The Filipino Dispute Subpage 4


Suddenly Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are informed by some Rough Rider soldiers that Colonel Leonard Wood is on the front lines. So far, it has been too dark for anyone to even see or notice anything and communications are sometimes slow after nightfall. Nonetheless everyone has to have some time to rest and that makes shifting all of the soldiers rough at times.

The Rough Rider soldiers approaches Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp saying as he approaches, “Colonel Leonard Wood is on the front lines after relieving Lieutenant Greenway until sunrise!”

Then Lieutenant Wright asks the Rough Rider soldier questioning, “What was that rifle shot?”

The Rough Rider soldier goes on to explain the rumors he heard as he describes the details saying, “They believe that the rifle shot came from the Filipino woman Lieutenant Wright Sir!”

Next Lieutenant Sharp wonders what the rifle shot had hit asking, “And what did the rifle shot hit because I heard a loud clanging sound?”

The Rough Rider soldier carries on the conversation by answering the question saying, “The rifle shot hit the Gatling gun almost hitting Colonel Leonard Wood who was stationed in close proximity to it!”

“And what else is Colonel Leonard Wood doing in preparation for sunrise?” Lieutenant Wright asks the Rough Rider soldier.

The Rough Rider soldiers gives the details of Colonel Leonard Wood is doing saying, “Colonel Leonard Wood is pushing their barricade further as we speak along with a few Rough Rider soldiers that he pointed out!”

Right away, Lieutenant Wright thinks that is risky and so does Lieutenant Sharp as Lieutenant Sharp says, “That sounds sort of risky in the dark!”

The Rough Rider soldier realizes what the other Rough Rider soldiers said conveying, “That is what some of the other Rough Rider soldiers said, although they are over there doing it!”

Lieutenant Wright thinks that Colonel Leonard Wood is a crazy leader saying, “What a crazy idea when there is lead still flying!”

Lieutenant Sharp has some words to say divulging, “Well, you know he isn’t afraid of lead or flying shells anyways!”

Then Lieutenant Wright can only describe with words saying, “Isn’t that the truth?”

Back at the southern flank, another Rough Rider soldier slithers his way over towards Lieutenant Pollack. Lieutenant Pollack is all alone as far as leaders or commanders are concerned while being stationed on the southern flank. Nonetheless he has been holding out pretty good when it comes to holding down the area.

The Rough Rider soldier approaches Lieutenant Pollack saying, “Colonel Leonard Wood is on the front lines!”

Lieutenant Pollack wonders what he is doing on the front lines so soon asking, “What is he doing on the front lines so soon?”

The Rough Rider soldier goes on to explain the situation saying, “Colonel Leonard Wood is relieving Lieutenant Greenway and Sergeant Hamilton Fish for some time to rest!”

Lieutenant Pollack feels that they will all get their turn at resting back at the barracks or housing facilities responding, “I guess we will all get our chance at resting up for a change.”

Black Rough Rider Greg can only talk of being more supreme about needing sleep as though he was immortal saying, “There is no sleep for the U.S. Army!”

Right then and there, Lieutenant Pollack figures that there is no sleep for the crazy insane fool to be stationed here saying, “Even the U.S. Army has to rest at times!”

But then, a few Rough Rider soldiers play around like they are asleep snoring really loud, “Snort; snort!”

Lieutenant Pollack listens with a sarcastic ear to the sounds as he says, “That’s funny; you think that is pretty funny playing like you’re sleeping. And then one of those young Filipino kids will sneak over and slice your throat with a large skinning knife!”

Then Black Rough Rider Private Danny agrees with the Lieutenant Pollack saying, “Or that strange Filipino Goddess Bamboo Swamp woman will drag you away in your sleep and cut your Bo jangles off!”

Next Black Rough Rider Private Marcus can only say, “Or maybe that strange Filipino woman can make you her American Rough Rider sex slave!”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg makes a wise crack as he adds; “Now that’s an Indentured American Rough Rider sex slave!”

Next one of the snoring Rough Riders comes about talking some more, “That’s alright by me as long as you all knock them doors down and tie her up when I’m through with her!”

Lieutenant Pollack jousts, “Argh; now go wet your pants back at you tent!”

Then Black Rough Rider Private Danny cuts in to the conversation saying, “I think he was only joking, right?”

Then the snoring Rough Rider can only agree to get out of the jam that he made by saying, “Yeah; I was only joking!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood and many of the Rough Rider soldiers have made some progress upon his command of his fast laid plan. But then, some nearby sounds have been heard through the jungle trees like there is some activity going on nearby. It also seems like there are some Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers moving their way, perhaps.

Right then, Colonel Leonard Wood returns as he cues a few Rough Rider soldiers, “Alright, place those sand bags and return back behind the barricade. We may have some movement coming our way!”

A few of the Rough Rider soldiers place their sand bags and return, although they did notice some activity within the tree line. There are even some rifle barrels sticking out which can barely be seen as the Rough Rider soldiers quickly burrow down once again. Colonel Leonard Wood and War Correspondent Richard Harding notice as well as the Rough Rider soldiers all clear the field within the front lines.

Rough Rider Danny approaches quietly from a distance away saying, “Looks like we have some militia forming nearby!”

Rough Rider Mike approaches closer towards the Gatling gun as well while saying, “Those rifle barrels are getting a little too close for home!”

Colonel Leonard Wood realizes that there might be a chance of a nightly skirmish saying, “Well, get ready for a nightly skirmish!”

Rough Rider Jeff makes a remark that ends up being candidly saying, “Like I said earlier; I don’t want to look up to a gun barrel pointed in my face!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding makes a sarcastic gesture talking as he writes some things down, “Well, now you have one pointed in your direction!”

Next Colonel Leonard Wood decides to make a command as the sounds of footsteps get closer ordering, “Hold your fire; let the Filipino Freedom Fighters shoot first!”

Another Rough Rider named Martin comes strolling closer to the front lines saying, “And then what, Colonel Sir?”

Colonel Leonard Wood says with some kind of egotism saying, “Then you can all return fire immediately upon their dislodgement!”

Rough Rider Mike checks his weapon as the others all lock and load, “Ready to dance all over these Filipino Freedom Fighter honkies!”

Moments later, a troop of Filipino Freedom Fighters approaches. They approach just past the jungle trees while only trying to make an impression. Then quickly they turn back and fade away, although a few of them stay and position themselves momentarily. And then, more Filipino Freedom Fighters arrive as some of the Native Freedom Fighters return.

But this time, they all stand there and stare as though they can see in the dark. Now the Rough Rider soldiers can only see the glow in their eyes as they stare back. Finally, a few of the Native Freedom Fighters take some shots with their blow darts and fade back from the scene. Most of the Rough Riders are ready and waiting as most of the poison blow darts miss and hit the ground.

Lastly, the Filipino Freedom Fighters take some shots towards the Rough Rider front lines and turn back, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

The sparks of gun powder are seen, though only the reflections of their rifle barrels are that remains. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers return fire one shot after the other while unsure of what they have accomplished. Regardless they can only continue to shoot in the direction of the jungle bush like they were playing pin the donkey on the tail more or less.

The shots of gun fire many times, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Quickly the Filipino Freedom Fighters take a few more return shots and leave fading back away from the scene, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

The Rough Rider soldiers continue to take a few more popped shots towards the fleeing Filipino Freedom Fighters, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Right then as the Filipino Freedom Fighters return as some more shells and bullets whip their way through the jungles trees, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo says, “Good; they can take that to bed with them tonight!”

Emilio Aguinaldo was hoping for some reason to retaliate tomorrow morning at sunrise as he says, “Looks like that Bamboo must have motivated some of the Freedom Fighters to move on in with some forcefulness!”

One of the Freedom Fighters standing nearby makes a comment saying, “That should hold them off until sunrise!”

Emilio Aguinaldo decides to add to the scheme of things, “At least she knows how to keep them on their tippy toes!”

By now, the Rough Rider soldiers have stopped firing as Colonel Leonard Wood yells out the command, “Alright; ceases fire!”

Now all of the Rough Rider soldiers decide to take this time in order to reload their pistol and rifle chambers in case they need to be ready. Many of them cock their rifles after reloading so that they are able to keep their aim out towards the jungle trees and leaves. But, on the other hand, there are still a many Filipino Freedom Fighters out there on the front lines with their weapons still drawn as well.

Rough Rider Bill approaches from the back end of the front lines saying, “I hope that holds them off for a while!”

Rough Rider Martin is another Rough Rider who took some shots towards them as he says, “I just hope I nailed at least one of those Filipino Freedom Fighters!”

Next Colonel Leonard Wood is ready to make another command even though they have built a small barricade out further saying, “Okay; let’s hold your fire, but keep your weapons pointed towards the enemy forces at all times.”

Right then, a few Rough Rider soldiers find some hurt Rough Rider soldiers to take back to the medical tent as one says, “We have a few injured Rough Rider soldiers over here!”

Colonel Leonard Wood orders a few Rough Rider soldiers to carry and help them back to the medical tent saying, “Let’s get some Rough Rider soldiers to bring the wounded back to the medical tent, as soon as possible!”

Right at about that moment, Rough Rider Nurse Shooter has sent a messenger to inform Colonel Leonard Wood that she needs some assistance saying, “Rough Rider Nurse Shooter sent me to ask for more assistance with the wounded soldiers Colonel Wood Sir!”

Colonel Leonard Wood has to make the choice of who to send as he decides to send a few other Rough Riders to help until the morning commanding, “Inform Rough Rider Nurse Shooter that I will send some Rough Rider soldiers to help in the meantime until more female nurses arrive from the warships!”

Soon Louise Wood arrives out on the battle field as she says out loud, “I will help Nurse Shooter with handling and bandaging up the injured Rough Rider soldiers.”

Colonel Leonard Wood agrees with his wife quickly saying, “Alright; I’ll escort my wife back to the medical tent so that she can help out momentarily!”

“Rough Rider Bill; watch the front lines until my return and shoot anything that moves!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says quickly upon leaving.

Immediately Rough Rider Bill takes a burrowing position next to War Correspondent Richard Harding, although he stays near the top of the sand bags keeping a lookout. Many of the other Rough Rider soldiers do the same and follow suit as they all keep an eye out for the Filipino Freedom Fighters. And the Rough Rider soldiers are ready to shoot anything that they see not only move, but anything that even budges an inch even so.

Of course, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has some tricks up her sleeve and that is why she kept a rattling of noise carrying on. And she had done this while watching with her binoculars even though it is night time. Somehow she has a keen eye in the dark and it is keener than most nonetheless.

Meanwhile as Louise Wood and her husband Colonel Leonard Wood leave to make their way towards the medical tent, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo makes a comment saying, “Is that the Colonel’s wife?”

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighters asks back, “How can you see that far in the dark?”

Then the Filipino Goddess Bamboo chooses some words expressing, “I have very dark pupils which allow me to see unrecognizable things in the dark!”

One of the Native Freedom Fighters squanders a response, “What does she look like; the Colonel’s wife?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo says as an answer, “She looks like one hot dame he chose for his self!”

Another Filipino Freedom Fighter makes a comment saying, “Yes, some of the Freedom Fighters caught a glimpse of her the other day looking out from the window of the building that they took from us!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo loses view as they pass by some tents as she puts down the binoculars while asking, “Did anyone see her arrive from the warships?”

Then the Filipino Freedom Fighters thinks for a brief moment before explaining, “No, nobody ever saw her arrive from the warships. She just appeared the one time looking out the window that one day!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo has another comment relenting, “She must have arrived from the warships at night!”

Soon the Filipino Freedom Fighter has more information saying, “We believe that the Colonel not only brought his wife, but he brought his children also!”

Finally, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo wonders about other possibilities, “Does Emilio knows about the Colonel having his family present?”

The Filipino Freedom Fighter carries on saying, “”Yes, I believe so!”

Lastly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo asks another simple question, “Meaning his wife along with his two children?”

The Filipino Freedom Fighter carries on again with his answer saying, “Yes, and even their maid.”

Now the Filipino Goddess Bamboo says, “Huh!”

The Filipino Freedom Fighter asks another short question, “So now what?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo thinks a moment and says, “I don’t know; it sure does make a big difference when his entire family is here with him. It’s sounds like they are trying to move in to our country!”

The Filipino Freedom Fighter can only listen to her words while thinking as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo occupies her mind with other tasks at hand. Soon the Filipino Freedom Fighter joins the others in order for their plans for the following morning at sunrise. And there are still a many more forces along with more natives arriving increasing the number of Filipino Freedom Fighters.

And on the way to the medical tent, Colonel Leonard Wood asks his wife while escorting her, “Then what brought you out to the front lines?”

Louise Wood comes about with her answer saying, “I found it hard to sleep with all of the wounded soldiers making noise at the medical tent. So then I decided to see what help I could be of with some assistance!”

Once they arrive outside of the medical tent, Colonel Leonard Wood sees some injured Rough Rider soldiers that haven’t been helped so far, “It looks like she could use all of the help that she can get!”

Rough Rider Nurse Shooter turns and looks while bandaging up one of the Rough Rider soldiers while saying, “Yes, I could use all of the help I can get with no questions asked!”

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to Rough Rider Nurse Shooter and then his wife Louise Wood as he says, “Great! Well, I have to head back to the front lines until Lieutenant Greenway and Sergeant Ham returns.”

Immediately Colonel Leonard Wood leaves the medical tent as Rough Rider Nurse Shooter looks to another injured Rough Rider waiting for a nurse saying, “This Rough Rider is next and needs some attention!”

Right then, Louise Wood gives her attention to the wounded Rough Rider by reaching for some bandages and some other items. After that, she ends up kneeling down considering that the Rough Rider is leaning up against the tent while a few others are in cots, Of course, many of them have been taken care of so far with their injuries.

Now Colonel Leonard Wood returns to the front lines as War Correspondent Richard Harding stops writing in the dark upon his presence asking, “Anything interesting happen while I was away?”

War Correspondent Richard Harding answers the questions saying, “Just some noises like footsteps or something rummaging around close by.”

Next Rough Rider Bill, who is covering the front lines for him, says, “Lots of sounds of Filipino kooks sneaking around!”

Colonel Leonard Wood thinks about that for a moment saying, “Well, they could be planting more Filipino snipers nearby waiting!”

Rough Rider Bill has something to add along the lines of talking, “At sunrise we’ll have to flush them out!”

Colonel Leonard Wood answers Rough Rider Bill with, “Well said!”

War Correspondent Richard Harding looks to the east noticing a bit of morning sunlight coming through a bit as he says, “And it will be morning soon anyways and then we’ll have our chance at dawn!”

And as dawn reaches closer and closer, Emilio Aguinaldo is ready to start the day early with only some short naps here and there as he says, “At dawn, the Filipino Freedom Fighters and our forces will give them hell!”

Some of the voices of the Filipino Freedom Fighters are heard as their leaders call out, “Come on, and come on!”

Soon as the dawn hours begin to emerge further, Lieutenant Greenway awakens for another day of running the front lines. Also Sergeant Hamilton Fish arises for the occasion of being the messenger even though he has only had a few messages here and there. And also General Bill Shafter awakens for another day of being a field General. Immediately they all freshen up the best that they can and leave for the front lines to meet up with the others.

War Correspondent Richard Harding turns as he is writing and notices both of them approaching from different areas as he says, “Well, here they are now!”

Lieutenant Greenway reports back to his front line duty saying, “Ready to report back to duty Colonel Wood Sir!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish says the same as he arrives seconds later greeting with, “Reporting back as messenger Colonel Wood Sir!”

Moments later, General Bill Shafter approaches while saying, “Reporting for duty Colonel Wood Sir!”

Now that Colonel Leonard Wood sees that all of the leaders have returned and are ready for duty, he says, “Alright; first off, we must relieve Lieutenant Sharp and Lieutenant Wright on the northern flank! Sergeant Ham and Rough Rider Bill will relieve Lieutenant Sharp and Lieutenant Wright on the northern flank until noon at twelve hundred hours.”

Colonel Leonard Wood makes another command saying, “And I will relieve Lieutenant Pollack until twelve hundred hours and turn in at eighteen hundred hours until twenty four hundred hours!”

Everybody waits for Colonel Leonard Wood to make another command as he says, “And General Bill Shafter will lead and act as director for all front line leaders to push the lines forward with Lieutenant Greenway leading our Rough Rider soldiers forward. And all Rough Rider soldiers will rotate four six shifts out on the field and the front lines. They will work for six hours in and rest for six hours off.”

Colonel Leonard Wood grips his sword by his side as he says commanding, “Move out!”

Immediately everyone scrambles and moves out to their commanded positions as Colonel Leonard Wood has organized the first rotation of giving his men some rest a day or so ago. Even many of the Rough Rider soldiers have replacements that are arriving relieving them of their positions.

Colonel Leonard Wood makes his way towards the southern flank in order to relieve Lieutenant Pollack which he will inform him his self. Meanwhile as the Rough Rider soldiers and leaders spend their time with rotations, the Filipino Freedom fighters are watching. And they can comprehend the fact that they are rotating their Rough Rider soldiers for time on and time off.

Even Emilio Aguinaldo notices even though he has had little sleep regardless of any downtime between the little skirmishes that have been starting up occasionally. But then on the other hand, Emilio Aguinaldo is unable to see everything that is going on. And it will be hard to tell what Rough Rider soldiers and leaders will be out on the front lines after realizing this truth to the matter.

Nevertheless Emilio Aguinaldo watches the Rough Rider soldiers and commanders shuffle themselves like a deck of cards dealt by a card shark as he says, “Looks like they are rotating their Rough Rider soldiers and officers!”

One of the closest Filipino Freedom Fighters makes a gesture saying, “That could be their undoing and we could use that to our advantage.”

Emilio Aguinaldo agrees in a subtle tone of voice, “You may be right; however even our soldiers will need rest from time to time!”

Another Filipino Freedom Fighter comes up with a prognosis of the situation saying, “Most of our Freedom Fighter soldiers are finding it hard to get any sleep with this war taking a toll on our homeland.”

Right away, Emilio Aguinaldo is as restless and sleepless as the Filipino Freedom Fighters as he contends, “You’re right!”

Then Emilio Aguinaldo makes a hand gesture to some of the Filipino Freedom Fighters around the front lines waiting, “Let’s move out!”

Right then, the Filipino Freedom Fighters decide to hit them while the Rough Rider soldiers and the leaders and commanders of the front lines are rotating their shifts. Many of them move in to their positions rather than standing their watching and waiting. Now they have their weapons aimed and ready for action, although they are low on ammunitions for that reasoning as well.

At this time, Colonel Leonard Wood reaches the southern flank making his way towards Lieutenant Pollack as Lieutenant Pollack asks, “Colonel Wood Sir!”

Colonel Leonard Wood informs Lieutenant Pollack of the shift rotation saying, “Lieutenant Pollack; I’m here to relieve you of duty until twelve hundred hours for rest!”

Lieutenant Pollack looks tired as he answers back, “Thanks Colonel Sir; I really could use a long napping break!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says, “The following breaks will be for four hundred hours; enjoy your rest because you are going to need it!”

Lieutenant Pollack salutes his Colonel and says, “Colonel!”

At about that particular moment, Emilio Aguinaldo is a distance behind the front lines as he directs some of his Filipino Freedom Fighters saying loudly, “Don’t let them gain any yardage or distance; not even an inch!”

The field commander of the northern flank and as well, the field commander of the southern flank, notice Emilio Aguinaldo directing them in to action. But then, Lieutenant Greenway is ready to put their plan in to action. The plan starts as a few of the Rough Rider soldiers uncover some tools that will be necessary for to carry their goals out further.

Many of the Filipino Freedom Fighters are waiting for the Rough Rider soldiers to begin building the barricade once again. However a few of them with binoculars notice something far from the norm that catches them unaware. Immediately Lieutenant Greenway is ready to push the front lines ahead as he prepares for his next move.

Straight forth Lieutenant Greenway informs Sergeant Ham to inform the Rough Rider soldiers to start the plan in to action. That’s when the Rough Rider soldiers bring barrels using them as a wedge to increase their distance in to the Filipino territory. General Bill Shafter directs the Rough Rider soldiers towards the barrels .Emilio Aguinaldo watches as his next glance bears some barrels placed behind the barricade.

Sergeant Ham makes his way back towards a group of Rough Rider soldiers on the northern flank saying to them all, “Okay, you bronco busting rodeo clowns; it’s time!”

Right then, a group of Rough Rider soldiers that appear a bit different than the others starts to motivate ahead from the northern flank with a plan of action. They end up joining a few others from center field while a few come from the southern flank Most of them look like rodeo clowns, although that is because they are nevertheless.

These are the Rough Rider soldiers who are experienced with jumping around in to barrels while dodging wild bulls and cattle as well as steer. Most of them have been entertainers at rodeo shows. General Bill Shafter shows each Rough Rider soldier clown which barrel to crawl in to one by one.

And where are they; they are in the barrels and have been there since this course of future undertakings was conceived nonetheless. Next a few Rough Rider soldiers begin to roll the barrels which are reinforced with a steel inner lining. Quickly the first few Rough Rider soldiers make their way to the top of the barricade as they stop and wait for the others.

Colonel Leonard Wood seen the barrels and that became the idea to push the front lines out further ahead as he says, “Looks like General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway is using that bronco training mind of his!”

Now a few of the other Rough Rider soldiers realize what is going on as they connect with a sense of their inside cowboy self that is lurking inside of them all. Minutes pass as they all make their way towards the barricade as the Filipino Freedom Fighters watch wondering what is going on with this situation.

Emilio Aguinaldo looks through his binoculars with a confused look on his face while yelping, “Do you all see this!”

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighters with another pair of binoculars makes a comment to everyone as well as Emilio Aguinaldo that follows, “Looks like they are making the barricade taller with wooden barrels for some odd reason!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway prepares for taking the initial command saying, “Alright clowns; this is a one shot deal. Once the barrel is rolling continue walking inside for thirty paces and then stop. Try to hit the barrel next to you the best that you can. Then we will cover you and when the bullets fly, jump out and set those barrels upright and fast. Then take cover and hold your position.”

General Bill Shafter adds some direction for the Rough Rider soldiers commanding, “And don’t accidentally move the barrel once it has stopped and is stationary!”

Every single one of the Rough Rider clowns heard the command as Lieutenant Greenway calls out, “Roll them out!”

Immediately a large group of Rough Rider soldiers push the barrels from behind along with General Bill Shafter who is a great help with the endeavor. Lieutenant Greenway stays close to the Gatling gun in order to cover for the Rough Rider soldiers evermore. Quickly the wooden barrels roll down from the barricade and pick up speed at a fast pace.

Emilio Aguinaldo watches with confusion thinking that they were making the barricade taller as he says, “Do you see this?”

A few of the Filipino Freedom Fighters look on with a confused look on their faced just like their leader as Emilio Aguinaldo speaks candidly, “Keep your aim on those barrels.

By now, there are enough barrels rolling to push the barricade and the front lines further ahead. The barrels continue rolling out about twenty yards or more as the Rough Rider clowns keep rolling for some extra distance. The Filipino Freedom Fighters stare and watch as the barrels all begin to slow down.

The Filipino Freedom Fighters are confused as their leader takes head on them. For now, he is unsure of what to think or what to expect from this tactic. Then all of the barrels are stopped as the Rough Rider soldiers stay where they are momentarily. Now the Rough Rider soldiers are ready to cover their fellow soldiers for the next stage.

Lieutenant Greenway can only prepare his men by saying, “On my command; let’s cover these boys!”

Another moment passes, as the clicks of triggers are pulled and even shotgun barrels snapped and popped back in to place along with rifles being cocked as Lieutenant Greenway calls out, “Fire!”

Straight away the Rough Rider soldiers on the front lines all begin to fire their weapons all at the same time. The sounds of gun fire and rifle fire are being shot forth one after the other with no stopping whatsoever. Even Lieutenant Greenway takes some shots towards the enemy with his Beretta .22 calibers trying to take cover for the Rough Rider bronco busting clowns nevertheless.

Immediately the Rough Rider bronco busting clowns make their way from the wooden barrels one by one as quickly as possible. And when they do they even take out their weapons very fast like too. Next they all scurry around away from the enemy lines while tipping up the wooden barrels which were reinforced against any shell fire.

Just as well, the Rough Rider bronco busting clowns hurriedly line the wooden barrels up making a defensive line that is further out than the other methods used previously. Meanwhile the Filipino Freedom Fighters watch with confusion almost like they were watching a magic show or trick from a magician.

Emilio Aguinaldo watches as well with a pissed off attitude. He is really angry at such a stunt and how they would pull something like this off before his very eyes. Right away, he and his Filipino Freedom Fighters are unsure of what to do as far as holding their ground is concerned. Now the Rough Rider soldiers are gaining ground with their infantry towards some industrial buildings nearby.

Right then Emilio Aguinaldo is steamed up from this situation as he says to the Filipino Freedom Fighters, “Shoot anymore wooden barrels that even move or roll out from over that blockade!”

One Filipino Freedom Fighter says hastily, “I don’t see any more barrels!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks off in to the distance as General Bill Shafter says, “We need to take those industrial buildings in that complex!”

“Don’t worry; we will take those industrial buildings.” Lieutenant Greenway says in accordance with his commanding officer.

Sergeant Hamilton Fish figures that this is the first step by from a distance away on the northern flank as he looks to Rough Rider Bill saying, “We’re not too far away and we’re getting much closer to those industrial buildings.”

Rough Rider Bill has some words to say about that jousting, “I hope this plan or their plan works!”

In the interim, many more Filipino Freedom Fighters are arriving from other parts of the island and some from other islands as well. The front line on the Filipino side is growing larger slowly, although the U.S.1st Calvary and their Rough Rider army are getting larger by the second.

Lieutenant Greenway feels that they still have a ways to go before taking those industrial buildings replying, “Well, it will be a while before we can get a patrol unit to take a chance on doing it!”

Next General Bill Shafter looks to the wooden barrels a distance away with only a little gap in-between as he makes a comment, “We must continue on; there is only a little more work to be done to increase our barricade!”

Colonel Leonard Wood checks out the Native Freedom Fighters who are watching constantly along with large group members of the Freedom Fighters under Emilio Aguinaldo. And there are a few of the Filipino Native Freedom Fighters who seem to glance that way. For a moment there, it appears that maybe some of the Native Freedom Fighters realize that he is there, yet who can tell really?

Black Rough Rider Danny sees one of the Filipino Native Freedom Fighters staring them all down as he says, “Looks like that Filipino Native Freedom Fighter is checking us all out!”

Then the Filipino Native Freedom Fighter even points his finger towards that part of the southern flank. As he points, he begins talking to a few other Filipino Native Freedom Fighters as well. Next they all start to look that way like they see something recognizable behind the southern flank of the barricade.

Black Rough Rider Marcus has some words saying, “Maybe, he recognizes the Colonel being here at the southern flank with us!”

Black Rough Rider Greg looks out passed the southern part of the barricade and muttering, “I guess he realizes that the boss man is down here with us!”

Finally Colonel Leonard Wood comprehends the fact that they are probably right considering that he sees them all staring too as he says, “Maybe, you’re all right; and that Filipino Native Freedom Fighter seen me when I approached.”

Black Rough Rider Marcus makes a suggestion saying, “We could change things up a little by rotating everyone!”

Immediately Colonel Leonard Wood decides to allow a few of them to take time to rest saying, “You’re right; why don’t we have Black Rough Rider Marcus and Black Rough Rider Greg relieve themselves for some shut eye until one hundred hours!”


Suddenly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is awoken by some young Filipino Freedom Fighters that have a message for her. It seems that even the wickedest of people such as her lonesome self even needs some sleep here and there. But then, maybe, on the other hand, she may have fallen asleep from having a lack of sleep.

Once she rises, the young Filipino Freedom Fighters have some news as one says, “The Rough Riders have pushed the front lines tremendously!”

Confused and even slightly weary, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo makes a short remark asking, “What; they pushed the front line tremendously?”

The other young Filipino Freedom Fighter takes the initiative replying, “Yes, they had some wooden barrels that they rolled out and then some Rough Rider soldiers climbed out and tipped the wooden barrels upright forming another line upfront.”

After hearing that, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo speaks, “Really; too bad I fell asleep because I wanted to save my energy for tonight!”

Another young Filipino Freedom Fighter wonders if she has prepared for the next phase asking, “So are you saying that you haven’t made any preparations for tonight?”

Quickly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo wakes her eyes up a little and answers the question blabbing, “Yes, I have made the necessary preparations, although there are some other things that you all can help me with in order to get caught up for tonight.”

Now, one of the young Filipino Freedom Fighters wonders if they are already losing the Philippine- American War by asking, “We are losing this war already, huh?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo begins to prepare her belongings, but stops, and then says as she looks at him, “Yes!”

Then the Filipino Goddess Bamboo begins to get very angry as the other young Filipino Freedom Fighters asks, “We are going to lose our heritage and homeland, right?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks to the other young Filipino Freedom Fighter as she says back to him, “Yes, and then on the other hand, maybe not!”

The young Filipino Freedom Fighter queries, “What is that supposed to mean?”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo gives an answer commenting, “They will gain control of our homeland, but they will never take our heritage and our culture. Basically, they will take our homeland and then try and control us!”

Finally another young Filipino Freedom Fighter comes forth a few feet closer remarking, “They just want to steal our land for our sugar cane crops.”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo gives the young Filipino Freedom Fighter that look as she gets back to what they are or should be doing to prepare. The young Filipino Freedom Fighters all begin to gather around in order to help her with her tasks for later that evening. Many of them are ready to even do carvings for blow darts and now even some arrow to step things up a little more.

Around at about this time, Emilio Aguinaldo has been watching the Rough Rider soldiers on the front lines as he says to the Filipino Freedom Fighters, “It has been a while since they have done any activity!”

Now Lieutenant Greenway has some more wooden barrels lined up as he looks to the Rough Rider soldiers commanding, “Okay, roll those barrels out slowly on each side and we’ll cover for you!”

Immediately the Rough Rider soldiers quickly roll the wooden barrels over the top of the barricade and continue on until the reach the other side. The shots ring out as the Rough Rider soldiers roll the wooden barrels in to place. The sounds of gun and rifle fire are heard from all sides of the front lines.

The sounds of gun and rifle fire continue to ring out, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Emilio Aguinaldo watches, although his plans were halted as he says, “They’re filling in the gaps pushing out past the perimeter marker!”

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighter makes a comment saying, “We must retaliate and stop them now!”

A Native Filipino Freedom Fighter looks to Emilio Aguinaldo and says, “We must stop them before they reach the industrial buildings!”

Now Emilio Aguinaldo is certain that he must retaliate and hold them back as he drills his Freedom Fighter soldiers, “Okay, inform the Freedom Fighters to shoot anything that they can get a clear shot at. And I mean only shoot a direct hit without missing and wasting any of our ammo.”

Hurriedly a few of the Filipino Freedom Fighters leave the scene so that they can carry down the order coming directly from Emilio Aguinaldo. But there are some hand motions and signals that come from some of the Filipino Freedom Fighters as they relay the message. Right away, the Filipino Freedom Fighters on the front lines as well as the northern and southern flanks get the message and begin taking their aim.

Meanwhile the last few wooden barrels are about to be rolled out as Lieutenant Greenway says calling, “Let’s hurry it up and roll those last few in to place!”

The Rough Rider soldiers begin to roll out the last few wooden barrels while one of the Filipino Freedom Fighters has aim on it. Despite the Rough Rider soldier and his lack of staying out of sight here occasionally, the Filipino Freedom Fighters have trouble with keeping his aim. But then on the one note, he does seem to keep his peep sights on the wooden barrel in waiting for a clear shot.

Emilio Aguinaldo looks out as more wooden barrels are rolled out filling in the gaps of the extended barricade grimacing, “The Rough Rider soldiers are filling in the gaps very quickly and we need to hold them back and stop them all!”

Soon the Filipino Freedom Fighter is able to catch a glimpse through his peep sights of his rifle as he takes an initial shot, “Bang!”

The rifle shot hits the wooden barrels and bounces of landing in the ground near another Rough Rider soldier that is burrowed in near the barricade. Immediately many of the Rough Rider soldiers return fire as commanded earlier by their commanding officers. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers remained burrowed in as the shots ring out from return fire.

Rough Rider gun and rifle fire is heard a many times, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Many of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers are hiding behind jungle trees and some behind some crates and other objects that they have rummage around for along with some shielding. One of the Filipino Freedom Fighters is hit in the leg by a Rough Rider gun shot as a squeal is faintly slightly heard.

Another rifle shot is fired towards the Rough Riders pushing along the wooden barrels, “Bang!”

Again and again, the Rough Rider soldiers return fire continuously. They continue shooting at anything and everything in sight, although much of what is out there is hiding behind something. Most of the gun and rifle shots end up hitting the leaves and branches of jungle trees and even a few winds up landing in to buildings and structures.

Moments later, another few shots ring out from the Filipino Freedom Fighters. They ring out as a few more Rough Rider soldiers rollout some wooden barrels really quickly. Then immediately a band of Rough Rider soldiers take aim in that direction covering their fellow Rough Riders as they make their way in to position.

All of the Rough Rider soldiers of the front lines have taking their chance at opening with gun and rifle fire. Even the northern and southern flanks have taking their chance at covering their fellow Rough Rider soldiers at whatever the cost. Even Colonel Leonard Wood has taking a few shots with his gun and has reloaded a many times already.

Finally all of the wooden barrels are in place and the front lines are extended out with the new plan as Lieutenant Greenway calls out, “Good; the wooden barrels are in place!”

General Bill Shafter yells out some words to Lieutenant Greenway saying, “Excellent! Everyone should take cover and hold their positions”

Lieutenant Greenway screams forth, “Rough Rider soldiers; take cover and hold your positions!”

By this time, the Filipino Freedom Fighters have stopped taking shots at the Rough Rider soldiers considering that they are burrowed down. Yet they all tend to keep their peep sights and aim at the Rough Rider soldiers regardless of what they do or what position they move to. It is like having a bunch of guns pointed towards you until the time is right for the kill.

And once there are no signs of any gun or rifle shots coming from the Filipino Freedom Fighters, Lieutenant Greenway signals the Rough Rider soldiers while hand signaling also commanding, “Hold your fire!”

And then General Bill Shafter can only say a command so that other Rough Rider soldiers hear saying, “You heard the Lieutenant; hold your fire!”

Right then, all of the Rough Rider soldiers let loose on their weapons, although they all keep their weapons drawn and un-holstered for the time being. Some even decide to let their finger off of the trigger. However they only do this for a brief second only to regain a sense of feelings with their hands nonetheless.

Now Lieutenant Greenway says, “We need to take control of those buildings at our twelve o’clock position!”

General Bill Shafter looks to the buildings and says, “The informants say that some of those buildings are Filipino Army Intelligence, although they are disguised as fishing boat ware houses!”

Lieutenant Greenway mobilizes a few of the nearby Rough Rider as he says, “Now let’s move some of the Rough Rider soldiers in to position and fill the extended barricade! And let’s cover these boys once they are a moving!”

Many of the Rough Rider men move in to position as Lieutenant Greenway yells, “Move out; I said, move out!”

Straight away a few groups of Rough Rider soldiers take to the newly made area of the barricade as the gun and rifle shots begin to let loose. Most of the Filipino Freedom Fighters respond with staying in their positions and watching the scene unfold. Yet many of the Filipino Freedom Fighters are keeping a hold of their ammo for the right moment nevertheless.

Rough Rider gun and rifle fire happening, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

And quickly some of the Filipino Freedom Fighters take their head with some return fire at once, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

General Bill Shafter looks to Lieutenant Greenway as the bullets fly saying loudly, “You know, it will take a year or so before we can take the entire city of Manila!”

Lieutenant answers General Bill Shafter back talking, “Longer like the turn of the century!”

By now, all of the Rough Rider soldiers are in position in order to sprawl their way towards the set of industrial buildings, although there is one in particular that is a boat warehouse that may be disguised. Nevertheless the Rough Rider soldiers are ready to take the land of their purchase at no matter what the cost.

At the other end of the field, on the southern flank, Rough Rider Bill looks to Sergeant Hamilton Fish and says, “Looks like they moved the Rough Rider soldiers in to position behind those wooden barrels.”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish says, “Yes, looks like they are ready to take those industrial buildings over that way.”

Then Rough Rider Bill looks as he is ready to take another rifle shot, “Well, we should keep covering them!”

Rough Rider Bill firing his rifle shot once, “Bang!”

Next on the northern flank, there are a few pop shots coming from the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers sporadically here and there. Colonel Leonard Wood and the Black Rough Rider soldiers are holding them out really good. They have been covering the Rough Rider soldiers at the front lines continuously.

However a messenger Rough Rider approaches Colonel Leonard Wood and says, “Colonel Sir; Nurse Shooter needs your help with removing a piece of lead!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says, “Alright; take over charge Black Rough Rider Private Marcus!”

Black Rough Rider Private Marcus nods his head saying, “Yes, and Colonel Sir!”

Meanwhile Lieutenant Greenway is ready to move the Rough Rider men along towards those buildings as he commands, “Let’s move out Rough Riders!”

Emilio Aguinaldo stands watching as the Rough Rider soldiers make their way towards the designated buildings and says, “They’re on the move to take those buildings!”

A nearby Filipino Freedom Fighter looks and says, “They will take the city of Manila overnight!”

Emilio Aguinaldo is angrier than ever as he walks out while cocking his rifle saying, “Signal the Freedom Fighter soldiers to lock and load and shoot when they have a clear shot!”

Meanwhile Emilio Aguinaldo takes his rifle in to aim as he sets his scoping eyes on the Rough Rider soldiers heading for the complex of buildings. It takes a moment before he can even get a clear sight on them. And this is considering that the Filipino Freedom Fighters are further away since the Rough Rider soldiers have forged their way ahead.

Emilio Aguinaldo takes a shot at the group of Rough Rider soldiers making their way towards the complex of industrial buildings, “Bang!”

Immediately one of the Rough Rider soldiers is hit in the chest and falls down as the others reach the building unharmed. The sounds of other Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers are heard coming from all sides of the enemy lines. Many of them miss; although a couple of Rough Rider soldiers have been hit leaving some casualties.

Straight away another group of Rough Rider soldiers leave the front lines on the American side as they head off quickly. The Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers continue firing away as the Rough Rider soldiers reach the open ground in-between them and the buildings. Soon the first group of Rough Rider soldiers makes their way inside the disguised warehouse.

Emilio Aguinaldo looks to his colleagues and says, “They reached our supply and arsenal warehouse, but I nailed one of those Rough Rider soldiers!”

Just then, one of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers, who is armed with a rifle, says to Emilio Aguinaldo, “Super; now let me have a chance at one of those Rough Rider soldiers!”

Immediately the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier takes a quick aim and then fires his rifle at the group of Rough Riders, “Bang!”

The rifle shot nearly hits one of them as it misses and hits in the ground a hundred feet away. Then the Filipino Freedom Fighters makes a comment saying, “Oops; I missed!”

Emilio Aguinaldo looks at the Rough Rider soldiers make their way towards the complexes of buildings and says, “They are taking the field fast!”

Back at the front lines, Lieutenant Greenway is certain that they have made the right choice as he says, “Great; now we have almost taken the entire complex of buildings!”

Next Lieutenant Greenway listens for General Bill Shafter to make a command as General Bill Shafter says, “We are ready to push the front lines ahead!”

Lieutenant Greenway commands more Rough Rider soldiers yelling out, “Let’s move out and push the front lines to those industrial buildings ahead!”

Many of the Rough Rider soldiers begin to stand slightly, although they are squatted as they roar out and one Rough Rider soldier screams, “Yeah; let’s take this big island!”

Meanwhile back at medical tent with Nurse Shooter, Colonel Leonard Wood is acting as a practitioner as he is using some large prongs to take a bullet out of a Rough Rider soldier’s leg and says, “There; that was a deep gunshot wound!”

Now Louise Wood comforts the Rough Rider soldiers as he bites down on a piece of wood and says, “Don’t let that get to you; he’s seen much worse!”

Then the Rough Rider soldier says, “I need a shot!”

After that Rough Rider John Porter is in the medical tent and says, “Here have a swig of mine buddy!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood says to Rough Rider John Porter, “I think that you have rested enough and are well enough to return back to full duty!”

Rough Rider John Porter is close to sober even though he has had a few sips of his whiskey bottle and says, “Yes, Colonel Wood Sir!”

Immediately Rough Rider John Porter looks to the Rough Rider soldier with the bullet wound to the leg and says, “Keep the bottle of whiskey.”

Right then, Rough Rider John Porter grabs his Rough Rider hat and gun slinger belt and heads off back towards the front lines. Colonel Leonard Wood finishes up with the Rough Rider and the care that he needs by cleaning up the wounds and bandaging him up a bit. Soon he will return back to the front lines until his time to turn in for rest comes nonetheless.

In the interim, Lieutenant Greenway and the Rough Rider soldiers are setting up the buildings that they have taken over and are occupying. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers begin to move their men in to position along with bringing in supplies and weaponry in order to make these buildings a place to build up their arsenals.

The Filipino Freedom Fighter forces are in the position to have to pull back as Emilio Aguinaldo says, “Looks like they are pushing their front lines closer and closer to our Freedom Fighter forces. We may have to pull back some distance and reform our lines.”

Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter are in the position to move in to some other buildings that are nearby as General Bill Shafter says, “Now once we have established these buildings within our arsenal, we can take the next set of buildings.”

Lieutenant Greenway adds, “And then we can begin to take the entire city of Manila and make our way in to the outmost reaches of the Philippine jungles!”

More time passes, as Colonel Leonard Wood returns back to the southern flank to continue his relieve of Lieutenant Pollack. And when he returns, most of the Rough Rider men are moving their position as they move more Rough Rider soldiers in to position. Many of the Filipino Freedom Fighters are pulling back a ways considering that the American Forces are occupying several structures.

Colonel Leonard Wood returns as Black Rough Rider Private Marcus says, “Looks like Lieutenant Greenway has pushed the men forward!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says, “I see that he and General Bill Shafter are making quite some progress.”

Black Rough Rider Danny asks thinking about the medical distraction, “So how did it go with the medical emergency?”

Colonel Leonard Wood replies, “The medical procedure of removing a bullet from a Rough Rider soldier’s leg went well!”

Black Rough Rider Private Greg asks, “How is he Colonel Sir?”

Colonel Leonard Wood answers back, “He will be fine, although he won’t be returning to the field anytime soon if at all.”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood decides to tell the Black Rough Rider soldiers as well as the white Rough Rider soldiers to push the southern flank further commanding, “Alright Rough Riders; it’s time to push these lines on the southern flank further while the Filipino Freedom Fighters are pulling back!”

Right then, many of the Rough Rider soldiers yodel and give a hoot as they quickly works along with Colonel Leonard Wood to push the southern flank further south. Also at the northern flank, Sergeant Ham and Rough Rider Bill are doing the same by pushing the northern flank further north.

Hours pass, as Lieutenant Pollack returns to the front lines on the southern flank as he says to Colonel Leonard Wood, “Returning back to duty Colonel Sir!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says in response, “Great; and now I will return to rest until eighteen hundred hours and allow a few other Rough Rider soldiers to take their rest breaks.”

And meanwhile on the northern flank, Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp return to the northern flank as Lieutenant Sharp says as they return, “Returning to duty Sergeant Ham!”

Sergeant Ham says in response, “Excellent; continue on with pushing the barricade on the northern flank and Rough Rider Bill and myself will return to our quarters to rest until eighteen hundred hours!”

Lieutenant Wright looks to Sergeant Ham and says, “Yes, Sergeant Ham Sir!”

Lieutenant Sharp turns his eyes towards Sergeant Ham and says, “Yes, Sergeant Ham Sir!”

Immediately Sergeant Ham and Rough Rider Bill leave the scene in order to take some time to rest as Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp start working on pushing the barricade further ahead. There are Filipino Freedom Fighters off in the distance, but so far they have been a little lacks on Manila Bay as well as the city of Manila nevertheless.

A distance away, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has finished gathering more supplies for the nights ahead, although the Rough Rider soldiers are pushing their way quickly. It won’t be long before they will take the city of Manila, but it will be at least a year or so in to the 1900s before they ever do perhaps.

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks to the distant Rough Rider lines as they continue forging further in to the city of Manila and says, “It won’t be long before they take control of every building in the city of Manila and there aren’t enough of us to stop them all. We are also low on supplies and always had trouble with building are artillery necessities.”

Frog Man approaches a few feet closer considering that he has met up with the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and says, “Then we will have to fall back to our position in the trenches!”

A distance away, Emilio Aguinaldo makes a comment to some of his Filipino Freedom Fighters and comments correlating, “We are forced to fall back to the trenches on the outskirts of the city of Manila!”

Immediately the Filipino Freedom Fighters are forced in to the position of retreating back to the trenches at the outskirts of the city of Manila. And they have other surprises waiting for the Rough Rider soldiers when they make their way there. Yet they had the evacuation of Manila Bay planned for the arrival of the U.S. Naval Forces far ahead.

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighters thinks about their plans when they left Manila Bay deserted saying, “Well, that was our original plan, right?”

Emilio Aguinaldo thinks about how this was the plan even though the reality of it hurts countering, “Yes, you’re right and that was the plan! Let’s prepare and man the trenches of Manila!”

Quickly some of the Filipino Freedom Forces retreat, although a great number of them stay to take some necessary measures. They are still planning on continuing with trying to pick of some Rough Rider soldiers off here and there, but there best tactics lie down below the dirt of the ground.

At this time, Lieutenant Greenway is in one of the buildings as he sets up a camp like headquarters as some of the Filipino Freedom Fighters leave saying, “Looks like some of the Filipino Freedom Fighters are retreating!”

General Bill Shafter discloses his observation disclosing, “Looks like they are vacating the city of Manila!”

Then Lieutenant Greenway sees a few Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers with their rifle aimed and pointed their way from behind the corner of a building saying, “Maybe, but what about those guys!”

Right then, General Bill Shafter turns and looks noticing a few Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers with their rifles aimed at them. But nothing seems to happen as far as any shots being fired. Soon a few more Filipino Freedom Fighters join the group aiming just the same way. Some are kneeling and others are lurking around corners.

Quickly they open fire all at the same time, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Both General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway duck and take cover while a few of the rifle shots hit the building and another smashes and pierces a window. Most of the Rough Rider soldiers take cover after the rifle shots hitting the building, although a few of them duck after the glass shatters.

Finally many of the Rough Rider soldiers return fire from out doorways and windows, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Right away, the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers dart back behind the building as the bullets hit the ground and the sides of the building near the corner. Next a few young Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers peek their way around the corner. Lastly one of them pulls out a revolver and aims around the corner.

The young Filipino Freedom Fighter taking the shot, “Bang!”

Straight off the tip of their finger, many of the Rough Rider soldiers open fire using their rifles and hand guns taking shots at firing at the young Filipino Freedom Fighter, “Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Straight forth as the bullets fly, Lieutenant Greenway commands loudly, “Alright, that’s enough!”

General Bill Shafter yells out, “Let’s save our ammunitions; that young Filipino Freedom Fighters isn’t going anywhere!”

In the meantime, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has given up on fighting in the city for now, although she can’t hesitate to give them all a hard time. And she has some ideas for the future which are some new ones in a sense. Yet she has trained her young Filipino Freedom Fighters well and wants to give them a chance to become Filipino men through a rite of passage.

Now she looks to her young Filipino Freedom Fighters within the city limits of Manila and says, “Here’s your chance to prove your obedience to our country by being young adolescent men! But before I go to the trenches of Manila and leave you all to this rite of passage, I have a few goodbyes to give to the Rough Rider soldiers.”

All of the young Filipino Freedom Fighters leave screaming and yelling while some are ranting and raving for their freedoms as one yells out loud, “Let’s all kill those Rough Rider soldiers!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood has arrived with his members of his cabinet and says as he enters, “We’ll call this one of our headquarters and official posts of the city of Manila!”

Immediately General Bill Shafter thinks about how it needs some touching up saying, “Well, it will look alright after a little touching up!”

And after hearing those words, War Correspondent Richard Harding says as he looks at the bullet holes and some smashed windows, “Yes, I see that!”

Right then, Colonel Leonard Wood adds to the conversation, “It will be alright for a few days after boarding that window up until it can be repaired!”

Lieutenant Greenway wonders what the next plan of action is asking, “So what is our next plan of action Colonel Wood Sir?”

Just at that moment, Colonel Leonard Wood thinks as Sergeant Hamilton Fish says, “Flush them all of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers from the city of Manila!”

Colonel Leonard Wood makes a command as he pulls out a map of the city of Manila saying, “What we are going to do is assemble a few patrol units and slowly push the front lines ahead until we reach the outskirts of the city limits! But now I will have you backed with the Military Police to bring back any disobedient criminals.”

Now General Bill Shafter organizes the Rough Rider soldiers saying as a group of Military Police Officers arrive on the scene, “Alright Rough Riders; we’ll form two patrol units. One under Lieutenant Greenway and the other one will be led by me.”

Immediately General Bill Shafter and a few Rough Rider soldiers such as Rough Rider Billy Boy, Rough Rider John Porter, and Rough Rider Mike assemble along the side of him. There are a few new Rough Rider faces that have appeared on the scene with more readiness for action recently.

Also Lieutenant Greenway takes a few Rough Rider soldiers along the side of him with Rough Rider Dave, Rough Rider Christopher, and as well Rough Rider Danny, and Rough Rider Jeff. Many of them assemble with their weapons of choice as they begin to leave on their search and taking over of buildings.

Colonel Leonard Wood lays a briefcase down which has most of his paperwork, although most of it is left at the Official Post that they have chosen at Manila Bay. And as he shuffles through some paperwork, he looks to Sergeant Hamilton Fish ready to send him as messenger once again.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to Sergeant Ham and says as he writes a command order down, “Alright, as messenger you will deliver this command order along with these Military Police Officers to Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp on the northern flank. The order is for them to assemble a patrol unit and push the front lines in to the city of Manila.”

Then as Colonel Leonard Wood hands Sergeant Hamilton Fish the command order, he says, “And I will personal deliver a command order to Lieutenant Pollack on the southern flank giving him the privilege of assembling a patrol unit to push the southern front lines further in to the city of Manila.”

At that moment in time, General Bill Shafter leaves with his patrol unit while Lieutenant Greenway leaves with his patrol unit. Of course, they both leave in different directions in order to span out and cover more ground. Now there only mission is to take control of as many buildings as they can gain authority over.

But then, Lieutenant Greenway looks back to General Bill Shafter as he says, “You cover the front lines down towards the southern flank and I will take my patrol unit towards the northern flank!”

But buildings away the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is back watching as Lieutenant Greenway says, “Sounds good!”

Now Colonel Leonard Wood leaves as he puts Sergeant Hamilton Fish in charge saying, “And I will leave you in charge until I return back from the southern flank!”

Colonel Leonard Wood leaves as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo remains nearby watching their every move. There are also a many Filipino Freedom Fighters who are in the proximity, although they are a distance away within some of the buildings. And there are some Military Police Officers there to accompany him on his journey. General Bill Shafter is the first to get the Freedom Fighter snipers on his patrol unit with their weapons aimed at them.

But at first, they are out of range constantly shifting back and forth while they start checking each building one by one. Many of them are vacated except for a few here and there that have some Filipino families who have refused to vacate. Nevertheless they are questioned and their placed is searched for any weapons that could be used against the Rough Riders.

Many of the Filipinos that are left behind are in the mood to act stupid as well trying to keep their homes and prize possessions. But nevertheless, they find a few straggler Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier farmers around that run for their weapons and then are eventually either shot or arrested as traders.

The first Filipino Farmer to be interrogated is sat down and questioned by General Bill Shafter, who asks, “So are you a Filipino farmer or a Filipino Freedom Fighter?”

Of course, this particular Filipino farmer answers the question directly answering back, “I am a Filipino farmer who lives here in the city of Manila. And since you have taken control of the farmland, my wife and I returned home to save what is left!”

Right away, Rough Rider Billy Boy makes a remark saying, “It sounds like a made up story perhaps!”

Rough Rider John Porter says, “It’s the same story they all seem to have!”

Another new comer Rough Rider soldier says, “Just check the weapons and let’s move on to the next set of houses!”

Next the Filipino farmer’s wife sits up and stands near the hallway as the Rough Rider soldiers are talking to her husband. When she gets to the hallway another young Filipino freedom Fighter sneaks in with a pistol and aims from behind her. One of the new comer Rough Rider soldiers sees the gun and is ready to yell something.

Hurriedly the new comer Rough Rider soldier pulls out his pistol and yells out “Gun!”

Every single one of the Rough Rider soldiers springs in to action, although the new comer Rough Rider takes the shot, “Bang!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo is lurking in the dark shadows of the nearby houses as the Rough Rider soldier thought that he saw a darkened figure as the young Filipino Freedom Fighter falls to the ground. Many of the other Rough Rider soldiers spring in to action with their pistols drawn.

General Bill Shafter looks to some of the Rough Rider soldiers saying, “Take them away and search the place!”

Immediately the Military Police Officers arrive from only yards away waiting for the right time to make some arrests saying, “Turn around and place both hands on your head and get on your knees!”

And during the time that the Military Police Officers make an arrest of some possible Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers, Lieutenant Greenway is a distance away with the same determination, although many of the buildings and houses have been empty. Yet some of the buildings and houses have had some stragglers here and there and just the same they have been interrogated and their places searched.

Next the begin to make their way towards another dwelling as the Rough Rider Jeff knocks on the front door with his gun ready to enter yelling out, “Open up; Military Police!”

And when there is no answer he knocks again yelling even louder, “I said open up; it’s the United States Military Police!”

Right then, Lieutenant Greenway calls out, “Okay; kick the door in and cover the doorway!”

Straight away Rough Rider Jeff is ready to kick the front door of a home in as he steps back a few yards while the actual Military Police Officers back the patrol unit with their weapons and presence. All of the Rough Rider soldiers look at Rough Rider Jeff as he looks back to Lieutenant Greenway for approval.

Lieutenant Greenway nods his head to Rough Rider Jeff as he turns back and steps forward to kick the front door in, “Boom.”

Quickly the front door of the Philippine home slams open as the Rough Rider soldiers wait a moment. They all look making sure the coast is clear as Lieutenant Greenway gives the go ahead to slowly move on inside. But before Rough Rider Jeff takes a step inside, Lieutenant Greenway stops him giving a hand signal.

Lieutenant Greenway says, “Stop! I have a funny feeling about this particular home like there are booby traps perhaps!”


Suddenly Lieutenant Greenway looks to Rough Rider Jeff saying, “Lift that rug and see what is underneath it!”

Rough Rider Jeff pulls out his skinning knife and then lifts up the rug just passed the front door while moving slowly. Soon Rough Rider Jeff lifts the rug which tends to stick to some wooden spikes that are holding it up. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers see the booby trap that had been left for them.

Lieutenant Greenway sees the booby trap saying, “See that’s a booby trap!”

Rough Rider Jeff sort of freaks out saying, “Good thing you stopped me from going inside.”

Rough Rider Danny asks from a few yards away, “Should he still go inside!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks to Rough Rider Jeff as he steps forward checking out the spikes sticking out from underneath the floor with a rug tacked over it saying, “Do you think that you are able to step around?”

Rough Rider Jeff asks, “I don’t know; should I take a chance?”

Rough Rider Danny tries to answer the question adding, “I wouldn’t just in case there are more booby traps!”

Lieutenant Greenway says, “Let Rough Rider Dave and I take a look around back while checking in all of the windows!”

Lieutenant Greenway and Rough Rider Dave make their way around the back of the Filipino home. They do this as Rough Rider Danny and Rough Rider Jeff take a more thorough inspection. Rough Rider Danny is already against the side of the Filipino home as he scoots his head closer to the window to peek inside.

As he does he doesn’t see anything meaning that the coast is clear and nobody is inside as far as he can tell. They do all they can to look inside in order to glance around for anyone rather than taking a chance on any booby traps. When Lieutenant Greenway approaches the backyard leading the way, Rough Rider Dave steps on something sharp.

Rough Rider Dave yelling out slightly loud enough for Lieutenant Greenway to notice. “Ow!”

Lieutenant Greenway takes a look to his side as Rough Rider Dave pulls his cowboy boot up from a three inch embedded thorn in the ground saying, “Looks like you stepped on a thorn and a pretty big thorn at that!”

Rough Rider Dave tries to shrug it off, although his foot is punctured fairly deep while regretting the scene, “Looks like someone buried some thorn vines as a booby trap.”

Lieutenant Greenway looks around and sees plenty more planted around adding, “Yes, and there are many more scattered around the side of the house as well as the backyard.”

Rough Rider Dave says, “I can shrug it off until later because I have thick heels on my cowboy boots.”

Quickly they carry on towards the backdoor of the Filipino home while watching every step of the way before some sounds ring out such as footsteps. Lieutenant Greenway is the first to take cover behind the side of the Filipino home and then Rough Rider Dave does the same. So far, there are no signs of anything else but the sounds of footsteps.

Moments later, some rifle shots come forth, “Bang, and bang!”

The rifle shots hit the side of the Filipino home coming from another Filipino home next door only so many yards away. Lieutenant Greenway and Rough Rider Dave take new cover as the Rough Rider soldiers and Military Police take on some Filipino Freedom soldier action of their own.

Then a few more rifle shots are heard at the front of the home, “Bang, bang, and bang.”

Lieutenant Greenway looks to Rough Rider Dave asking, “Do you still have that bottle of whiskey you always carry around?”

Rough Rider Dave says back, “I sure do!”

Lieutenant Greenway says as he takes out a handkerchief, “Let me have it!”

Immediately he makes a Molotov cocktail and says as he asks Rough Rider Dave, “Got a match!”

Rough Rider Dave looks to Lieutenant Greenway while hearing some more shots out front, “Bang, and bang! Yes, I think I have a match!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks back at Rough Rider Dave quickly saying, “Hurry up and light this!”

Rough Rider Dave pulls out a wooden stick match and strikes it on his belt buckle and then lights the handkerchief fast like. The handkerchief flames up as Lieutenant Greenway holds it for a second. Then Lieutenant Greenway takes a glance as he throws the Molotov cocktail inside the window of the Filipino home.

Flames shoot out towards the window as Lieutenant Greenway and Rough Rider Dave draw their weapons again ready for anything. There are some sounds of rummaging happening and going on inside as the sounds of footsteps are heard. Then some more rifle shots are heard as a few Filipino farmers scramble out towards the backdoor.

The Filipino farmers take some more rifle and gun shots towards the corner of the Filipino home as Lieutenant Greenway waits for the shots to dissipate before shooting, “Bang, bang, and bang!”

All three Filipino farmers drop dead as Lieutenant Greenway blows the smoke away from his .22 caliber Beretta pistol saying, “Now that’s how it is done!”

Next one of them reaches for his gun after falling and dropping it as Lieutenant Greenway takes another shot while kicking another weapon away. Rough Rider Dave does the same to another one of the Filipino farmers. Now the Military Police move in to take the Filipino farmers away from the scene.

Now Colonel Leonard Wood has reached the southern flank and is preparing Lieutenant Pollack with taking a patrol unit out Lieutenant Pollack says, “How about you join us as a patrol unit!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says in response to his invitation, “No, you know my job is behind the front lines as a field Colonel Lieutenant Pollack!”

Lieutenant Pollack says after hearing those words, “Just don’t say I never asked and invited you Colonel Sir!”

Of course, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo had decided to stay and watch Lieutenant Greenway and General Bill Shafter, although she kept her eyes closer on General Bill Shafter. Yet Frog Man has been following Colonel Leonard Wood the entire way towards the southern flank. And that is because he has changed his position many times during the Rough Rider advances in to the city of Manila.

As Colonel Leonard Wood turns to leave and head back to the center of the field within the city of Manila, Frog Man stops and watches as he fades out of the scene. Now Frog Man pays closer attention to Lieutenant Pollack as he and his patrol unit begins their preparations of leaving.

Right then, Frog Man nods to some of his fellow Native Freedom Fighters as they continue watching the progress and advances of the patrol unit under Lieutenant Pollack. Many of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers watch as well while leaving to their orders of saving most of the fight for the outskirts of the city of Manila.

As Frog Man continues with his pursuit, Emilio Aguinaldo watches from afar as he says to his Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers, “Looks like they are being successful with their patrol units and it won’t be too long before the reach the trenches outside the city of Manila!”

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers makes a comment saying, “And they have been very unsuccessful with our booby traps that we have sprung out within the city limits!”

Emilio Aguinaldo thinks that there are still many more booby traps set up waiting to snatch the Rough Rider soldiers up like a snare trap saying, “Luckily we still have a many booby traps still set up waiting for them to trip up in or on them all.”

Next another Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier thinks about that saying, “Yes, but they are finding them all before they are trapped or hurt and we are only able to hurt a few of their Rough Rider soldier.”

Lastly Emilio Aguinaldo looks back at them all with an exclamation, “Just wait until they reach the outskirts of Manila!”

Another Filipino Freedom Fighter looks out towards the buildings and Filipino homes in the distance saying, “If they advance and push their way passed the trenches outside the city of Manila, it’s all over with for us!”

Emilio Aguinaldo glances and stares back at the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers while jousting, “Don’t worry; that isn’t going to happen!”

In the meantime, Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are told by Sergeant Hamilton Fish to send out a patrol unit as Lieutenant Wright asks, “Aren’t you going to join us on this nice patrol into the many subdivisions of these Filipino neighborhoods?”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish looks back to them all as he prepares to return back to their temporary post in the city of Manila as he says, “No, I have orders to return back to the temporary post within the center of the front lines within the city of Manila.”

Lieutenant Sharp looks to Sergeant Ham as they take a few Rough Rider soldiers and says, “Suit yourself!”

Rough Rider Bill, who has returned a many times from his rests and breaks, is one to join them along with Rough Rider Dennis as Lieutenant Wright says aloud, “He is just a messenger boy and his job is behind the front lines at all times!”

Lieutenant Sharp says in response to that adding, “Yes, a thought to have been shot in the heart dead messenger!”

Rough Rider Bill makes a laugh saying, “Yeah, a ghost messenger!”

Lieutenant Wright assembles his gear and all that he needs while the other Rough Rider soldiers do as well and says, “Let’s get this patrol unit on the move!”

Rough Rider Dennis thinks about how they haven’t seen many Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers around saying, “Hey, there haven’t been very many Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers around trying to stop us!”

Lieutenant Sharp figures that the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers are hiding out saying, “There around hiding out and waiting for us to trip up!”

Rough Rider Bill heard about the booby traps saying, “I heard that they have placed a bunch of booby traps which are out there waiting for us?”

Rough Rider Dennis says in response to what Rough Rider Bill has heard saying, “That’s probably why they aren’t around because they are saving their ammo and are counting on the booby traps taking us down!”

Lieutenant Sharp says to make a point, “Just keep your eyes on your every step and you’ll be alright making it through this war.”

Now Lieutenant Pollack and his Patrol unit have approached another Filipino home that seems to be vacant. There are a few Military Police Officers with him and his patrol unit as well. Yet Frog Man has been watching very carefully as Colonel Leonard Wood set him and his patrol unit out from their boundaries.

At first, Lieutenant Pollack stops and looks at the Filipino home like he has a funny feeling about it, but he has a funny feeling about all of them. And this one is no different than any of them next door or any other Filipino homes in the neighborhood. Even the industrial and commercial buildings that they have taken over have an eerie aura about them.

Lieutenant Pollack is ready to step closer to the house as Frog Man is nearby watching saying, “Now steps closer right into my game of snare and death!”

Lieutenant Pollack quickly looks and walks up towards the front of the Filipino home while signaling some of the other Rough Rider soldiers to make the greeting like thump. Immediately Black Rough Rider Private Greg and Black Rough Rider Private Marcus make their way to the front door as Black Rough Rider Private Danny back them up from the east side.. Black Rough Rider Marcus looks to Lieutenant Pollack who signals the go ahead.

Black Rough Rider Private Marcus looks to Black Rough Rider Private Greg who makes off with some loud thumping sounds, “Bam, bam, and bam.”

Now they all wait for a moment to listen for any footsteps, although none are ever heard. Then the Rough Rider patrol unit and the Military Police Officers try to take cover behind whatever they can that’s around. And no matter how many seconds go by, there are no sounds heard from inside the Filipino home.

Finally Lieutenant Pollack waits as Black Rough Rider Private Greg to knock again as he turns to do so, “Bam, bam, and bam!”

And after the hard knock, all of the Rough Rider members of the patrol unit stand and wait and there is still no response. Black Rough Rider Private Greg and Black Rough Rider Private Marcus look at each other and then to Lieutenant Pollack. Black Rough Rider Danny changes his position as Black Rough Rider Private Marcus gets ready to kick the front door in.

And suddenly Black Rough Rider Private kicks the front door in as they aim their weapons inside. Just passed the front door is a hallway leading to a living room which are both vacant with some basic furniture around. They wait for a moment before Black Rough Rider Greg looks back to Black Rough Rider Private Danny who is covering their rear.

Quickly they both enter the premises of the Filipino home one by one until all three of them are inside. Also there are Lieutenant Pollack and a few other Rough Rider soldiers are nearby as backup along with the Military Police. Soon the Rough Rider patrol unit closes in closer on the property.

Next nearby Frog Man watches as he looks to another Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier standing close by with a rifle aimed their direction. Frog Man signals the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier who looks away from his rifle for a moment. Then after catching eye contact, the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldier looks back to his peep sights to take aim again.

Quickly the Filipino Freedom Fighter takes a rifle shot right at the backend of the Filipino home, “Bang!”

The rifle shot hits the target as the bullet hits a part of the foundation that was held up by a piece of wood. Right away the Filipino home starts to shift and rock as one end of the place falls downward. Then more parts of the foundation to the home start to give away while the Rough Rider soldiers are inside.

Quickly the patrol unit tries to hold on, although the Filipino home begins to fall in to a hole which almost seems like a sink hole. Then after about ten feet, many parts of the Filipino home bottom out as some areas are still intact barely. Lieutenant Pollack was lucky enough to dodge the bullet by jumping back and only being hit with some debris.

Black Rough Rider Private Danny tries to jump his way back away from the porch, though he was a little too slow with getting away untouched. But luckily, only a few two by fours and two by sixes hit his head nearly knocking him unconscious. But like a true blooded Rough Rider soldier, Black Rough Rider Private Danny is able to suffice.

Yet Black Rough Rider Private Marcus and Black Rough Rider Private Greg take the fall about ten or more feet down in to the ground. But Lieutenant Pollack and the Military Police are quick to respond anyways. Lieutenant Pollack looks to make sure that they are alright as the Military Police look for any signs of their survival.

Lieutenant Pollack springs towards the fallen structure yelling, “Are you both alright?”

The voice of Black Rough Rider Private Marcus comes forth answering back, “Yes, we’re alright; just a little banged up!”

Lieutenant Pollack looks to some other Rough Rider soldiers nearby, “Okay, we are going to have to get you out of there!”

Some other Rough Rider soldiers arrive quickly and start to remove building debris quickly as they can without causing themselves any injuries. Both Black Rough Rider Private Marcus and Black Rough Rider Private Greg also start to look for a way out as they remove whatever is in the way.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp have been having some good progress considering that most of the buildings and Filipino homes that they encounter are abandoned. However there were a few with some Filipino and Chinese farmers who have refused to leave their places unattended.

Now Lieutenant Wright and the Military Police are ready to inspect another Filipino home that is only a few streets from the front lines. And in the distance they can see some desolate areas within the jungles of the Philippines. And these desolate areas are where there are some trenches outside the city of Manila.

Lieutenant Wright picks the next Filipino home saying to the others, “Let’s stretch our boundaries and check this Filipino home!”

Rough Rider Dennis notices that it too looks abandoned like many of the others telling, “This one looks abandoned!”

A few steps later and one of the Military Police Officers hit a trip line with his foot and stops before setting the trip wire off. Lieutenant Sharp looks and sees the trip wire along with Lieutenant Pollack. Rough Rider Dennis stops along with Rough Rider Bill. They all look around trying to see what the trip wire is connected too.

Lieutenant Wright looks to the trip wire and how it is connected to a large spiked vine as Lieutenant Wright says, “Looks like that trip line is connected to a large spiked vine! You better back your foot away”

The Military Police Officer says, “Good thing I didn’t set off that trip wire!”

Rough Rider Dennis says in response saying, “You were almost spiked from a tree!”

The Military Police Officer says in response, “Wasn’t that a close one?”

Then suddenly some fired shots ring out towards the patrol unit who are coming from some Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers, “Bang, bang, and bang!”

Immediately the patrol unit dodges the bullets, although one of the Military Police Officers is nearly hit making it another close one for them all. One of the Military Police Officers takes a look noticing that the shots are coming from one of the Filipino homes. Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp notice the fired shots coming from a Filipino home as well.

But regardless, they all take cover as Lieutenant Wright looks and says, “We’re ambushed by some Filipino farmers who are holding out on their property!”

Lieutenant Sharp takes aim as he fires back a few shots, “Bang, bang, and bang!”

Then the Military Police Officers shoot back showing the Filipino farmers what they have, “Bang, bang, and, bang!”

The Filipino farmers retaliate with more rifle fire as the shots ring loud within the northern flank, “Bang, bang, bang, and bang!”

Finally Lieutenant Wright says to the other Rough Rider soldiers and Military Police in the patrol unit, “Don’t worry; a few more residential streets and we will be closer to the northern end of the city of Manila.”

And at about this time, Sergeant Ham returns back to the temporary Official Post from the northern flank. He returns to accompany with Colonel Leonard Wood and War Correspondent Richard Harding. And another Rough Rider postal messenger arrives with a letter for Colonel Leonard Wood.

The Rough Rider postal messenger approaches Colonel Leonard Wood and says as he hands him a letter, “Colonel Wood Sir?”

Colonel Leonard Wood says as he looks and sees the Rough Rider messenger with a letter that is sealed, “Yes!”

The Rough Rider postal messenger says as Sergeant Ham looks wondering what the letter is as he says, “I have an important letter from Commodore Dewey!”

Colonel Leonard Wood reaches his hand out and takes the letter from the Rough Rider postal messenger and says, “Thanks Private!”

Colonel Leonard Wood opens the letter as Sergeant Hamilton Fish says, “A letter from Commodore Dewey!”

“The letter from Commodore Dewey must be important!” War Correspondent Richard Harding says as he looks to Colonel Leonard Wood.

Colonel Leonard Wood opens the letter by tearing apart the seal on the envelope. Then he takes a moment to open the letter so that he can read it. Both Sergeant Ham and Commodore Dewey watch and wait for the news to see if it is anything positive. Colonel Leonard Wood spends some time reading the letter from Commodore Dewey.

As Colonel Leonard Wood reads the letter from Commodore Dewey, War Correspondent Richard Harding asks, “What does the letter from Commodore Dewey say?”

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to both War Correspondent Richard Harding and Sergeant Hamilton Fish and explains to them, “Commodore Dewey says that they have cut off most of the seas surrounding the Philippines, although they are having some trouble with some of the smaller islands at night. The supply lines of the Filipino Forces have been cut off almost completely!”

Sergeant Hamilton Fish says after hearing the news, “That’s good news!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says following Sergeant Ham’s gratitude, “Yes, it is good news!”

Sergeant Ham comes in with some bad news saying, “Well, the bad news is that our progress of taking the city of Manila is taking longer!”

Colonel Leonard Wood decides to add in contrast to that remarking, “Yes, with all of the shoot outs and booby traps, our progress is taking some time!”

Miles away, Louise Wood is with another injured Rough Rider soldier helping him along with Rough Rider Nurse Shooter mentioning, “Looks like we’ll be moving to another medical tent eventually soon!”

Rough Rider Nurse Shooter helps a fellow Rough Rider soldier while replying, “Yes, once the city of Manila is taken over, we will be moving out to the Philippine jungle.”

After hearing that, Louise Wood says back to Rough Rider Nurse Shooter, “Yes, we will be moving to the Philippine jungles if we can make it through the trenches!”

The fellow Rough Rider soldier heard some rumors telling them both, “I heard that the trenches are many and they are set with booby traps!”

Louise Wood and Rough Rider Nurse Shooter look at each other as Rough Rider Nurse Shooter contends with words, “And their voodoo hoodoo magic!”

Another fellow injured Rough Rider can only add, “And try adding chicken wire with all kinds of strange things tangled in them!”

Around another year passes by and the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is preparing the trenches outside of the city of Manila. But this time, she has a token of all of her affections and they were made especially for this purpose. And there are Filipino Native Freedom Fighters messing around at setting up the trenches as they think up some distinctive ideas for the arrival of the Rough Rider soldiers.

Meanwhile as she twines a voodoo hoodoo doll of Lieutenant Greenway in the center of the field of trenches, “And this one I have made especially for Lieutenant Greenway!”

She continues entangling the voodoo hoodoo doll of Lieutenant Greenway and when she finishes up, she reaches in to her large bag of tricks for another. Next the Filipino Goddess Bamboo pulls out another voodoo hoodoo doll of General Bill Shafter. Immediately she begins her entanglement of desperation as she continues tying his imagery up.

And now the Filipino Goddess Bamboo has some words to say about this particular one rallying her jubilations, “And here’s one for General Bill Shafter that should be tied next to the other one in a knot of death!”

Right then, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo ties the voodoo hoodoo doll of General Bill Shafter next to Lieutenant Greenway’s, although there is a barb wire across his neck. Then she makes a sort of smile as she connects back to her ways of witchery once again. Soon she moves on to the next item within her bag of tricks.

At that moment, the Filipino Goddess Bamboo pulls out a voodoo hoodoo doll of Sergeant Hamilton Fish and decides to say, “And here’s one for Sergeant Hamilton Fish I took a lot of love with like a bullet through the heart!”

Finally she moves over a few feet before pulling out another voodoo hoodoo doll of Colonel Leonard Wood and says, “Of course, I always save the best and most important for last!”

Then she strings the voodoo hoodoo doll up of Colonel Leonard Wood and says, “A voodoo hoodoo doll of Colonel Leonard Wood!”

Moments later, she finishes her final touches and then reaches in to her bag of tricks for some of the other Rough Rider soldiers saying, “And these voodoo hoodoo dolls really don’t need their names mentioned because the look says it all about them!”

Quickly the Filipino Goddess Bamboo ties up a few more voodoo hoodoo dolls of some of the Rough Rider soldiers that are of lower rank. But she does have many more of the leaders within the higher ranks of authority nonetheless. Next she looks to her bag of tricks and pulls out a voodoo hoodoo doll of Colonel Leonard Wood’s wife, maid, as well as the children.

And as she looks and stares at them, she says to herself, “And the other members of the Colonel’s family I will hold on to like a ransom act!”

Then the Filipino Goddess Bamboo squeezes another voodoo hoodoo doll of their Rough Rider Nurse Shooter and says, “And I’ll even save and hold on to the Rough Rider Nurse Shooter and her voodoo hoodoo doll that I made for safe measures!”

Right then, the Rough Rider Nurse Shooter stops what she is doing for a moment only to put her hand on her hip as Louise Wood asks, “Are you alright?”

And after hearing that question, Rough Rider Nurse Shooter answers back and says, “Yes, I just had a sharp pain on my left side is all!”

Now Louise Wood makes a comment to Rough Rider Nurse Shooter saying, “Now don’t you drop dead on me and leave me to all of these Rough Rider soldiers!”

Rough Rider Nurse Shooter returns with words expressing, “Don’t worry; I won’t!”

By now, even Emilio Aguinaldo is behind the trenches as some of his preparations and last finishing touches are being made. He can even see the Filipino Goddess Bamboo giving the fences her own women’s touch if that’s what it should be called. But then, on the other hand, he doesn’t have long before the Rough Rider soldiers will show up at his doorstep either.

Meanwhile Emilio Aguinaldo directs some of the Freedom Fighter soldiers saying, “Now let’s get those large reeds of bamboo planted tightly next to one another!”

Right away, many of the Filipino Freedom Fighters continue their progress with a large barricade of large bamboo reeds that stretch a good distance. The tall bamboo reeds are being placed there to form a sort of barricade for their dart shooters as well as their marksman that they have amongst them all.

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighter soldiers asks Emilio Aguinaldo a question asking, “What is she up to over there?”

Emilio Aguinaldo answers the Filipino Freedom Fighter back telling him, “She’s making her mark and presence known!”

Following that scene, Frog Man arrives and checks out the newly established barricade that should aid their cause and effect of the outcome of the war effort. He walks a short distance looking through the tall reeds of bamboo that are stretching their way along the front lines. There are other barricade there also such as barbed wires from cattle fencing which twist and turn around in spirals of sharp bladed edges.

Soon he decides to test it out as the Filipino Goddess Bamboo is messing around with her decorations. Quickly he pulls out his blow dart from being hitched to the side. And then he pulls out a blow dart, although this one isn’t poisoned like the rest of them should be. Then he puts the blow dart in his mouth aims through the bamboo reeds.

The sound of his blow dart being blown out hard like, “Whoosh!”

The blow dart whizzes through the air and hits her voodoo hoodoo doll of one of the Rough Rider soldiers making a sound, “Thud!”

The Filipino Goddess Bamboo looks at the blow dart hitting and then back to Frog Man with an angry look as Frog Man gives a serious look. Then Frog Man walks away and leaves the scene inspecting the rest of the tall reeds of bamboo making a barricade. Emilio Aguinaldo watches Frog Man and his testing out the Filipino Goddess Bamboo and her attentiveness.

One of the Filipino Freedom Fighters looks to Emilio Aguinaldo about Frog Man’s act and asks, “What was that all about?”

Emilio Aguinaldo continues to watch Frog Man and then describes the notion, “Oh, he’s probably just checking on her reflexes!”

And a distance away, the Rough Rider soldiers have taken the city of Manila and are making their way towards the outskirts of the city. In fact, they are within an eye soars view of the trenches dug outside of the city of Manila from a short distance. Many of the Rough Rider soldiers are marching their way towards the trenches of Manila, although there are still a few skirmishes here and there.

Colonel Leonard Wood has decided to move the Rough Rider soldiers closer to the edge of the trenches as he and the Rough Riders arrive within a mile. When all of the Rough Rider soldiers arrive within a mile of the trenches, they all can’t believe their eyes. There are a many different kinds of barricades strung out over a great distance and they all look like something from a fantasy story nevertheless.

Colonel Leonard Wood makes a command to General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway about what to do commanding with his finger on a map of the area, “Alright; we’ll line the Rough Rider soldiers up here and start building another barricade!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks to the trenches seeing what they are up against reprimanding, “That’s going to take some time Colonel Wood Sir!”

Colonel Leonard Wood looks out to the distance of time and space of where their front lines will be saying, “Well, that is the only choice we have and let’s do it quickly!”

General Bill Shafter says in response, “We better inform the other commanders!”

Colonel Leonard Wood says back to General Bill Shafter, “I’ll send two other Rough Rider soldiers as messengers with a command order to inform the northern and southern flanks of our plan!

Colonel Leonard Wood takes a glance around for somewhere to set another temporary Headquarter and Official Post while the front lines are set up once again. As he looks there aren’t too many areas around with any buildings whatsoever. Yet meanwhile he is able to pick out two Rough Rider soldiers to do take his message instead of Sergeant Hamilton Fish.

Colonel Leonard Wood stops two Rough Rider soldiers saying, “I need the two of you to deliver a message!”

One of the Rough Rider soldiers answers back, “Yes, Colonel Wood Sir?”

Colonel Leonard Wood communicates his command saying, “I need you to take a message to Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp on the northern flank to rebuild the barricade!”

Then Colonel Leonard Wood looks to the other Rough Rider soldier telling him, “And I need you to take a message to Lieutenant Pollack to rebuild the barricade immediately!”

Both Rough Rider soldiers take the command orders from Colonel Leonard Wood that he had prewritten as they say, “Yes, and Colonel Wood Sir!”

Finally General Bill Shafter and Lieutenant Greenway are pulling in supplies as quickly as possible. Many of the supplies are being made daily since they have had a break within the city of Manila. Also they are reusing their supplies such as sand bags and other parts of the barricade by moving them further inland.

Lieutenant Greenway looks at the trenches and how they are fairly wide and desolate in the middle as he to General Bill Shafter, “So what’s the plan with our front lines?”

General Bill Shafter thinks of where to start the barricade saying back to Lieutenant Greenway, “Let’s start building the barricade right about here so that we have some distance between us and the trench!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks again saying, “It looks like they build one big trench with some smaller trenches behind it!”

General Bill Shafter looks to the tall reeds of bamboo saying back to Lieutenant Greenway, “Looks like they have blinded us with some tall reeds of bamboo strung along the front line just passed the trenches!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks out to the tall reeds of bamboo and sees some movement behind the cracks within each bamboo reed saying, “Looks like they may have some Freedom Fighter snipers along with some native dart blowers hiding back there.”

General Bill Shafter says in response to what Lieutenant Greenway says, “You could be right!”

Rough Rider John Porter approaches from a few feet away as he checks out the trenches saying, “Just mow the tall reeds of bamboo down with the Gatling gun!”

General Bill Shafter says thinking that that is a brilliant idea saying, “That sounds like a brilliant idea!”

Lieutenant Greenway looks to the supplies coming in and says, “Alright Rough Rider men; we have some hardware to set up!”

General Bill Shafter yells out, “Let’s roll in the Gatling guns and Lowell guns!”

Many of the Rough Rider soldiers yodel out a roar, “Yeah!”

Momentarily Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp are ready to make preparations for setting up at the front lines. That’s when the Rough Rider soldier messenger arrives with the command order for them both to rebuild the barricade. However there are still a many supplies being brought in from the shipyards and Manila Bay nonetheless.

The Rough Rider soldier messenger makes contact with both Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sharp saying, “I have a command order for the barricade to be rebuilt when the supplies arrive!”

The Rough Rider soldier messenger hands Lieutenant Wright the command order and turns to head back to his designated posting as Lieutenant Sharp says, “The barricade rebuilt; I hope they have more to that plan of action.”

Lieutenant Wright says after that, “I’m sure Colonel Leonard Wood will think of something.”

Rough Rider Dennis says after hearing those words, “I hope so; otherwise we’re in trouble.”

Next Lieutenant Pollack has done some setting up the members of his forces along the southern flank as the Rough Rider soldier messenger arrives saying, “I have a command order for the rebuilding of the barricade!”

Lieutenant Pollack answers back, “I knew that was coming!”

The Rough Rider soldier messenger carries on further with the command order adding, “And you are supposed to start immediately with the supplies that are now arriving!”

Right away, the supplies for more additions to the barricade have been brought in immediately as the Rough Rider soldiers make their way towards the front lines. Many of them have seen a shocking image in mind when they first laid eyes upon the trenches. Yet they all begin rebuilding the barricade quickly while their forces continue to reach their target.

Colonel Leonard Wood looks to the trenches thinking that they will need extra artillery and says, “I think we are going to need some extra artillery on the trenches of Manila!”

Below is a link to "The Filipino Dispute" subpage 5.