Apepithecus Subpage 3


Suddenly before either Ora the Sasquatch female or her co-pilot partner the gray alien named Anjelica can arrive, Digger notices some rays of moonlight off in the nearby distance. They are only about twenty yards away with a face that she notices staring them both down from within some jungle brush. She stares at it while noticing a tongue which is darkish gray which sort of licks the tree like it were hungry for them and particularly them and nothing else for some reason or other.

Then the face move back behind the tree and disappears, although she turns to Rod and points in that direction as he turns and sees something. He doesn’t see a face but he does see some movement and realizes that the Gray alien Doppelganger is nearby and means more harm which is no doubt.

Of course, this time Rod doesn’t feel like being the victim of another carnage Gray alien Doppelganger attack which prompts him to ready his Solar Ray gun. This is one of his laser weapons that have quite a punch according to the Sasquatch Police and especially the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer.

Moments later Digger looks the other direction towards the moonlight which is shining on some jungle trees in the nearby distance as Rod looks and takes a quick aim and then a fast pull of the trigger. A quick like laser blast leaves the blasting chamber of his Solar Ray gun which hits something within the nearby tree line.

Immediately a noise is heard which sounds like a heavy sigh and then there is a hurried movement heading away from both Digger and Rod. They can only watch as the Gray alien Doppelganger tries to reposition his whereabouts for another chance at an encounter. Also Digger and Rod notice that there are some flaming sparks being brushed off by a large gray hand as it flees off to somewhere else.

Digger is the first to respond to the bullseye of a shot while saying with some kind of proudness in a low tone of voice, “Looks like you nailed that sucker!”

Rod is angry now and feels a little different since his surgeries anyhow like he was reprogrammed by the female alien women as he says, “Yes, I nailed him pretty good because I don’t want to go through that hell again.”

There are some sounds of the Gray alien Doppelganger running off in to the distance which is normally unheard of; although this time he was hit by a Solar Ray gun. Luckily he wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary coming from these anthropologists, but a surprisingly circumstance had happened changing the outcome of his expectations.

Then Diggers thinks back to how she had a good look at the Gray alien Doppelganger flutter away from the scene while scuffing his side with his arm saying in a light voice, “He was fluttering away while brushing the sparks from his arm!”

Now that Rod has heard some accomplishments coming from his anthropological partner, Rod carries on to his thoughts about the incident saying, “That’ll teach him!”

Soon there are some sounds nearby which sound like an alien spaceship approaching within the far distance. The sounds are slight almost like the aliens or whoever they are wants to remain unseen. Nevertheless the area catches some glimpses of light flashes which light their faces and their body outlines up and then fades to black with darkness looming over them once again.

Digger looks wondering what the hell these sounds are and what the lights are realizing that it appears to be the Gray Alien Spacecraft that they were aboard, although they are unsure. All they can do is continuing to stare in that direction for a minute or so before wanting to head in that direction to make sure if they are right.

Digger is the first to say something hoping that the alien spacecraft is Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica by commenting, “I wonder if that is Ora and Anjelica?”

And for that matter, Rod feels that they should at least find out by moving in a little closer by saying back to Digger, “Maybe, we should move in a little closer and check it out?”

But then again, Digger feels that one shot with a laser pistol such as the Solar Ray gun isn’t enough to stop the Gray alien Doppelganger anyhow adding, “Maybe, but we should be careful if that Gray alien Doppelganger is still out there. One shot of the Solar Ray gun isn’t enough to stop him obviously!”

Moments later, something hits Digger upside the left arm which looks like a large branch from a tree being about fifteen inches in length. Digger turns the other way yelling out a soft cry while trying to hold it in as well. Rod turns then as quickly as possible considering that the branch had nick him on the back a bit also as they both try and take cover.

Rod is the first to say something to Digger like, “Was that a branch that hit you?”

Digger replies with a soft tone of voice while ignoring the pain and bad vibes coming from the jungle saying, “Yes, and it hit my arm and shoulder blade really hard!”

Then Rod makes a devastating discovery and that’s if he would want to call it that by grimacing, “Perhaps, that spaceship doesn’t belong to Ora and Anjelica after all!”

Seconds later, the gray alien named Anjelica is able to break through on to the communication link as though the Gray alien Doppelganger has uplifted it. At first, there is some static electricity and some other weird noises like something was trying to interfere with the signal. But then there are clear gaps when their communication link seems to be open and maybe someone is trying to say something.

However when Digger tries to shut the volume controls down, a voice comes over from the gray alien named Anjelica asking, “Digger and/or Rod! Can you hear me, are you there?”

The first to break through to the communication link is Digger, who answers back saying, “Yes, we are here! Where are you located at?”

Right afterwards, Ora the Sasquatch female happens to be the one to answer her question relenting back to Digger and Rod, “We are nearby!”

Right then, Rod comes in to the conversation saying back to Ora the Sasquatch female, “That’s good because the Gray alien Doppelganger is hiding somewhere close by us and he threw something!”

After hearing that, Ora the Sasquatch female decides to play it off lightly clarifying things so that they think less of the Gray alien Doppelganger saying, “Don’t worry; he’s just angry and thinking what to do is all!”

Then with only a light whisper while trying not to be heard, Digger comes forth with an explanation saying, “Of course he’s angry because Rod shot him a good blast!”

Just then, Ora remains quiet while the gray alien named Anjelica says, “That’s excellent; but try and back out of there for now for a chance to regain ground later!”

Following those words, Rod turns and notices the alien spacecraft a good distance away with some darkened colors that are ever glowing as he says, “We’ll just slip over towards your spacecraft to our right through those trees!”

Next Ora the Sasquatch female comes back on to the communication link saying, “It appears that the Gray alien Doppelganger may have all our communication frequencies and visual aid down and he may be listening in as well!”

Immediately the gray alien named Anjelica returns for a quick question realizing that they are mistaken that her mobile spacecraft ambulance is nearby asking, “Our mobile spacecraft isn’t within your peripheral view!”

And at the same exact time, both Digger and Rod call out while comprehending the fact that the alien spacecraft must belong to the Gray alien Doppelganger calling out, “Dammit!”

That’s when Ora the Sasquatch female quickly commands of both Digger and Rod saying, “Go the other direction; and slowly!”

Directly after hearing that command, Digger and Rod slowly make their way towards the opposite direction of what they expect to be the Gray alien Doppelganger’s spacecraft. They don’t hear very much as far as any sounds coming from nearby, although the Sasquatch Police Officers are nearby as well while keeping a low profile momentarily.

Meanwhile the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer nods to the others while listening in on the conversation of Digger, Rod, and the alien nurses. Of course they are trying to discover the eavesdropping of the Gray alien Doppelganger before it is too late. But to them both Digger and Rod are expendable to a point, but then again, maybe they aren’t disposable.

Suddenly the Gray alien Doppelganger’s alien spacecraft perks up and jilts forward from its position. The jungle lights up a bright white color off in the distance and Digger and Rod know that they better move as fast as possible. And they don’t need anyone to tell them anything because they need to regain their positioning anyways since being caught off guard in the first place.

At this point in time they seem cowardice like, although they are only anthropologists for that matter and what can the Sasquatch Police Officers expect anyhow. But nevertheless they are doing better than most people would with such a strange encounter. Soon they both decide to turn and make for a patch of trees nearby to stand their ground and take a chance with some weaponry once on steady ground.

Once they both are a many yards closer towards the tree line that separates them from the other side of a small ravine that the Gray alien Doppelganger is hiding at, they both glance back noticing that his alien Spacecraft is nearing. However it appears that the Gray alien Doppelganger’s alien spacecraft is on a bearing which is headed the other direction towards the location where the Gray alien Doppelganger has been walloping from.

Moments later, Digger and Rod reach an area where they can get some closure with some cover in order to protect themselves and regain their positioning and their strategic advantages. But they do notice something such as the Gray alien Doppelganger make his way back on to his own alien spacecraft which has them a little confused about what they should do now.

Digger is the first to make an assumption which is pretty laid out before her eyes as she says, “Looks like the Gray alien Doppelganger is boarding his alien spacecraft; but don’t worry I have something in store for him if he comes this way!”

At that point in time, Digger reaches for her Gamma Ray Laser gun which has quite a powerful punch with some burst effects and that’s if she can get a clean shot of course. But what choice does she have other than taking a chance with their new hide out that they have to burrow in to for the slight at hand.

“I have my own choice of weapons right now if it comes to that and he comes back over this way!” Rod jousts as he looks at her choice of weaponry while grabbing a token of his own affections considering that the last shot didn’t quite do the job in other words.

Digger looks down to her side and notices that Rod has chosen the Laser Freeze gun that is equipped with a liquid nitrogen crystal rod. And hopefully it will do the trick as far as blasting a hole in to the Gray alien Doppelganger’s alien spacecraft for any reasoning. Now they both feel that they may have a chance because they are more on their game with this realism they are coming across.

And after taking a good gleam at the Laser Freeze gun that Rod has to his side, Digger makes a remark about maybe getting a better chance at this Gray alien Doppelganger speaking, “Maybe, the next shot will do something; like some damage!”

Right then, they both notice that the Gray alien Doppelganger had entered his own alien spacecraft and now there is no such trace of it. It’s almost like it has disappeared from any mere existence. It is just like it has left this known realm of conscious that we consider our present time in an intrinsic sense so to speak.

The alien spacecraft has been gone for a few seconds and Digger comes about realizing as she says, “Hey; that Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien spacecraft have vanished!”

Surely Rod has also noticed that the Gray alien Doppelganger’s alien spacecraft has vanished even though it had taken a second to register in his mind. And that is partly due to the fact that it vanished over the period of only a split second through the tree lines of the jungle brush off in the slight distance.

Right away, Rod comes back with a notion of what happened as he says back to Digger, “Yes, maybe the Gray alien Doppelganger has some cloaking devices as well as some electronic EMP such as an Electromagnetic Pulse along with some other spy hardware programs on his space vessel.”

Finally Digger figures that whatever this Gray alien Doppelganger has is far more hi-tech than even the Sasquatch Police Officers have saying, “Whatever this Gray alien Doppelganger has as far as equipment; it is far more hi-tech than the Sasquatch Police Officers or even Ora and Anjelica ever thought possible, huh?”

Meanwhile both Digger and Rod continue looking out for the Gray alien Doppelganger and his whereabouts as Rod adds to the conversation, “We aren’t even sure where this Gray alien Doppelganger is from and either are they most likely. And why are they all just allowing him to do this carnage rather than totally annihilating him for that matter?”

Now Digger realizes that the Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien spaceship haven’t returned and are off the radar of their equipment and minds as she comments, “I don’t know; but that Gray alien Doppelganger has either left this area or he’s hiding from us!”

Then Rod feels that maybe she’s right and not to leave out the fact that he might have something else planned by indicating, “Maybe you’re right; but I still think that the Gray alien Doppelganger is still around somewhere waiting to cause more trouble!”

Despite all of the other commotions, Digger is within the quietness of the nearby surroundings, almost like all life ceased to exist as she says, “Also it seems sort of too quiet all of a sudden and I don’t hear anything as far as animals or other signs of life at all!”

And then again, Rod also thinks that it is too quiet around there all of a sudden for some reason as he agrees with Digger saying, “Yes, it has become sort of too quiet all of a sudden. But then I wasn’t really tuning in to any particular sounds at all except for what came from that Gray alien Doppelganger!”

Then the gray alien named Anjelica breaks in again on the communication link asking if they are all situated, “Sounds like you are all situated behind some cover?”

Digger is the first to respond answering back with, “Yes, for now! But that Gray alien Doppelganger disappeared on to his alien spaceship!”

Next Ora the Sasquatch female comes on to the communication link with a frame of mind saying, “He’s not gone; he’s around somewhere hiding out. He’s probably cloaked in his alien spaceship watching you from somewhere nearby!”

Next there is a loud, but not too loud of a sound coming from the eastside of their positioning that mimics a freezer with some hydraulics letting off steam. Or maybe the sounds are more confusing like someone was trying to open something, but yet nobody is around or nearby anyhow. Regardless both Digger and Rod glance around for a second before making any recognition on the communication link.

In the meantime, the Sasquatch Police Officers are listening in on the communication link, although they aren’t saying too much nevertheless. They even make gestures to Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica moreover telling them to play them like a couple of worms hanging on a hook or snare.

Anyways Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica decide to play things off as the Sasquatch Police Officers have planned. Yet for now they can only listen in as quietness develops from Digger and Rod investigating something that was heard nearby. But only a few more moments flow on by before another noise is heard which sounds closer than the last, although there is still nothing there in sight.

However as the Sasquatch police Officers listen in with some better equipment and backup power, Digger is heard on the communication link remarking, “There the sound was again like a freezer door closing with some gas leaking like sounds!”

During this duration, Rod can only glance around wondering what he had also heard while replying, “I don’t know what to make of it, although that Gray alien Doppelganger is obviously nowhere in sight.”

The Sasquatch Police Officers had heard the sound as well even though it was slightly muffled from their perspective. And their intentions stand as far as letting Digger and Rod remain out there as bait. But then again, the Gray alien Doppelganger has some trouble with finding their warm blooded signatures considering that he is keen to cold blooded creatures such as the Reptilians.

Then Digger thinks back to what the Sasquatch Police had said about the Gray alien Doppelganger earlier about his infra-red sensory perception by asking, “So how did that Gray alien Doppelganger throw a stick or branch at me when he really can’t see us? And how did he find you to cause an earlier incident when he is supposedly blinded by warm blooded creatures unlike the cold blooded Reptilians?”

Unfortunately Rod can only assume that the Gray alien Doppelganger has evolved perhaps somehow without the Sasquatch Police officers realizing it when he speaks saying, “Maybe, the Gray alien Doppelganger has evolved from a new species of gray aliens!”

Of course, the Gray alien Doppelganger is bad with temperature signatures, although he can hear voices pretty good. And he has already distinguished both Digger’s voice and Rod’s voice from one another. Truthfully one reason is that Digger has a female’s voice for that matter and Rod has a male’s voice.

Then Rod returns with a notion implying something along the lines of saying, “The Gray alien Doppelganger has evolved from a new species that is alone and obviously very smart, and keen with his usable sensations.”

So the Gray alien Doppelganger has a good understanding of the cladistics of species and understands the human anatomy much better than even the Sasquatch Police or anyone on this planet. Yet he remains cloaked and hidden nearby while eavesdropping the entire situation. For now he has given up his hunt for any Apepithecus regardless of whether they are around or not.

The Gray alien Doppelganger especially has an idea of what the difference is between the Apepithecus and the Sasquatch Police and realizes that they have some gray alien help along with some other forces with him. He also comprehends the truth of their having help from other forces which makes him a little angry, although he is only here to cause and create havoc on the planet nonetheless.

Therefore Digger has some lingering thoughts of how the Gray alien Doppelganger is after them now rather than the Apepithecus primates. It seems that he is a little angry and distraught from the help that they have been getting, but he realizes that there is more to this involvement between their forces meaning that there are some unknown aspects.

Now he feels that he should make a move towards trying to find out what’s going on with these circumstances with this Digger and Rod and why were they waiting for him. Now the Gray alien Doppelganger understands how there are forces against drop offs such as his special arrival and he wants to investigate. He is also a little weary now that this Rod character had risen once again from his crippling blow from earlier.

And now he wants to investigate further, but first he must lure them away from each other just a little bit. And that will be hard because they are standing very close to one another. Also there is a faceted feature that he wants to investigate and inspect. Of course, that is the operational procedures that were performed on Rod earlier from the incident by Ora the Sasquatch female.

So for now he must try and draw Digger away, although that won’t be too easy now that he had flabbergasted both Digger and Rod with some pertinent injuries nevertheless. Yet quickly the Gray alien Doppelganger has decided to use his wits just like he has before and all of the other time on other worldly planets similar to this one. He has been all over the Milky Way Galaxy and has seen a many things, although nothing quite intrigues him like the procedures that may have been performed on Rod.

Of course, the only way that he can lure them both away from each other is to revert back to his Gray alien Doppelganger ways which have been working like a charm so far. However he has to worry about the Sasquatch Police being around nearby cloaked and watching and listening with their new updated and remodeled equipment. Moreover the Gray alien Doppelganger has to worry about Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica being in close proximity too.

Meanwhile Digger and Rod hear a scuffle a many yards away which seems to be coming in the same direction as the previous noises that they had both heard. But they can’t make anything out at first considering that they are trying to keep within the darkness of the jungle while trying to stay hidden.

Then there are some sounds of someone walking when they both hear a voice sounding like the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer asking, “Any sign of him?”

Since Digger is the closest to where the voice came from with a question out in the open, Digger and Rod find that very uncanny. Yet they hadn’t witnessed what had happened earlier when the Gray alien Doppelganger attacked both the mobile spaceship ambulance and the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft.

Nevertheless Digger asks Rod about the low tone of a voice mimicking the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer’s voice with, “Did you hear that; it sounded like the Sasquatch Police Officers are hiding out nearby?”

Consequently all Rod can do is look out towards where the voice came from wondering in the darkness with only a gleaming bit of moonlight, “Maybe, but it sounded like only one subject walking around over that way and there was only one voice.”

Next Digger can only question his authority by asking a simple question that asks, “What are you suggesting?”

Now Rod can express his thoughts by explaining what he thinks by saying, “I think it’s that Gray alien Doppelganger out there trying to trick us; that’s all!”

By now, Rod is almost frantic in a way wondering if Digger is quite right about those noises coming from the Gray alien Doppelganger as he answers back, “I hope you’re right; because I don’t want to be waiting around here when it’s so dark and I can’t see anything and there’s no power to any of our gear.”

The Sasquatch Police Officers can hear what’s going on now that the Gray alien Doppelganger has allowed the communication links to voice through with some communication dialogues. But for right now, they are luring out Digger and Rod in order to find his whereabouts. And that’s only because he seems to have some hi-tech gear as far as cloaking devices are concerned.

Finally Digger can only make some quirky remarks about the Gray alien Doppelganger by explaining, “I don’t know; but that Gray alien Doppelganger likes to play games and try and mess with your head is all! He fights like an alien coward!”

Following those comments which were to the point, Rod hopes that the Gray alien Doppelganger isn’t close by while listening in on the conversation as he says, “I hope that Gray alien Doppelganger isn’t around nearby listening to us talking?”

Lastly Digger can only think about what Ora the Sasquatch female said earlier about the Gray alien Doppelganger yacking reckoning, “So what if he is listening to us even with these communications links on or off, I mean who cares! We are just to lures sitting as bait on a fishhook!”

Surely there’s no doubt that Rod thinks that surely if the Gray alien Doppelganger is out there messing with their communication links, then surely he is out there listening. And that means that he has heard everything that had been said on the communication link as well as outside the communication grid.

So Rod decides to just mention that nonchalantly by saying back to Digger after a short pause, “And if that Gray alien Doppelganger is out there nearby listening then he has heard everything that we had said along with the Sasquatch Police and their space nurses, nonetheless!”

After all has been said, it begins to get quiet around them a bit too much. Also the air feels sort of thin all about as the start to feel faint perhaps. But they can’t see anything around and there are no signs of the Gray alien Doppelganger anymore. Then soon there is a howling like sound that sounds like it was some jungle animal followed by what sounds like wild boars or javelina.

Moments later, the Sasquatch Police make Ora the Sasquatch female make a comment or remark to them to calm them down on this luring as she says, “Just keep it low and don’t talk to loud!”

Next the gray alien named Anjelica comes alive on the communication link and says, “We are zooming in on your coordinates!”

Then the Sasquatch Police wave their hands to both Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica as they feel that they have done a great job. Soon Digger and Rod wonder if it is really the Sasquatch Police and Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica as he turns to Digger.

Of course, the gray alien named Anjelica is trying to zoom in on their coordinates even though they already have, but maybe then they are really trying to zoom in on the Gray alien Doppelganger’s whereabouts nevertheless. Yet everything becomes quiet once again outside as well as on the communication link which has Digger and Rod sort of gibberish like in a sense.

Now Digger wants to say something, although she hesitates until a moment before saying within some hanging brush under a jungle tree, “I thought they were already zoomed in on our coordinates?”

And while waiting for a response, Digger notices a greenish light from behind her which turns reddish black within the time frame of a split second or so. And when she turns another split second later, she notices that Rod is no longer there and then she realizes that the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft is right there only yards away from her.

It seems that the Gray alien Doppelganger had his alien spacecraft cloaked, although now he has it uncloaked in order to abduct Rod to see what had happened to him with his surgeries. However it just seems partly uncloaked as it phases back in to this reality and stays there for a moment while shifting phases every split second.

Instants later, before the Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien spacecraft leave she gets another communication link from the Sasquatch Police Officers, “Hold on; this is the moment we have been waiting for?’

Right away, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer starts to initiate his scanning sequence by adding, “Start the scanning initiating sequence!”

After Digger hears that, she freaks out thinking that the Gray alien Doppelganger must be listening in on the conversation which takes offense to her without wanting to wait to see what they are doing. Straight from the get go, Digger pulls out her Laser Freeze gun out and pulls the trigger immediately as fast as she possibly can many times over. And with much luck and a good aim, she is able to blast many holes which pack a hard punch blasting a many penetration holes everywhere.

At that moment, the Gray alien Doppelganger turns from placing Rod on to his surgical table as he looks to the blasts from Digger’s Laser Freeze gun. Immediately the pressure of his space vessel starts to loose cabin pressure as he scrambles to make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible.

Then Rod tries to free his hands in order to reach his laser whip which is still installed tightly on his belt strap. Luckily he is able to get ahold of it as the Gray alien Doppelganger scurries to even more laser blasts coming from Digger’s Laser Freeze gun. She continues as she tries to get as many as she possibly can without waiting for any help.

Finally Rod makes his way from the surgical table, although the Gray alien Doppelganger turns back quickly as Rod tries to defend his stance on the other side of the surgical table.


Suddenly after much persistence, Digger has blasted enough holes for Rod to escape, yet she doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary as far as his escaping. Then she feels a presence from behind her to the right as another space vessel approaches. It is the Sasquatch Police Officers arriving at a short distance allowing Digger to receive her own notifications as far as training is concerned. And they are amazed at how much she had accomplished in so little time despite her lack of experience in this present time.

However the past has picked up the pace for her and it also has picked a pace for Rod, although it had taken a little longer as Rod tries to dash his way towards the blasted holes. But with no such luck the Gray alien Doppelganger has a hold on him through a psychic connection with his surgical table procedures.

Straight from the start Rod feels a spike like penetration on the back of the neck as he carries and holds his laser whip with one hand while feeling the back of his neck with the other. The Gray alien Doppelganger continues his strange hold with more countering offensives as Rod tries to take out whatever it was implanted within the back of his neck.

It takes about only a moment or so before Rod is able to grip the implant chip in his upper neck which was put there to record all medical procedures done to him. It appears that the Gray alien Doppelganger is looking for new innovations such as medical procedures even if he has to scavenge for them nonetheless.

Meanwhile the Sasquatch Police can only watch as Digger decides to take another couple of Laser Freeze blasts at his space vehicle. So far, they have decided to wait for the worst as the Gray alien Doppelganger Alien Spaceship starts to circle a rotational pattern. Finally it crashes or spins in to some jungle trees that are thicketed with much jungle brush.

Quickly the Gray alien Doppelganger turns again for Rod after nearly being knocked over from the impact of the crash of his space vehicle. Rod also falls down while removing the implant chip that was imbedded within the back of his neck in order to sedate him along with monitoring the calibrations of his surgical procedures.

Once Rod removes the implant chip, he rises and gets back on to his feet with only a little trouble from being knocked and banged around quite a lot. Yet the impact was quick and subtle considering that they hadn’t elevated much distance above the ground. Luckily the Gray alien Doppelganger is a little shaken up as he makes his way for Rod who dodges him behind some medical equipment aboard the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft.

As the Gray alien Doppelganger makes his way towards Rod, he grabs some glass like scientific beakers that were all thrown and scattered around at the Gray alien Doppelganger. Of course, the glass like beakers appears to be made of some other periodical table element nevertheless. The Gray alien Doppelganger deflects one or two, although one smacks him a good one on the right side of his face.

“Come on and come get some; you creepy alien degenerate!”

Rod says angrily angry as he watches his every move while saying as the Gray alien Doppelganger turns back from a good knock across the cheek.

At this time, Digger has made her way closer to the crash site which is only a many hundreds of feet from their last positioning proximity. For the time being, Digger holds her aim towards the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft. Soon the Sasquatch Police as well close in to a nearer distance so that they can barricade the Gray alien Doppelganger inside their perimeter zone. However Rod on the other hand is still chucking whatever he can to slow the Gray alien Doppelganger down from getting within gripping distance.

Next the alien nurses Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica arrive seconds later as they try and use scanning techniques. They are trying some new techniques on the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spaceship in order to drain his power systems down. But so far they are having trouble because it only works during his operational procedure modes.

As they arrive, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes a comment to the other Sasquatch Police Officers, “Well, I’m having trouble scanning the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spaceship that means Rod must have started up somewhat of an uproar!”

At that moment, the Gray alien Doppelganger roars a big scream that is heard outside everywhere while throwing some of his own space vehicle equipment around in order to get to Rod, “Roar!”

Soon after the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer comments about it, “I hope he handled the impact of the crash site after hearing that scream?”

Following those words, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes back with a notion for the time being, “You aren’t the only one; who’s that running around out there?”

During the meantime, Ora the Sasquatch female’s son Oren is running around trying to peek his way inside on order to help Rod out a bit. Yet at first he positions his characteristics in order to sneak up from behind so that Rod has an easier chance at defending his integrity and honor if he has any left, of course.

By this time, Ora the Sasquatch female notices her Sasquatch son Oren making the initiative at the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft while saying, “What the hell is my son doing out there?”

Right away, the gray alien named Anjelica states without any further hesitations, “We’re going to have to get out there!”

Straight forth Ora the Sasquatch female says to her space tortoises, “Okay, Caddo and Doreen; it’s your turn to man or tortoise this mobile space ambulance!”

Then quickly, Caddo and Doreen are geared up fast like with head gear and place in their service tortoise control panels. They are placed in position so fast that Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica are impatient at what’s happening at the current moment. But regardless they are pretty confident at their line of tactics.

But before Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica can even make their way outside of their own mobile spacecraft ambulance, Digger continues to maintain her peep sights on to the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft. However now she is confused noticing that Ora the Sasquatch female’s son Oren is gaining action with the situation.

Moments later, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer breaks in to Digger’s communication link while commanding to her, “Hold your fire; we don’t want any accidents to happen to……….”

And without any further hesitations Digger comes back on to the communication link answering back, “Oren; Ora’s Sasquatch son, what’s he doing?”

Seconds turn in to multi seconds as Rod is still inside the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft trying to end a confrontation. Then Oren throws a good size rock from the outside of the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft through one of the blasted holes hitting him in the right leg which only slows him down a bit.

But it is enough that Rod is able to slice some more holes quickly through some of the paneling that the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft is made up of anyhow for that reasoning. And regardless of what the Sasquatch Police Officers say to Digger, she can only remain standing nearby with her Laser Freeze gun aimed for some meaningful damage.

Finally the Gray alien Doppelganger gets angry enough to throw his own equipment around and tries to catch Rod. It takes a few moments before he does but Oren makes his way inside just enough from another angle to grab a hold of the back of his feet slowing the Gray alien Doppelganger down.

Now the gray alien named Anjelica is angry saying to her friend Ora the Sasquatch female as she starts to think highly of her Sasquatch son Oren, “We have to put a stop to this situation!”

But Ora the Sasquatch female almost would rather sit back and watch over an alien alcoholic drink as she says, “Hold on; he’s got this with no problems!”

Then the gray alien named Anjelica decides to say as though they are about to only be kicking it back for a little while, “So what should we do; sit back with a few of our alien Pina Colada and watch?”

And quickly Ora the Sasquatch female can seem to describe with words relenting to these laid back scenes, “Ah; why not?”

Finally as more situations aboard the Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien spacecraft, Digger decides to take a few more Laser Freeze gun blasts which seem to pounce out some more toil. Of course, every one of the crew members within the many space crafts are watching as the destruction takes more carnage.

Soon the gray alien named Anjelica feels like remarking, “This ought to be good!”

But then inside the Gray alien Doppelganger Alien Spaceship, Rod has been dodging him the best that he can as he pulls out his Pulsar Laser gun. Quickly he is ready to take a quick shot at him which results in a hit to the left arm. Immediately the Gray alien Doppelganger makes the decision to fall back from the kick back force.

However as he does take a few steps backwards, Oran is there only to reach and grab for his ankles which is visibly seen by many of the others. In fact, Oren gets him pretty good with a few good ankle scratches that cause the Gray alien Doppelganger to make a retreat. And that retreat is towards the back end of his space craft which is only many yards away.

Of course, Ora the Sasquatch female comes up with a moody comment which goes as follows, “It’s getting even better!”

Suddenly the Gray alien Doppelganger has reached the back end of his alien spacecraft as he enters a smaller pod that is a sectional addition. And hurriedly Rod takes another Pulsar Laser gun blast which misses, although it does shake the Gray alien Doppelganger up a bit. Then quickly the Gray alien Doppelganger shuts the alien space pod and escapes.

The alien space pod makes a quickened ejector as all are there to witness the spectacle which makes an astonishing escape. Also the Sasquatch Police freak out at his departure, but so does Digger hoping that Rod wasn’t taken hostage for some mistaken reason, of course. Even Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica as the Gray alien Doppelganger makes his retreat to a safer ground somewhere out there in the jungle.

The first to make a comment is Digger, who says something out loud from a distance away, “Son of a bitch, he ejected!”

Now she really wonders if Rod is there and as well okay as Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica guess just the same. Nonetheless Oren can only try and help Rod make his way from the inside of the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spaceship. It takes a moment before Rod can even catch his breath before even trying to make his way towards all of the laser blasted holes that Digger had made momentarily.

Next Rod makes a loud comment to Oren who is sitting and waiting while looking inside trying to help him out saying, “That Gray alien Doppelganger ejected with one of his space pods or something!”

Of course, Oren can only want to make Rod find his way out as fast as he possibly can saying, “Just get out of there before something happens!”

Then there is a link to the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft that he has detonated which is heard by Rod as he adds, “I think you’re right; she’s going to blow!”

Immediately Rod tries and slips out as fast as can while limping and walking really slowly almost like he was injured. It takes a few moments and Rod escapes slipping through a large gap in the Gray alien Doppelganger’s infrastructure that is made up of certain elements. But none of which are of the Table of Periodic Elements from this planet anyways.

Once Rod makes his way out, Digger puts away her Laser Freeze gun and runs to Rod’s aid being glad that he is okay in fact. But then they all turn and leave the scene of the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft trying to avoid any detonations of any kind. Seconds later, they are many yards away and nothing happens.

And when Digger, Rod, and Oren make their way further away, something does happen to the Gray alien Doppelganger’s Alien Spacecraft. Instead of a detonation of exploding there is a detonation of imploding which causes a quickened vacuum effect. Nonetheless everyone dodges the fast implosions of all of the noises that sound like there is going to be some devastation.

And when all is said and done, everybody realizes that there was only an implosion so that the Gray alien Doppelganger can hide his innovations and inventions that are of another planet. Still there’s no doubt that the Sasquatch Police as well as the others would all expect that anyhow knowing the type of character that this creature is out there.

Miles away, the Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien space pod land, although it sure isn’t a good location for his arrival. And that’s because there are a many Apepithecus primates approaching from nearby and afar as they realize what’s happening. They all comprehend the fact that the Gray alien Doppelganger has lost his alien space vehicle and that it has imploded. Many of the Apepithecus primates have been hiding while prowling and keeping a tight surveillance.

And there’s no doubt that the Gray alien Doppelganger sees this and is prepared to make a quickened getaway, although he has no other space alien forms of transportation. Yet he does have other friends and accomplices, though they are too far away to do anything. That’s because they are on other planets which are comparable to our own raising the same ruckus that this Gray alien Doppelganger came to seek.

Nonetheless the Apepithecus primates surround the Gray alien Doppelganger Alien Spacecraft carrying clubs, rocks, and even larger branches and logs from trees. Even though they are allied with the Sasquatch Aliens, they still tend to have a very primitive structure unlike their relatives who have advanced through the years on other planets. In the meantime, the Sasquatch Police Officers decide to close in on the proximity of the Gray alien Doppelganger as fast as they possibly can before he makes further aggressions towards this planet.

Yet as they arrive, the Gray alien Doppelganger hasn’t made any further actions towards leaving his alien space pod. So far, he realizes that he is surrounded and has to make the best of the situation at that present moment. But the, Apepithecus primates are just waiting for him to leave his alien space pod so that they can do whatever is necessary to eradicate his existence.

Once they are closed in on the proximity of the Gray alien Doppelganger, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officers makes a remark regarding the enclosure by saying, “Looks like the Apepithecus primates have that Gray alien Doppelganger surrounded on all sides?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer wonders what the Gray alien Doppelganger will do now that he is surrounded by replying with some words, “Looks like he’ll have to fight his way out of this one!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only carry on further by using some emphasis on the subject by dictating, “Unless he has another hidden alien space pod perhaps.”

Meanwhile Digger and Rod have made their way to the alien space nurses. They do this quickly so that they can repair their bodies back to normal, although they aren’t as messed up as they could be in a sense. Yet Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica are slow at their ending of the relaxation that they endured for a moment.

But that’s because Oren, Ora’s Sasquatch son has made his way back with the group of Apepithecus primates that are about to clobber the Gray alien Doppelganger. She notices this momentarily as she looks around about as they both aboard the mobile space ambulance with Digger and Rod.

As Ora the Sasquatch female looks to both Digger and Rod while boarding the mobile space ambulance by actually walking rather than being abducted onboard, she says to Rod, “Looks like you’re always in need of some medical attention!”

Then Digger has a quirky reference about her line by replying, “Better him than myself!”

Of course, Rod can only figure that being a man of the group has its shortcomings by answering back, “It must be a man thing to get hurt time and time again.”

Next the gray alien named Anjelica states as a guide to her past experiences, “Don’t worry; everybody gets hurt now and then regardless of others!”

At this time, Digger and Rod have boarded the mobile space ambulance while the Sasquatch Police Officers are trying to quarantine the entire nearby area. Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica are preparing to touch up and give Rod his medical needs by checking him up in a third worldly way. And that’s only because his wounds aren’t nearly as bad as the previous encounters he had had the first time around.

Straight from the start, Ora the Sasquatch female decides to make some can do’s about Rod’s physical condition saying momentarily, “Luckily this time around you only suffered some minor bruises and maybe some stitches or some skin regeneration therapy!”

Now Rod can only think about how he is so evanescently lucky to have some good luck on his side along with some training even though he was a grapple the first time around saying, “And that is an alien blessing!”

Yet in due time, the Gray alien Doppelganger has geared up and is ready to make his way out from his alien space pod. Another fact is that he realizes that he is surrounded, although there’s a first for everything in his eyes. And this planet is an exception compared to the many other planets which were integral to the Universe, so to speak.

Meanwhile the Apepithecus primates have the Gray alien Doppelganger and his alien space pod surrounded, but they have been fallen back just enough to give him some room. Some room to try and escape his way out which will result in an ambush with no exceptions. But he comprehends the fact that there is some sort of gathering of primates and he can see this on what little power is left on his radar sensors.

Then on the other hand, Oren seems to be leading the group since he tends to have the jurisdiction from messing with the Gray alien Doppelganger first. But before the Gray alien Doppelganger can even make his first chance at dashing for it, the Apepithecus primates decide to forget about Oren. Immediately they all begin to throw rocks, branches, and logs at the alien space pod trying to flush him out as quickly as possible.

Now the Gray alien Doppelganger chooses to make a quiet stance for a brief moment until there’s a break in the monotony. And once everything ceases to stop for a second, that is almost never at all, the Gray alien Doppelganger breaks free using one of his cloaking devices. It seems that he has more tricks up his sleeve than any of them had ever expected.

However Oren is already on to his tricks and has something that can detect his presence even when the Gray alien Doppelganger is cloaked at either 10-40 or maybe even 5-28 which are cloaking suit terms. But in his world, things are done a little bit differently anyways and despite that Oren has an Oscillator that can pick up some vibes from his equipment perhaps.

Quickly Oren notices something with only his keenly large eyes which can penetrate even some of the thicketed darkest places around the South American Jungles. There is an absence of light which is so slightly subtle that even most paranormal devices or especially that the naked eye couldn’t ever notice.

Nevertheless Oren notices the disruption of light while letting the Apepithecus primates in on his little Jungle secret. But it’s not much of one considering that they are more sensitive to their surroundings than ever before. Then with a hurried response, the Apepithecus primates are teed off now as they start to throw their rocks, sticks, and stones at the disarray of light that is sucking a vacuum from this realm.

Of course, nothing happens as far as hitting the Gray alien Doppelganger who tries to make his way from the crash site of his alien space pod. And for his misfortune there are a few Sasquatches among the Apepithecus primates who can switch amongst realms of this spirit world and the next. In fact, they are sort of like Sasquatch Shaman who can row their way up the “River of Life” which is unseen by even human evolution.

Quickly there are a few grabs as Oren unlocks the Gray alien Doppelganger cloaks in to another sequence and ratio that will hide his whereabouts once again saying, “There he is right there!”

Straight away the Apepithecus primates lunge everything they got again and again missing the Gray alien Doppelganger completely. Nevertheless one good nip was heard as one of the Apepithecus primate’s growls for victory. Yet it wasn’t even enough to do anything to stop his cloaking and invisibility devices that he has developed over the years or maybe even millenniums.

Now back at the Underground Sasquatch Base where the Sasquatch Cell Guard starts to get excited about the outcome of what’s happening above ground. In fact, the Primatologist as well as Anna and Doug are unable to sleep from all of this. And they are especially concerned with the actions of the Sasquatch Cell Guard who seems pretty happy perhaps.

Next the Sasquatch Cell Guard answers a slight ring in his ear piece and says, “That’s excellent!”

Right from the start, Anna is the first to say something in the tone of speaking, “What’s up with him; sounds like he’s happy or cheerful about something!

The Primatologist wonders what’s up as well by looking at the Sasquatch Cell Guard’s reaction from his words saying, “Maybe that caught or killed whatever it was they were going after.”

Of course, Doug can only make a comment relenting to this predicament carrying on with, “They said that they were sent after some Gray alien Doppelganger which was some creature like drop-off or something!”

Before the Sasquatch Cell Guard even gets more excited about what it is going to be put in to action next as he says loudly, “The Mother Ship! That’s bad ass!”

Moreover those words are heard as the Primatologist knows he heard something as he asks quietly, “I thought I heard him say something else?”

Right away, Anna who over heard that slight conversation from far away as another call came in to the Sasquatch Cell Guard’s head set and ear piece while explaining, “Sounds like he said “Mother Ship” and how that was bad-ass, I think?”

Then Doug wonders what that means at this point in time when they previously thought something else, “What does that mean “Mother Ship?”

Now mysteriously Anna brings back some fond memories even though she had only briefly even thought of them on her own, but now she relates saying, “They are probably talking about a ‘Sasquatch Mother Ship” of some kind!”

Subsequently Doug is curious at what the size of that would be asking Anna like she had more intuitive knowledge than she ever had known, “And how big would this so called “Mother Ship” be that he’s talking about?”

The Primatologist cuts in to the conversation with his own visualization, saying “Probably as big as a city?”

“Bigger than that, I bet?” Anna comes back thinking that the Sasquatches would definitely build something bigger than that surely.

Immediately Doug wonders what the hell she is talking about like she knows more than them, significantly questioning, “And how big are we talking?”

And with Anna and her past self-reality as Andromeda, she tends to have a larger grip on this whole realism of the situation contending, “If I remember correctly; their “Mother Ship” could be bigger than the entire planet!”

The Primatologist figures that that is very large indeed countering with a line telling, “That’s pretty big; then why did they do all of this prancing around!”

By now, Anna is sort of confused as well about what she is thinking, although she feels that she is right answering back, “I’m not sure! I was only speculating that their “Mother Ship” is that big; but being a group of Sasquatches I’m sure they would have bigger things and more things than what you see on this planet anyways.”

Finally the Primatologist can only think about whether or not they will be released from there mentioning to the others, “I just hope we can get out of here once this or whatever is going on is over with.”

Back with the Gray alien Doppelganger and the Apepithecus primates, Oren has pulled out his Cloaking Laser Pistol that his mother had given him as a gift. However the Gray alien Doppelganger is fighting back with taking his own laser shots back at them. Consequently the “Sasquatch Mother Ship” is in position or perhaps it was always that way.

Suddenly the Gray alien Doppelganger makes another attempt at Oren trying to diminish his ability to see him. And the results are his taking a few laser blasts at Oren that uncloaks him back in to this realm for a split second. Luckily for the Apepithecus primates Oren was able to unnerve him for a bit, although the “Sasquatch Mother Ship” is in position and they aren’t wasting any time.

Once the Gray alien Doppelganger takes a few laser blasts and cloaks his gear, the “Sasquatch Mother Ship” emerges from another cloaking frequency causing an electromagnetic spike that comes down almost like a bolt of lightning. Right away, the Gray alien Doppelganger is disintegrated with a loud screeching sound and only his soul and spirit remain.

Nonetheless as the Apepithecus primates start to notice the death of the Gray alien Doppelganger, another electromagnetic surge pours forth. This electromagnetic surge is more like a faraday cage gun which pretty much finishes the job with the Gray alien Doppelganger. However there are a few small shrapnel pieces of his remains which are scattered through the air almost like a dusted off smoke that soon dissipates.

Right away, all of the Apepithecus primates including Oren cheer that they have ended this horrible encounter with another drop off. And they know that it will happen again, although they hope and pray that it won’t happen to them again ever. Nevertheless the Sasquatch Police Officers decide that it is time to return the Anthropological Team back to their anthropology site along with the remains of the ancient Howler monkeys that they were studying.

Their first visit is back to the gray alien space ambulance with Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica who have just finished their nursing of Rod. Now Rod is back as his usual self even though he has some bandages that are different than what he is used to. Immediately the Sasquatch Police officers arrive parking their space vehicle next to the mobile space ambulance.

Also the others are released as the Sasquatch Cell Guard comes to open the jail cell saying, “You are free to go; follow me and we will take you quickly back to your anthropological team!”

Of course, Anna gives a real smirk like she thinks that this whole situation was weird saying, “So did they finally destroy whatever this so called creature was that was supposedly bad ass?”

The Sasquatch Cell Guard only continues on leading them to their transportation vessel without saying any words at all. Finally Doug nods his head to them to keep their mouths shut until they are safe and see what’s going on here. At this time the Sasquatch Police Officers have met up with Digger and Rod as their team is about to be brought back to the anthropological site.

As they approach Digger and Rod, they have a box for them which were made by the Sasquatches and Apepithecus primates as the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says to them, “And now you may return with your studies and will be granted permission to stay along with your colleagues who are being returned to your anthropological site!”

By now, Digger can only say the words, “And that’s it?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer returns making it sound easier, “Yes, that’s it!”

Finally Rod asks about the Apepithecus primates asking, “And what about them?”

Immediately the Captain Sasquatch gets a message for another drop off, “They’ll survive and Ora and Anjelica will take you to your site. Well, we have another drop off to attend!”

The End