugal and then Spain with only regret.

With more to sing out, the angel of heaven shows forth more images by singing out, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years (Rev 20:4).”

And now the six remaining conquistador crowns can only think of their Conquistador Prophet Ramon who had perished some time ago from the arrow of the hateful bird. So far, they feel like they are moving along without the words of God by their side, although they do have his father Conquistador Padre by their side which is almost as beneficial.

Next the angel of heaven becomes more violent with his verses as he says out loud from the skies, “But the rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection (Rev 20:5).”

And now Jesus Christ and his presence are felt once again in heaven. His presence is felt as the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way towards the east coast. The “Witch Catcher” feels his presence come back and return as well as she blesses the skies of heaven while making her way closer to the blockade of the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Next the angel of heaven shows up with another line of scripture by rejoicing from the skies of heaven, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years (Rev 20: 6).”

Another fact is that the ten remaining conquistador crowns can feel the presence of evil as they make their way forward. The dimensions of hell will be open and evil will be present after the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ. However they are uninvolved in either the resurrection of Jesus Christ and as well they are unknowledgeable of the “Witch Catcher” and her doings of a hellish nature.

Thereafter the angel of heaven has another verse of prose to sing for as the world of the third dimension, heaven, and hell collide saying, “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed outside of his prison (Rev 20: 7).”

Of course, the ten remaining conquistador crowns can feel the deceiving of the future four corners, or quarters of the land belonging to the Rain People, deceiving the Indian Nations belonging to the Chaco Cultural Center as they make their way closer to the blockade. And still their numbers are great according to the land of the sea which goes back to the Permian Epoch where these lands were basically sea shores inhabiting marine life such as brachiopods, cephalopods, and tabulate corals.

Still the angel of heaven shews forth the following line of prose which relates to the Old World which is during the time of the Bible writings and some images of the New World which are related to the Permian Epoch chanting, “And shall go out and deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together for battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea (Rev 20: 8).”

Soon the ten remaining conquistador crowns end up reaching near the area of the blockade along the “Old Spanish Trail” before the “Witch Catcher” has had a chance to catch their attention. Yet the “Witch Catcher” is close and there are many Chaco Indians gathered around here and there throughout the area.

And as the ten remaining conquistador crowns are on their way leaving the beloved Chaco Canyon area, the angel of heaven arrives again with more words from heaven disclosing, “And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them (Rev 20:9).”

At this time, the “Witch Catcher” arrives and tells the Chaco Indians the news of the hateful bird killing the false prophet of heaven. She also tells them to lift the blockade, although it is too late as some of the Chaco Indians are ready to interrupt their travels anyhow. Nonetheless the “Witch Catcher” does get her message around a little bit which helps allowing her to continue on with the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Now the angel of heaven returns once again with another verse from heaven stating aloud, “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Rev 20:10).”

And now Jesus Christ returns with his testimony as he watches the actions of the New World while sitting on his throne. The ten remaining conquistador crowns reach the blockade as the Chaco Indians start to charge them, although many of them only rant and rave from a distance. There are a many of them who end up throwing rocks here and there hitting them all over in different places trying to make sure they don’t return ever in the future again.

Moments later, the angel of heaven arrives with a new bit of irony to his sayings, “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them (Rev 20:11).”

Little by little the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way through the blockade along the “Old Spanish Trail” while being attacked and ravaged by the Chaco Indians. Yet they are only pushed and shoved around as they pass along and through the blockade. The “Witch Catcher” watches and waits nearby making sure that they are allowed to pass to finish the testimony of Jesus Christ.

A few minutes elapse before the angel of heaven returns again with more praise from its glory while applauding, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works (Rev 20:12).”

And quickly the ten remaining conquistador crowns make their way past the blockade along the “Old Spanish Trail” while barely looking back. Now that they are leaving the land that once was perhaps marshes and marines, the ten remaining conquistador crowns can feel the losses of those who were close as they drift off in the distance slowly. The Chaco Indians start to turn back letting them go after they felt that they had given them a bit of a beating while riding through.

Then the angel of heaven moves back in to the third dimension as some more words are said announcing, “And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works (Rev 20:13).”

Now the ten remaining conquistador crowns realize that they are no longer conquistadors of the New World after all as they retreat further away. It’s also like they have lost their way of life as well as their status of being treasure hunters and explorers. And as they all turn back taking note of how much distance they have separated themselves from their enemies, the ten remaining conquistador crowns can only think of making their way to the coast.

Afterwards the angel of heaven makes another known presence with more prose while citing, “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death (Rev 20:14).”

Nevertheless the ten remaining conquistador crowns start to feel a burning sensation considering that they are very angered and moved by the disposition. Even the thought of having any recognition of this forsaken place is far from their thoughts. Yet the “Witch Catcher” has followed along and she never let up her guard neither nonetheless. And much of this will be written in the journals of the conquistadors then again on the other hand perhaps some facts won’t be written at all.

Finally the angel of heaven makes a way in to this spiritual realm with a line of scripture broadcasting, “And whosoever was not written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:15).”

And when the ten conquistador crowns have made their way passed the blockade a good distance, they all take a deep breath realizing that the worst of it is over. However they almost forgot about the “Witch Catcher” from this slight handed ordeal of the Chaco Indians. Yet still the “Witch Catcher” had been watching everyone move after she had arrived at the scene.

The first to respond with some type of communication with the others is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza mocking, “We made it through their barricade along the “Old Spanish Trail” with only some scrapes and bruises!”

Right away, Conquistador Padre can only think of not only his arm but many of the hits from rocks and fists that he had endured reacting, “Only scrapes and bruises; for a moment there I thought I was going to be pulled off from my horse and beat to death!”

Seconds later, Conquistador Arturo wonders about that “Witch Catcher” woman they had seen a time earlier asking, “I thought we were gone, but then I thought I had seen that “Witch Catcher” woman hiding behind the lines watching!”

It seems that someone else may have caught a glimpse of the “Witch Catcher” too while riding by the blockade as Conquistador Felipe repeats, “Yes, I thought I had seen that “Witch Catcher” woman watching from a distance in the crowd almost like she wanted us to get through to the other side of the blockade!”

On the other hand Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza kind of felt like they were just easing up on them perhaps, but then again they were all pelted fairly good as he comes back saying, “She must have had them all go easy on us so we could pass through for some reason!”

And as quick as a flash, Conquistador Miguel is still shaken up a bit from the ordeal of being hit and pushed around saying, “She had them all go easy on us, huh? Then why are my legs scraped up and my horse bleeding a little?”

But still Conquistador Felipe is sort of scraped up to hoping that the worst of it is all over with while saying, “You aren’t the only one scratched up!”

Right away, Conquistador Rafael comes back with his feelings on the matter considering that he has been nearly injured again in the incident saying, “Well, we haven’t made our way to the coast and out of trouble, yet!”

Below is a link to the "Catcher of Love" subpage 6.