The Filipino Dispute Subpage 3


Suddenly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has been waiting for some noises to come from out of the woodworks of nowhere, although she has been left with silence in her ears for some time. Soon she gets up from her choirs of planning her next strategy as she looks and listens with her eyes and ears piercing all around.

Seconds pass by as she speaks by her lonesome saying, “Some things you just have to accomplish by yourself!”

Quickly she heads in to one of her abodes as she scrambles around for the next enticement to bring to wardrobe. And that is the wardrobe of her craft which has been laid idle for a many days as she tried to pull the young Freedom Fighters together. However now she has decided to get back to basics as she considers her old remedies for betrayal and witchery.

Then as she picks a particular attraction to her likeness, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo rations to herself saying, “It’s time to change the tactic with this Rough Rider camp!”

Moments later, she takes a back pack and fills the back pack with some bags of sage brushes that she has poisoned and prepared for her liking. In fact, the fumes are so strong that she has them specially packed so that she can transport them without any such problems.

Yet before she leaves, she decides to bring along another bag of her souvenirs for the aftermath of her destructive personality. Finally she takes one look at one of her hideouts as though it were the last and that she may never have these freedoms ever again. And now she realizes the importance of changing her ways so that she won’t have to accept a change in her ways of life.

In the meantime the young Freedom Fighter rebels are camping out near the Rough Rider camp only to wait it out. They are abiding their time until the darkness of nightfall settles in so that they can be less noticeable. And the older Freedom Fighters are watching and waiting for the Rough Rider lines to make their way closer to the Filipino Forces which aren’t too far away for any matter.

And the Native Freedom Fighters are nearby watching and waiting for the right moment to come as well. In the meantime, Frog Man holds his men he has leadership over back for now saving their resources. But they don’t want to deplete their resources too foolishly which would be very costly. However much of the resources from both sides of the opposing forces will be depleted and they hope they can outlast the U.S. Naval Forces nonetheless.

Lieutenant Greenway continues on with the hard work of building the barricade along with the other Lieutenants such as Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp. But he notices Lieutenant Sharp being distracted by something which isn’t a part of the Rough Rider camp.

Nevertheless whatever it was Lieutenant Greenway just brushes it off as though he is only keeping an eye out for the U.S. Naval Forces nonetheless. Then he looks to Lieutenant Wright who is pushing the lines forward as hard a she possibly can muster without any giving up.

Rough Rider John Porter continues his watches as he sees exactly what Lieutenant Sharp sees and that is a few young Filipino Children watching and waiting in the tree lines only a short distance away. And he wonders if they have anything to do with what happened to the patrol unit, although he wasn’t there present in the action so to speak.

And after noticing the young Freedom Fighters watching from a distance away, one Rough Rider soldier makes a remark to Lieutenant Sharp saying, “Hey, those Filipino children are watching us!”

Lieutenant Sharp adds a response to that comment saying, “Looks like we have an audience of fans!”

One of the young Freedom Fighters turns to the side as his pistol is exposed slightly causing a reaction as the Rough Rider soldier has something else to say, “I’ll say; I swore that young Filipino kid turned and I could see that he has a gun tucked away behind his back hanging out of the back of his pants!”

Finally Lieutenant Sharp can only think of building the line of defense further out as he says, “Just continue building the line of defense in their direction so we can get this accomplished before nightfall!”

Then the young Filipino children all turn the other way while talking as though they had unheard comments to make about the Rough Rider soldiers working. Lieutenant Greenway had noticed as well as he turns back to his work while watching from a further distance.

Rough Rider John Porter wonders if those are the same group of young Filipino children who attacked their patrol unit asking Lieutenant Wright from a few yards away, “Are those Filipino children the same ones that attacked the patrol unit?”

Lieutenant Wright returns saying, “Could be; they are armed and could still pose a threat!”

Then a cloud of smoke is seen pouring through the tree lines and brush that seems to be coming from the north. The smoke pours through the vegetation forming a kind of misty look at first and then it seems to get thicker and thicker. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers notice and start reacting negatively.

Lieutenant Sharp glances back towards the young Filipino children as they all slightly disappear from the trails of smoke that are pouring through the tree lines. There are also some closer tree lines that start smoking as well. Lieutenant Sharp sees a bundle of sagebrush land next to some tree lines only thirty or forty yards away that act almost like a smoke bomb.

Lieutenant Wright gleams in that direction as Lieutenant Greenway makes a loud comment that is only heard by Lieutenant Wright as he says, “Well, it looks like they are trying to smoke us out!”

One of the Rough Rider soldiers sees the Filipino Goddess Bamboo through the tree lines as she makes her way to throw another smoking bundle of sagebrush. But then, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo disappears again within her own smoke filled air. The Rough Rider soldier looks again and sees her throw another bundle of sagebrush from afar.

Another Rough Rider soldier watches as well and decides to make a comment to Lieutenant Sharp saying, “Some Filipino woman just threw that bundle of burning wood and leaves!”

Then Lieutenant Sharp corrects him by saying back respectively as though he was uninformed, “That is no ordinary Filipino Woman!”

Of course, the Rough Rider soldier looks back at him like he doesn’t understand as Lieutenant Sharp adds to correct his speech saying, “I believe that was the Filipino Goddess Bamboo!”

Then the new comer Rough Rider soldier makes a comment back to Lieutenant Sharp asking a question, “Isn’t that the woman that all of the Rough Riders rumor to have voodoo dolls and shit?”

Of course, as the smoke fills the air and blocks his view, Lieutenant Sharp gives the look like he is right on with that story in a sort of way or fashion. But the only fashions around here are the Rough Rider clothes that they are all wearing. However when Lieutenant Sharp looks for the Filipino Goddess Bamboo, he doesn’t see anything or anybody.

Yet he can hear some rumbling around within the tree lines which seems to catch not only his attention, but his ears as well. Soon more bundles of sagebrush are thrown and much of the smoke seems to make its way towards the Rough Rider camp. And now the visibility is becoming worse and it is very hard to see. A few of the Rough Riders are perturbed and agitated from the ordeal.

Quickly Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Greenway notice the north end with all of the smoke pillars and smoke trails getting thicker and thicker. And so does General Bill Shafter as he makes his way over towards where Lieutenant Sharp is stationed working. Once he approaches the smoke trails get thicker making a few new comer Rough Riders cough and nearly choke. However they are able to handle it considering they are all cowboys anyhow.

Of course, the Lieutenants all use their red scarves and bandanas to cover their mouths as Lieutenant Sharp tries to walk out passed the barricade. Quickly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo approaches a few young Freedom Fighters for cover. She does this as she makes a move towards Lieutenant Sharp with her blow dart while she is in range.

Luckily General Bill Shafter approaches closely as he reaches out and pulls him back and says, “Watch out!”

Right then, a blow dart whizzes right past his Rough Rider hat and misses landing in some sand bags within the barricade. Immediately the Filipino Goddess Bamboo disappears in to the smoke trails as Lieutenant Sharp back up saying, “That was a close call!”

General Bill Shafter takes out his pistol ready for another shot at her, although as he glances around he see nothing. But he hears some loud footsteps that sound like someone is running with creaking sounds of branches breaking and crackling. Many other Rough Riders step forward with their rifles aimed ready to pour some lead in to the next thing that moves. However it is very hard to see what is going on as Lieutenant Pollack sneaks off with his army backpack quickly.

War Correspondent Richard Harding looks out his window noticing the smoke trails as a Rough Rider approaches the Official Post with the news. Colonel Leonard Wood and his messenger Sergeant Ham hear the news and decide to take a look from a far. It takes a few moments before Colonel Leonard Wood looks from one of the windows and sees the smoke trails looming in the air.

The first thing on Colonel Leonard Wood’s mind is as he says to the others in the room such as his family and Army members, “Looks like they are preparing for a surprise attack!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding asks quickly, “Why all of the smoke?”

Finally as the last few many hours before darkness falls on the Philippine Islands, Colonel Leonard Wood answers his War Correspondent Richard Harding back saying, “They are trying to blind us!”

Right away, Colonel Leonard Wood writes a command down on a piece of messenger paper which he hands to Sergeant Ham commanding, “Let this be your first message to give to General Bill Shafter!”

Right at that time, Sergeant Ham answers his commanding officer Colonel Leonard Wood back saying, “Yes, Colonel Wood, sir!”

Straight forth Sergeant Hamilton Fish leaves the Official Post and heads directly over to where General Bill Shafter is located at. It takes a few moments but when he arrives, General Bill Shafter and many of the other Rough Riders are securing their positions. And at one Sergeant Hamilton Fish makes his way over to General Bill Shafter as he tries to hand him the message as he kneels down behind the sand bags of the barricade.

Immediately Sergeant Hamilton Fish hands General Bill Shafter the message from Colonel Leonard Wood as he says, “A message from Colonel Leonard Wood, General Shafter, sir!”

Right away, General Bill Shafter says replying back to Sergeant Hamilton Fish, “And let this be the first message!”

At that moment, General Bill Shafter opens the message by unfolding it once as he says, “Let’s see what the message is that he has written here!”

Of course, Lieutenant Sharp is right there wondering what it says as he asks, “What’s the message?”

First General Bill Shafter relieves Sergeant Ham by saying, “You’re excused to return back to the Official Post!”

Now General Bill Shafter explains what it says to Lieutenant Sharp answering back, “The message says that he wants us to burrow in for the night holding our positions no matter what the cost!”

Afterwards General Bill Shafter finds another Rough Rider who is nearby commanding and saying to him, “Take this message to Lieutenant Greenway and Lieutenant Wright!”

The Rough Rider soldier returns with the right words saying, “Yes, General Shafter, sir!”

Then the Rough Rider soldier leaves making his way over to where Lieutenant Greenway is located. And not to mention that Lieutenant Wright is only a short distance away from there as well. This way the message can be spread out quicker across the Rough Rider camp and front lines which are still forming continuously.

General Bill Shafter decides to nestle in for the night despite the attacks that have being going on almost nightly now by saying, “Well, we are ordered by the Colonel to burrow in for the night.”

And this is no difference except that the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is trying as many tricks up her sleeve as possible as Rough Rider Danny asks, “And what about that Filipino Bamboo woman!”

Thereafter General Bill Shafter answers Rough Rider Danny back by ordering, “Just burrow and nestle in and aim your rifle passed the barricade and shoot anything that moves!”

Rough Rider Danny thinks that that sounds like a swell idea saying, “That sounds like an excellent idea!”

Just then another Rough Rider soldier asks about that order querying, “And what about farmers and civilians?”

General Bill Shafter says, “What about them?”

And when the Rough Rider soldier, who General Bill Shafter sent to give Lieutenant Greenway the message, makes his way over to him, he says, “A message from Colonel Leonard Wood to General Bill Shafter and then to you Lieutenant Greenway, sir!”

The Rough Rider Soldier waits for Lieutenant Greenway to take the message and read it and when he does, Lieutenant Greenway says to the Rough Rider soldier, “You’re relieved to turn back to your post!”

The Rough Rider soldier turns and heads back to the area of the Barricade he came from as Lieutenant Greenway shares the message and orders the Rough Rider soldiers nearby, “Looks like we are burrowing in for the night!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway decides to give it to Lieutenant Wright by delivering it alone as the Rough Rider soldiers all begin to take their positions by burrowing in with their rifles and guns aimed towards the enemy lines in front of them. Lieutenant Wright sees Lieutenant Greenway approach and seen the Rough Rider soldier deliver the message as he continues with his progress.

Lieutenant Wright asks loudly, “Looks like a message?”

Right away, Lieutenant Greenway shows Lieutenant Wright the message while saying to him, “Yes, it is a message from General Bill Shafter that originally came from Colonel Leonard Wood!”

Lieutenant Wright replies, “That sounds like the first command; what does the message say?”

Immediately without any further hesitations, Lieutenant Greenway explains what the message says by telling Lieutenant Wright, “The message says for us to burrow in for the night and wait it out until tomorrow!”

In the meantime, there are many Rough Riders burrowing in already who have settled in around the front lines as Lieutenant Wright says, “Burrow in for the night; while that Filipino woman is running around causing havoc?”

Lieutenant Greenway starts to head back to his side of the barricade while retorting to Lieutenant Wright, “That’s the order; well, I have to return and watch my posted area while trying to keep all of the Rough Rider soldiers in line!”

However a small distance away, Lieutenant Sharp is with General Bill Shafter as they hear more sounds coming from nearby. Yet they are burrowed in keeping them from plain view as they lay down within the sandbags of the barricade. The Filipino Goddess Bamboo is having a hard time catching a glimpse of any of the Rough Rider soldiers considering that they are burrowed in hiding themselves.

Within the duration, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo stops within her sage brush bundles that are still smoldering, although they are about to burn out as she wonders what to do. She looks around while the young Freedom Fighters are waiting for the faces of the Rough Riders to surface without any prevailing whatsoever.

Then the Filipino Goddess Bamboo takes another glance around trying to think up a new strategy without getting shot somewhere such as her head blown off as she says, “What the hell?”

Quickly she throws a handful of blow darts that she had left for the occasion even though she doesn’t expect much from them. Then she leaves as she hears some agonizing pains from some of the Rough Riders they had made contact with. Yet the damage is very minimal as she exits the scene waiting for the Rough Riders to let up their guard eventually.

At this time, Lieutenant Pollack has snuck previously in to his tent to ward off her demons with an incantation. He also has used some tools from his Black Magic Hoodoo Voodoo scrap bag that he usually carries with him in his army green backpack. Finally Lieutenant Pollack feels that he has done his good luck charms for their side and her bad luck charm on her side as he finalizes the ceremony.

Lieutenant Pollack chants to his self lightly, “That ought to do the trick!”

And then he throws a handful of small broken bones from one of his dark crafted ancestors on a small black carpet that he has laid out before him. And then he waits a few moments before picking them up again and scattering them through his hand. He continues doing this task for a few more moments without stopping as he really focuses on his mark.

Then he puts everything away as though he feels that it is time to return back to the front lines as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo says alone to her lonesome saying, “Not some black hoodoo voodoo!”

Now she can feel as though there is a black cloud that has been placed over her as she has decided to retreat to a short distance away. And when she leaves she acts as though she is all shaken up by feeling a dark power such as her own in some magical sense. Soon Lieutenant Pollack is leaving his army tent ready to head back to the front lines.

In the meantime, General Bill Shafter wonders where Lieutenant Pollack is asking Black Rough Rider Private Marcus, “Where is Lieutenant Pollack?”

Black Rough Rider Private Marcus answers him back saying, “He slipped off right after all of the smoke filled the air looming over us!”

Next Black Rough Rider Private Greg makes a comment or discovery commenting, “He took his back pack and was looking through his Black Magic Scruff bag the last I saw of him!”

Then General Bill Shafter says with some confusion, “I hope he didn’t run off to do any of his hoodoo voodoo on them all!”

Right then, Rough Rider Mike can over hear the conversation and gibbers out, “You mean his black Hocus Pocus!”

By now, the Filipino Goddess is a little bent out of shape from the mental images that she has viewed within her dark mind. And even the young Freedom Fighters are watching even though they only stood watch while she escalated her little rampage. Many of them are waiting for the patrol units to come out so that they can catch them alone. And now they feel that something is disturbing their idol more or less.

Soon Lieutenant Pollack returns from his little quickened private ceremony as General Bill Shafter asks quickly, “Where we’re you; what a time to cut out?”

Right away, Lieutenant Pollack settles back in to his burrowed position as he says, “I went to give her a little of her own medicine and I feel that she isn’t fond of it!”

Lieutenant Sharp makes a command telling him, “Now don’t try and make her angrier than she already is now!”

Lieutenant Pollack speaks some words saying, “Oh, she’ll get over it!”

Soon Rough Rider Danny remarks, “That witchcraft stuff is a bunch of malarkey!”

In the meantime, one of the young Freedom Fighters looks to the other and says, “What’s up with Bamboo?”

The other young Freedom Fighter jousts, “I don’t know; unless she was injured somehow!”

They both look at each other and then follow after the Filipino Goddess Bamboo to check on her status and to hear some words come from her mouth. But as they follow, she tends to stop a distance away while looking through her bag of goodies. She stands there while looking for one of her talismans to ward off and repel the darkness pointed towards her.

Then another group of young Freedom Fighters are watching as the smoke looms are still dissipating as one says, “Look! I can see the top of one of the Rough Rider’s heads!”

Next the young Freedom Fighter and his friend both pull out their pistols while making quick on aiming at whatever is visible. Soon a small pillar of smoke dissipates as a Rough Rider hat is exposed along with another one right beside it. And finally there are two gun shots heard as both Rough Rider hats are struck in to a flying hurl in to the air.

Quickly both young Freedom Fighters turn and run as fast as they possibly can without even turning a blink of an eye. Following their retreat another group of young Freedom Fighters hears the shots nearby and stops. Then they both decide to pull out their pistols for a chance at some of those Rough Rider soldiers.

Immediately both young Freedom Fighters pull out their pistols and take a fast aim towards the sand bagged barricade that was built as one says, “Oh, bang you Rough Riders!”

Right then and there, happens to be are four gun shots that are made. And they were made with the two pistols both firing twice as quickly as they could cock the trigger mechanisms. Straight away both young Freedom Fighters leave joining an even larger group of Freedom Fighters that have pistols and rifles aimed back behind them as they retreat further in to the brush surrounding the area.

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo stops and turns looking back while she hides behind a tree wondering if the Rough Rider will retaliate with returning some gun fire. So far, as she stands there watching the young Freedom Fighters run off as a large group, it seems that there has been no immediate reaction to the threat.

Emilio Aguinaldo heard the gun shots along with his Freedom Fighters as he walks out and looks as night fall settles in. Now he feels that the Rough Riders will push the barricade even further within the days to come. And it is near time to step in with trying to stomp their progresses nevertheless.

Of course, at this time he is unarmed as he carries only a pistol at his side, although he is thinking about moving in with his larger guns, although he is saving them for the right occasion trying to save ammunitions as well as his armaments. The Rough Riders are holding their positions despite the heavy blow of rounds that were fired on them even though there were only a few for that matter.

Meanwhile Emilio Aguinaldo talks a loud to some of the Freedom Fighter who followed walking behind him as he says, “Looks like some of the young Freedom Fighters took some head on the Rough Riders!”

By now, General Bill Shafter is behind the sanded barricade burrowed in for the night as he looks to some of the Rough Riders nearby asking them all right then, “Is everyone alright?”

Rough Rider Mike makes a comment back to him saying as he reaches for his Rough Rider hat, “Yes, but those young Filipino kids shot my Rough Rider hat that I set as a decoy on the top of the sand bags!”

Rough Rider Billy Boy chugs it off by saying, “Don’t worry; you can always get another Rough Rider hat.”

Rough Rider Dennis makes a comment for the first time since he arrived recently from the warships saying, “You’re lucky; it was only your Rough Rider hat!”

In the interim, Colonel Leonard Wood has heard the gun shots and hopes that the Rough Rider soldiers were all burrowed in and out of sight for the night. And hopefully there were no injuries and none of the Rough Rider soldiers were hit by any of the gunshots that were loud bouncing off of everything.

Colonel Leonard Wood makes a comment to Sergeant Ham and his family saying with thoughts expressing, “And that is why I hope that the Rough Rider soldiers were burrowed in behind the sand bags of the barricade!”

Finally Louise Wood makes a comment to her husband Colonel Leonard Wood making a comment, “Enough of the hiding!”

And then Colonel Leonard Wood talks about how the arrival was easy saying, “There is going to have to be some laying low considering that the arrival was easy without any restraints, although now there are the night attacks which are getting earlier and earlier!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding is inside his War Correspondent Office finishing up all of the reports he has been behind on writing considering that there are many issues. And in his writings he speaks of the forces of Emilio Aguinaldo being very close and how they will probably meet his forces line to line within the next several days or maybe even sooner.

Of course, he can kind of hear all of the conversations outside of his War Correspondent Office as he writes and works. But so far, neither of them have had very much sleep since arriving in Manila Bay within the Philippines and sleep isn’t really on their mind anyways. Nevertheless the forces of Emilio Aguinaldo and he as well will never sleep until their freedoms are preserved, if ever.

Soon the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has retreated with her young Filipino Freedom Fighters. They have retreated as they all have headed back to one of her hideouts before it is taken over like the ports and shipyards of Manila Bay have been. And the Rough Rider camp is increasing in size continuously as more forces begin to emerge and come on to land.

Now that night time has settles in once again, Emilio Aguinaldo thinks that they have come close enough. And he also thinks that it is almost time to slow down their efforts by meeting both sides up against one another to handle this land dispute over their homeland. However when he looks out, all he can see is darkness, yet he knows exactly where the Rough Riders and their camp is and he has eyes on the ground watching their every move.

Now Emilio Aguinaldo thinks that it is getting hard to see at night as he makes a comment to one of the Freedom Fighters saying, “Sounds like they have been getting close enough!”

The Freedom Fighter comments saying, “Maybe, it is time to meet up with them very soon!”

Finally Emilio Aguinaldo turns around and walks back to his temporary post and prepares some of his weapons for the occasion. And the first thing on his mind is when he will make a presence with the U.S. Naval Forces. Eventually he will have to in person face to face with his Filipino Army. Of course, he will have to show his stripes and colors rather than being seen at a distance by Lieutenant Greenway and only speculated about his presence nearby.

And as the Freedom Fighters stand nearby, Emilio Aguinaldo says to them all, “Soon; we will meet up with them before they meet up with us!”

Next one of the Freedom Fighters brings some facts to Emilio Aguinaldo’s attention saying, “They almost met up with us earlier today; the time to strike is now!”

Then to comply with the words he has just heard, Emilio Aguinaldo agrees with his Freedom Fighters saying, “Like I said; soon, very soon!”

Finally after saying that, Emilio Aguinaldo walks out in to the darkness that has only recently settled in as he takes his rifle and aims in to the air. The Freedom Fighters watch as they realize that maybe their words are sinking in or maybe Emilio Aguinaldo understands that they are very close indeed.

But still Emilio Aguinaldo continues trying to take aim in the dark through the peep sights of his rifle. Yet before any of them asks of anything, a rifle shot is fired not in the air, but towards the Rough Rider camp regardless of making any waves whatsoever. The sound of rifle fire is heard as the bullet makes its way towards the Rough Rider camp.

Once the bullet reaches the Rough Rider camp it sails high hitting through a few Rough Rider tents until it is finally dislodged in the ground. Luckily he was able to miss the sand bags of the barricade, although he has memorized the mental images of the front lines in his head. Many of the Rough Riders continue remaining in their burrowed positions as ordered. Yet they all heard the long shelled .22 caliber make its way through the compound nevertheless.

Of course, Emilio Aguinaldo had only taken a chance at pulling the trigger, although this was strictly his first warning shot. That was a rifle shot where he hopes that he had taken out one of those Rough Rider soldiers.

And after taking the shot, Emilio Aguinaldo turns around to his Freedom Fighters and says boldly with an attitude, “That was my first warning shot! “

All of the Freedom Fighters take head and look at him ready to get their chance as he says adding, “I hope I put a coffin nail in those Rough Riders!”

Then a couple of Freedom Fighters are all in agreement while starting to laugh and chuckle just a bit slightly. Then they all look at each other with such an eagerness to fight for their freedoms within their homeland and country. Most of the Rough Rider Lieutenants are waiting for returned fire, though none has been returned as of yet.

General Bill Shafter makes the notion to communicate to Lieutenant Pollack saying, “So is this a result of your black mumbo jumbo hocus pocus?”

Rough Rider Mike heard that flying rifle shell as well as he says, “I heard that gun fire followed by that shell round piercing through camp.”

Rough Rider Dennis knows the sound communicating, “Yes, it sounded like a long shelled .22 caliber!”

Rough Rider Billy Boy thinks about what else they must have in their arsenal as he says, “I’m sure they have bigger shells waiting for us!”

Rough Rider Christopher adds to the conversation. “Oh, I’m sure they have bigger guns waiting for us all out there in those jungles somewhere!”

General Bill Shafter orders quickly, “Now Rough Rider Christopher and Rough Rider Billy Boy; I want you both to scoot and slither your rears over to Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Greenway’s posts and see if they are alright. And then report back here on the double and stay low keeping your heads down so they don’t get blown off!”

Rough Rider Christopher and Rough Rider Billy Boy start to head off as they both say, “Yes, General Shafter sir!”

Then General Bill Shafter decides to send another Rough Rider soldier over towards the tents of the Rough Rider camp to inspect if everyone is alright saying, “Rough Rider Danny?”

Right away, while still being grounded and burrowed in, Rough Rider Danny asks, “Yes, General Shafter sir!”

Following Rough Rider Danny’s curiosity, General Bill Shafter makes the command saying, “I want you to make your way back towards the Rough Rider tents and inspect to see if everyone is alright!”

Then Rough Rider Danny answers back diligently, “Yes, General Shafter sir!”

General Bill Shafter explains his following command saying, “I want you to inform Colonel Leonard Wood of the circumstances and return back here when relieved of his authority!”

Immediately Rough Rider Mike agrees to his command saying, “Yes, General Shafter sir!”

Quickly Rough Rider Mike makes his way scooting at first until he is a good distance behind the front lines heading towards the Rough Rider tents within the Rough Rider camp. Lieutenant Pollack and Lieutenant Sharp are keeping quiet considering that it is night time and they are in a jungle nevertheless. And not to leave out the fact that there are still more and more Rough Riders joining the Rough Rider camp continuously.

At this time, Emilio Aguinaldo has been listening to see if there was any scurrying around after his rifle shot saying, “It sounds too quiet like I must have missed hitting any of those Rough Riders!”

One of the Freedom Fighters looks at Emilio Aguinaldo scrambling up, “Well, take another shot at them while you’re at it!”

Emilio Aguinaldo looks back at the Freedom Fighter and laughs a bit and then a serious look is put back on his face as he says, “Maybe, I’ll save it for the morning!”

In the meantime, Rough Rider Christopher and Rough Rider Billy Boy have made their way over towards Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Greenway. Rough Rider Christopher checks on Lieutenant Wright as Rough Rider Billy Boy checks on Lieutenant Greenway to make sure that nobody was injured.

Rough Rider Christopher makes his way to Lieutenant Wright while querying, “Is everyone still alive?”

Lieutenant Wright says, “Yes, we alright; just a sniper shot that whizzed over our heads!”

Rough Rider Christopher reaches Lieutenant Greenway asking, “Is everything alright?”

Lieutenant Greenway responds to the question saying as he takes down his binoculars that he has been using even in the dark, “We’re alright; it was just that Freedom Fighter leader taking a warning shot is all!”

Lieutenant Wright commands Rough Rider Christopher to head back and inform General Bill Shafter saying, “Inform General Shafter that it was just a warning shot fired off by the Freedom Fighters and that we won’t return fire until ordered!”

Rough Rider Christopher takes the command saying, “Yes, Lieutenant Wright sir!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway commands Rough Rider Billy Boy to inform General Bill Shafter saying, “Tell General Bill Shafter that the sniper shot came from Emilio Aguinaldo with some of his Freedom Fighters watching and applauding!”

Next Rough Rider Billy Boy answers back his commanding officer saying, “Yes, Lieutenant Greenway sir!”

Now Rough Rider Christopher and Rough Rider Billy Boy both leave their scenes joining together to return back to their posts which were taken quickly through instances and circumstances. Rough Rider Danny has reached the Rough Rider tents as many of the Rough Riders are lying low trying to keep their heads down. But so far many of them didn’t even hear anything while some heard nothing but the sounds of a bullet whizzing through that was slight and unheard.

Once Rough Rider Danny is confident that nobody has been injured, he immediately makes his way to the Official Post of Colonel Leonard Wood. Straight away Sergeant Ham responds as Colonel Leonard Wood is resting along with his family. Sergeant Ham salutes Rough Rider Danny as he approaches with his information.

Sergeant Hamilton Fish salutes Rough Rider Danny and then asks, “What assistance can I help you with?”

Rough Rider Danny wastes no time saying, “Inform Colonel Leonard Wood that we have taken a sniper round all of the way through camp, although it appears that nobody is injured!”

Then Sergeant Ham answers Rough Rider Danny back explaining to him, “The Colonel said that the entire platoon of Rough Riders should remain burrowed in for the night to maintain our front boundary line! And he also said to refrain from opening fire on the enemy until further directed!”

Rough Rider Danny wonders asking, “I hope Colonel Leonard Wood has good reasoning behind this command!”

Sergeant Ham comes back with some words clarifying, “I’m sure that he does have a good reason behind his cease fire!”

Right at that moment, Rough Rider Danny turns and leaves with his intentions of returning to his burrowed post near General Bill Shafter. And when he leaves, he thinks about how the art of war is more or less like a game of strategy rather than a game of chance. Most of the Rough Rider soldiers are still preparing the Rough Rider camp while ignoring much of the struggles.


Suddenly the following morning most of the Rough Riders are still burrowed in as the sun begins to rise. Colonel Leonard Wood has woken up bright and early and is ready to put his plan and return of strategy in to effect. The first thing he does as a task is that he approaches Lieutenant Greenway who is burrowed in with his right eye closed and his left eye opened slightly.

It is almost as though he was sleeping while being half awake in some sort of deception of his appearance. But before Colonel Leonard Wood tries to get Lieutenant Greenway’s attention, he stands staring at the Gatling gun that Lieutenant Greenway has prepared. Right away, Lieutenant Greenway notices with his left eye slightly open as he rises to his feet fast like.

Straight forth Lieutenant Greenway makes a remark to Lieutenant Greenway telling him, “Is this Gatling gun properly mounted and ready for some testing action?"

Now Lieutenant Greenway has something to brag about as he returns with some words expressing, “Sure the Gatling gun is ready for action; I mounted and prepared it with the help of a few Rough Rider soldiers and myself!”

And then Colonel Leonard Wood looks to the large cartridge for the ammunition rounds as he asks, “Is that ammunition cartridge ready and loaded?”

Now Lieutenant Greenway feels as though he is finally going to get the chance at his first warm up exercise as he answers back, “Yes, the ammunition cartridge is loaded and ready to go upon your command!”

And then, a distance away, as the morning sun begins to rise, Emilio Aguinaldo steps out with his rifle between the complexes of buildings. He stands there for a moment while checking out the enemy lines from a closer distance hidden behind some trees and brush. Quickly he sees the militia forming around the Gatling gun, although he is very certain of who is all standing there also.

Then Emilio Aguinaldo takes another rifle shot aiming towards the Gatling gun as he pulls the trigger and fires a quick round. The rifle shot makes its way over the top of the Gatling gun and in to one of the buildings of the shipyard. Many of the Rough Riders are roused up after hearing the firing of the rifle shell.

Now Lieutenant Wright approaches after hearing the rifle shot while eager to say, “What are you waiting for; fire it up!”

Then Colonel Leonard Wood looks towards Emilio Aguinaldo with a long stare of a look like the one that Lieutenant Greenway had expressed earlier as he says, “Test it out!”

And as Colonel Leonard Wood points towards the complexes of buildings, Emilio Aguinaldo makes a comment alone stating, “They didn’t even flinch!”

At that moment, Lieutenant Greenway approaches the Gatling gun. He does this while putting a pair of leather gloves on like he is preparing to do something that may be strenuous on his hands. Then he opens up the safety pin and as he prepares to fire the Gatling gun. Emilio Aguinaldo is still standing in the same spot as he watches Lieutenant Greenway mounts himself preparing to pull the trigger.

Then he takes one more glance at Emilio Aguinaldo in the distance, as Lieutenant Wright says from only a few many yards away, “Initiate this war officially!”

A few Rough Riders scurry over to help Lieutenant Greenway with the ammunitions cartridge to help pull the casings of shells free from the metal box. Now as Lieutenant Greenway prepares to fire, Colonel Leonard Wood says quickly, “Get him!”

Hurriedly Lieutenant Greenway pulls the trigger as one shell after another starts to fall to the ground of his and the Rough Rider helper’s feet. In a flash, Emilio Aguinaldo turns and runs back towards the buildings as many bullets land right where he had stood only seconds before. And as he runs the shells cut up and tear the ground up like little tiny bombs going off missing Emilio Aguinaldo by only yards if that even.

Then Lieutenant Greenway stops and recalibrates the Gatling gun by moving it clockwise a few degrees to a new bearing as he quickly aims in that direction once again. Many of the other Rough Riders were watching as they all cheer and throw up their Rough Rider hats like it were some sort of graduation perhaps.

And only seconds later, Lieutenant Greenway has recalibrated the Gatling gun as he aims for the building that Emilio Aguinaldo first ran behind. Then all of a sudden, he pulls the trigger as the barrels of the Gatling gun start to turn round and round letting out many bullets one after the other. Right away, his hands start to vibrate as they are shaken from the kicking back force of the Gatling gun which is mounted forcing vibrations in to his wrists.

Of course, Lieutenant Greenway watches the traces of the bullets make their way towards the buildings as windows are shattered along with big chunks of wood and debris flying all over the near vicinity of the building. The smoke from the firing shells of the Gatling gun start to overwhelm Lieutenant Greenway, yet he can’t help but teach that son of a bitch a lesson with constant firing.

Moments later, Lieutenant Greenway stops again letting the smoke clear away from the Gatling gun as he looks to catch a better view of the damage he had just caused. Hitherto, all he can do is smile and chuckle lightly as he feels like he earned some revenge thus, so far. By this time Emilio Aguinaldo must be certain that they had seen him and how they were ready for action despite the many delays.

Then Lieutenant Greenway turns and looks back at Colonel Leonard Wood, who is still standing nearby, as he says, “Well, I didn’t mean to chase him off!”

Lieutenant Wright makes a comment from a few many yards away saying, “That was close; you almost had him!”

Colonel Leonard Wood steps forward towards the Gatling gun with Lieutenant Greenway standing there as he says, “Well, that will teach him!”

Next Lieutenant Greenway says, “This is going to take more work than we thought originally at first!”

Colonel Leonard Wood adds some insight saying, “Our main goal is to save the Philippine Sugar Crops!”

Lieutenant Greenway takes his hands off from the Gatling gun as he says, “Now we have the Gatling gun tested out and it is fully operational!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood stands there holding his right hand on his sword as he says to the all of the commanding officers, “Let’s push this front line!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway makes a command following the Colonel as he adds, “You heard the Colonel; let’s push this front line!”

Immediately all of the Rough Riders begin to rise to the occasion of working to push the front lines even further out to increase the size of the Rough Rider camp. Meanwhile Frog Man has been waiting patiently as he and his men have witnessed much of the actions the last day. And he has even watched the actions made by Lieutenant Greenway with the Gatling gun and his scaring off Emilio Aguinaldo, although he is still waiting for the right moment to strike.

He likes to wait to the Rough Riders are more accessible such as when they enter closer to the jungles of the Philippines. But so far, the Rough Rider camp is still a bit underdeveloped in his mind. Now he has decided that he should do something more since the last action made by the Rough Riders was made using intense firing. However Emilio Aguinaldo struck first causing the Rough Rider to react in the first place.

In the meantime, Frog Man looks to the other Native Freedom Fighters and says, “Lieutenant Greenway aimed the Gatling gun at Emilio Aguinaldo nearly hitting him!”

One of the other Freedom Fighters thinks that they ought to strike soon saying, “We ought to retaliate!”

Another Freedom Fighter talks about losing their freedoms, “Their gaining ground faster every day!”

Frog Man returns with his plans as a few young Freedom Fighters are standing nearby away from the Rough Rider camp in the safe zone as he says, “Tonight we will strike them after the sunset!”

Then a young Freedom Fighter approaches the older Native Freedom Fighters along with Frog Man adding, “We’ll attack them by surprise!”

At this time, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is learned of the Gatling gun being fired at Emilio Aguinaldo as one of the young Freedom Fighters informs her saying, “The Rough Riders fired their Gatling gun at Emilio Aguinaldo!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo feels that war is now inevitable as she returns with words expressing, “Yes, I heard the fired shots of the Gatling gun; the Philippine- American War is inevitable!”

Then another young Freedom Fighter who is accompanying him adds some words saying, “The plan is to attack them tonight after the sun goes down once they have built the front lines closer to the perimeter line!”

Now the Filipino Goddess Bamboo feels that she needs to change up her game considering that things haven’t worked out as planned. So far, the young Freedom Fighters are a little rusty; although this is the first time they have had to fight for their freedoms of the culture. However they are warming up to sticking up for their way of life as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo decides to prepare her troops with another pep rally.

However most of them are scattered around from her hideout all of the way back towards the Rough Rider camp. And it will be hard for her to gather them all up too quickly. Nevertheless the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has decided to use some other tactics considering that some of them are waiting on the Native Freedom Fighters and their plans of attack anyways.

Right then, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo makes the plan to team up with the Native Freedom Fighters by telling her young Freedom Fighters who are nearby saying, “We’ll save our efforts for tonight along with Frog Man and his Native Freedom Fighter followers!”

One of the young Freedom Fighters makes a comment to the Filipino Goddess Bamboo saying, “The Rough Riders have almost reached the edge of the perimeter line and Emilio Aguinaldo said to wait until then!”

Then the Filipino Goddess Bamboo can only make her efforts otherwise saying, “I know what he said; and that’s why he was almost shot and disgraced by his plans of order!”

The young Freedom Fighter friend can only talk about his view by indicating, “I feel that they have entered in to our country far enough and it is time to try and stop them all before we become slaves!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo would like to cheer them up somehow, although they are too young to understand everything at stake as she says, “We’ll die fighting for our country before we ever become slaves!”

The young Freedom Fighters then turn as one of them says, “We’re going back to stake out the Rough Rider camp and wait for the surprise attack!”

The Filipino Goddess turns back to her hideout, though she is a little disturbed by the young Freedom Fighters and their attitudes lately. And she also realizes that only a few of them will have what it takes to make it through this Philippine-American War. However she turns back with no repulse in holding them back as she realizes that they will now confide their trust near the front lines waiting for the right moment.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Greenway is pushing the efforts of bringing the front lines further out and they are near the perimeter line that the Filipino Army has set and marked. Once he looks a little further he sees some markings. And these markings are ones that seem like they are boundary lines as he slows down his efforts a little.

At that moment, Lieutenant Greenway decides to continue a few more yards anyways. Now Emilio Aguinaldo is still talking to his Freedom Fighters as he sees Lieutenant Greenway and Lieutenant Wright working closer and closer to the perimeter line. He sees them working closer to the perimeter line that he had set as the boundary of their bringing in their forces with pushing the front line out past the shipyards.

One of the Freedom Fighters sees that Lieutenant Greenway noticed the perimeter line and that he is working harder and faster as he says, “Looks like Lieutenant Greenway is scurrying faster to reach our perimeter marker!”

Right away, while Emilio Aguinaldo is watching and observing as well even though he is still shaken up from his first near miss saying, “You’re absolutely right; I think that is close enough. I can’t take it anymore!”

Meanwhile General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Pollack are working very hard on one of the left flank which is located on the north side of the Rough Rider camp. But then he is interrupted as a few more young Filipino Freedom Fighters line up within the trees and brush that surrounds the Rough Rider camp.

Lieutenant Sharp notices as well as Lieutenant Pollack looks to them both and then says, “Looks like those younger Filipino children are back!”

Lieutenant Sharp makes another comment as he says, “They are only messing around with us trying to make us nervous!”

One of the Rough Rider soldiers, who is working close by makes a remark commenting, “Well, they are doing a good job; aren’t they?”

Lieutenant Pollack butts in to the conversation by adding, “Yes, they sure are doing a good job, aren’t they?”

In the meantime, Colonel Leonard Wood has returned to the Official Post as he prepares to enter back on to the field, although this time with full war status. So far, his wife Louise Wood is disturbed by the shot fired by Emilio Aguinaldo but hasn’t said anything yet. However she hasn’t had a chance to be informed, although they all heard the gun shots and the Rough Riders talking nearby.

Quickly Colonel Leonard Wood prepares War Correspondent Richard Harding for the field as he returns by asking Sergeant Ham, “Inform War Correspondent Richard Harding that it is time to enter on the field to report to our duties!”

Then Louise Wood makes a comment to her husband asking, “So you are at the end of the perimeter marker?”

Colonel Leonard Wood says in response to his wife’s question, “Yes, we have nearly reached the perimeter marker that was set by the Filipino Forces according to Lieutenant Greenway!”

Louise Wood makes some regard to Emilio Aguinaldo’s attitude about it saying, “Well, it seemed that Emilio Aguinaldo doesn’t like it!”

Colonel Leonard Wood now speaks about the circumstances answering back, “No he doesn’t like it and that is why he made a slight appearance and shot at us!”

Louise Wood thinks that they should be more careful with him by displaying an attitude, “You should be more careful with him rather than taking him for granted!”

Next Colonel Leonard Wood agrees, although things aren’t going as planned as he says, “Yes, we should be a little more careful with Emilio Aguinaldo while trying to save the Sugar Crops not only from Spain but from the Sugar Boys as well!”

Finally the family maid wonders what they are going to do with Emilio Aguinaldo asking, “What are you going to do with Emilio Aguinaldo if he is caught?”

Colonel Leonard Wood has plans of stepping down their authorities if he could, though he states, “It is too early to say right now, although there’s a chance he may never be caught and some other fate will take its undertaking!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding leaves the War Correspondent Office as he walks out adding to the conversation, “Or he and his assailants will disappear on some uncharted estranged island somewhere in the Pacific that he has hidden away as a retreat!”

Colonel Leonard Wood agrees with his War Correspondent Richard Harding slurring, “Perhaps; if we can drive them out of dodge then maybe he will try and disappear!”

Louise Wood wonders what they are going to do next asking, “So what now?”

Colonel Leonard Wood agrees that it is about time to hit the field for the first time as a full group saying, “Well, it is about time to hit the field and join the front lines with General Bill Shafter, Lieutenant Pollack, Lieutenant Greenway, Lieutenant Wright, and, of course, Lieutenant Sharp!”

Meanwhile Emilio Aguinaldo is pretty angry about being almost nailed with the Gatling gun by Lieutenant Greenway. Now he has plans of moving his forces in considering that more and more are arriving momentarily after finishing their work on the back lines. And that is working on the back lines where they will retreat to within the many hidden trenches and hideaways of the Philippine jungles.

Now he looks to a few of his Freedom Fighters, who have been anxiously waiting for the time to come as he says; “Now it is time to keep them from passing our perimeter markers that we have set for the U.S. Naval Forces and their Rough Rider Army led under Colonel Leonard Wood!”

Next Emilio Aguinaldo looks to one of his Freedom Fighters while wanting to protest the southern flanks by commanding, “As a field commander, I want you to take the southern flank!”

Then Emilio Aguinaldo looks to another Freedom Fighter commanding quickly, “And I want you to take the northern flanks driving the Rough Riders back from the perimeter marker!”

First off, the field commander of the northern flank says to Emilio Aguinaldo, “What about the Native Freedom Fighters?”

Emilio Aguinaldo says in response to the question answering back, “The Native Freedom Fighters can handle themselves!”

But then, back behind the Rough Rider lines there is another black Rough Rider who has arrived as he approaches Colonel Leonard Wood, Sergeant Ham, and War Correspondent Richard Harding while making their way onto the field. The black Rough Rider makes his way towards them all as they approach the lookout tent where the field activity can be monitored from nearby behind the front lines.

The Black Rough Rider approaches Colonel Leonard Wood saying with a low tone of voice, “Rough Rider Private Danny reporting to duty, sir!”

Colonel Leonard Wood turns and looks at Black Rough Rider Private Danny as he appears to be stout with a medium build, although he is a little taller than some of the other Rough Riders such as Lieutenant Pollack nevertheless. Right away, Colonel Leonard Wood is ready to give him his orders by making a decision.

At that moment, Black Rough Rider Private Danny stands still as Colonel Leonard Wood states his command, “You will report once again to Lieutenant Pollack at the northern flank and your camp commander is still Lieutenant Wright! Lieutenant Pollack and Lieutenant Wright will get you situated with your tent and resting facility!”

Finally Black Rough Rider Private Danny answers his head commanding officer replying, “Yes Colonel Wood sir!”

Then Black Rough Rider Private Danny looks to Sergeant Ham like he is rejoining with the situation at hand slurring and saluting, “And Sergeant Ham!”

Quickly Colonel Leonard Wood points towards the direction that Lieutenant Pollack is stationed along with General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Sharp. Then Black Rough Rider Private Danny walks in that direction ready to report for duty to Lieutenant Pollack as he looks around at how large the Rough Rider camp is becoming.

It seems that more and more Rough Riders are arriving all of the time as they take their turn at docking off here at Manila Bay within the Philippines. Many of the Rough Rider men are working as hard as fast as they possibly can in order to complete and finish the barricade of the Rough Rider camp. Some of them look back at Black Rough Rider Private Danny as he approaches Lieutenant Pollack who is only a many yards away from General Bill Shafter.

Momentarily Black Rough Rider Private Danny approaches as Lieutenant Pollack looks as he says to him, “Reporting back to duty Lieutenant Pollack sir!”

Lieutenant Pollack says back to Black Rough Rider Private Danny scrambling, “Good to have you back Black Rough Rider Private Danny!”

Black Rough Rider Danny looks around slightly at some of the Rough Rider men while saying, “It’s good to be back and off of the warships sir!”

Just then, Lieutenant Pollack looks to Black Rough Rider Private Greg as he says, “Black Rough Rider Private Greg will escort you to your tent and bunker so that you can settle down your belongings!”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg rises for the command as Black Rough Rider Private Danny says responding, “Yes, and Lieutenant Pollack sir!”

Following that response, Lieutenant Pollack commands once again. “And then you both are to return back here to finish your present duties!”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg agrees to the command complying, “Yes, Lieutenant Pollack sir!”

Lieutenant Pollack looks to some Rough Riders who are looking around a bit after his command as he says to them, “Now let’s all get back to work!”

Right away, General Bill Shafter notices another perimeter marker on the ground that he never saw before. And as he looks at it he wonders when it was placed there, although it would have been easy at night time. Nevertheless he wonders if they should stop at that point with the building of the barricade.

Now General Bill Shafter makes a statement to Lieutenant Pollack and Lieutenant Sharp saying, “Looks like I spotted another perimeter marker only a many more yards away!”

Rough Rider Billy Boy sees the newly marked perimeter line saying, “I never saw that one before, have you?”

Rough Rider Mike can’t remember returning with, “I don’t know; maybe! I’m not sure if it was there before or not!”

Lieutenant Sharp realizes that the perimeter marker is brand new adding, “The perimeter marker wasn’t there before! They must have painted it in the ground last night when we were burrowed in for the evening!”

Of course, Rough Rider Christopher thinks that the perimeter marker must have been put there by the young Freedom Fighters explaining, “It must have been put there by the young Freedom Fighters when we were burrowed in ducking from their flying lead!”

And after listening to every one of the Rough Riders surrounding him nearby talking about it, General Bill Shafter makes a gesture implying, “Well, I never heard any footsteps or saw anyone when I peeked over at times!”

Lieutenant Sharp realizes that they are mostly night attacks saying, “And that’s why most of them attack us at night so that we are blinded by the extreme darkness of the jungles of the Philippines!”

Finally Rough Rider Billy Boy feels like making a promising statement saying, “The next time they attack at night, I will rest my rifle on these sand bags and shoot at anything that moves or shakes.”

Then again, Rough Rider Mike says while thinking that that is a great idea, “Me too; if it is alright with you General Shafter?”

Nevertheless General Bill Shafter answers Rough Rider Mike’s question along with okaying Rough Rider Billy Boy and anyone else to the occasion saying, “Permission granted!”

Soon the Freedom Fighters of the northern flank begin to make their way towards the barricade, although they are keeping a small distance away. Lieutenant Greenway is still working on reaching the perimeter marker which is almost completed. Colonel Leonard Wood and Sergeant Ham notice as well from the commanding post.

Sergeant Ham looks to see the Freedom Fighter forces mounting on the northern flank as he turns to Colonel Leonard Wood saying, “Looks like the Freedom Fighters are moving in towards the northern flank!”

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to the Freedom Fighters of the northern flank as well as back to Lieutenant Greenway who notices slightly. Lieutenant Greenway notices as he tries to scramble some further motivations on the barricade along with Lieutenant Wright nearby. Right away, Lieutenant Greenway turns his eyes towards the northern flank as he stops and slows down his progress while Lieutenant Wright follows suit.

Lieutenant Greenway decides to halt and call the barricade almost complete as he turns to some Rough Riders ready to make a command as Colonel Leonard Wood says, “Lieutenant Greenway sees them and is making a command!”

Lieutenant Wright looks to Lieutenant Greenway saying quickly, “I think that is close enough to their perimeter marker, I suppose!”

Lieutenant Greenway says back to Lieutenant Wright as some Rough Riders stop working on the barricade, “We’ll stop here and call the barricade complete!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway commands the Rough Riders to reinforce the northern flank by commanding, “I need you ten Rough Rider to move in and fortify the northern flank!”

The Rough Rider all scramble over towards the northern flank as Colonel Leonard Wood says to Sergeant Ham, “Alright now that Lieutenant Greenway is making a command; we need to give General Bill Shafter a cue or message to return back to center while leaving Lieutenant Pollack to the southern flank! And we should put Lieutenant Wright on the northern flank changing the field up a little bit.”

Sergeant Ham looks ready to act as messenger saying, “Give him ten seconds to comply!”

General Bill Shafter sees some Freedom Fighters moving in on the southern flank as he says, “Looks like we have Charlie moving in on the southern flank. Colonel Leonard Wood is in the commanding post and it is time that I move back to center field. The southern flank is under your command Lieutenant Pollack!”

Lieutenant Pollack looks back to General Bill Shafter while saying, “I will need some more Rough Riders to fortify this southern flank!”

General Bill Shafter acts on Lieutenant Pollack’s desire for more Rough Riders soldiers jousting, “Once at center field, I will send you some more Rough Rider soldiers to back you up and strong hold the southern flank! I also will need Lieutenant Sharp to accompany Lieutenant Wright on the northern flank!”

Immediately General Bill Shafter leaves and returns to center field within the front lines. Meanwhile Colonel Leonard Wood is watching along with Sergeant Hamilton Fish and War Correspondent Richard Harding. War Correspondent Richard Harding is writing down almost everything that he possibly can while witnessing the actions of war.

As General Bill Shafter returns to center field within the front lines, he turns and commands Lieutenant Wright to the northern flank saying, “And I need you Lieutenant Wright to take charge of the northern flank along with Lieutenant Sharp!”

While General Bill Shafter makes those commands, Lieutenant Sharp leaves with Lieutenant Wright, Sergeant Ham breaks out some lines of dialogue expressing, “Message and command complied!”

And quickly General Bill Shafter makes his way back to the center field within the front lines, although he is behind the lines a good distance in-between the command post and the front lines in actuality. Colonel Leonard Wood and Sergeant Hamilton Fish watch as they continue managing the field from the command post.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks about the actions of the field while saying to Sergeant Hamilton Fish and War Correspondent Richard Harding while gibbering, “Well, it looks like everyone on the field is in their positions ready for action.”

And finally, Emilio Aguinaldo is standing there in-between some buildings of the industrial complex as he takes out his binoculars. As he looks he sees Colonel Leonard Wood and Sergeant Hamilton Fish behind the lines within their command center post. He also notices War Correspondent Richard Harding standing there with his war journal as he continues writing down notes.

He is currently writing down notes that are coming from the field within the front lines. Then he moves his binoculars over and down field a bit while noticing General Bill Shafter directing some Rough Riders towards the northern flank. Soon he sees Lieutenant Greenway directing some Rough Riders as well towards the northern and southern flanks. He also sees Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp scramble their way towards the northern flank.

Now Emilio Aguinaldo realizes that they have their playing field in position and that the Rough Riders are ready for action as he says to some Freedom Fighters in proximity, “Looks like the Rough Riders are all scrambling into their different field positions within the front lines!”

One of the Freedom Fighters takes a pair of his binoculars and takes a look while saying, “Excellent!”

Then Emilio Aguinaldo turns the binoculars back to the command post of Colonel Leonard Wood along with Sergeant Hamilton Fish and War Correspondent Richard Harding saying, “Looks like we have Colonel Leonard Wood along with Sergeant Hamilton Fish and War Correspondent Richard Harding in their command post directing from behind the lines!”

Another Freedom Fighter is looking through his binoculars as he says, “Wonderful!”

Next Emilio Aguinaldo sees Lieutenant Greenway at the front lines as he says to the Freedom Fighters, “And we have Lieutenant Greenway in the center of the front lines keeping near where they mounted the Gatling gun!”

One of the Freedom Fighters makes another comment while adding, “Superb!”

Soon Emilio Aguinaldo takes a glance around as he sees General Bill Shafter on the field within the center of the front lines behind Lieutenant Greenway as he says, “And we have General Bill Shafter right there behind Lieutenant Greenway directing the front lines as well as the southern and northern flanks!”

Another Freedom Fighter looks through his binoculars as he says, “Bitchin’!”

And then, Emilio Aguinaldo turns his binoculars the other way while the other Freedom Fighters do the same. Soon Emilio Aguinaldo checks out the southern flank where Lieutenant Pollack has been left in charge. He doesn’t see Lieutenant Pollack at first, although he surely shows his self momentarily for a few good seconds.

Right away, Emilio Aguinaldo says to his Freedom Fighters, “And then we have Lieutenant Pollack left in charge of the southern flank all by his self with his group of Black Rough Riders and some other Caucasian or in other words white Rough Riders burrowed in waiting for a surprise attack!”

Finally one of the Freedom Fighters makes a comment rattling, “Most significant!”

And lastly, Emilio Aguinaldo turns his eyes along with his binoculars the opposite direction up towards the northern flank where Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are now located as he jousts, “And we have Lieutenant Wright along with Lieutenant Sharp, Colonel Leonard Wood’s Cuban co-pilot, managing the northern flanks along with a large number of Rough Rider soldiers looking out this way!”

Consequently, another Freedom Fighter makes a remark following with some words citing, “Outlandish and strange!”

Now Emilio Aguinaldo realizes that they have reached the perimeter marker and he has something in store for them at that point. Momentarily he steps back a few yards behind some building materials that are placed near the building of industrial complexes that he is standing next to. When he steps back he stops and looks down right towards the ground by his feet where there is a hole in ground.

Then Emilio Aguinaldo looks towards a few of the Freedom Fighters as he casts some words saying, “It’s time to use the secret passage ways!”

One of the Freedom Fighters is ready for action as he says, “You mean it is time to use the snake hole?”

Seconds later, Emilio Aguinaldo is ready to send them a token of his esteem expressing, “Yes, let’s throw a few snaky Freedom Fighters their way!”

One of the Freedom Fighters takes his rifle acting like a sniper while jumping head first in to the narrow tunnel as he calls out, “I won’t shoot until I can get a clean shot!”

Following those actions, Emilio Aguinaldo turns the other way as even more Freedom Fighters hop their way in to tunnels ready to use the secret tunnels to sneak up on the Rough Riders unexpectedly. Afterwards Emilio Aguinaldo turns back ready to make further preparations while realizing that his snake tunnels aren’t quite enough anyhow.

And before Emilio Aguinaldo has the chance to turn back to his war preparations which are sitting on a table in a small little briefcase, he says, “And they all are eager to dive in and start things off once again!”

Finally Colonel Leonard Wood can tell that the front lines are prepared as the many Rough Rider leaders hold their positions on the field. Also Lieutenant Greenway notices some of the Freedom Fighters lining up on the northern flank hiding behind a tree line that is thickened enough for them to mount around.

Presently Colonel Leonard Wood sees some more Freedom Fighter forces lining up on the southern flanks as he says back to his small cabinet carrying on, “And we have some more Freedom Fighters lining up near the southern flanks!”

Sergeant Ham is comes forth with a line before acting as messenger again saying, “Lieutenant Pollack is in command and needs to prepare for engaged actions!”

Lieutenant Pollack arranges some of his Rough Rider soldiers to aim and keep their rifles pointed at them at all times commanding, “I want all Rough Riders with their rifles in sniper positions ready for action!”

Many of the Rough Rider soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Pollack aim their rifles towards the Filipino Freedom Fighters as Sergeant Ham watches saying, “Action complied!”

Meanwhile one of the young Freedom Fighters makes his way to the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and her hideout while saying, “The Rough Rider soldiers have reached the perimeter marker and all hell is about to break loose!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo is ready for her next task that she has had planned for some time while elaborating, “That is some news to hear!”

Then she looks to some nut torches that she has prepared for now while saying, “Here! Help me carry these so that we can have them ready for the evening!”

“What are these for that you want me to carry?” The young Freedom Fighter says with a candidly voice.

“They’re for tonight and they are for a surprise!” The Filipino Goddess Bamboo says in response as she gives the young Freedom Fighter an evil look back.

A few more young Freedom Fighters are nearby as the young Freedom Fighters waves them over for help. Soon they are all ready to carry anything for the Filipino Goddess Bamboo that she asks for. But before she leaves, she decides to casts one more spell on the Rough Rider soldiers as she takes another try at a few of the voodoo dolls that she has made of them all.


Suddenly the Freedom Fighters snipers have reached their mark as they reach the other end of the snake tunnels. The snake tunnels stretch from the complexes of industrial buildings all of the way towards the spot where they placed the perimeter marker. And that spot the snipers have planted themselves is right there in the hidden undergrowth of where the very front line.

Now every Freedom Fighter sniper is in position and ready to take out some Rough Riders when the opportunity is there. However they are more inclined to take their sniper shots at the leaders of the Rough Riders. That means that they are ready to take sniper shots at the Rough Rider leaders meaning the Colonel, Sergeant, and Lieutenants, of course, for that matter.

But then, at the same time there are Freedom Fighter soldiers mounting nearby the northern and southern flanks. And they seem like they are determined to take some action as Colonel Leonard Wood continues watching the front lines from behind the lines. Meanwhile Lieutenant Greenway is preparing for a gun fight regardless of anything else.

And now, he is in charge of the front lines, although he has to take orders from General Bill Shafter, who is right there a many yards right behind him, ready with orders. Soon Emilio Aguinaldo sends some more reinforcements towards the very front lines right dead center. He is trying to confuse them so that he can trick them and take their sniper shots ruthlessly.

Lieutenant Greenway looks straight ahead noticing some Freedom Fighter forces mounting towards the front lines right there at dead center. There are a many trees and other obstacles blocking his complete view as they have laid out many things to hide behind. Many of the Freedom Fighters end up hiding behind some small walls that were built separating some of the different buildings of industrial complexes.

And there are some others that are hiding behind some of the smaller adjoining buildings throughout the complex of industrial buildings. Immediately Lieutenant Greenway realizes that they need some more forces and there are many still arriving all of the time. Many of them are still unpacking while making their way slowly on to the front lines, although they haven’t had a chance at stationing everyone.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Greenway cues General Bill Shafter that there are some more Freedom Fighters mounting at the front lines dead center calling out, “We have some Freedom Fighters mounting at front dead center!”

General Bill Shafter looks and sees that there are some Freedom Fighters forces mounting as General Bill Shafter can hear Lieutenant Greenway call out again, “Send me some more Rough Rider soldiers!”

Hurriedly General Bill Shafter looks for some more Rough Riders that are making their way towards the front lines and even behind the lines as he commands, “We need some more Rough Riders at the front lines helping Lieutenant Greenway!”

In addition, like clockwork a good handful of Rough Riders make their way towards the front line where Lieutenant Greenway is standing near the Gatling gun ready for more action. And he is very eager now to pull on the trigger of the Gatling gun nonetheless in order to snuff that Emilio Aguinaldo. Yet they are trying to persuade him in to handle the sugar crops in their own American way and they don’t want to kill him if possible.

And quickly Lieutenant Greenway looks to see a few more Rough Riders arriving, “I’m going to need you five Rough Riders over here behind these sand bags!”

And then, Sergeant Ham looks to Colonel Leonard Wood and War Correspondent Richard Harding as he says, “Looks like the General and the Lieutenant’s actions are compiled!”

Of course, Colonel Leonard Wood looks ahead to the front lines while compiling, “Cuban hands on training putting America’s tax dollars to work!”

Next War Correspondent Richard Harding says, “And now they are getting some training in the banana republic of the Philippines!”

Then Sergeant Ham comes back with a further notion adding, “The more training the better off we are and we are here for the sugar as well as the bananas and pineapples!”

By now, the Freedom Fighter sniper has his aim right on some of the Rough Rider soldiers, although he only has a clean shot at a few of their heads. Yet at times Lieutenant Greenway ends up in the peep sight of the bullet’s aim as he steps around trying to direct some of the Rough Riders in to position.

Momentarily Lieutenant Greenway directs a few Rough Riders to some sand bags bunkers that have been dug out as a backup saying, “And I need you eight Rough Riders to fill this bunker and cover the front lines directly in front of you all!”

Seconds later, General Bill Shafter grabs some new recruits coming in he looks to some newly built sand bag bunkers informing them, “And I need you four Rough Riders to occupy this bunker hole covering the front lines!

In the meantime some of the Freedom Fighters are nearing the northern flanks as Lieutenant Wright directs a few more Rough Riders sent their way, “I want you six Rough Riders stationed within this sand bag bunker ready to cover the northern flank lines ahead of you!”

Also Lieutenant Sharp makes the same command while another five more Rough Riders approach in his direction saying, “I need you five Rough Rider to join Lieutenant Wright and me at the lines of northern flank!”

Lieutenant Sharp points to a hole in the lineup as they are all in a squat position with their heads like the other Rough Riders ahead of them all. Many of them run in to position themselves very quickly. There is even a few other straggler Rough Riders that follow behind acting as though they aren’t excluded.

The Rough Riders fill all of the holes even though they still have some backup sand bag bunkers to fill up. Moments later, many of the Freedom Fighter snipers have their peep sights on some of the Rough Riders for a clean shot. Yet none of them have pulled the trigger considering that the Rough Riders are to jittery moving around a lot.

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo arrives at a distance with her young Freedom Fighter helpers as they only show themselves slightly. A few of the Rough Riders spot her as Colonel Leonard Wood takes a look after noticing some commotions. The commotions are very light as he takes out his binoculars and looks towards the southern flank.

He looks around about the tree lines noticing some Freedom Fighters still mounting, although they are keeping a good distance. Then all of a sudden, when he looks to the southwest corner of the southern flank, Colonel Leonard Wood sees something. At first, he doesn’t see her face until she turns around towards a few of the other young Freedom Fighters as she places her supplies in a certain place.

However the Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks like she has changed her clothes or maybe even her appearance as Colonel Leonard Wood tries to spot her out. Soon he sees her directing a few of the young Freedom Fighter children in to different areas before the perimeter line which is directly before the front lines. She also throws a bag of supplies down that looks packed with all kinds of stuff.

Colonel Leonard Wood sort of recognizes the Filipino Goddess Bamboo considering that there are no other women around as he says, “Well, here’s a great suspect for the Filipino woman!”

Right away, Sergeant Hamilton Fish takes a pair of binoculars that has for the occasion as well while gibbering, “Oh yeah; you mean the one that is dressed like a Filipino farmer with the white pants and darkish shirt?”

War Correspondent Richard Harding takes a look his self as Colonel Leonard Wood answers his messenger back saying, “Yes, and she is talking to those young Filipino kids telling them where to go and what to do, I suppose!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding makes a remark as though he was a defense attorney or something like that proclaiming, “Well, I don’t know if she quite fits the profile by her looks and the way she is dressed.”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish can only reckon that that is the Filipino Goddess Bamboo even though they sometimes use a common name saying, “That is her; that has to be the Filipino woman?”

Of course, War Correspondent Richard Harding continues to say, “You mean the Filipino Goddess Bamboo!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish says, “She doesn’t look like any goddess to me!”

Lastly Colonel Leonard Wood says to them both, “Let’s just keep an eye on her the best that we can and inform General Bill Shafter that we may have spotted her out of the crowd or line-up!”

Finally Colonel Leonard Wood is ready to send Hamilton Fish on as messenger as he is ready to write a message while saying, “This will be your first action as messenger!”

Then Hamilton Fish notices that Lieutenant Greenway is looking at her with his binoculars as he says, “Wait; Lieutenant Greenway has spotted her!”

Then Colonel Leonard Wood decides to say, “Message complied!”

Next Lieutenant Greenway stops and turns to General Bill Shafter telling him, “Female bogey spotted southern flank!”

General Bill Shafter takes a quick look with his naked eyes at first, but then he takes another look with his binoculars that he always has handy around his neck. Sometimes the binoculars get in the way, although he is able to keep his eyes far off of the field. And when he takes a look, he immediately thinks that she is a fine candidate for being that meticulous Filipino Goddess Bamboo nonetheless.

Thereafter General Bill Shafter looks back to the command center post with Colonel Leonard Wood, Sergeant Hamilton Fish, and War Correspondent Richard Harding. Straight forth his points towards where the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is while Colonel Leonard Wood cues him on the discovery as well. Then General Bill Shafter turns his back to work the front lines. He does this as more Filipino Forces move their way in closer towards the perimeter line of scrimmage nevertheless.

And carefully the Filipino Freedom Fighter snipers maintain their peep sites on the Rough Riders at the front lines waiting for the chance to take a clean shot. However so far there are too many commotions along with more Rough Riders arriving all of the time along with the many Rough Riders that are burrowed in holding their position.

In the meantime, Black Rough Rider Private Danny sees the Filipino Goddess Bamboo. He sees her at a closer distance than many of the other Rough Riders such as Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter. He stares for a moment by getting up slightly so that he can catch a good glimpse of her considering that she isn’t keeping her sight hidden very well. Soon one of the Freedom Fighter snipers aims his peep shots at him, although he ducks moments later avoiding a clean shot to the head.

As he squats and burrows back down, Black Rough Rider Private Danny asks the other Rough Riders, “Do you see that woman out there?”

Right away, Lieutenant Pollack decides to make a comment regarding that Filipino woman describing, “Yes, I see that Filipino woman and she makes a great candidate for being the Filipino Goddess Bamboo, I reckon!”

Black Rough Rider Private Marcus takes a quick look without showing or exposing his self too much rattling, “Maybe, we ought to try getting a clean shot and taking her out?”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg has something to say rambling with, “She is too far off to take a chance at it!”

Black Rough Rider Mike takes a peek at the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and decides to say, “I could take her out with one clean shot!”

And right off of the bat, Lieutenant Pollack wants to calm them all down so none of them do anything stupid by suddenly commanding, “Now don’t none of you all go and do something stupid like take a sneaky shot at her and start an entire conspiracy theory!”

Rough Rider Dennis takes a look and the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and says, “Yes, and nobody ever called her a conspirator!”

Seconds later, one of the Freedom Fighter snipers gets his chance at a clean shot at one of the Rough Riders as a shell fires once, “Bang!”

Quickly one of the Rough Riders near the center of the field is shot in the head as he puts his face over for a quick look around. As he rolls over and flops towards the bottom of the sand back barricade, many other Rough Riders take cover. Luckily a few had seen the Freedom Fighter sniper take the shot as some of them quickly return fire.

More shots ring out as they try to hit anything that is in plain sight, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

Right then Rough Rider Bill arrives saying, “They’re in a snake hole! Snake slither! Snake slither!”

Immediately the Rough Riders stop firing their weapons as the smoke starts to clear away leaving only a few bullets holes in the dirt missing their mark. Luckily one of the Rough Riders sees the Freedom Fighter sniper pull his rifle back as he tries to burrow back in to the snake tunnel. Quickly he aims his pistol, although he can’t get a clean shot at the Freedom Fighter sniper.

Right away, Lieutenant Greenway notices the Freedom Fighter sniper as well by reacting quickly while taking a look saying, “Sniper in the hole!”

At once, Lieutenant Greenway reaches for a sand bag that he had made previously for the occasion as he throws the sand bag towards the snake tunnel yelling, “Bag that son of a bitch!”

Straightaway many of the Rough Riders start throwing rocks and sand bags while a few take another couple of gun shots fast like. Then suddenly another Freedom Fighter sniper takes another quick pull of the trigger. And of course, this Freedom Fighter sniper is in a different snake tunnel many of yards away.

The sound of the Freedom Fighter sniper and his rifle fire ring out among the other Rough Riders shooting away, “Bang!”

And another Rough Rider drops from a shot to the neck. Many of the Rough Riders retaliate quickly by shooting at the place that they think that the fired shot came from. Most of the shots miss except for one that seemed to catch a reaction with a loud painful screech. The screech wasn’t really loud yet there are more shots fired from where the voice came from.

The Freedom Fighter sniper makes a loud like squeal or screech, “Ow!”

Soon the sounds of gun fire stop as Lieutenant Greenway yells out, “Bury that son of a gun!”

Right away, a many Rough Riders start throwing sand bags as far as they can while a few end up crossing the front lines. When they cross the front lines, they take along some heavier sand bags dropping them in the sniper’s tunnel. Sounds of more pain and agony are heard as the Rough Rider soldiers run back jumping their way back across to the front of the barricade.

As the Rough Rider soldiers cross over towards the front lines, the Rough Rider soldiers all cheer and parade the action. Yet other Rough Rider soldiers are pulling the injured and deceased Rough Riders back towards the inner camping area. Next they will be taken to the medical tent where they will be treated. Then they will be placed back on the warships to be taken home to their families whether dead or alive.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to both Sergeant Ham and War Correspondent Richard Harding and then he talks saying, “Looks like we have encountered a few Freedom Fighter snipers!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding moves the conversation along with words shortly summarizing as he writes his war notes, “And the Freedom Fighter snipers took out a few Rough Rider soldiers!”

Right then, Sergeant Hamilton Fish comes on the scene with an expression complementing, “Well, I think Lieutenant Greenway handled the situation!”

By now, General Bill Shafter thanks Lieutenant Greenway from a distance rambling on with, “Way to take charge Lieutenant Greenway!”

Lieutenant Greenway turns back slightly and tips his hat thanking General Bill Shafter back for the complimentary statement. Then Lieutenant Greenway looks to some of the other Rough Rider soldiers ready to come up with the next strategy right away. Even General Bill Shafter is thinking of what to do momentarily nonetheless.

General Bill Shafter shares the plan with Lieutenant Greenway from a distance yelling, “Let’s find the rest of those Freedom Fighter sniper sons of bitches!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks to some Rough Rider soldiers saying, “Now let’s flush out the rest of those Freedom Fighter sniper sons of bitches!”

Hurriedly a many Rough Rider soldiers are all eager cheering out yelling, “Yes, let’s get those Freedom Fighter sniper son of a guns!”

In the meantime, Louise Wood is back with the family maid at one of the windows of the Official Post. Louise Wood is looking out the window and has caught a glimpse of the Filipino Goddess Bamboo with her own eyes. Of course, she has some help with a strong pair of binoculars that she has brought along for the occasion nevertheless.

At that time, Louise Wood makes a remark with the maid and the children around by noting, “Looks like we had a few casualties again; but I can see some Filipino woman watching and looking around like she is waiting for something!”

The maid wonders if that is the Filipino Goddess Bamboo asking her, “Do you think that she is the Filipino Goddess Bamboo?”

Now Louise Wood continues watching the Filipino Goddess Bamboo while returning with words saying back, “I’m unsure; but nobody has ever seen her ever before I don’t think!”

The family maid wants to take a look as she takes another pair of binoculars that she has brought along as well. So far, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is still directing some of the young Freedom Fighters about their planned strategies for later in the evening. But neither she, nor none of the Freedom Fighters have any remorse for what has just happened.

Next the family maid makes a remark about what she sees by saying, “She’s dressed like a female sugar plantation farmer!”

Louise Wood makes a final comment conveying, “She’s trying to disguise her looks from every one of us so that she is unrecognizable.”

Barbara Wood wants to take a look asking for the binoculars querying, “Let me take a look at her.”

Right then, Barbara Wood makes a comment about the view of the large binoculars she is looking through and says, “Oh, wow! I can see right across the front lines. Is the Filipino woman that lady talking to those young Filipino kids?”

The maid answers Barbara Wood back quickly saying, “Well, maybe that’s her or we think that is her!”

Then Louise Wood makes a swift statement as she hands the binoculars over to Louie Wood saying, “I wonder what she’s up to! Maybe, we should keep our close binoculars eye on her.”

By now, a few of the Freedom Fighter sniper have been taken out as Emilio Aguinaldo looks out across towards the front lines. However there are a few more Freedom Fighter snipers out there, although they haven’t made an impression yet. They also haven’t been found out as far as their hideaway dugout tunnel in the ground is concerned neither.

Finally one of the Freedom Fighter snipers returns back from the snake tunnel very injured. Yet Emilio Aguinaldo watches with a very unhappy look on his face. But he is still glad that they have shot a few Rough Riders, although the battle has only begun. Emilio Aguinaldo directs some more arriving Freedom Fighters towards the front lines ready to back his forces up.

Then another is retrieved by another Freedom Fighter who dragged him out dead as Emilio Aguinaldo says, “Hmmm; our first casualty!”

Another Freedom Fighter comes in with some other words expressing, “And a few minor injuries!”

Next Emilio Aguinaldo says as he looks off in to the field towards the front lines, “Well, we still have a few more snipers out there waiting!”

Of course, Lieutenant Greenway remains behind the lines as many of the Rough Riders scale the barricade in search for some more snake tunnels. Soon one of the Rough Riders, who has crossed the furthest from the barricade, sees another snake tunnel. He sees it within a patch of jungle leaves twenty feet away from him, although he doesn’t see the Freedom Fighter sniper aiming at him.

Then while holding his pistol in one hand and sand bag in the other, the Rough Rider soldier calls out, “Hey, there’s one over here!”

Quickly a few Rough Rider turn that way when suddenly, there is a gunshot ringing out once, “Bang!”

The Rough Rider can do nothing but stand there thinking that he was hit. However he is still upwards on his feet, yet he hears a screeching sound of pain coming from somewhere else. And he realizes that he wasn’t shot and isn’t bleeding anywhere on his body. Then he looks and sees another Rough Rider soldier holding his pistol with gun smoke pouring out from the barrel.

Then he sees the barrel of a rifle fall back in to the snake tunnel as the Rough Rider says, “Bag that son of a gun!”

Right away, the Rough Rider throws the sand bag towards the snake tunnel which lands inside. Then there is a loud thump that is only heard by the closest Rough Riders, although there are no sounds of pain or agony from being shot. At first, they are both unsure that the Freedom Fighter sniper is dead as the Rough Riders guns remain drawn. But the realization that the Freedom Fighter sniper isn’t alive anymore turns to a reality.

Now the Rough Rider soldier begins to turn as he says, “We nailed that Freedom Fighter sniper!”

Immediately the band of Rough Riders turns as fast as possible in order to make their way back to the barricade. But before they do, a few Freedom Fighters start to move in closer and then slow down as the Rough Rider soldiers cross over to the other side. Also a group of many Rough Riders start to aim their pistols and rifles ready to help cover them by standing rather than lying low.

However the Filipino Goddess Bamboo decides it’s a good time to lay low for now until the sun begins to go down for the evening. Of course, she has some things up her sleeve that are planned out for them all; although she doesn’t want them getting a good look of her face up close neither.

Nevertheless the Freedom Fighter soldiers maintain their aim with their weapons. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers do the same. But then, Lieutenant Greenway sees some more Freedom Fighter soldiers rush further towards the front lines. Colonel Leonard Wood notices and hopes that he will make the right call.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks out towards the front lines with Lieutenant Greenway ready to make a move as he says, “He needs to fortify the southern flank and the front lines!”

Sergeant Ham realizes that they are receiving more Rough Rider soldiers all of the time as he counters saying, “We are going to need to supply Lieutenant Greenway with more Rough Riders soldiers!”

Then General Bill Shafter notices that there are more Freedom Fighter forces arriving all of the time and says loudly, “Lieutenant Greenway; we are going to need to fortify the front lines and the southern flank with more Rough Riders!”

Next Lieutenant Greenway calls back to General Bill Shafter yelling, “Colonel Leonard Wood will have to allow more Rough Rider soldiers on the front lines and flanks!”

General Bill Shafter turns back to Colonel Leonard Wood signaling him for more Rough Rider soldiers as Colonel Leonard Wood says, “Okay, let’s bring in a few more regiments!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding is certain that they only have half of that saying, “We still have more Rough Rider soldiers to undock off of the warships.”

Sergeant Ham is ready to run messenger briefing, “I’ll run messenger and round up a few platoons!”

Colonel Leonard Wood writes a quick command giving Sergeant Ham the authority to command a few platoons from their bunkers immediately informing, “Here’s a command order for more platoons to be directed on to the front lines!”

Sergeant Ham salutes Colonel Leonard Wood saying with his hand quickly, “Colonel Sir!”

Quickly Sergeant Hamilton Fish leaves the scene ready to round up some more Rough Rider soldiers, although he feels otherwise about it. He thinks that he may have a hard time recruiting any entire platoons. But then, on the other hand he is ready to just enter many of the bunkers looking to gather as many Rough Riders as he possibly can without stressing out too hard.

Yet suddenly, a large group of Rough Riders exits their bunkers heading for the front lines as one says to the others while running, “We heard a few gunshots!”

Still Sergeant Hamilton Fish continues on with his search as Colonel Leonard Wood sees the Rough Riders soldiers approaching and says, “Wow! That was fast!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding says back to Colonel Leonard Wood, “They must have heard the gunshots!”

Meanwhile Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are on the northern flank as Lieutenant Wright makes a comment saying, “Sounds like Lieutenant Greenway has ordered some Rough Rider soldiers to look for some snake tunnels for Freedom Fighter snipers!”

Lieutenant Sharp realizes that the snake tunnels could have been placed just about anywhere as he speaks saying, “There could be snake tunnels anywhere out there with Freedom Fighter snipers just waiting to pop one of us!”

Lieutenant Wright makes another remark returning with, “I hear that!”

Lieutenant Sharp wonders if they should send any men out to check for snake tunnels saying, “Maybe, we should send a few men out to search for some snake tunnels?”

Rough Rider Paul arrived a short time ago from the warships along with Rough Rider Toby, says, “I’ll do it; if you’re serious!”

Rough Rider Toby is ready to back up his Rough Rider friend by adding to the desire of searching, “I’ll go with him!”

Lieutenant Wright is certain how that would be very risky saying, “That may be risky with those Freedom Fighter snipers out there waiting for us all!”

Lieutenant Sharp feels that they should wait until Lieutenant Greenway and or General Bill Shafter command an order saying, “We should wait until we are directed under a command order before we take any actions!”

Finally Rough Rider Paul says with a rough tone of voice, “When the time comes; you can count on us Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp!”

Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp look back at Rough Rider Paul and Rough Rider Toby as the day progresses. But they don’t say anything while keeping cover as more Rough Rider soldiers join them all slowly and surely. Anyhow Rough Rider Paul and Toby look back to the battle grounds as more and more of the Freedom Fighter forces arrive holding the perimeter line.

By now, Frog Man has met up with the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and what they should do next. So far, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is on her own agenda as far as keeping the U.S. Naval Forces and their Rough Rider soldiers from crossing the perimeter line. Meanwhile more Freedom Fighter and Rough Rider forces continue arriving to meet up and forming the front lines.

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks to Frog Man and then his group of Native Freedom Fighter men and says, “So what next? So far many of my plans have been altered!”

Right at that time, Frog Man can only talk about playing the waiting game by answering back with, “For now, we wait until more Freedom Fighter forces arrive!”

Next the Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks to some of the Rough Riders scurrying a good distance from the front lines as she says, “Looks like Emilio Aguinaldo set things off to a good start with his Freedom Fighter snipers!”

Following those words Frog Man decides to brag a little saying, “Yes, he did: and that’s why we are waiting for more snipers to tag them Rough Riders when they get too close to our “no entering zone” past our front line!”

Momentarily the Filipino Goddess Bamboo can only think of what they have noticed watching as she says, “Well, the Rough Rider soldiers took out a few Freedom Fighter snipers already!”

By now, Frog Man thinks of moving the situation along by preparing as he jousts, “Yes, you are right; but things are only getting started and will continue to escalate.”

Of course, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo can only contend with her own savory desire for action by explaining, “Well, you have you endeavors and I have my own little endeavors that are planned for tonight!”

Frog Man looks to the nut torches that the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has brought and stacked nearby in a pile ready for implementation replying, “I see you are ready with your plans of lighting up the place a bit tonight.”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo answers Frog Man back by delightfully implying, “Good; then we can work together tonight with you and your Native Freedom Fighters along the side of my young Freedom Fighter rebels?”

Frog Man looks to a few of the young Freedom Fighter rebels waiting a distance away from the front lines as he says, “Sounds wonderful! But I think; you better get them ready for some serious action because they look a little rusty!”

Then suddenly Frog Man turns and walks away like he is giving her the chance to abide by his terms as she retorts, “Just wait and see!”

During that time, Louise Wood is still watching the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and says to her family and maid, “She was talking to some Native Filipino farmer or warrior or something and then he turned and walked away. Now she is talking to some of those young Freedom Fighter children that she has running her game!”

Barbara Wood is still watching imitating her mother with some curiousness saying, “She and that dude she was talking too are freaky!”

The family maid looks out watching as well saying, “It looks like she’s up to something.”

Next Louise Wood makes a humorous remark saying, “I don’t know what she is up to, but I would like to go out there and knock her out!”

By now, the Rough Rider soldiers are making their way closer to another snake hole. But they don’t see the rifle that is pointed at them. The rifle is hidden behind some jungle leaves that are out stretched from the nearby jungles. Meanwhile the Rough Rider soldiers point there rifle in to the jungle leaves moving them over to take a peek here and there.

Nevertheless the Freedom Fighter sniper watches and waits as the Rough Rider soldiers come closer in to his hideout. Emilio Aguinaldo watches and waits as well knowing that he is waiting for more sniper actions to start things off. Colonel Leonard Wood is waiting for the Rough Rider soldiers to do their sweep of the area realizing that there may be some consequences nonetheless.

And suddenly there is another gun shot fired once from the Freedom Fighter sniper’s rifle, “Bang!”

Another Rough Rider soldier is hit, although this time the round hits him in the thigh as he scrambles to the ground running away barely. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers return fire upon the jungle trees and leaves hitting anything in sight. And some of the Rough Riders on the front lines hold their fire as well as the Freedom Fighter forces that are further backs a good distance.

Colonel Leonard Wood and his colleagues of commanding officers hear the initial Freedom Fighter sniper blow and the return rounds of fire. Lieutenant Greenway decides command some more Rough Riders over in that direction, although he is sort of ready to pull the Rough Rider soldiers back behind the front lines as well.

General Bill Shafter yells out loudly, “Another sniper shot fired!”

Colonel Leonard Wood and Sergeant Ham watch as Lieutenant Greenway scrambles for some more Rough Riders along with General Bill Shafter as Lieutenant Greenway calls out, “We need some more Rough Rider soldiers to back them up!”

General Bill Shafter screams out some words, “Okay, I’ll assign you some more Rough Riders to cover them all and that area!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding watches as many of the Rough Rider soldiers stop firing their weapons. Soon the gun smoke dissipates and the Rough Rider soldiers drag one of the Freedom Fighter snipers out from the snake hole. Another Rough Rider soldier is carrying the Freedom Fighter sniper’s rifle as they exit the jungle trees and leaves.

Quickly one of the Rough Rider soldiers tries stripping the Freedom Fighter soldiers of his supplies while searching him for whatever. Then there are some more Rough Rider soldiers approaching as a bullet happens to land only a foot away from the Rough Rider soldier as he sprints away nearly being hit and another statistic.

Then as soon as the Rough Rider soldiers take another look back, they see the Filipino Freedom Fighters creating a fence. They start creating a fence for blocking the open passages leading through the jungle brush. The fence is made of long logs which are cross like emblem of the sword on the Rough Rider hats nevertheless.

Quickly the Freedom Fighter soldiers start to really blockade another area in the distance blocking the Rough Riders out. But there is a gap in-between which is there creating a new front line. Furthermore the Rough Rider soldiers make their way back on the American side of the barricade.

Lieutenant Greenway notices the blockade that the Freedom Fighters are placing quickly out of nowhere and so does General Bill Shafter. When they take their preceding glance, they both see the Freedom Fighters taking cover while hiding behind the gate like fences they built. They are all armed with rifles and pistols as they have some aimed towards the inner area.

Some of the Freedom Fighter soldiers are running back and forth like those spots was assigned to certain positions on the field. Colonel Leonard Wood takes a look through his binoculars while Sergeant Ham and War Correspondent Richard Harding do the same. Also Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are facing the same dilemma on the northern flank along with Lieutenant Pollack on the southern flank.

So far, only the Rough Rider soldiers on the front lines have their rifles and pistols drawn as well. But none of them are taking any chances at taking gun shots unless it is required and necessary. For now, they will continue with keeping their cover along the barricade. The barricade at the front lines, although the front lines could be anywhere after some more times passes on by.

Colonel Leonard Wood is the first to respond saying to Sergeant Hamilton Fish and War Correspondent Richard Harding commenting, “It appears that they are seriously taking cover as more Freedom Fighter soldiers arrive.”

Sergeant Ham makes a remark saying, “And some of them have their guns drawn like they are waiting for a showdown!”

However War Correspondent Richard Harding has some words about the day saying, “Yes, and it will be sunset soon and then it may be show time with these nightly crawlers!”

At about that time, Lieutenant Greenway seems to be along the front lines with his slapstick as well as his binoculars which are strapped around his neck. Now Lieutenant Greenway pulls out his pistol and takes cover along the barricade with the many other Rough Rider soldiers. Here they all continue to watch the enemy across the distance as they stare back and forth.


Hurriedly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo prepares for her planned sequence of events as the dusk hour is nearly ending. Most of the commanders are still on the field of the front lines within the barricade and so are Colonel Leonard Wood, Sergeant Hamilton Fish, and War Correspondent Richard Harding.

Colonel Leonard Wood and his closely and tightly knit officers wanted to get a closer look upon the front lines. Of course, they decided to wait until things had cooled down for a little while as well as the sun going down. Nevertheless like everyone else, they are all squatted behind the barricade looking out along with Lieutenant Greenway. Meanwhile General Bill Shafter stays back from the front lines a distance watching and waiting for something to happen.

Many of the other Rough Rider soldiers are distance away as Lieutenant Greenway says to Colonel Leonard Wood, “You know; you shouldn’t hold your head up to much!”

Colonel Leonard Wood holds his head up taller than the others slightly and says, “You get used to all of the lead flying around you when you are on the front lines!”

Lieutenant Greenway answers back, “I know; that’s what bothers me at times!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish has something to say as he notices something, “Hey look; I just saw a spark or flicker of something over there where the Filipino woman was standing at!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding returns with some saying, “Yes, I thought I saw something happen over there also but it’s getting dark out!”

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to the southern flank commenting, “Yes, it is getting hard to see anything at the southern flank with the sun going down.”

Lieutenant Greenway says thinking about it, “Hopefully Lieutenant Pollack has a better view then the rest of us!”

General Bill Shafter approaches from further back saying to them all, “I’m sure he has a better view of her and the Native Freedom Fighters as well.”

Lieutenant Pollack does have a different view of things along with his Black Rough Rider crew as well. It seems that they have been watching the Freedom Fighter soldiers build their own defensive mechanism too. But so far, as the night hours begin and the skies get darker, they all can see the Filipino Goddess Bamboo with some sort of flickering light.

Lieutenant Pollack makes a comment to Black Rough Rider Private Marcus saying, “I keep seeing some flickering light over there where that Filipino Goddess woman was standing at!”

Black Rough Rider Marcus sees the flickering light as well replying, “Yes, I see it. I wonder what it is that flickering light or flash of light.”

Black Rough Rider Private Danny has some ideas saying, “Maybe, she is doing some of that voodoo hoodoo on us with her voodoo dolls!”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg only can get angry thinking about that idea correlating, “You mean and she is poking pins and needles in it while placing it over some hot flashing coals of fire or something like that?”

“Yes, something about likes that!” Black Rough Rider Private Danny says in return with a low tone of voice.

Black Rough Rider Marcus figures that the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has voodoo dolls of all of them as he says, “I suppose she has voodoo dolls of each and every one of us!”

Now the Filipino Goddess Bamboo feels that she has waited long enough for the sun to go down in order to escalate things further. And now she lights things up a little by sparking one of her nut torches that she has made for the occasion. Of course, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo wants most of the Rough Rider soldiers and their attention to be focused on her and nobody else as far as Freedom Fighter soldiers are concerned.

Immediately she sends many of her young Freedom Fighter children out to stake more nut torches near the front lines commanding, “Here I want you all to take a few nut torches and sneak them near the front lines without being seen by any of the Rough Rider soldiers whatsoever.”

Quickly the young Freedom Fighters all take a few nut torches each and head for the front lines, although they are careful as they carry on. The instructions that they were given is basically simple for them considering that they are manipulators of hiding themselves within the darkened night anyways.

And even though they are as quiet as possible, Rough Rider Jeff is on the front lines a distance away from Lieutenant Greenway hearing footsteps while saying, “Did you hear that?”

Rough Rider Christopher is nearby as he thought that he had heard some footsteps as well noting, “Yes, I thought that I heard some footsteps to approaching and then backing away, maybe!”

Rough Rider Billy Boy has some ideas about that saying, “Right there, I think I just saw a figure pass by.”

Rough Rider Danny thinks it is the young Filipino children messing around gibbering, “It’s those young Filipino farmer kids and young Filipino Freedom Fighters screwing around out there!”

Rough Rider Jeff hopes so commenting, “I hope you are right because I don’t want to look up to a gun barrel pointed at my face!”

By now, all of the nut torches are set as the young Filipino Freedom Fighter return back to their side of the front lines. It was a hard tricky task, although they had accomplished the job with ease. Now all they have to do is continue waiting for the Filipino Goddess Bamboo to ignite all of them once they are all set.

One of the young Freedom Fighter makes a comment to the other after staking a few instructing his partner by asking, “And how the hell is she going to ignite the nut torches!”

As they approach nearer to the Filipino Goddess Bamboo, the other says answering back, “Maybe, she has a flaming bow and arrow!”

Right away, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo overhears them all saying, “How am I going to ignite them all?

And quickly the Filipino Goddess strikes her hand towards all of them like a female witch making a sound like a sparkler on the fourth of July while saying, “Whoosh, with my magic!”

Suddenly all of the nut torches ignite creating a blindness keeping the Rough Rider soldiers and their sight restricted. Many of the nut torches shine along the jungle trees and leaves with darkness in-between and behind them as well. Most of the young Filipino Freedom Fighters as well as the Freedom Fighter soldiers and the Native Freedom Fighters are overwhelmed with the magic feat.

Right away, Lieutenant Wright looks to Lieutenant Sharp saying, “Looks like they’re up to something with the nut torches!”

Following those words, Lieutenant Sharp says back to Lieutenant Wright candidly, “Looks like they are trying to blind us for some reason!”

Then a distance away, Lieutenant Greenway makes a comment to Rough Rider Bill who is only feet away, “It’s almost like being back in the Hawaiian Islands!”

Rough Rider Bill looks over towards the nut torches as the light shines off of his Rough Rider hat saying, “I hear that noise!”

Lieutenant Pollack realizes that whatever they are up to it don’t look good telling everyone, “Just hold on to your Rough Rider hats everybody because we are about to be hit with something or other!”

Black Rough Rider Danny looks to some of the nut torches that are nearby saying, “I can’t see anything beyond those nut torches!”

Black Rough Rider Greg feels the same adding on, “Either can I; I can’t see a thing!”

Black Rough Rider Marcus thinks that the lead is about to start flying as he says, “Get ready for the lead to start flying through those flickering torches!”

Colonel Leonard Wood realizes that this nut torch setting up isn’t meant to turn out on their account positively as he says, “Stand by and watch closely!”

Sergeant Ham says exasperating as he watches looking for signs of the enemy, “Looks like they are trying to blind our Rough Rider soldiers!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding says with some intuition saying, “They are desperately trying to give us a disadvantage over the front lines!”

A distance away, Frog Man is standing nearby his Native freedom Fighters watching and staring at the nut torches. It is almost like he is in a trance or daze as he fixes his eyes upon them all. The flames continue to burn creating a blinding effect almost as effective as a smoke screen which could be used as a defensive mechanism or agent of protection.

In fact, Frog Man is very pleased with the outcome as many of his Native Freedom Fighters stand nearby the front lines. They stand nearby the front lines on the Filipino side waiting to start up some troublesome quarrels with their ammunition. Many of the Native Freedom Fighters realize this is their chance to make good with their intentions of stopping the U.S. Naval Forces and their Rough Rider Army nevertheless.

However none of the Rough Rider soldiers can see what preparations the Filipino Forces are doing so far at this time. They are so blinded that all they can do is wait for the Filipino Forces to make a move on them. Many of the Native Freedom Fighters are preparing their blow darts and are loaded up with poisonous dart frogs along their waist lines.

Yet they wait as Frog Man approaches the Filipino Goddess Bamboo as she nears the jungle trees a distance away from the complexes of buildings near the shipping yards. She is surrounded by her many young Freedom Fighters who are ready to do her abiding along with their own nonetheless.

Right then, Frog Man approaches the Filipino Goddess Bamboo as he says to her, “My quite a show you have put on for us all!”

Now, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks back to him as she takes her blow dart and arms her waist line the same saying, “That’s just the beginning!”

Afterwards the Filipino Goddess Bamboo adds some poisonous dart frogs that she has picked out by her lonesome for the occasion as Frog Man says, “I suppose it is time for our own show!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo decides to say with an attitude, “Yes, let’s get this show in action!”

Emilio Aguinaldo see the nut torches and wonders what the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is up to saying to the Freedom Fighters, “What the hell is she up to that Bamboo?”

A nearby Freedom Fighter makes an assumption correlating, “It appears that she is paving the way for the Native Freedom Fighters!”

By now, Emilio Aguinaldo makes a remark about the situation candidly speaking, “Well, night time has fallen and I believe it’s her show tonight!”

In the meantime, Lieutenant Greenway is waiting as the darkness starts to adjust to his eyes a little with the firelight, although he still has trouble seeing. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers have trouble seeing past the nut torches that are shining everywhere. But then, Lieutenant Greenway can barely see a dark figure stand just on the other side of the nut torches behind some jungle trees.

And when he looks he sees some more dark figures standing near the dark figure that he can’t make out and they are all holding something. Even though he can’t make it out, he sees some blow darts aimed in their direction realizing that they are prepared to attack. Soon the air is filled with blow dart guns as many of the Native Freedom Fighters continue swiping more and more poisonous dart frogs to make their next blowing shot.

Most of the Rough Riders continue staying burrowed in their places and positions as the poisoned dart frogged darts fly beyond the front lines. Most of the poisoned blow darts miss except for a good number of them that hit some Rough Rider soldiers stabbing them greatly. The sounds that are made from the constant ramparting of their homemade artillery are overwhelming.

One of the poisoned blow darts nearly hits General Bill Shafter as he sees more landing around where he is positioned. Quickly he takes cover along with Lieutenant Greenway who is at the front lines still holding with his commands to the other Rough Rider soldiers. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers are wondering what’s going on considering that they can’t see passed the nut torches too far.

A few Rough Rider soldiers freak out and stand up. They stand up on their feet disclosing their whereabouts. Immediately they are hit with poisoned blow darts as they start to stumble around to the ground like a drunk more or less. And when they fall a few Rough Rider soldiers drag them back towards the cover made behind the barricade of sand bags.

Then a few more seconds passes by as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo sees General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway from a good distance. She sees them looking off towards the shining jungle trees as she decides to move in closer. Right away, she aims her poisoned blow dart at General Bill Shafter from a distance as she takes a deep breath.

Straight away the Filipino Goddess Bamboo takes her shot as the poisonous blow dart makes its way toward General Bill Shafter. At first, it streaks through the firelight made by the nut torches and then over the barricade made of sand bags. And soon it makes its way closer towards General Bill Shafter as he hurriedly moves his position as he squats and takes cover a few more feet away.

As he ducks the poison blow dart misses him and hits another Rough Rider that is squatting on his knees out waiting the bombardment. Luckily the poisonous blow dart only hits the Rough Rider soldier in the shoulder as he scrambles dropping his rifle. Quickly he pulls the poisonous blow dart out and throws it on the ground.

Of course, General Bill Shafter sees the poisoned blow dart pass after he moves along with many others that have hit the ground. He notices the Rough Rider soldier struggle nearly falling to the ground as he looks back in a flash. There are also a few Rough Rider soldiers that are being catapulted with poisonous blow darts that he sees all over everywhere.

At that moment, General Bill Shafter looks to the Rough Rider soldier as he says sorry like in a way, “Sorry soldier!”

The Rough Rider soldier takes the poisonous blow dart and throws it away on the ground while answering back, “That’s okay, General Shafter sir!”

General Bill Shafter thanks him by nodding his head as he heads back closer to the front lines. Immediately General Bill Shafter heads over to where Lieutenant Greenway is as he hides behind the sand bags taking popped shots in to the jungle trees and bushes. Many of the other Rough Rider soldiers are now returning fire with their pistols and rifles as the area is slammed with thousands of shells that fly everywhere.

Soon the Native Freedom Fighters stop their assault with their poisonous blow darts and the Rough Rider soldiers do the same as well. Immediately the sounds of gunfire halt except for a few shots here and there. Furthermore the straggled shots are coming from the northern and southern flanks nonetheless.

Then suddenly the sounds of fighting and war cease to exist for only a blink of second as quietness rings in everyone’s ear. Yet this only lasts for a brief moment as the sounds of some Rough Rider voices are heard scrambling on behind the barricade. Also there are some voices coming from the Native Freedom Fighters who are wondering what affects the surprise attack had on the Rough Rider soldiers anyways.

But Frog Man is remaining quiet as he fixes his eyes where the Rough Rider leaders and commanders are located behind the barricade. And they all of the Native Freedom Fighters wait until they pull back on their positioning somewhat. Now Frog Man waits as Lieutenant Greenway just happens to take a look across the barricade towards the front lines.

Right at that moment, Frog Man takes a deep breath and blows another poisonous dart right towards Lieutenant Greenway. Frog Man watches the poisonous blow dart pass by the nut torches and land within the cross swords of his Rough Rider hat. Luckily the poisonous blow dart doesn’t penetrate his skin as he quickly ducks away.

Quickly Lieutenant Greenway becomes mad as he decides to head for the Gatling gun as fast as possible. But first, he angrily pulls the poisonous blow dart out from his Rough Rider hat as he scrambles to the Gatling gun. Many of the Rough Riders have ceased fire and they never waited for any orders from Lieutenant Greenway or General Shafter or any one of the other commanders either.

However, many of the Rough Rider soldiers nearby give a positive light cheer. They continue to do this as Lieutenant Greenway looks back to Colonel Leonard Wood, Sergeant Hamilton Fish, and War Correspondent Richard Harding. As he looks back, he can barely see anything except for a dim ray of light shining on the command post.

Moreover Lieutenant Greenway takes the Gatling gun as General Bill Shafter looks at him saying, “Do it!”

Right then, Lieutenant Greenway pulls the trigger of the Gatling gun as many shells fly in to the jungle trees and leaves. The Native Freedom Fighters all retreat a good distance trying to dodge the shells of the Gatling gun. Nevertheless Lieutenant Greenway continues to blast some shells and rounds out while even knocking out a few nut torches while he is at it.

The sounds of the Gatling gun firing, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, etcetera.”

Next there is a small cheer from some of the Rough Rider soldiers as one of the nut torches is blown out into smithereens meaning little flaming cindered pieces. Then a few Rough Rider soldiers follow suit as they take their pistols and rifles aiming for the nut torches as there are some fired gun shots simultaneously.

The first nut torch is blown out as the cinder head is thrown everywhere sending flaming ashes in the air. A few of the Rough Riders yodel while others scream out a cheering roar as another gun shot is heard one after the other. Soon there are more gun shots fired as more of the nut torches are blown out almost like it was a theatrical event nonetheless.

So far, there are no Native Freedom Fighters around considering that they are almost like ghosts disappearing within the Philippine jungles. Even the Filipino Goddess Bamboo feels that they have surprised them the best that they could, although she has even more ideas brewing up her sleeve.

Frog Man is disappointed as he turns and heads further back towards the Freedom Fighters under Emilio Aguinaldo. Therefore Emilio Aguinaldo notices the braveness of the Rough Rider soldiers as they display an act of marksmanship and sportsmanship in their game. Yet he isn’t about to start his guerilla warfare during the night time for that matter.

Emilio Aguinaldo looks out towards the center of the action as everything begins to fade back to the natural darkness and says, “Looks like those Rough Rider soldiers are fast as a race horse.”

Then one of the Freedom Fighters makes a remark saying, “They are only as fast as the bullet is when it comes to war!”

Then a distance away, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo turns away with a few young Freedom Fighter soldiers and says, “Come on; let’s rearm with some more supplies!”

One of the young Freedom Fighter children says, “We can’t just walk away!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks straight ahead as they head back adding, “We’re not leaving for good!”

At about that time, most of the Rough Riders soldiers are yodeling and cheering away that they have shot out all of the nut torches. They are also happy that they have stopped the Native Freedom Fighters from their advances at pushing the U.S. Army back in their tracks. And not to leave out the idea that they have discouraged the Native Freedom Fighters as well.

Lieutenant Greenway is happy now that the scene has quieted down much since the fight back saying, “Well, I think that stopped them!”

General Bill Shafter is nearby as he says candidly speaking, “Hopefully that will stop them for now!”

Colonel Leonard Wood is glad that the Rough Rider soldiers had all taken initiative at protecting their purchase of the Philippine Islands by saying, “Looks like these Rough Riders are warmed up and ready to make a move on!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish wonders what he means by that asking, “A move on; Colonel Sir?”

“Yes; warmed up and ready to make a move on!” Colonel Leonard Wood answers back!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding is confused too asking, “Colonel Sir?”

Finally Colonel Leonard Wood writes out a messenger request commanding, “Yes, we will continue to snuff out the Freedom Fighter snipers and then push the front lines forward further at sunrise! But first, we need to relieve Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter so that they can return to their quarters for some rest.”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish looks at the messenger request that commands saying, “Flush out snipers and push lines passed perimeter marker at sunrise; signed Colonel Wood!”

Next Sergeant Hamilton Fish salutes Colonel Leonard Wood as he says, “And afterwards hold your position at the front lines and then you can return to your quarters for a few hours’ sleep until sunrise!”

Colonel Leonard Wood decides to cover for Lieutenant Greenway for a few hours or so while relieving him as he stops him adding, “In fact, tell Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter to return to their quarters until sunrise and I’ll cover for them momentarily.”

Sergeant Ham finally leaves as Colonel Leonard Wood says to War Correspondent Richard Harding, “I need to grab a few things in the Official Post and then I will night watch the front lines.”

War Correspondent Richard Harding answers back as Colonel Leonard Wood leaves saying, “Yes, Colonel Sir!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish makes his way to the front lines with Lieutenant Greenway as he says, “I have a message for both Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter to return to their quarters until sunrise to push the line further passed the perimeter marker.”

General Bill Shafter takes the message and says, “Yes, we could use a few hours rest!”

Lieutenant Greenway agrees as he says back to him, “Yes, I could use a few hours rest also!”

Colonel Leonard Wood will return for night watch until sunrise, “Great; at least now the Colonel can get caught within the next surprise attack!”

General Bill Shafter leaves the post along with Lieutenant Greenway as Sergeant Hamilton Fish takes the front lines waiting for Colonel Leonard Wood anyways. Even though he was ordered to stay and watch the front lines in his absence before returning back to his quarters. He also feels that he should stay burrowed in watching the front lines just like Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter until Colonel Leonard Wood returns.

Sergeant Hamilton Fish says to his self, “I think I better wait for the Colonel and watch the front lines.”

Another Rough Rider soldier hears him talking and says, “Just nestle in right there and look out that way. That’s all I do all day and night long!”

Right then, Sergeant Hamilton Fish points his pistol out towards the enemy lines as he aims in total darkness answering back, “I’ll look that way alright and I will be ready to shoot anything that moves!”

An additional Rough Rider soldier looks at him from his burrowed position saying, “Hey, you’re one of the messengers from Cuba I hear!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish returns saying, “Don’t believe everything you hear!”

By this time, Colonel Leonard Wood returns to his Official Post only to grab some other important items. And one of those items being his rifle considering that he only had a pistol earlier while at the command post. Now he looks and notices that his family is asleep except for his Rough Rider wife who looks as he looks back.

Then he says as he is ready to head back to the front lines, “I am relieving General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway from the field until sunrise!”

Louise Wood turns to head for bed as she says, “Be careful!”

Colonel Leonard Wood turns away saying, “Yes, I will be careful even though this is the first day on the field!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood leaves the Official Post and heads back towards the front lines to relieve General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway. Meanwhile his wife Louise Wood returns back to bed. And when he returns, he will relieve them and give them some time to rest in order to return back to the lines momentarily at sunrise.

When the Filipino Goddess Bamboo makes her back behind the Freedom Fighter lines, she turns looking back the Rough Rider barricade that is a distance away. Now she desperately wants to change up her tactics considering that the Rough Rider soldiers had taken heed on her nut torches nonetheless.

Frog Man approaches her with some disappointment contending, “Don’t worry; I’m sure we have injured a few Rough Rider soldiers and taken them out of service!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo feels that they will only recruit even more Rough Rider soldiers to the scene answering him back, “Yes, and I’m sure they will only bring in more Rough Rider soldiers!”

Back at the Rough Rider barricade, a few Rough Rider soldiers report that they had been hit with the blow darts, although they are alright nevertheless. However there are some reports of Rough Riders who are unconscious with no response and a few that have little response and some loss of memory for that matter of fact.

Many of them are coming from every area of the barricade meaning from the southern flank all of the way to the northern flank. Yet many of them have brushed off the effect of being hit with a poisonous blow dart. Basically like a rough rider they just pulled the poisonous blow dart out and ignored it. But some of them are still having side effects while keeping their mouths shut.

By now, Colonel Leonard Wood has joined the front lines along with War Correspondent Richard Harding there by his side. He arrives and makes his way to where Sergeant Hamilton Fish is holding the front line together. And many of the Rough Riders nearby notice that Colonel Leonard Wood is on the field at the front lines.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to Sergeant Hamilton Fish saying, “I see that you have burrowed in for the occasion!”

Sergeant Ham says in retrospect, “Yes, I thought I might keep my head down in case there are any of those poisonous darters around with their sneakiness!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood has decided to relieve Sergeant Hamilton Fish for some rest time back at the Official Post saying, “Sergeant Ham; return to the Official Post for some rest and return back at sunrise!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish answers back quickly, “Yes, Colonel Sir!”

Right then, Sergeant Hamilton Fish leaves the scene while the night still has some hours left to it nonetheless. Colonel Leonard Wood and War Correspondent Richard Harding burrow in the best that they possible can otherwise. But War Correspondent Richard Harding has some problems with keeping his head down from sticking up.

And that is because all he can do is write down as much as he can without ever easing up on his pencil that needs constant sharpening. Yet it is better than a feather quill for any reasoning of keeping down notes on a piece of parchment paper. Still Colonel Leonard Wood maintains the same tolerance as the other Rough Riders by burrowing in like them to show his sportsmanship towards war.

A distance away, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo had seen Colonel Leonard Wood and War Correspondent Richard Harding arrive closer towards the back end of the barricade. And she had also seen Sergeant Hamilton Fish leave returning to the Official Post as well. Now she stands nearby some of the Freedom Fighters with her binoculars as she watches waiting for her next move to make.

She makes a comment as Frog Man stands in close proximity to her as she announces, “It looks like Colonel Leonard Wood is on the front lines along with his War Correspondent Richard Harding Davis.”

Frog Man wishes that he had as good of eyes as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo shedding some attitude, “How can you see them all in the dark even with those binoculars?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo is confident that she can see in complete and utter darkness countering back with, “Don’t worry; I can see even in the darkest of caves. So surely I can make out a face in the dark like the leaders and their baggy pants and swords reflecting light on their left side!”

Now Frog Man wonders what she is going to do now that Colonel Leonard Wood and his War Correspondent Richard Harding are out on the field as he asks, “So what are you going to do about it?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo takes that as a threat of action as she reaches for one of the Freedom Fighter’s weapons such as their rifle. Gleefully he hands the rifle of his own over to the Filipino Goddess Bamboo as she checks the weapon like she was an army soldier nevertheless.

Then she aims playing around in the dark for a few moments while some of the Freedom Fighters watch saying, “Now should I hold it like this!”

The Freedom Fighters all move closer while watching like they are taking lessons even though the Filipino Goddess Bamboo acts nonchalant like she is an amateur. In fact, she almost wants to wave the rife around towards them to get their blood going, although she hesitates. Now she is ready to move ahead with her plan or maybe it is her anger getting to her immensely about losing a battle to the Rough Riders perhaps.

Moments later, she sees War Correspondent Richard Harding with his head poking above the barricade barely as she tries to take aim through the peep sights. She holds off from taking the shot for a moment and then pulls the trigger. Immediately the rifle is fired as there is some kick back from the rifle that kicks the rifle barrel up in the air.

The sounds of a rifle firing once are heard ringing out, “Bang!”

A millionth of a second later, the rifle shell misses War Correspondent Richard Harding and then hits the Gatling gun bouncing up in the air. Most of the Freedom Fighters are watching wondering if she had what it takes to take the initiative when the scourging and battle is over with.

Straight away the Filipino Goddess Bamboo quotes, “Darn, the rifle kicked to the side a little.”

Immediately Colonel Leonard Wood calls out, “Man; that was close! Hold your fire!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding wonders where the shot came from asking, “Where did that rifle shot come from?”

For a moment, quietness rings in everyone’s ear as Colonel Leonard Wood continues on saying, “That rifle shot came from the Filipino Goddess Bamboo vigilante woman!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding says, “Are you sure the rifle shot came from her?”

Meanwhile Colonel Leonard Wood is stopped low behind the sand bags as he comments gibbering, “Yes, I’m certain that that was her!”

By now, Emilio Aguinaldo is certain that he knows where the shot came from as a Freedom Fighter approaches asking, “Who fired that rifle shot?”

Emilio Aguinaldo answers the Freedom Fighter back introducing while seeming agitated, “Bamboo; who else!”

Then the Freedom Fighter continues on by rallying, “Many of our Freedom Fighter Forces would rather dispel their ammunitions during the light of day considering that our rations are too low.”

Emilio Aguinaldo decides to go the other direction with the conversation because he can’t control her anyhow as he says, “I don’t know; Bamboo seems to have her own little game going on out there, I suppose!”

The Freedom Fighter feels that the Filipino Goddess Bamboo should resort to her witchcraft mostly and leave the cowboy and Indian game to the Freedom Fighters as he says, “Well, she should stick with her magic and hoodoo voodoo instead of wasting our bullets in the dark hours!”

Emilio Aguinaldo can only use the young Freedom Fighter children as a reference by saying, “Just leave her with the young Freedom Fighter children and we can do our job first thing at sunrise!”

By this time, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is feeling a little obnoxious as she makes a comment with some Freedom Fighter soldiers at the front lines, “That rifle shot should hold them off for a while until we regroup with things!”

Then she hands the rifle back to the Freedom Fighter and walks away like she has some other plans. Frog Man watches and reunites with his Native Freedom Fighters as he looks back towards the enemy forces with some disappointment. However this is only one of the many nights and there are plenty more for them all to pull themselves together.

Meanwhile as the Native Freedom Fighters all start to talk about future plans; Colonel Leonard Wood has decided to have a few Rough Rider men push the barricade. He has chosen to do it very quietly without making any loud noises. But then again, there are the possibilities of other Freedom Fighter snipers being anywhere out there hiding.

Then lightly, Colonel Leonard Wood orders a few Rough Rider soldiers to build the barricade further by sneaking another small wall of sand bags ordering, “And I want a few of you Rough Riders to build another wall of sand bags extending the barricade out further.”

One of the Rough Rider soldiers looks back in the darkness answering him, “Yes, Colonel Sir!”

Right then at that moment, four or five Rough Rider soldiers start to take sand bags in order to carry them out further pushing the barricade. They are fast and as quiet as possible and a many more join in soon thereafter. However there is more noise made with a larger number of Rough Rider soldiers, although they are doing their best.

And after watching the Rough Rider soldiers begin by their lonesome selves, Colonel Leonard Wood decides to grab some sand bags as well in order to give a hand. A few Rough Rider soldiers are confused at first, except for the old timer Rough Rider soldiers from the war in Cuba.

Yet none of them even blink an eye as the Colonel works along the side of them all as though he were one of them. But then on the other hand, War Correspondent Richard Harding remains behind the barricade while writing all he can about the war in the Philippines. And he can even write in the dark, though it is sometimes scribbly.

As Colonel Leonard Wood carries a third group of sand bags out so many yards, War Correspondent Richard Harding asks as he returns again, “Colonel Sir; shouldn’t you remain behind the front lines?”

Colonel Leonard Wood returns back saying right then, “No, my job is out on the field at the front lines just like the rest of the Rough Rider soldiers! They need some role models to lead them on the fight!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding feels as though he should help as well, although he continues to write as he says, “I see Colonel Wood Sir!”

Below is a link to "The Filipino Dispute" subpage 4.